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The outright lies people are telling regarding bolster.


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You are either

A) too lazy to take on and off a couple of items before a WZ starts to figure this out. Took me all of 30 seconds, and there is 2 minutes before the WZ starts...

B) Never had min/maxed augmented gear to begin with and are mad your standard WH/EWH gear blows, and probably bought it recently even though people told you not to.

C) Bad, and getting rolled by superior players now that you don't have a HUGE gear edge (you still have one).


I have never min/maxed my level 41 sentinel's gear much at all. How is it fair that I have far better stats than people with wh/ewh that's not min/maxed.

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Read my post. Take off implants, ear pieces, and most importantly RELICS. If you were min maxed with AUGMENTS those implants/ear pieces are often times much better then nothing in the slot. The Relics seem to be the one item that just sucks as EWH/WH.


You should be at or around 2000 expertise now with WAY more surge/power/dmg (tech dmg/force dmg matters and the ewh weapons provide a huge difference over crap weapons).


IF you have PVE armorings with pvp mods in a legacy belt/wrists? Take those off. There is a reason we used 27 armorings before 2.0. Expertise had a soft cap. Now it doesn't. The game changed. Adapt. I had pve 27 armorings on 4 characters I think? Do you have any idea how much money that was? Crying about it is stupid. I KNEW it would be worthless in the expansion, because expansions are a restart.


Your char should look exactly the same as it did before minus the belt/bracers. You don't need to run around naked, and in fact that is a STUPID thing to do IF you were min/maxed and had augments.


No augments, no min/max? Yeah your gear was crap anyways. Get over it.


Stop lying, and stop making crap up. If I took my 5 pcs off my marauder I would smash for 7 k. With them I smash for close to 9. If I take off my 4pcs on shadow, I have to weave in a crappy melee ability to get a 3 stack, when I could be mauling instead.


How is that not an advantage? Face it kids.


You are either

A) too lazy to take on and off a couple of items before a WZ starts to figure this out. Took me all of 30 seconds, and there is 2 minutes before the WZ starts...

B) Never had min/maxed augmented gear to begin with and are mad your standard WH/EWH gear blows, and probably bought it recently even though people told you not to.

C) Bad, and getting rolled by superior players now that you don't have a HUGE gear edge (you still have one).


You can stop lying, and insulting and accusing me thanks. I'm giving you the facts about what my stats looked like. Now I'm trying to figure out what the new best is. Ive been min maxed for months before 2.0 launches, and no I don't need a gear advantage, the same way I don't need my class to be a crutch. There's a reason I play dps Assassins. I do apologize if the nature of my post was unclear, I'm simply trying to figure out what is the best thing for me to do now.

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1. Past 50, level 50 gear isn't that great. Duh. This happens every expansion in every mmo. Expansions are a restart. Sorry you didn't get the memo a decade ago....


2. It is better to be naked (sans weapons) at higher 50 levels then wear level 50 gear. Again. Duh. If you level in instances/quests? That gear is better then being naked. That is how bolster is supposed to work. At 55? You are going to have 30 plus k health as dps in wh/ewh and close to 40 as a tank. Burst isn't going to be as much of a problem.


Things they can do to fix what is already a good system.


1. Any time a gear set (other then wh/ewh) or a piece of gear does not have expertise or health as high as a "naked slot", it is automatically upgraded to "naked gear". This solves the let's get nakid problem.


2. Expertise from bolster can be capped below 55 for less burst. Maybe 1800ish instead of 2000 plus.


Stop lying, stop making excuses. Instead give Bioware/EA GOOD solutions to the problem. If you were a twink steamrolling lowbies? You are delusional if you think that is coming back. Lying will do you no good. Play a different game. You are trash. You hurt the game.[/QUOTE]


Nice. I agree and believe this would help with some of the people whining about the current system. The bolded area, I just found hilariously true.

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He has PvE pieces, as before patch he likely had the 1214 expertise setup.


If he reverts back to having full expertise, he'll be in a better spot, then just remove relics to have 2004 or w/e the hell.


Oh yeah, that must be it... expertise all the way folks. Max expertise first.

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Could you do me a favor? Do the exact same test without implants, your legacy belt/bracers (which I have said repeatedly NOT to wear since they are pve armorings).


Wear just your 5 pcs get back to me.


I would like to see this too and compare all three

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Did some extensive testing this morning and here is my results


Naked with Campaign saber and focus:

Expertise 2004 (from 0, gain 2004)

Str 1960 (from 568, gain 1392)

End 1889 (from 505, gain 1384)

Armor rating 5602 (from 0, gain 5602)

Accuracy 218 (from 114, gain 104)

Power 538 (from 123, gain 415)

Crit 311 (from 123, gain 188)

Surge 288 (from 0, gain 288)

Force Power 2012 (from 1522, gain 490)


EWH Vindicator full augmented with augmented EH Focus but not min/maxed and no relics:

Expertise 2016 (from 1800, gain 216)

Str 1799 (from 1567, gain 232)

End 1846 (from 1658, gain 188)

