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Lost Island 2.0

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Lost island was moved in with the rest of the flashpoints after being "rebalanced", this isnt even close to being balanced for a general pug to do with groupfinder. The only thing popping all morning was LI and people failing and building up huge repair costs (thanks for double the costs for 2.0 BW, oh wait they "removed" the 50% discount.....).


Dont get me wrong, I like LI and me and a friend 2 man it all the time for the rakgoul weekly before the rebalancing but the point stands as a member of the regular group finder flashpoints it isnt close to being balanced, people are bailing as soon as they see its LI leaving the rest of the time standing around waiting for others to come and leave.

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How was it "rebalanced"? I hate to say it, but I struggled in LI HM. I haven't had but 3 runs at it, but that honestly just made me want to try again until I figured out how to run it. I heard it was rebalanced and am curious how that was done.


If you all could 2 man it, more power to you. I'd love to tag along to see what you're doing. I enjoy learning the different FP's. LI is the only 1 I've ever had trouble on.


Ah, Smuggler Scoundrel here.

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Lost Island is a joke now. I tanked it on my tionese/recruit geared powertech last night and never had an issue. Granted, if you have a PuG who has never run it before and doesn't understand the mechanics, yes you will still have trouble. If your healer can't figure out to stack on Sav-Rak during the smash then yes, your group will wipe. If your DPS can't figure out not to stand in front of Lorrick when he tosses satchel charges, (which by the way are EASILY avoidable as of 2.0) then yes, your group will wipe. However if you have a group that has run LI successfully then you can have the messiest runs possible and still beat it. Edited by Tmanarl
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Lost Island needed a nerf, they frankly overdid it with the mechanics and most people could not do it no matter what gear you put them in.


Then you had a large pool of people that could do it, but only if they overgeared the hell out of it and even then they were still prone to failure.


The you had a few people that thought it was easy, this is simply not the case. Equate it thus, On star trek you've always got the engineer that can fix anything. He gets the problem, thinks about it a second and goes oh that's easy we just need to flip the jargon and replace it with the jargonite.


It was easy for him because he had obscure knowledge of Jargon and Jargonite that no other member of the crew had.


Just because it's easy for you, does not mean that it is in fact easy and that was the trap alot of people in these forums fell into.


And lastly BW sees the bottom line, If you run a business you want to please the most people so that they will keep giving you money.


TLDR: LI wasn't making people happy

Edited by DarthFamine
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Lost Island needed a nerf, they frankly overdid it with the mechanics and most people could not do it no matter what gear you put them in.

LI HM didnt needed a nerf, this is the 3 time they nerf it, and over did it,didnt mind the 1st one,but now is a overkill now at 50 level isnt a HM FP worth of that name

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  • 3 weeks later...

I wouldn't mind doing this with people who know it, but when it pops up with a clueless PUG, then get ready for some pain. In a perfect world, one wouldn't have to do PUGS. However, most of us do them, and in consideration of this I think that they need to do something about Lost Island.


I've gotten it a number of times since 2.0, and I tried it once with a clueless PUG. It wasn't a challenge. It was frustratingly painful to the point that the subsequent times it popped up, I just excused myself. I play to have fun. I play for challenge as well. I don't play for this kind of torture.


Don't mean to complain so loudly, and yes, I realize that Lost Island is easy for many players. However, I think that it should be removed from the menu and perhaps moved up to level 55 HM content or just nerfed into complete oblivion. The former would be preferable.

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It is rather hard for a PUG lots of times, Peopel are used to facerolling it in a guild group already knowing the place. In a radom PUG you're likely to get people that have never done it before and screw up boss mechanics, which of course the place is a little more complicated than the other lvl 50 HM's regardless of what they nerfed. Although I think it needs to kinda stay where it is. It would be a nice intro into the difficult stuff they'll find in lvl 55 HM where the bosses are more than tank and spank and interrupts. As people gear up and familiarize themselves with it it will be more forgiving.
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people fail LI hm cause it was tier 2, ergo, no one was running it. I mean last night I was in L55 grade 66-69 stuff 3 man premade group, and we wiped twice on a droid (tank wasnt interrupting and I happend to be on ads so could not interrupt), 3 times on sav-rak (twice dps didnt stack on sav-rak, once tank fell of while running torwards a pipe), and we almost failed lorric (tank didnt move from aoe, grenades, or flame zombies - sure made healer work for his comms).


only reason why it went mostly smooth, was their gear (I was on my L52 marauder)..

tank 33k hp, dps and healer 29k hp each...


yeah, LI is so hard :rolleyes:

Edited by Atramar
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I did HM LI for the first time this weekend. I've never done it before in either difficulty. I can't speak for it before but the only reason for wipes now is lack of knowledge of the boss mechanics. So long as one person in group knows them and is willing to instruct the rest and the rest listen to and learn the FP is not impossible
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The problem with PuGs in Fp Hms is that people are queing to the HMs never do the normal mode.


