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Less than half a day to get to 55??? Really..


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Yes. Every game has those people who want to rush to level cap and then whine incessantly about having nothing to do.


This is not about rushing though. If u play the game normally, you still can't hardly prevent reaching new lvl cap in 2 days maximum.

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Let me first say that I am no fan of Bioware at the moment because of the lack of troubleshooting they offered when people had issues downloading the patch. But that's another thread.


Here's the problem. Bioware could have very easily disabled XP boosts for 50-55. I actually thought they would, since the last time I played WoW, they disabled XP boosts on Legacy gear when the expansion hit. But if they did that, players would be SCREAMING that they weren't available. So there it is. It's a no-win situation.


If people want to rush to 55, that's just fine. But it's disingenuous to save up a bunch of quests, pop several XP boosts, ding 55 within hours, and then complain there is nothing to do. This is not a game for hardcore players. It is casual-friendly, and will always be casual-friendly. It's one of the few things EA didn't bork from Bioware's original vision of the game. People in this game like getting a new bikini for Jaesa in the Cartel Market, playing a phantom air guitar, and not having a painful leveling experience. If you want real challenge, leveling that necessitates you to quitting your day job//family life and quests that make you cry, there are other games out there for you. SWTOR aint it.


* * *


You !!


Just won a truck load of respect from me.

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The sad true is :


This was not suposed to be a Xpac, just a content update....but you know, the F2P times come and Bioaware and EvilArts needed to milk all the money they could before they lost the IP, to feed their investors.


You can read the makeb leaks since march 2012, and how it will be part of the regular content updates, digging the interwebz


But no worries legions of blinded ostrichs will bury their heads in the sand saying is your fault for burning content and not Bioware's for improvise a fake Xpac.


(antiBiodrones coat on)

Edited by _Zhatan_
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I love how these power players assume the game is made for them alone. Some of us have lives and have barely breached level 51. Plenty of game for me.


this, i have early access but with my job, family and friends, i only just pass the first quest like yesterday and havent even hit lvl 51.

Edited by astrobearx
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No, for me rushing to max level is fine.. What isn`t fine is that even a casual gamer like myself can get 3 levels in 3 hours. This is stupid. I would much rather it take 3 days or 3 weeks or even 3 months to get 3 levels.... Extremely poor planning by the BW team.


In that three hours, did you do any or all of the following:


A) Hoard dailies and quests to turn them all in at once


B) Pop XP boosters while you are an active subscriber


C) Spent all of last week on alts because your main was parked at the Fleet


D) Go to the bathroom during that three hours or take a break of sorts


E) Spacebar through every single convo and mounted up to every location


Because I think you did all of these things and that's why you're already half way done.

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Yes. Every game has those people who want to rush to level cap and then whine incessantly about having nothing to do.


I agree.... No one wants to enjoy the ride, i wonder if they use this same attitude in the bedroom and wonder why their GF is not satisfied.


Its not about the O, its about the buildup to it....


when I level, i take my time and enjoy it.... some of you guys should try it. It took me 3 months to level my first 50, I remember when I started (at launch) and within weeks people were typing in GC about hitting 50... those are probably the same people that bashed this game for lack of "end game" content. What about all the amazing content from 1-50? What about making other alts? If you only play one alt, maybe you should not complain when BW gave you 8 different class stories to progress through..

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I haven't sat with a stop watch or anything, but I too feel that leveling is really fast. I'm not using any xp boosters though I do have the 5% xp increase for being in a guild, no xp nerf because I'm a subscriber, and I've gained 3 levels not having even seen half the zones. I just finished the laser drill place and picked up the binocular/seeker droid missions.


The pacing doesn't bother me, I play the campaign naturally and the speed of leveling can be fast or slow as long as I don't have to backpedal to grind xp or everything becomes trivially easy due to overleveling. Neither seems to be happening but 50 to 53 feels damn much quicker than say 47 to 50.

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I really need to find out what I am doing wrong. I must have played for approx 12 hours and I am lv 53 I just dont know why I seem to get half the xp some people seem to be getting. My only issue with Mekaab so far is that there dont seem to be any natural breaks to go level up to the level of the quests. I fear Mekaab will be over too soon but so far I have liked what I have seen.


The only option that they have to make the game slower is just to give less xp and force people to farm mobs, which most people dont like or to have loads of pointless traverling so far I am happy we dont have too much of that in Mekaab so far.

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What do you mean it isn't BW fault? Who created the XP boosts? Who made this game? Who made the amount of xp needed to level so small, who made the amount of xp you get from quest so huge? BIOWARE DID... Stay off the boards bud, you are a couple apples short of an apple pie.


You know if you have such a big problem with them and how this game works, you can always unsub. No one is forcing you to stay....and I doubt many will miss you.

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Some of you really need to learn to read and really need to apply what you preach. Because my enjoyment of the game is not being respected, and my suggestions in no way interfere with what you guys enjoy. No where did I ever say there was a lack of content. There is still plenty to do once I get to 55 in half a day. Again, it is the speed at which you can attain the max level that bothers me.


