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PvE Weekly Commendations 200 Limit?


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IMO the classic commas are the old daily comms. They are really only good for getting gear for your companions. So why cap the classic comms at all at the current drop rate.. Players at that stage are trying to get elite amd ultimate gear. I have no problem with slowing down people from getting the higher gear. That makes a lot of sense. But cap on an almost useless comm is as pointless as getting fleet commas when you are maxed out with grade 7 components.
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I do not understand this....


So what if someone wants to get gear more quickly than others. How does that effect my play style?


Maybe someone can explain this to a noob like myself?


The only way it would affect your play is like this.


80% of the players get their gear in a matter of a day or two. you dont. Now your leveled and want to start doing HM and OPS. So you queue up for a random for not only to get the comms but for the achievement and missons.


Now you pop, then 30 seconds to a minute later your booted. when you ask someone in the group why you get this reply. " Your undergeared we dont want to carry someone who doesnt take the time to gear so we will look for someone else" Now your stuck trying to find a group that doesnt have end game gear or is willing to let you run with them.


For me I get gear when I can. My guild helps each other regardless. I dont agree with booting someone because of there gear but you will find it happens. And that is how it could affect your game play.

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No disrespect intended Amber but honestly, tell the powers that be if they want feedback on the comm cap issue then read the damn PTS on occasion! There were countless threads and feedback on this issue. Absolutely NOBODY thought this was a good idea...NOBODY. Even those that understood the idea was to slow progression down thought the cap was WAY to low. I challenge you or anyone else at bioware to go through the pts forum and dig me up a single response/reply that did not object to this.


To be perfectly honest, the team there virtually ignoring feedback on PTS then coming in later after the damage is done and acting like "gee guys, our bad we just didn't realize"...that **** is getting real old real fast...


i was one of the many that posted stating that this was such a horrible idea,if they want to slow progression there is so many better ways to do it.


i don't even wanna raid anymore cause of this there is no point.On one of my alts i definitly hit the weekly cap in a day due to refunded drops from operations and i didn't even do dailies yet!


It makes no sense at all considering how many companions there is in the game,I'll be one of the many that is leaving the game very soon.......

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The weekly and cap limits are stupid as is. Even if there's a weekly cap, the total cap should be higher. And as someone pointed out, classic comms are basically useless except for gearing alts/comps.


If they wanted to limit hardcore gamers from burning through everything in a week couldn't they just limit the number of comms you could spend each week? Don't they do that with limiting the number (or timer or something) of HM/NiM Ops you can run/loot?

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Didn't anyone of the DEVs sit down and actually do a run to see how many Comms they could gather in a week?


Of course they did.


The new weekly caps are essentially the Square-Enix "Fatigue System" but for gearing instead of on experience.



In order to slow player development, Square created the Fatigue System in which after so many hours playing the game receiving full xp, the player would cross a weekly threshold that would cut the xp reward in half and then by about 90%. So if the player wanted to continue to play, it was pretty pointless on that job, and would need to switch jobs. He could then receive full xp on the new job until he once again hit the threshhold.


The weekly cap on comms does this same thing for player progression, but via gear progression instead of level progression.


In other words, if a player hits their weekly comm limit, and they still have time to play, but don't want to waste their time doing stuff that they will receive zero reward from, they are now encouraged to play an alt to get comms on that alt. If forces you to spread your time over multiple toons instead of focusing all your time on one toon, thus slowing the gearing progression of your character.


This totally blew up in Square's face, and I hope the same happens for Bioware.

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Welcome to BW's new method of slowing players down from finishing content and gearing themselves so quickly.


well bw notived that players consume content to fast and their answer ? slowing players down, forcing them to play alts. same method like blizzard do. some1 should tell bw that blizz is loosing thousands of subbers every month....

caps on comms suck

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It's called mouse on a wheel, Bioware wants to extend the amount of time it takes you to complete content so they don't have to release as much content.


Too bad it won't work for me. The ingame amount of time it takes me will be the same, it will only make me play the game less often.

