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lol bolster


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No it dosnt, I think this is basically a twinks qq thread


NO, Bolster DOES affect 55 PVP as well, so yeah...not much else to say about that


PVP gear trades other stats for expertise,


1.Wear PVE gear get all the nice high stats pvpers have to sacrifice for pvp gear, and get free expertise from bolster



Edited by supafreak
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NO, Bolster DOES affect 55 PVP as well, so yeah...not much else to say about that


PVP gear trades other stats for expertise,


1.Wear PVE gear get all the nice high stats pvpers have to sacrifice for pvp gear, and get free expertise from bolster




you have screenshots from L 55 pvp?

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NO, Bolster DOES affect 55 PVP as well, so yeah...not much else to say about that


PVP gear trades other stats for expertise,


1.Wear PVE gear get all the nice high stats pvpers have to sacrifice for pvp gear, and get free expertise from bolster






At level 50 we stop bolstering characters.

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At level 50 we stop bolstering characters.


LAWL Keep reading bro especially if you are gonna link something you should also read it


At level 50 we stop bolstering characters, which you can see adds to the huge drop off of effectiveness once a character goes from 49 to 50."


They were explaining the old problems pre patch 2.0 in that paragraph

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At level 50 we stop bolstering characters.


You misread the entire posting. They were talking about the "old bolstering", not the new one.


"Currently, Bolster is setup to bring characters up to a set level of stats that are appropriate for entry-level PvP. The amount of stats given to a character is based on their level, more stats for lower level, to bring them up to this “entry-level” PvP base. At level 50 we stop bolstering characters, which you can see adds to the huge drop off of effectiveness once a character goes from 49 to 50."


The new Bolstering will be in ALL warzones from lvl 10 to 55.


While I was sceptical about Bolstering in lvl 55 from the beginning, I was willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. But seeing how they screwed up bolstering in lvls 10-54, I am starting to expect the worst. We will see.

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Bolster will probably ruin this game and make the dev team a laughing stock if they don't fix it.... This is why we had a PTS.. but I guess they didn't want to listen to anyone and went ahead with this disaster... Any other dev team that goes into one of these warzones and notices that taking off your gear gives you higher stats will just lol BW and then make them the butt (literally) of their jokes...
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Is it a fact that something is messed up with bolster or are people not giving it a chance? -I was looking forward to pvp tonight after work =(


I know i read some concerns about bolster being bugged on PTS forums, and that ppl could run around naked etc - but i (stupidly?) assumed they obviously would have fixed that before pushing it on Live...




This is sooooo funny... I have been PVPing naked... I even equipped a light sabre with no crystal/mods/enhancements <it still shows as a red light sabre>... my stats sky rocketed


I have just equipped a full set of armour now... no mods/enhancements/armouring... I will switch back and forth when I go into PVP



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Doesn't help that when your team is full of and 30s and 40s..and the entire enemy team is all lvl 50s..and so our team is died in seconds..whole team waiting at respawn..what 10 seconds after match starts... Edited by VictoireStar
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LAWL Keep reading bro especially if you are gonna link something you should also read it


At level 50 we stop bolstering characters, which you can see adds to the huge drop off of effectiveness once a character goes from 49 to 50."


They were explaining the old problems pre patch 2.0 in that paragraph


Shouldnt then be STOPPED? anyhow I dont think theres any bolstering on 55, even Bioware isnt that stupid.

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anyhow I dont think theres any bolstering on 55, even Bioware isnt that stupid.


Well, since lvl 55 Bolster was on the PTS and explained in several developer posts it doesn`t matter what you think (especially since you obviously have no clue about this topic at all).

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At level 50 we stop bolstering characters.


That sentence is referring to the pre-2.0 system, which was based on character level.


2.0 bolster works differently.


But the comment that this is basically a twinks QQ thread is correct. Some seem to have been under the impression that their old level 50 PvP gear would give them an advantage in the new system and are upset that it doesn't.


Previous level 50 PvP gear is no longer the best around - what did you expect in an expansion with a level increase? Also, it doesn't give you an advantage over people without the previous level 50 PvP gear. To which I can only repeat: "boo-hoo-hoo, it's a new expansion". You're in the lowbie bracket again, and it seems it's a more even playing field. Level up to 55.

Edited by Wainamoinen
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Shouldnt then be STOPPED? anyhow I dont think theres any bolstering on 55, even Bioware isnt that stupid.


