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Tank build for 2.0???

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Ok, I haven't been playing in awhile, and I just came back to check on 2.0...so is there any new builds for the 2.0 patch?


Or what is the latest Tank spec that I should be following...I have a good group, I just need to know what I should be looking at doing to protect them.


Thanks in advance!!!

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The guy in the above has his tree semi wrong 2 points into revenge doesn't benefit you all that much since rage management isn;t an issue. This build is better IMO




and if you are asking for pve move the points from unyielding to accuracy

Edited by totherkins
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And this is probably what a dps tank jugg hybrid may look like in 2.0 I have tested this build 2.0 the fact that you can leap while immoblized is nice especially for huttball. You are however missing A LOT of nice stuff in the tank tree. So its up to you mainly this isnt an I win build but it has nice utility and nice damage,



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For pve this is something I'm going to go for:



Vicious Retaliation is something I've always been a bit dubious about. Saber Ward gives me a bit more survivability and Retaliation is basically always getting spammed anyway, so honestly? not sure about it's worth. It's that or Warmonger but there were a couple of instances in normal where I wish I had force charge again to quickly get stuck into the next mob and quickly establish threat etc.

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only for PVE


lvl 50



priority: sundering assault > crushing blow > (proc) retaliation > force scream > smash > ravage > assault


things to remember

1. use cb rotation as soon as it's out of cd

2. use retaliation once inbetween cb rotation

3. use backhand or/and ravage when you're trying to get/hold agro (usualy when dps are in burning phase)

4. use threatening scream when party is taking damage


always use CB rotation (crushing blow): sunder -> crushing blow -> retaliation > force scream. this way you won't have issues with your rotation nor will you have issues with rage. use smash as soon as it comes out of cd and your cb rotation isn't up yet. use ravage if everything else is on cd or you've just used taunt and want to pull ahead with agro. assault when everything is on cd and you have less than 4 rage. vicious slash when you have over 8 rage and your sundering assault is coming out of cd. threatening scream everytime it's out of cd (in situations when meele are taking aoe damage - fight with Gharj for example).


lvl 55



same as before. more str and smash dmg for easier agro management.




btw. nothing has changed in mob mechanics so why does everyone suddenly need to have force charge cd shortened? waste of points in PVE if you asked me.

Edited by Carousel_t
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Believe it or not, but I haven't really tanked since launch of rotch since I still haven't even got to lvl55. But I can't imagine my tanking has changed all that much with the exception of aoe tanking with the addition of saber reflect. The increased cooldown on Sunder may have some effect. (generates 5-1 rage + 2 if talented right?)?


At 50 to quickly establish threat I'd roughly do:

Saber -> Charge -> Backhand -> Crushing Blow (this is delayed in preference to Backhand because of the cast animation is a bit slow) -> sunder and then if rage then I force scream. By this point I usually would have about 2 rage I think then I'd probably smash if I could get it for free.


I don't really rotate, but merely prioritize. I try to group vicious strikes together to maximize the cooldown towards Enrage.

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Hit 55 last night, this is my current build.


It may change a little around the edges but really most of the picks are "mandatory". The only thing I'm currently debating is taking the points out of Thrown Gauntlet and adding one more to Warmonger and one to Accuracy.

Edited by KarathAnno
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It may change a little around the edges but really most of the picks are "mandatory". The only thing I'm currently debating is taking the points out of Thrown Gauntlet and adding one more to Warmonger and one to Accuracy.


Thrown Gauntlet is probably my most used ability in PvP.

PvE wise it's priceless around Makeb sending a mob to their doom from a great height. It also resets charge and is a free interrupt on mobs it can be used on. Its utility is simply too awesome not to take over boosting DPS abilities such as Accuracy.


If I had to loose something, it would be Revenge as rage isn't hard to come by.


EDIT: In other words it's normally on CD at some point and I'd take it easily over saber ward CD reduction

Edited by UberLord
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For pve this is something I'm going to go for:



Vicious Retaliation is something I've always been a bit dubious about. Saber Ward gives me a bit more survivability and Retaliation is basically always getting spammed anyway, so honestly? not sure about it's worth. It's that or Warmonger but there were a couple of instances in normal where I wish I had force charge again to quickly get stuck into the next mob and quickly establish threat etc.


^^^ This is precisely my thinking as well.


Vicious retaliation will be useful 12 sec out of every 150 sec. Also, the retaliation buff will be up anyway (most likely) so the cd reduction isn't going to do much. Save those 2 points for something else.

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^^Yes, I love those two for pvp as well. :D


I'm caving in on revenge, I don't think it's necessary anymore either. Rage in Soresu is much easier to deal with now, I guess old habits are hard to kick hehe. I also change my mind on warmonger, I didn't think I would care for it seeing how we can't use unstoppable, but it was crazy of me not to want a shorter CD on a gap closer. Duh. /facepalm.


Totally agree that vicious retaliation is still a waste of time and skill points.

Edited by Ridickilis
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If it was a straight cooldown reduction on retaliation and wasn't linked to saber ward, I'd be on it like a flash. But I don't really pop it unless I'm in trouble. Maybe that's an error of thinking on my part, but I don't get much use out of the ability. When I do pop it, I have threat pretty solidly, so benefitting from the threat of spamming retaliation just that fraction bit more isn't going to do much because blade barricade is practically always up anyway!
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