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If you get the gear to fast, you get burnt out from the game (nothing to progress towards). It's really that simple, they dont want you to get burnt out from everything to quickly :)


Yea... but that's like telling every mmo player how to play their game. Oh gearing up? You don't want to do that. You want to take your time and work on collecting trinkets and achievements. It's a barrier that needs to be revamped. I honestly think it will be as there will be continuing backlash over it. It's comms for gearing up, not comms for best in game items. It kind of reminds me of the hassle with release and 1.1 when getting full columi could take a month. The system that was in place was much better. Less stress. Easier to get. Made it easier to play, to take your time and enjoy the view.

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Hi everyone,


On that note, this is an excellent opportunity to give you folks a heads up about a 2.0 Known Issue that we'll be adding to the list later this week: there's currently a bug that will cause an incorrect warning that you're nearing the weekly limit when you're nowhere near it. Because of what I posted above, most of you won't see this until after the weekly reset. If you do, though, don't be alarmed! Check your Currency tab for the correct information, and please know that we plan to fix the warning indication with Patch 2.0.1.


I want to be sure you guys know that we are listening to you and taking your feedback on this topic into account, but it's still early in the implementation, and we're not able to see how the limits actually affect you yet. We'll be sure to keep an eye out for what you're saying with regards to weekly limits in coming weeks and after the bug fix above.




A cap? Seriously? The level cap is the only cap that's needed. If people want to burn through content, that's up to them, they want to gear and play a toon, then gear and play another one and so on and so forth. But with the comm caps, no one is going to be able to gear anything very quickly and will get frustrated and just quit. Comm caps slow everything down and the hardcore players will abandon the game to play something they want to play and can play it their way. BTW, the hard core players are your founders and subscribers. If BW abandons them, the game self destructs and SWTOR tanks. DON'T PUT CAPS ON THE COMMS!!!!

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Weekly caps for everything seriously need to be rethought. I don't want to hear this garbage about it help keeping a pace with everyone and no one getting to far ahead, that is BS. Everyone pays money out of their pocket to play the game the way they like to, they shouldn't be restricted. If some guy wants to spend 40 hours a week in the game, let him.


Capping comms doesn't hurt those people as much as it hurts people that may have a free week here and there where they can play a lot and try to get as much done as possible because they may not be able to play for more than an hour here or there for the following few weeks. Coms should just be regulated on a daily basis as they pretty much are now with lock-outs, daily, and weekly missions. They should not be even further regulated by a weekly cap.

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I had the 400 cap and logged in the next day and they were gone....:confused:


This new low cap makes me honestly not even want to gear, its going to take FOREVER. I dont pay to play a game....only to not want to play it much because of being limited. I don't need nanny Bioware telling me how to play my game or how much.

Edited by DarthVengeant
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Using the excuse of slowing players down is a lost leader. Whether I gear one of my 50s in a week or 4 weeks BW is still getting my $15 a month, and per billing period I have already cleared the content. What this stance does is stops me from playing the game for several days on end, I can not stand to see Commendations rot. This is literally one of the biggest reasons I stopped playing WoW. I feel this changes the game dynamic for me into something much more grind oriented and a waste of my Subscription. Why Sub if I only play 2 days a week? That is basically $8 worth of sub time for me. So now Im paying double. Did a few ops last night on a capped character because oh wait they are all capped and nothing for me dropped while the Comms rotted. WASTE OF TIME.


If this doesn't get seriously rethought I will probably end my Subscription like I did when the servers died 2 months after release. I just don't see the point in paying for time I cant use.

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Using the excuse of slowing players down is a lost leader. Whether I gear one of my 50s in a week or 4 weeks BW is still getting my $15 a month, and per billing period I have already cleared the content. What this stance does is stops me from playing the game for several days on end, I can not stand to see Commendations rot. This is literally one of the biggest reasons I stopped playing WoW. I feel this changes the game dynamic for me into something much more grind oriented and a waste of my Subscription. Why Sub if I only play 2 days a week? That is basically $8 worth of sub time for me. So now Im paying double. Did a few ops last night on a capped character because oh wait they are all capped and nothing for me dropped while the Comms rotted. WASTE OF TIME.