Armor rating 5666 (from 5067, gain 599)

Accuracy 261 (from 261, gain 0)

Power 209 (from 167, gain 42)

Crit 369 (from 359, gain 10)

Surge 263 (from 263, gain 0)

Force Power 2012 (from 1564, gain 448)


EWH Vindicator full augmented with augmented EH Focus but not min/maxed with relics:

Expertise 1920 (from 1920, gain 0)

Str 1753 (from 1603, gain 150)

End 1905 (from 1770, gain 235)

Armor rating 5666 (from 5067, gain 599)

Accuracy 261 (from 261, gain 0)

Power 407 (from 407, gain 0)

Crit 359 (from 359, gain 0)

Surge 263 (from 263, gain 0)

Force Power 2012 (from 1564, gain 448)


Campaign Vindicator, full augmented but no relics:

Expertise 1992 (from 0, gain 1992)

Str 2167 (from 1932, gain 235)

End 1818 (from 1626, gain 192)

Armor rating 5666 (from 4965, gain 701)

Accuracy 228 (from 228, gain 0)

Power 558 (from 515, gain 43)

Crit 368 (from 358, gain 10)

Surge 342 (from 342, gain 0)

Force Power 2012 (from 1522, gain 490)


Campaign Vindicator, full augmented with PVE relics:

Expertise 1966 (from 0, gain 1966)

Str 1971 (from 1968, gain 3)

End 1782 (from 1778, gain 4)

Armor rating 5666 (from 4965, gain 701)

Accuracy 228 (from 228, gain 0)

Power 610 (from 609, gain 1)

Crit 358 (from 358, gain 0)

Surge 342 (from 342, gain 0)

Force Power 2012 (from 1522, gain 490)




It is better to wear PVE set without relics into warzones, the common numbers show that relic slots that are empty result in a buff of 232 more strength, 188 more endurance, 42 more power, 10 more critical.


While naked is slightly better than augmented EWH base set, PVE gear (which is what the bolster is designed to work with and increase to PVP gear level) is really the best thing to be wearing in warzones. The only issue with bolster is the issue with relic slots, which are giving stats that aren't obtainable. Bolster is working as intended for all other slots, the old PVP gear gets an increase in main stat and endurance but no increase in expertise, the PVE gear gets an increase in expertise, but no increase in other stats. It's entirely the relic slots that are throwing things askew, and until its fixed, I highly recommend rolling with whatever set bonus you like better, but do not equip relics. I've been happily smashing everyone to death in campaign gear and ewh gear without much difference in either in warzones once i figured out the issue with relics.

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So, just went into a wz with the OP's recommended 5 pieces. All were full expertise as i remodded my pve armorings out of them. And still the same numbers as naked, 5k mauls, 3-4k discharges. Apparently I'm just special and cannot benefit from the system one way or another.
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Did some extensive testing this morning and here is my results


Naked with Campaign saber and focus:

Expertise 2004 (from 0, gain 2004)

Str 1960 (from 568, gain 1392)

End 1889 (from 505, gain 1384)

Armor rating 5602 (from 0, gain 5602)

Accuracy 218 (from 114, gain 104)

Power 538 (from 123, gain 415)

Crit 311 (from 123, gain 188)

Surge 288 (from 0, gain 288)

Force Power 2012 (from 1522, gain 490)


EWH Vindicator full augmented with augmented EH Focus but not min/maxed and no relics:

Expertise 2016 (from 1800, gain 216)

Str 1799 (from 1567, gain 232)

End 1846 (from 1658, gain 188)

Armor rating 5666 (from 5067, gain 599)

Accuracy 261 (from 261, gain 0)

Power 209 (from 167, gain 42)

Crit 369 (from 359, gain 10)

Surge 263 (from 263, gain 0)

Force Power 2012 (from 1564, gain 448)


EWH Vindicator full augmented with augmented EH Focus but not min/maxed with relics:

Expertise 1920 (from 1920, gain 0)

Str 1753 (from 1603, gain 150)

End 1905 (from 1770, gain 235)

Armor rating 5666 (from 5067, gain 599)

Accuracy 261 (from 261, gain 0)

Power 407 (from 407, gain 0)

Crit 359 (from 359, gain 0)

Surge 263 (from 263, gain 0)

Force Power 2012 (from 1564, gain 448)


Campaign Vindicator, full augmented but no relics:

Expertise 1992 (from 0, gain 1992)

Str 2167 (from 1932, gain 235)

End 1818 (from 1626, gain 192)

Armor rating 5666 (from 4965, gain 701)

Accuracy 228 (from 228, gain 0)

Power 558 (from 515, gain 43)

Crit 368 (from 358, gain 10)

Surge 342 (from 342, gain 0)

Force Power 2012 (from 1522, gain 490)


Campaign Vindicator, full augmented with PVE relics:

Expertise 1966 (from 0, gain 1966)

Str 1971 (from 1968, gain 3)

End 1782 (from 1778, gain 4)

Armor rating 5666 (from 4965, gain 701)

Accuracy 228 (from 228, gain 0)

Power 610 (from 609, gain 1)

Crit 358 (from 358, gain 0)

Surge 342 (from 342, gain 0)

Force Power 2012 (from 1522, gain 490)




It is better to wear PVE set without relics into warzones, the common numbers show that relic slots that are empty result in a buff of 232 more strength, 188 more endurance, 42 more power, 10 more critical.


