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Crew skill 450 mission discoveries


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The mission boxes...drop...an insufficient amount of credits? How is this a lot more complex? I mean it's not like the lockboxes are also being used to calculate Pi with trillions of digits, right? Make them drop more credits, boom done, no?


Again, since crafting is a pretty important part of the game and people are unknowingly pissing credits away, couldn't this be hotfixed and not delayed until 2.0.1 at an undetermined time?


"possible impact to the game's economy" that is the key, they think if we can make cash on running them, with little to no chance of loss than people will just credit farm only those missions. They likely nerfed it on purpose and were not expecting people to pay attion. After all they seem to hate people crafting in this game. They want you to use RL cash to buy cartel market items.

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The mission boxes...drop...an insufficient amount of credits? How is this a lot more complex? I mean it's not like the lockboxes are also being used to calculate Pi with trillions of digits, right? Make them drop more credits, boom done, no?


Again, since crafting is a pretty important part of the game and people are unknowingly pissing credits away, couldn't this be hotfixed and not delayed until 2.0.1 at an undetermined time?

There was a time when slicing was so profitable that many took it and made a gazillion credits.


I imagine anything that makes slicing better is going to make the devs a little nervous so they're being careful.


Personally, I never ran slicing missions for the credit rewards. I ran them for the crew mission discoveries, which were more profitable than the cash in the box anyway. The main use of slicing lockboxes for me has been gathering nodes while questing. Unlike other gathering materials, you don't have to sell them. Find node, boom instant credits.

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They can't just implement it as a straight-up money sink. There has to be some way to turn a profit from the time spent running slicing missions, otherwise why even have it in the game? I've yet to see a blue lock box returned on a slicing mission (in stark contrast to other crew skills which return pointless blue items more often than not). But I have gotten a few crew mission discoveries - which I figured was the intended reward of lock box missions.

You're essentially gambling on getting those, the cash reward is just there to soften the blow, but I think the ante is too high.


With the pre 2.0 slicing, you could pretty much break even with the cash and the mission discoveries were a pure bonus on top.

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Sorry if this has been mentioned, but UT missions are spitting out tons of schems.... ALL GLOVES...


When I went to GTN to see if this was more widespread, EVERY 450 schem for armormech and there are dozens of them, are also gloves/gauntlets...


This looks like a bug to me? Is it known? After logging in from the patch update just now, I received 3 gloves from 3 UT missions my guys were carrying out lol :)

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Sorry if this has been mentioned, but UT missions are spitting out tons of schems.... ALL GLOVES...


When I went to GTN to see if this was more widespread, EVERY 450 schem for armormech and there are dozens of them, are also gloves/gauntlets...


This looks like a bug to me? Is it known? After logging in from the patch update just now, I received 3 gloves from 3 UT missions my guys were carrying out lol :)


And the useless Custom-built lightsabers becomes to... useless GLOVES!

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So you still need to 'look into reports' concerning materials we receive which serve no purpose, even though this was reported on the PTS over and over, and even though these materials are blocking players abilities to actually get usable materials while costing them time and credits?


And still no updates or clarification as to why all the crafted items besides mods have had their mat requirements significantly increased while the yields on missions and from nodes has been significantly decreased, nor any updates or clarifications on why grade 6 nodes even exist on Makeb?


Are the devs responsible for crew skills just incompetent, just don't care, or even worse, do they just not exist?


I know the above sounds harsh, but the bugs and problems within crew skills that made it live are just inexcusable.


Please get someone assigned that can make crew skills worthwhile and not just some kludged up afterthought full of bugs and multiple frustration points.


This 100%


The only worthwhile grade 9 compound mission is the Abundant one. Thanks to my companions full affection and the ridiculously high crit rate of rich and bountiful scavanging missions I almost always get the blue grade 9 metal instead of the compounds I need. Please lower the crit rate of these missions!

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This 100%


The only worthwhile grade 9 compound mission is the Abundant one. Thanks to my companions full affection and the ridiculously high crit rate of rich and bountiful scavanging missions I almost always get the blue grade 9 metal instead of the compounds I need. Please lower the crit rate of these missions!


No the unused blue mats need to be taken out of the game, and a crit needs to yield more green mats just like every other tier in the game.

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What are the unused blue mats? I am selling every mat available in-game right now for the new tier.

