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Space mission bonus objective achievements not achievable?


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I was playing around with some Space Missions last night, looking at the achievements for completing bonus objectives, and it seems like some of them are just not achievable. Am I missing something, or have some of the bonus objectives tied to achievements just not been implemented yet?


For example, on the mission "Aetan Defense" part of the achievement says to "Destroy Republic Frigates". But, the republic frigates don't seem to be completely destroyable. I have blown up their engines, shields, all of the guns, and there is no red targeting reticle when I mouse over them...they just sit there burning and are never "destroyed" like they are in the newer heroic missions. I never see any kind of bonus objective listed on screen to destroy them or anything either...it is only mentioned in the achievement.


I have had a similar experience with other missions, like one (can't remember the name) that says "Clear the mine field" and "Decimate republic fighters", but during the course of the mission there is no indication that either of these is a bonus objective at all, and nothing I do seems to have any affect on them.


Is it because I have only been doing the daily version of these space missions? Do I need to do them without taking the daily mission(s)? Or have these new bonus objectives just not been implemented? What's the deal?

Edited by noobzor
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I've been wondering about that, too. I was surprised to see how many achievements I was missing, but I don't think I've ever seen those bonus objectives during the missions. It's quite strange. Mabye they mean to implement them in the future? Although I do wonder why they would add the achievements already if that's the case.
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Noticed the same on the last classic mine field mission. There's an achievement for wiping out mines, but outside of the normal Kill X Mines you need to beat the mission, there's no other indicator of how many additional ones you might need.
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I've been having the same problems here. I have maybe half the Space achievements for bonus missions but the others seem to be impossible to get. Is it also just me or does the Republic Space missions have more bonuses?
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I'm just starting the Republic side, but if any of you are looking for some to complete , I can verify that all of the following are possible:


Imperial Side

- Cartel Listening Station

- Ezran Outpost

- Mugaar Ice Field

- Nez Peron Sweep

- Taspan Ambush


Republic Side

- Balosar Outpost


And ones I haven't been able to do:


Imperial Side


- Aeten Defense (Defeat the Republic Frigates)

- Ascendancy Barrier (Clear the Minefield, Decimate Light Fighters)

- Clouds of Vondoru (Defeat the Capital Ship)

- Jabiim Escort (Disrupt Enemy Communication)

- Polith Minefield (Clear the Minefield, Decimate Light Fighters)

- Saleucami Fleet Action (Eliminate Fighters)

- Sarapin Assault (Defeat the Capital Ship)

- Skaross Fortification (Defeat the Republic Frigates)

- Sullust Interception (Decimate Republic Forces)


I'll keep this post updated until they fix this if others want to add.

Edited by Darslk
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Well your list is even less complete and isn't very helpful. :(


I am not just listing, I am testing everyone, while assigned a mission vs non mission attempts. Honestly, I don't care what we look at, just as long as BW looks into this.... It is rather annoying to see such poorly tested achievements where they can't even get the description correct (ie. Drexel)

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If you look at the bonuses for some of the missions you can see it says "old" in front of it. I'm assuming we can no longer complete these bonus objectives, which is really lame. How can you do all the achievements if some are no longer possible. Why would they add these bonus objectives as part of the the achievement if they can no longer be done.


I wish I could just wish away my feelings, but I can't. It's like when the Jedi Council allowed Anakin to join the council, but wouldn't make him a master. What? How can you do this? This is outrageous, it's unfair.

Edited by porfinicle
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If you look at the bonuses for some of the missions you can see it says "old" in front of it. I'm assuming we can no longer complete these bonus objectives, which is really lame. How can you do all the achievements if some are no longer possible. Why would they add these bonus objectives as part of the the achievement if they can no longer be done.


I have indeed noticed the objectives described as "old". Doesn't make much sense if they're no longer achievable.


Balosar Outpost - the only pub space achievement I've gotten - has zero "old" objectives listed. I guess that's why I was able to complete it. There are a couple others like that (I think Drexel Sweep and Hydian Way Blockade, among others), so maybe I'll give those a shot.

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In regards to the 2 mine field missions, Polith and Hydian way, imposssilbe sector, and the imperial equivalent.


I have successfully completed all 4 variations by using the EMP pusle and no update of the mine field ahcievment.


As an experiment I tried using only ship guns to destroy the mines and succeeded but same result no mine field completion of the achievment in question.