There could be an easy fix for that. BioWare should implement the UNLOCK to HM by doing SM first.

So people will know the basics and be ready to do HM.

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I am not usually one of those people who shows up in threads such as this one and starts screaming "ERMAGEEERD..... This is so easy, you all must suck if you can't one-shot it solo..."




The "rebalanced" Lost Island has been nerfed SO hard, that it's virtually a nice gentle stroll through the park now. Shoot... the droid boss is reduced to a standard tank 'n' spank at this point.


It's actually, likely one of the easier flashpoints now.

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There could be an easy fix for that. BioWare should implement the UNLOCK to HM by doing SM first. So people will know the basics and be ready to do HM.
No please....


I would rather do any group content with someone that knows their class, their role and is willing to take instructions, someone can always explain how to do a boss fight in a flash point, you cannot teach them rotation, their abilities and when to use them in a flashpoint.

Edited by mikebevo
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This FP is a joke now. Before it was at least a challenge and at least a small accomplishment if you completed it. Now anyone can get through this. I hate to see all the challenging content being nerfed.
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Lost Island needed a nerf, they frankly overdid it with the mechanics and most people could not do it no matter what gear you put them in.


i dont think they can nerf it any more its a joke as it is at the mo if u strugling with li plz dont try to come in to lvl 55 hm

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  • 3 weeks later...

the issue is hardly anyone knows the fights. at the time it came out it was mega hard and the loot drops sucked compared to the effort so most people - unless they were masochists or some sort of achievement chasers or just had to do every daily every day, avoided LI like the plague.


even after 2.0 the instance is too difficult and the loot drops are still underwhelming (lvl 50 blue melee tank gear with defense and alacrity? FTW) to say the least regardless of gear, considering the majority of players avoid it. it's full of rage quits and wipes and no progress.


the funniest thing is the final boss genuinely is easy which further lends support to the "it's not tuned properly" argument. the first boss should not be more difficult than the final boss.. it's raid development 101 haha.


at the least take it off the daily random /lfg quest. LI is by far the most frequent "in-progress" FP that i get zoned into, and there are some days that regardless of what alt i decide to play on it's the only FP that will pop and the dps que's are anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour or more generally.

Edited by Feztonio
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even after 2.0 the instance is too difficult




The nerfs to LI, brought it in-line with the other HM lvl 50 FPs. It's no longer in a tier of it's own. It's absolutely not too difficult. The droid boss doesn't even need to be moved anymore, I have been in groups that 2-manned the pillar-spit boss because the other folks got knocked off the platform... and the only "hard" part about Lorrick, is in his last phase, but all you have to do is drag him to the far side of the room, and long as the tank can hold aggro, he's a walk in the park.

Edited by Ocho-Quatro
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the issue is hardly anyone knows the fights. at the time it came out it was mega hard and the loot drops sucked compared to the effort so most people - unless they were masochists or some sort of achievement chasers or just had to do every daily every day, avoided LI like the plague.


even after 2.0 the instance is too difficult and the loot drops are still underwhelming (lvl 50 blue melee tank gear with defense and alacrity? FTW) to say the least regardless of gear, considering the majority of players avoid it. it's full of rage quits and wipes and no progress.


the funniest thing is the final boss genuinely is easy which further lends support to the "it's not tuned properly" argument. the first boss should not be more difficult than the final boss.. it's raid development 101 haha.


at the least take it off the daily random /lfg quest. LI is by far the most frequent "in-progress" FP that i get zoned into, and there are some days that regardless of what alt i decide to play on it's the only FP that will pop and the dps que's are anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour or more generally.


I do not think that LI should be nerfed any further.

It's already been nerfed and nerfing it further would take any requirement of skill and awareness that the instance

still has. Yes a group finder group still may have problems with it but that goes to show you how many people are clueless. I honestly think they should just scale this to 55, would solve a lot of these issues.

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I honestly think they should just scale this to 55


All four of the "new" level 55 flashpoints are recycled content. Terror From Beyond at 55, is recycled content.


If they do anything further with level 55 endgame, I'd like something NEW, not just rehashed old content on steroids.


S&V is wonderful in my opinion.... Toborro's is way too easy in Story Mode, especially compared to how hard it is in Hard Mode, but overall, I consider it a mini-encounter, and for what it is, I think it's great.


For new content? I'd love to see finally see Nightmare TfB, and maybe a NEW level 55 flashpoint.

Edited by Ocho-Quatro
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holy crap people stop whining and complaining about easy instances in this game. L2play. l2mechanics. L2notstandinstuff. Dear god it boggles my mind when I see people saying LI is too hard this is something I was 2 manning at lvl 50 and can pretty much solo at lvl 55. Learn to play your class and not to take unnecessary dmg.
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