For Scavenging, the prototype-grade metal is Hollinium.

For Bioanalysis, the prototype-grade compound is Viral Residue.

For Archaeology, the prototype-grade power crystal is Perfect Carbonic Crystal.


These are all blue mats in a gathering skill, which is a new thing in the game. I have yet to see a single schematic that uses them. Are you really selling these on the GTN?


The worst part about it, is the green mats are hard to come by. When you run a Bountiful or above gathering mission, you can "crit" and get a blue mat instead of a green.

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I have been trying to raise synthweaving and artifice and I keep getting the blue crystal for power crystals which is extremely frustrating because I just want green ones, I pretty much have to not send companions out on bountiful or rich jobs for power crystals because I end up with blue crystals that I cant use. The artifact fragments are fine as there appears to be no blue version of them.


Trying to make Augmentation Kits, you need to craft green items and Reverse engineer them. it now cost 10 fragments and 8 crystals, previously you could craft bracers for 2 artifacts and 2 crystals. With the difficulty in getting the crystals it makes it an extremely long process to make even one MK-9 Augment kit. I even tried to RE my old hazmat gear and didn't get a single augmentation component of any kind from it. same with BH and Campaign pieces.


Please make the Rich and bountiful missions give Green mats with the chance for blue or purple, we still need the Green materials, the system above 400 is extremely broken right now

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Crew missions abowe 400 is totaly broken, i think developers just faceroling theyr keyboard pressing random numbers while coding that part of game that's the only one normal explanation of chaos in crew mission's after update.


And can anyone show me atleast one schematic that using BLUE grade 9 Scavenging or Archaeology mats???????????

Edited by Keetsune
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2. As many of you suspected, there are some bugs associated with Crew Skill Mission rewards above level 400. We're working on them now and will be sure to get them fixed in an upcoming patch. When I know more about when that will actually be, I will let you guys know.:

  • Slicing is not providing Thermal Regulators at the correct rate.
  • Slicing Lock Boxes are not providing a sufficient number of credits.
  • Gathering Crew Skill missions do not provide Premium items at the correct rate.
  • One of the Bountiful Diplomacy missions is not following the reward rules listed above and may provide Artifact Quality materials from normal successes.

Of the four bugs listed above, all of them with the exception of the Slicing Lock Boxes have been fixed and are currently slated to be a part of Patch 2.0.1.

I don't think this is working right... multiple guildies slicing on multiple toons are still not returning very many purple slicing items. Can you double check?

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I don't think this is working right... multiple guildies slicing on multiple toons are still not returning very many purple slicing items. Can you double check?

Patch 2.0.1 hasn't been released yet (which has the fixes she describes). Last nights patch was 2.0.0b.

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For one, they should just get rid of holinium as a reward from gathering missions. Make it like enriched durasteel or the perfect upari crystal, where you could only get it from a node. Once again seems like there always will be a stock of unimportant material that will never be of any use.


Also, I find it frustrating, that there are many planets where you can farm 340 nodes, yet only one planet of above 400. So why have random 340 nodes? It's not bad for scavenging, i find more 401 than 340, but for biochem and archaeology, it seems to be more prevalent. I end up gathering about 10 nodes of neurochemical at one point, which was obviously the most useful thing that biochem had to offer /sarcasm. Some of them re-spawned as 401, but a couple were still 340. What is the thought process behind this. It's like they whacked the guy with a shovel many times, then asked him to design the gathering system.

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I did a Rich yield scavenged compounds mission and all I got back was Hollinium, which is a scavenged metal. Ridiculously frustrating.


I can confirm this.


My companion returned from the Scavenging mission "Urgent Recruitment", which is a scavenged compounds mission, with only a stack of Hollinium, which is a scavenged metal.


Made a screenshot and filed a bug report.



ETA: The missions "Urgent Recruitment" and "Liberated Tech", both scavenged compound mission, returned only Hollinium (scavenged metal) in 3 consecutive runs.

Edited by KyaniteD
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After the new patch I ran a scavenging 450 purplle mission.


3 Hollonium and 5 Mythra. Is this a lame joke or working as intended? :mad:


Patch 2.0.1 hasn't been released yet (which has the fixes she describes). Last nights patch was 2.0.0b.