While naked is slightly better than augmented EWH base set, PVE gear (which is what the bolster is designed to work with and increase to PVP gear level) is really the best thing to be wearing in warzones. The only issue with bolster is the issue with relic slots, which are giving stats that aren't obtainable. Bolster is working as intended for all other slots, the old PVP gear gets an increase in main stat and endurance but no increase in expertise, the PVE gear gets an increase in expertise, but no increase in other stats. It's entirely the relic slots that are throwing things askew, and until its fixed, I highly recommend rolling with whatever set bonus you like better, but do not equip relics. I've been happily smashing everyone to death in campaign gear and ewh gear without much difference in either in warzones once i figured out the issue with relics.


Yup the relic slots are completely borked.


Also when the stats are similar? 2/4pc set bonuses are WAY better then none for many classes. Like 10 percent more dmg after charge :)

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Wait a second...


A) I wear 5pcs on every character, because it is superior to being naked

B) I have been very critical of Bioware/EA and am offering solutions, not crying like a little baby

C)FPS death matching baddies find MMO's easy, which his why you are probably getting lit up by them, now that they don't have to farm gear while leveling.


Get rolled kid.


You are the guy who does 600K damage in Huttball. Leaping, choking and smashing in the middle, not even realizing that you hold the ball. I know your type - Huh objective? Scoreboard ftw!

Naturally, you would support this bolster mess. Less chance to get exposed for your lack of real skills in objective warzones.


I play a fully geared Arsenal Merc. Before 2.0, I would sometimes play him in his old recruit gear just for the challenge. Surprisingly, I could still play for the objective, I could still help my team, and I could still win warzones.

Worst pvp class, worst gear, yet I still could do it.

Could you?

(That was a rhetorical question, we both know the answer, don't we?)


And by the way, I'm not getting lit up at all.

My scoreboard numbers are just fine, since that is "your" measure of skill.


Now go back to Bioboot licking, you do that quite well... ;)

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With my full 1.7 PvP set


5 main pieces + WH MH


What I have been wearing (to look cool). BH Boltblaster head, empty WH Supercommando chest, empty Blue Scalene legs and Tio Eliminator boots and glove stock. Empty cool looking gray assault cannon.


My other post has been updated as well


Looks much better without the relics. :)


BTW played a few games with you on my shadow I made to troll people doing dailies (Bruce-Lëë). You are a good healer. :D

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Sure. You're in a leveling bracket designed for people that are leveling. Not for people in full pvp gear. You'll be fine at 55.


People in those wh/ewhs are also leveling. Shouldn't they get the same stats as the people leveling in "normal" gear?


Tbh I actually have level 50s in non-augmented (for the reason that I'm pretty poor so I though I would aquire full ewh first and then augment those) and non min-maxed (for the reason I haven't even heard that term when I bought the gear), and I'm starting to feel that I should run a few sm fps with them to get custom gear with blue mods so I could pvp when I get the expansion.

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what i find is diffrent you put on pve gear and then you gain 1900 expertise or you put on 9 peises of wh gear and drop tp 1600 exp and loose signifigant health bec my pve gear is itemized for my healing class and is giveing me far more expertise
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Looks much better without the relics. :)


BTW played a few games with you on my shadow I made to troll people doing dailies (Bruce-Lëë). You are a good healer. :D


I remember your char. Looks just like Bruce Lee too.


Thanks, I do what I can with this gimped class;)

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With my full 1.7 PvP set


5 main pieces + WH MH


What I have been wearing (to look cool). BH Boltblaster head, empty WH Supercommando chest, empty Blue Scalene legs and Tio Eliminator boots and glove stock. Empty cool looking gray assault cannon.


My other post has been updated as well


so what we are seeing is pve gear minus relics is better than naked/pvp gear till 55 and honestly should have see nthis because of expac so not complaining much about that but we are proving gear vs naked gear wins.

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well as far as i know wasnt bolster on test supposed to do 900 expertise i cant rem i didnt really test it hard


but exp bolster should reach at max the recruit gear with is what we were told it was supposed to get not 1900 witch its now giving me

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well as far as i know wasnt bolster on test supposed to do 900 expertise i cant rem i didnt really test it hard


but exp bolster should reach at max the recruit gear with is what we were told it was supposed to get not 1900 witch its now giving me


It's giving more than 2000 expertise for my sentinel.

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so what we are seeing is pve gear minus relics is better than naked/pvp gear till 55 and honestly should have see nthis because of expac so not complaining much about that but we are proving gear vs naked gear wins.


Yup. If you cut through all the QQ crap, people knew this yesterday morning. After I got off work yesterday I went home put on PvE gear, took off my relics, and had fun.

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