If this doesn't get seriously rethought I will probably end my Subscription like I did when the servers died 2 months after release. I just don't see the point in paying for time I cant use.



Are you me? Because I think you are me. ( I agree with you completely. I'm stacking quests right now to turn in on TUESDAY because I hit my weekly limit)


It's annoying. I've reached the limit within 2 days. It feels really bad seeing my commendations disappear into nirvana, please rethink this system Bioware. I belong to those who prefer playing one character mainly.


Also agree with you ^ I play one guy. dont make me play two.

Edited by Wizardtwo
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Are you me? Because I think you are me. ( I agree with you completely. I'm stacking quests right now to turn in on TUESDAY because I hit my weekly limit)


The problem with this, is next week... you will be in the same boat :(

At this point i am taking the hit on the comms, but at least I am getting money. Next will I will reach the limit once again in 1 or 2 days =/

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Well, I can tell you that planetary comms are becoming an issue for me. I am finding myself spending them buying equipment for every companion I have whether I play them or not just to try and stay under the absurd 50 limit. With them still dropping in missions and from random mobs, you can easily get 25+ a day if you do daily flashpoint (5), Daily exploding conflict (10 - 20 depending if you are at level to do 2 of these (like II and III)) and then some questing.


I don't want to be forced into buying boxes that MIGHT have something I can use. I want to be able to buy 4 weapons if they are upgrades (Mara using Vette).


Please adjust this.

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I'll give them a few weeks to come to their senses and just dump the weekly limits. If not, I'm gonna take another long break only this time I will suspend my sub. I really detest this slap in the face after all the time, effort and support since lauch. I left for months and kept my sub active as a thank you and show of support. I guess this is my just deserts.


Speak with your wallet, not your heart. Makes a much bigger impact.

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I'll give them a few weeks to come to their senses and just dump the weekly limits. If not, I'm gonna take another long break only this time I will suspend my sub. I really detest this slap in the face after all the time, effort and support since lauch. I left for months and kept my sub active as a thank you and show of support. I guess this is my just deserts.


Speak with your wallet, not your heart. Makes a much bigger impact.


Few weeks? they better remove that cap by sunday

Edited by Logisitcs
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Hi everyone,


On that note, this is an excellent opportunity to give you folks a heads up about a 2.0 Known Issue that we'll be adding to the list later this week: there's currently a bug that will cause an incorrect warning that you're nearing the weekly limit when you're nowhere near it. Because of what I posted above, most of you won't see this until after the weekly reset. If you do, though, don't be alarmed! Check your Currency tab for the correct information, and please know that we plan to fix the warning indication with Patch 2.0.1.


I want to be sure you guys know that we are listening to you and taking your feedback on this topic into account, but it's still early in the implementation, and we're not able to see how the limits actually affect you yet. We'll be sure to keep an eye out for what you're saying with regards to weekly limits in coming weeks and after the bug fix above.




I don't really mind the weekly caps so much. I think it's a decent system . The problem is how many you can hold on too. It's "ok" right now, but I think it could stand to be increased a tad. I can barely purchase one birth right piece with my hard cap. Just as an example.


It's a smart system to slow down progression. As much as I'm against that, it'll elongate content. Just be prepared to push out new content once players get what they want out of the new comm system.

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Sorry but the cap is not "fine". Simple math could have determined how to set this limit by adding up all the dailys that reward classic comms x 7, add in any daily or weekly terminal or group finder quests, and an average of what would drop from doing at least a few FPs a week. While I don't know all the changes to the missions, etc, I'm sure this limit would have been at least 300-400.


I understand the need/want to limit how fast players gain gear but this IS starter gear we're talking about.


I'm in complete agreement. The limit is way too low, it should be set like at what the total number of comms you can earn as a Level 50-55. Please increase it.

This cap stunts progression and makes it hard to gear ops members. I understand wanting to slow player progression down so we don't burn through the content but that should be a conscious player choice, not one imposed by the developer.

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