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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

lol bolster


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Thanks for keeping us updated. While I disagree with the need for Bolster 2.0, at the very least I'm glad that you intend to make it work correctly.


As long as NO non-PvP gear, including the lack of gear, performs better than top tier PvP gear, then I guess it will be tolerable. But under NO circumstances should ANY non-PvP gear outperform PvP gear. I'm concerned about those rated 172 barrels/hilts/armorings. Please make sure those DON'T outperform our measly rated 154 "top tier" PvP gear.


Thank you.

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THIS. They went in the complete opposite direction, and the gear gap is actually worse. The difference between full recruit and EWH was 4-5k HP. I've seen people in 2.0 warzones with 8-10k more HP than me. Their secret? Crappy gear, or no gear at all.


I thought recruit was now obsolete and the point is that you no longer have to wear that gear. They just gave it away for free anyway.


Today i was able to pvp with my toon i use for pve and it was a ton of fun. I am not level 55 yet so i have no idea what that is like, but if the bolster helps keep an even playing field for pre 55, i dont really mind it at all.


I pvp for the fun though and not for the gear grind, i enjoy pvp. ;)

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With that being said, we do not intend for naked Bolster to be better than wearing gear of any type. This is a bug with the system that we are adamant on fixing and attempted to fix on PTS. The truth is that when we fixed one aspect of the system we opened up another edge case. Last night when it became apparent we had not done enough to fix the issue we started an investigation (yes at 3am CDT in the morning) and have been working all day on a plan of attack to shore up this system so that it is fun and balanced for all parties.




After you knew about this bolster problem for many weeks, you still went live with it?

Do you have any idea what "naked PVP" does to SWTOR's credibility?


I'm sure gamers having a hoot all over the internet right now.... :rolleyes:

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This Naked pvp is seriously retarded and needs to be fixed. I fail to see why Bolster is even needed in the 55 bracket.


Is like Bioware desperately pleads for people to not take it's pvp seriously.

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I'm concerned about those rated 172 barrels/hilts/armorings. Please make sure those DON'T outperform our measly rated 154 "top tier" PvP gear.


QFT. The lvl 55 Barrels was another known issue from the PTS. Seeing how they have dealt with the other known big issues (in particular naked pvp) I keep my fingers crossed.


But it is sufficient to say that the only thing which got me impressed is the response time from the devs to comment on this issue.

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This Naked pvp is seriously retarded and needs to be fixed. I fail to see why Bolster is even needed in the 55 bracket.


Is like Bioware desperately pleads for people to not take it's pvp seriously.


The more I think about it, the more I believe that is actually intended.


From not being able to implement cross-server warzones and the failure of large-scale faction battles, both due to engine limitations, to unfixed bugs since launch, such as spawning in combat, spawning with half health or stunned, or disappearing ops chat, the Bioware developers are in way over their heads.


A few days ago, one Gold-text guy came on here and said the developers never heard about the force-choke bug that ignores resolve. I reported it myself in January 2012 and it was mentioned multiple times on this forum since.

Complete disconnect between them and the community!


Unless there is a 180 degree change of heart by management, SWTOR pvp is condemned to remain casual, just

a sideshow attraction for those who need a little break from PVE.


I really wonder why Bioware bothered with dedicated PVP servers in this game....:(

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This game is beginning to be very un-enjoyable... First you nerf my beloved assassin, then you make me get face rolled by PvE scrubs because of bolster... Until you guys fix this warzones are a joke.


Naked PvP isnt they way to go.... It is empty gear that gives you a better bolster but, if you are truly trying to twink put on your dread guard gear for the lolz.


**** this

Edited by PeteyLo
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That's just it....regardless of what argument you have against or in defense of the new bolster system; Who the hell implements a system that pushes players to nudist pvp?


They should give the warzones new honorary names while this awesomeness lasts...




Uncivil War...drobe

Nudist Coast

Ancient Hyperboobs


Any other suggestions? =D


I like the way this guy thinks.

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What is the purpose of “naked” bolster? So I want to clarify why Naked Bolster exists. For Bolster we need to have a system that impacts Warzone players from level 10 to level 55. To do this we want to make sure characters are on as even a playing field as possible. However, when you were leveling up your main, when did you get your first helmet, implant, or relic? In the level up game we have certain points where characters have not yet received certain items and we don’t want to punish these characters because they don’t have access to certain items while higher level characters have plentiful access, so they both get bolstered up to the same level to create a more equal playing field.


Ex: We want to make sure your level 11 without a helmet is getting some stats for their head slot to be equal to the level 25 with a helmet.




OMG! :eek: Why your Bolster so complicated? :eek:Why not just overwrite ALL stats under the same level ("pre-Partisan") if the player is NOT wearing the PVP armor/PVP mods? If slot is empty - overwrite, if not PvP item (even top-pve!) - overwrite.


Why make it so complicated? :rak_02:



Esp to avoid this bs:

As long as NO non-PvP gear, including the lack of gear, performs better than top tier PvP gear, then I guess it will be tolerable. But under NO circumstances should ANY non-PvP gear outperform PvP gear. I'm concerned about those rated 172 barrels/hilts/armorings. Please make sure those DON'T outperform our measly rated 154 "top tier" PvP gear.


Thank you.


or this lol


so I just did my first lowbie wz as a lvl 26. Holy jesus!!!!!!!!!!!! I died so fast I couldnt even use a medpac. I'm not really sure if this is working as intended but I am not enjoying the new bolster system.
Edited by Glower
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so I just did my first lowbie wz as a lvl 26. Holy jesus!!!!!!!!!!!! I died so fast I couldnt even use a medpac. I'm not really sure if this is working as intended but I am not enjoying the new bolster system.


