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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Did the TTK..... Just get shorter?


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I guess i can see your frustration. But on the other side, You know how frustrating it is putting out big numbers and using everything you have as a dps, and NOT being able to kill a healer, or who he is healing.


before a healer was pretty sufficient. A healer with a tank was god mode. higher damage was needed imo


I have to admit that I'm far from the greatest healers in the world, but I had no troubles to keep healing if 1 average-skilled dps jumped at me. However, if more than 1 jumped at me and kept on me until I was dead, I died pretty quickly.

How's it now? A level 15 scoundrel dps killed me (level 27 healer operative) in around 8 seconds a few days ago, and I have to start casting big heals around 70% of hp when people are doing 1vs1 or they might end up dead before the channeling is ready. Someone is doing 1vs2 or even 1vs3? Don't bother, you can delay it with a second or 2 but there's nothing else you can do. The average amount of deaths have raised from maybe 5 to something around 10. The really great healers might be able to overcome this, but for people that are just good or average, this will probably cause that they will start dpsing since it's so much easier now.

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At level 55, with full sets of the new tiers of pvp gear, there was no TTK being too fast issue on the PTS in rateds, in fact it was the opposite. It became a long attrition battle to kill people usually unless 3+ dps hit a really fat crit on one guy at the same time because healing/tanking was so buffed.
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At level 55, with full sets of the new tiers of pvp gear, there was no TTK being too fast issue on the PTS in rateds, in fact it was the opposite. It became a long attrition battle to kill people usually unless 3+ dps hit a really fat crit on one guy at the same time because healing/tanking was so buffed.


I understand that there was a major crit nerf on PTS that wasn't carried over to live... i could be mistaken though,

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Tanks are beasts now. I've had.. over 250k damage as a full defense guardian... Carried a huttball with the entire other team beating on me, and ran through a fire, just popping saber reflect, warding call, saber ward, plus blade storm, guardian slash and riposting along the way, going through the fire took a wz medpack. Guildie on mumble was like, is there someone healing you? Nope, we didn't have a single healer that match..


Admittedly, it was a major adjustment for guardian tanking, use sunder less, slash more, pop combat focus as needed, sweep and blade storm on courage procs, then GS followed with riposte. I finally felt like a tank, damage is decent, not great, but you are built to last. Snipers, I laughed at and just walked up to them and started beating on them. Yes you won't kill stuff fast, but you have the defenses now to just outlast them 1v1.


Yesterday, was an exercise in frustration. Yes it felt like TTK was incredibly short, but once you adjust, warzones are fun, TTK is decent, a little shorter than before but not by much. The only exception is teams that focus extremely well, but that is as it should be when 3 or 4 people are hitting you all at once, you should drop fast. Overall, after playing around with different specs, tank and dps, I feel like a kid at christmas. Aside from the relic slot bolster bug, warzones are actually fun again.

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may be checkers?


Haven't figured out a way to heal in that, either.

But it's okay. I can just stop healing in wzs. I'm pretty sure that people appriciate less healers. Dps is probably gonna be the only fun thing in pugs now on, but we all know how much everyone loves 8 dps vs. 8 dps -matches. (Not saying that this will absolutely happen, but this seems to be the way we are going.)

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Haven't figured out a way to heal in that, either.

But it's okay. I can just stop healing in wzs. I'm pretty sure that people appriciate less healers. Dps is probably gonna be the only fun thing in pugs now on, but we all know how much everyone loves 8 dps vs. 8 dps -matches. (Not saying that this will absolutely happen, but this seems to be the way we are going.)


not true, there are a lot of good healers, just like me:D that are always appreciated.

Edited by yauhen_pt
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if you only have 20k hp you are not geared properly


Tanks are machines now. Because there is a lack of them is why the damage seems over whelming


bring a tank and things get toned right down. My friend is a juggernaught tank and he can mitigate serious damage directed at me. What may have killed me in seconds became 10-20 seconds without a healer

Edited by Kalliadies
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not true, there are a lot of good healers, just like me:D that are always appreciated.


Sure there will be still great gealers that will keep healing. The problem is that the healers that are only good or average or just "training" may give up healing, and there's hardly enough great healers for every wz team.

Not to mention that people say that the TTK is actually much longer in level 55 pvp. So at the lowbie, where people are actually supposed to learn to use their skills, they die ridicously fast.

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if you only have 20k hp you are not geared properly


Tanks are machines now. Because there is a lack of them is why the damage seems over whelming


bring a tank and things get toned right down. My friend is a juggernaught tank and he can mitigate serious damage directed at me. What may have killed me in seconds became 10-20 seconds without a healer


^This! tanks and healers are actually necessary now, and all the kiddies who loved playing swtor:modern warfare 3 are mad because they cant burst down a tank 1v1 and lock down all three of the healing archetypes with relative ease. I hope for pvp sake they keep this balance.

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^This! tanks and healers are actually necessary now, and all the kiddies who loved playing swtor:modern warfare 3 are mad because they cant burst down a tank 1v1 and lock down all three of the healing archetypes with relative ease. I hope for pvp sake they keep this balance.