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For Bioanalysis, the prototype-grade compound is Viral Residue.


These are all blue mats in a gathering skill, which is a new thing in the game.


It's actually better and worse than that. On the "worse" side, Viral Residue is a green mat, so it can also be the result of a crit'd Moderate or Abundant mission (sigh). On the "better" side, since it is a green compound, it is never the result of a crit'd Bountiful or Rich Sample missions. So you can safely run the Bountiful/Rich sample missions.


The converse is Scavenging. You can get stuck with Hollinium for any crit'd Bountiful or Rich mission, regardless of whether it is for a Metal or a Compound.


For Archaeology, things are not quite as bad. You can only get the (usless) Perfect Carbonic Crystals from Bountiful or Rich "power crystal" missions.


Slicing is also borked. It returns the right items (credits or blue/purple augment materials), just not enough of them.


There is clearly nobody at BW who's primary/only focus is Crew Skills. Presumably the main Crew Skill person got laid off or got a lot of extra tasks piled on them due to the layoffs, since this stuff is pretty obvious to anybody who paid even slight attention to what's going on or PTS feedback.

Edited by Forchann
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So you still need to 'look into reports' concerning materials we receive which serve no purpose, even though this was reported on the PTS over and over, and even though these materials are blocking players abilities to actually get usable materials while costing them time and credits?


And still no updates or clarification as to why all the crafted items besides mods have had their mat requirements significantly increased while the yields on missions and from nodes has been significantly decreased, nor any updates or clarifications on why grade 6 nodes even exist on Makeb?


Are the devs responsible for crew skills just incompetent, just don't care, or even worse, do they just not exist?


I know the above sounds harsh, but the bugs and problems within crew skills that made it live are just inexcusable.


Please get someone assigned that can make crew skills worthwhile and not just some kludged up afterthought full of bugs and multiple frustration points.




DawnAskham and nattodaisuki brought a lot of this to light on PTS forums a month and a half ago. Nattodaisuki did a good job packing one particular thread with mission return data and bumping it for well over a week.


A few choice quotations from that thread:


03.04.2013 , 07:41 PM

Scavenging and Archaeology both have a blue grade 9 material that seems to come back in abundance (I've had four scavenging missions out and all come back with just this material - Hollinium), but again, not one schematic has been found that uses these materials (none of the vendor schematics for Synth, Armor, or Cyber, nor any of the schematics learned RE'ing Operation drop gear or commendation gear....I will be amazed if Hollinium and Impeccable crystals don't end up being vendor trash in much the same way that the fabrics and archi color crystals you get from unlocked missions are pre-2.0.


03.09.2013 , 06:16 PM

From Scavenging missions, I am receiving a large amount of Hollinium (prototype-quality Grade 9 Metal).

I have no idea what it's used for, but I'm getting more of it then regular premium-quality Grade 9 Metals.

It's possible it will end up bein valuable, but as it is, I can't get enough Metals to keep pace with Compuonds to craft things I need.

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Trivia question: How much Hollinium is needed to craft "Reinforced Hollinium Handgear"?


And here is you clue: The material list for making these is as follows,


4 - Corundum Powder

8 - Carbonic Crystal

8 - Frasium

6 - Primordial Artifact Fragment



Answer: You do not need any Hollinium to make "Reinforced Hollinium Handgear".



I have to admit that I am not surprised, but I do remain disappointed in Bioware's continued lack of attention to detail.

Edited by Exly
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Trivia question: How much Hollinium is needed to craft "Reinforced Hollinium Handgear"?


And here is you clue: The material list for making these is as follows,


4 - Corundum Powder

8 - Carbonic Crystal

8 - Frasium

6 - Primordial Artifact Fragment



Answer: You do not need any Hollinium to make "Reinforced Hollinium Handgear".



I have to admit that I am not surprised, but I do remain disappointed in Bioware's continued lack of attention to detail.


I think just SWTOR have most lowest priority among EA projects and they even dontcare what happen with it, so our tears wont help us.

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I think just SWTOR have most lowest priority among EA projects and they even dontcare what happen with it, so our tears wont help us.


Sadly that seems more true with each passing week since they went F2P... they add just enough to keep people in, but they certainly don't fix half the problems that they add with each new content. Its why EA won worst company 2 years running!

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