I liked the old system where I had time to react, use abilities, turn around, use a medpac, etc.


Now I just explode instantly. I did over 300k damage in a huttball match as a lvl 26, what in the hell?

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so I just did my first lowbie wz as a lvl 26. Holy jesus!!!!!!!!!!!! I died so fast I couldnt even use a medpac. I'm not really sure if this is working as intended but I am not enjoying the new bolster system.


I liked the old system where I had time to react, use abilities, turn around, use a medpac, etc.


Now I just explode instantly. I did over 300k damage in a huttball match as a lvl 26, what in the hell?





That is what PvP is supposed to be, not insta kills.

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The whole point of bolster is to make it even for everybody.. What? Did you want to go back and bash on undergeared people and feel good about yourself?


Interesting seeing alot of blind/incompetent people thinking they're good in pvp when the game itself caters towards people with BiS gear against those with no gear.


Not saying you're blind or incompetent personally but seriously.. if you thought the pvp was fair to begin with.......



............... lol.



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Hey everyone,


Just wanted to let you know that I am grabbing questions/feedback from this thread and passing it on to the PvP and combat teams. I should have answers to some of your questions, etc. a bit later on today. Thanks!




Eric, it's not answers we crave, it's fixes to the situation that's been growing worse since patch 1.2. The combat system has been growing worse all the time.


Resolve has been adjusted in the exact opposite way the community wanted it to.


Time to kill has only gone down which was, again, the opposite of what the PvP community wanted.


I don't know who's feedback those changes were based upon, but it probably wasn't ours.

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After you knew about this bolster problem for many weeks, you still went live with it?

Do you have any idea what "naked PVP" does to SWTOR's credibility?


I'm sure gamers having a hoot all over the internet right now.... :rolleyes:



This. I sometimes wonder if people in BW even play this game.

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It gets betters as health pools change from 20k to 30k. Damage doesn't go up as much as health between 50 and 55.


Indeed. We saw the same thing from the first night of rateds on PTS, to the 2nd day.


The TTK grew not a little, but a LOT. To the point where 4 DPS at once were required to nearly global a player if the tank and 2 other healers were alive and competent. (Not CCed)

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Indeed. We saw the same thing from the first night of rateds on PTS, to the 2nd day.


The TTK grew not a little, but a LOT. To the point where 4 DPS at once were required to nearly global a player if the tank and 2 other healers were alive and competent. (Not CCed)


lol are you saying 4 dps could kill someone in 1.5 seconds through heals and guard?

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The whole point of bolster is to make it even for everybody.. What? Did you want to go back and bash on undergeared people and feel good about yourself?


Interesting seeing alot of blind/incompetent people thinking they're good in pvp when the game itself caters towards people with BiS gear against those with no gear.


Not saying you're blind or incompetent personally but seriously.. if you thought the pvp was fair to begin with.......



............... lol.


It's sad because theres no point to gear anymore. Its best to just go naked. This is not the solution. The best way for gear to be implemented is lateral progresson. Mixing and matching your stats. I think that gear should not be obtained via griding, nor should it give vertical progressive stats.


But this bolster is just absurd. Otherwise, I like the idea of not having to grind on my newly lv capped characters. Once I do get the spare comms I will min/max the new gear (getting +2 power and -1 cunning for each mod lolwut?)

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LOL to tell us the bolster is still broken from pts? Do you even listen to your community at all? Seems all you want is our wallets.


We on the APAC servers discovered recently just how much BIO cares about their loyal "paying" customers when they made the decision to shut down our servers instead of merging them into 1 APAC server... we now have to merged into the busiest NA west coast server - Harbinger... We will go from having a ping of 17 - 30 ms to having a ping of between 180 - 600ms <depending on our location in APAC>... they don't care about the PVPer's in this game because if they did they would know that any serious NA PVPer's will own us in PVP... they have paid no attention to our communities outrage at their decision... and have not deemed to come back and acknowledge that it's about money... but they have tried to say this is what our "whole" server communities wanted without doing any proper survey to see what the "whole" community wanted... but instead went for the least desirable option that a small majority of forum posters suggested <we all know most players do not use or go to the forums> ... it could be estimated that at least 80% or more APAC players are against the merge to NA... the option that just about all of us wanted was 1 APAC super sever with all 3 servers merged into one like they did for the NA servers


So it now comes as no shock to anyone in our APAC community that BIO only cares about our wallets...

PVP is not a priority for BIO... and neither are their customers...



We have started a petition asking BIO to change their mind about the APAC server... we know it is a long shot

IF you are reading this and you feel like giving us your support to help save our servers.. please spend 2 mins and go to this link to sign our petition



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lol are you saying 4 dps could kill someone in 1.5 seconds through heals and guard?


They can currently, but by that I mean;


A dps that didn't have a guard to start, and received a guard during the 2nd GCD, with 4 DPS hitting them with their highest burst was effectively the only way to kill someone in any timely manner. And even then, it wasn't always a guaranteed kill. Healing is insanely, insanely buffed in 2.0, and it shows.

In a 29 minute novare, there were about 40 kills per team on the PTS, compared to a 29 minute novare on live that would have had 80+ per team.


mind you, these assorted 4 dps would be some of the very best pvpers in the world, and not your average players in regs.

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