The burger example does not work. I would use the following analogy, rather than make a quarter pounder that can be eaten in one sitting, I am suggesting that bioware make a 4000 pound burger that can take days, weeks or month to eat. Each person can eat it at the pace they want. This can be done easily by making each level require much more xp. The hardcore guys can try to knock it off in a week, and the non hardcore can do it in a year or wahtever it takes them, I don`t care. But this extends the fun of leveling, the ops are there, the FP's are there, the pvp is there. Some of us actually like to level, and this has been taken away by extremely poor xp management. Has nothing to do with banking quests and boosts. All this could have been managed better...



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Some of us actually like to level, and this has been taken away by extremely poor xp management. Has nothing to do with banking quests and boosts. All this could have been managed better...



Some, sure... but how many? And leveling content is almost always the smaller portion of people who play the most. I spend more time on my main at endgame than I did leveling him or any of my alts.


Also, what's fun for you may not be fun for others (ex. the slow grind that you're suggesting).


Makeb is really just one, big planet. In most of the leveling process, the bigger planets you could obtain 4 levels and complete the planet in a few hours. Makeb follows that same path/logic.


If you want to slow the leveling curve, then go do the Seeker Droid, Bino quests that can be obtained before max level and quest that way... that'll add a ton of time to your leveling.


You seem to forget that this isn't a true expansion and it's only 5 levels. I can't think of any other recent MMO post EQ where 5 levels took more than a day to level. Can you?

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Some of you really need to learn to read and really need to apply what you preach. Because my enjoyment of the game is not being respected, and my suggestions in no way interfere with what you guys enjoy. No where did I ever say there was a lack of content. There is still plenty to do once I get to 55 in half a day. Again, it is the speed at which you can attain the max level that bothers me.


The burger example does not work. I would use the following analogy, rather than make a quarter pounder that can be eaten in one sitting, I am suggesting that bioware make a 4000 pound burger that can take days, weeks or month to eat. Each person can eat it at the pace they want. This can be done easily by making each level require much more xp. The hardcore guys can try to knock it off in a week, and the non hardcore can do it in a year or wahtever it takes them, I don`t care. But this extends the fun of leveling, the ops are there, the FP's are there, the pvp is there. Some of us actually like to level, and this has been taken away by extremely poor xp management. Has nothing to do with banking quests and boosts. All this could have been managed better...




Sooo...youre making a statement on a public forum and you complain that people disagree with it and are vocal about it? Im sorry but you just lost the internet. You cant say "THIS EXPANSION SUCKS BECAUSE SO AND SO" and when people rebuttal it go "Well youre just being a meanie for not agreeing with me!"

First of all I dont have to respect your playstyle at all fyi


Back to rebuttalling everything you said

I never said you said there was a lack of content, I said its your own bloody fault for using XP boosts that you hit 55 when you did. Some people saved up a lot of turn-ins and turned 55 about 15min after 2.0 launched, I myself am now 53 and being casual about it. The max level can also be attained very slowly like the other levels were attained.


Wait so you want BW to punish the casuals just so the hardcore players have something more to do? The hardcore players are hardcore by choice, the casuals usually arent since they have more than this game to worry about. And no, not everyone can eat at the pace they want especially not when theyre in a raiding guild because you know what happens if they take longer than a week? Theyll get kicked out regardless of reasoning, Ive heard of people getting kicked out because they didnt have early access so your analogy doesnt hold anything there.


All this could be managed better BY YOU, nobody made you play as much as you did except yourself so get over yourself and deal with it that you just ate the entire cake and are now sad there's no seconds

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Every Expansion that has come out for WoW, there are people that are max level within 24 hours. And you get to see the server wide messages for all the "firsts".


I'm pretty sure they knew at this point that people were going to blow through it, but I think their preference at this point is to get smaller things released faster, not make people sit and wait for more content over 2 years.

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I am all about OPs and FP`s as well. But what is the harm of having to grind just a little for levels and gear and while you do grind, there are lvl 51 tuned ops and fps and at lvl 52 there are other tuned Ops and fps for that lvl etc.... Wouldn`t that be more fun. One way or another, you are going to grind, I rather it be balanced, with leveling, gear and encounters. Not just BOOM max level lets grind o the OPs and FPs. I am just saying balance them all out like good games of the past did.. Like EQ did. That game was fun for all players, and you earned your **** in this game, it wasn`t handed to you on silver platter.


No. No that would not be fun. I'm only interested in Makeb's story. There's no reason why i should have to grind or why it should take a week to get to 55.


IF you want it to take longer, unsub,. It cuts your XP in half. :)

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No, for me rushing to max level is fine.. What isn`t fine is that even a casual gamer like myself can get 3 levels in 3 hours. This is stupid. I would much rather it take 3 days or 3 weeks or even 3 months to get 3 levels.... Extremely poor planning by the BW team.


And I'd rather enjoy the stories than giving a damn about the levels.

Each to his own eh?

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