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I posted about this on the support forum right after the update with that added to the achievements. I haven't don't the Republic side but I came up with the same list as in the OP:


Aeten Defense Mastery:

  • 0/1 Defeat the Republic Frigates


Ascendancy Barrier Mastery:

  • 0/1 Decimate Light Fighters
  • 0/1 Clear the Minefield


Clouds of Vondoru Mastery

  • 0/1 Defeat the Capital Ship


Jabiim Escort Mastery

  • 0/1 Disrupt Enemy Communications (there does not appear to be any communcations to take out like there are with the listening stations)


Polith Mine Field Mastery

  • 0/1 Clear the Minefield
  • 0/1 Decimate Light Fighters


Saleucami Fleet Action Mastery

  • 0/1 Eliminate Fighters


Sarapin Assault Mastery

  • 0/1 Defeat the Capital Ship


Skaross Fortification Mastery

  • 0/1 Defeat the Republic Frigates


Sullust Interception Mastery

  • 0/1 Decimate Republic Forces


I also made mention of the fact that I am very disappointed in the new credit award arrangement. It used to be a good way to fund crafting was to do space missions while sending out companions on missions and crafting. Now this isn't a viable option at all. According to the patch notes the credit reward from the dailies and weeklies was "significantly" increased seeming to offset and make up for the fact that repeatables no longer grant credits. In actuality the "significant" increase is next to nothing and the overall yield after doing all the dailies is maybe 1/4-1/3 what running all the original missions once per day used to be. It makes it makes trying to use space missions to fund crafting completely unviable.

Edited by Miscai
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  • 3 weeks later...

So this is truly annoying....and as I said elsewhere the kind of thing that will make me leave the game for secret world. or go to preferred status. If you are going to include these you have to make sure it will work. If you can not do so financially don't include them and if they game is not making you any money at all close it so someone else can make something that will work.


The focus on story is great, the focus on voice acting is great, I like the crafting as well though I know many don't. The flashpoints are great as well (LOVE these). Maybe this would have worked better as a single player game with flashpoints as available but not necessary mp missions? I don't know. (if you close it maybe think about reusing the stuff that way....I would buy it especially if changes I make to the world being completely permanent were added).


If it is going to stay an mmo though the mmo stuff (guilds, achievements, codex, pvp NEED TO WORK)


Anyone seen a dev response to this?

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Sincerely hope they address the bugged achievement system in 2.1, this is an insult so far. Two achievements from Karagga's Palace were literally gone overnight ... no explanation, nothing. That macrobinoculars secret droids achi is supposed to give you a pet, but I got nothing, and no response from customer support. Warzones achi concerning dmg, healing, etc. don't work, space missions achievements are bugged, countless other examples ... on top of that, just the fact that I have to start grinding FPs like Lost Island 25 times again to get the "final" achi for them - even though I farmed these FPs for over a year - is just hypocritical.


I'm an achievement completionist, but thanks to BW, I have to stop being one :confused: I simply don't have further motivation to invest countless hours into something I don't even have a guarantee will stay as an achi (seriously, *** is up with two achivements from Kp NiM disappearing overnight?!)

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  • 1 year later...

Necro thread is necroed....


I've been trying to get mastery of Polith Minefield now for a couple of weeks. I get every single piece *except* the 4th Hard fighter for the 2nd bonus objective. Fact is - I have yet to ever see the 4th Hard fighter! If there's a series of things that must occur prior to it launching, I sure as heck have no idea what those steps are.


Anyone else experience this? Anyone ever master the quest and have advice if they did?

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Necro thread is necroed....


I've been trying to get mastery of Polith Minefield now for a couple of weeks. I get every single piece *except* the 4th Hard fighter for the 2nd bonus objective. Fact is - I have yet to ever see the 4th Hard fighter! If there's a series of things that must occur prior to it launching, I sure as heck have no idea what those steps are.


Anyone else experience this? Anyone ever master the quest and have advice if they did?


I have mastered all of them. The fourth ship is by the mine layer at the end. It flies from the left of the screen to the right and it is off in the distance. So it is mistaken for another little crap ship. Spam laser at all the little ship by the miner layer till you find the one that doesn't die quickly from laser and unload missile into it.

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I have mastered all of them. The fourth ship is by the mine layer at the end. It flies from the left of the screen to the right and it is off in the distance. So it is mistaken for another little crap ship. Spam laser at all the little ship by the miner layer till you find the one that doesn't die quickly from laser and unload missile into it.


AHA!! I suspected something like that was the case, but I was so busy actually looking for it that I was too conservative with shooting things in the event that I might overlook it with too much crap going on the screen at once.

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