Healing now is living hell to me at least, and I doubt I'll be the only one. People are going from 50% to 0% in the time I'm trying to cast a big heal, and that was in cursed level 10-29 bracket. Tried level 30-54 once with my sage, got 400k healing (x2 more than the other healer in our team, but judging by the amount of dps, not nearly as much as a healer should), died 10 times and pretty much hated every moment.

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Healing now is living hell to me at least, and I doubt I'll be the only one. People are going from 50% to 0% in the time I'm trying to cast a big heal, and that was in cursed level 10-29 bracket. Tried level 30-54 once with my sage, got 400k healing (x2 more than the other healer in our team, but judging by the amount of dps, not nearly as much as a healer should), died 10 times and pretty much hated every moment.


I've averaged 1.4k hps per game on my sorc while healing, you need to figure out kiting, roll with a premade, something idk because healing was buffed so exponentially much that its insane.

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It's bad. Real bad. My first attack on my Gunslinger did 7.2k and at first I was like "oh sweet." A half second later, when I saw everyone is hitting for insane numbers and we're just dropping like flies, there was no more positive feeling. Damage has way outscaled HP. It's pretty ridiculous. It's not even fun because there's no challenge or planning involved now.


Well ya thats the thing, you can cause some PREETY good damage, only problem is so can everyone else, and when your not on the greatest team.......

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I've averaged 1.4k hps per game on my sorc while healing, you need to figure out kiting, roll with a premade, something idk because healing was buffed so exponentially much that its insane.


I was able to reach even that because of kiting. x) At start I got ridiculous amount of deaths, then I pretty much started casting only my small over-time heals, half-full healing trances (or full if the dps or multiple dps trying to catch me didn't jump at me at the middle of the cast) and, when I was able to, the istant salvations, and I actually kept people alive a little longer.

And hated every moment of it.

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^This! tanks and healers are actually necessary now, and all the kiddies who loved playing swtor:modern warfare 3 are mad because they cant burst down a tank 1v1 and lock down all three of the healing archetypes with relative ease. I hope for pvp sake they keep this balance.


This. Had an insane Voidstar yesterday where almost no one died. Healing heavy on both sides. I was a PT tank. The enemy team had a Jugg tank. Both tanks had over 300k protection, which made the burst damage very easy to heal.


Tanks are awesome in PvP when played right.

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It's bad. Real bad. My first attack on my Gunslinger did 7.2k and at first I was like "oh sweet." A half second later, when I saw everyone is hitting for insane numbers and we're just dropping like flies, there was no more positive feeling. Damage has way outscaled HP. It's pretty ridiculous. It's not even fun because there's no challenge or planning involved now.


Yes! TTK is super fast now and it is no fun! I don't bother to use my long-cast abilities because either I don't last or they don't last long enough to get the attack off.

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if you only have 20k hp you are not geared properly


Tanks are machines now. Because there is a lack of them is why the damage seems over whelming


bring a tank and things get toned right down. My friend is a juggernaught tank and he can mitigate serious damage directed at me. What may have killed me in seconds became 10-20 seconds without a healer


If you only have 20k then chances are you are geared to some extent and are not running around taking advantage of the retarded bolster system that rewards less gear.

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I just was in a 10-29 bracket match huttball where the ball most of the time didn't leave the mid, whoever grabbed the ball was dpsed down immidiately. Solution would be passing often, but in how many pugs there are enough tactic-wise people to do that? This is just annoying.


Btw has bioware ever said anything if this shortened TTK was intended and is going to be kept? What I've heard from level 55 pvp, there seems to be more like really long TTKs, and since most people consider lowbie as a practice for high-level pvp, is really isn't serving it's purpose.

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I'd like to see a dev response to the TTK issue. There is absolutely no point to being a healer in this game currently.


Why not? Healing is more fun than ever, especially with the bolster that increases your alacrity, power, crit rating and all the essential things healers love. I routinely heal between 750k and 1.3 million per warzone, and my power only amplifies if I have a guard and/or a second healer. My numbers are almost guaranteed to eclipse any numbers DPS are putting out.


Healers are fine. In fact, they're probably overpowered. However, if you're the sole healer and you have no guard, and you solo queue, yeah, you're probably going to die fast and often. But, you know what? You should. Learn to play.

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I just was in a 10-29 bracket match huttball where the ball most of the time didn't leave the mid, whoever grabbed the ball was dpsed down immidiately. Solution would be passing often, but in how many pugs there are enough tactic-wise people to do that? This is just annoying.


Btw has bioware ever said anything if this shortened TTK was intended and is going to be kept? What I've heard from level 55 pvp, there seems to be more like really long TTKs, and since most people consider lowbie as a practice for high-level pvp, is really isn't serving it's purpose.


this sounds like what happens when a pure dps team meats a pure dps team. Which should happen


On my server the imps seem to roll nothing but DPS characters, while the pubs have a health mix of tanks and healers. Imps get stomped more often than not

Edited by Kalliadies
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