There has to be a kind of bolster even at 55 considering there are not any starter armours like recruit. Although if it is strong enough to bring people with crap gear on par with the ones wearing full pvp min maxed gear, then every serious pvp'er will just leave...


If there is no gear gap, pvp WILL die cause it takes no effort anymore, you just log in and play... This isn't an FPS game...

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But the comment that this is basically a twinks QQ thread is correct. Some seem to have been under the impression that their old level 50 PvP gear would give them an advantage in the new system and are upset that it doesn't.




I (and apparently many others) have simply been under the impression that my lvl 50 EWH Gear would not give worse stats than if playing naked.


I know, crazy thought...

Edited by Arutar
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I (and apparently many others) have simply been under the impression that my lvl 50 EWH Gear would not give worse stats than if playing naked.


I know, crazy thought...


this happens when you give idiots develop the game

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Doesn't help that when your team is full of lvl 20s and 30s and 40s..and the entire enemy team is all lvl 50s..and so our team is died in seconds..whole team waiting at respawn..what 10 seconds after match starts...


Unlikely, as 20s and 50s are in separate brackets. But commiserations on getting destroyed.


Perhaps you exaggerated due to the emotional impact of losing horribly and wanted to emphasise your case, but didn't stop to check details like whether it was true.


Thing is, the break in level brackets actually reduces the problem of people with no abilities going up against those with more. So 2.0 actually addresses the issue you're complaining about.


I haven't been on since the update - work - but I actually played on the PTS, and wearing gear was better than naked there. I suspect that it's just that not ANY gear is better than naked, and maybe the stat-loss on old 50PvP gear to make up for expertise means it's less valuable than similar-level PvE gear. I'll be interested to get home and see what it's like now it's Live.

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I (and apparently many others) have simply been under the impression that my lvl 50 EWH Gear would not give worse stats than if playing naked.


I know, crazy thought...


Go naked then for better stats, and then new gear at L 55.


why this is being called 'think qq thread' is that people expeted to have superior stats to ,curently, L 35 chars (I really want to see how it goes now, as people claim to be killed by L 40s with no full talents and skills)


Is every stat better when naked? I mean damage reducion, crit, bonus? (quoting JUST HP and just mainstat is plain stupid)

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I (and apparently many others) have simply been under the impression that my lvl 50 EWH Gear would not give worse stats than if playing naked.


I know, crazy thought...


So what? Ditch the old PvP gear if ti's sub-par, who cares? Old gear is out of date in expansion, big surprise. Unless you expected it to give you an advantage in lowbie pvp (which level 50 is now), in which case = twinked.


Apologies if seems abrupt, rushed and at work, do not wish to be rude.

Edited by Wainamoinen
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Go naked then for better stats, and then new gear at L 55.


why this is being called 'think qq thread' is that people expeted to have superior stats to ,curently, L 35 chars (I really want to see how it goes now, as people claim to be killed by L 40s with no full talents and skills)


Is every stat better when naked? I mean damage reducion, crit, bonus? (quoting JUST HP and just mainstat is plain stupid)


Honestly , I don't care about the stats.. If I want the best stats I can run around naked... You must be failing to grasp the situation here... Taking your gear off should not give you better stats.. *** are people missing about this? What game has this sort of system?

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Is every stat better when naked? I mean damage reducion, crit, bonus? (quoting JUST HP and just mainstat is plain stupid)


Wondering about armour too. If people are going naked, get no armour, then complain about getting two-shotted, there may be an easily-spotted reason.


Anyway, speculation, can't wait to log on. Be glad you can play the new stuff if you're on.

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That sentence is referring to the pre-2.0 system, which was based on character level.


2.0 bolster works differently.


But the comment that this is basically a twinks QQ thread is correct. Some seem to have been under the impression that their old level 50 PvP gear would give them an advantage in the new system and are upset that it doesn't.


Previous level 50 PvP gear is no longer the best around - what did you expect in an expansion with a level increase? Also, it doesn't give you an advantage over people without the previous level 50 PvP gear. To which I can only repeat: "boo-hoo-hoo, it's a new expansion". You're in the lowbie bracket again, and it seems it's a more even playing field. Level up to 55.


So you think it's perfectly logical and fine that previously capped level 50 pvp gear is now at disadvantage against lowlevel Green pve gear?


I would have expected that a fully kitted out EWH with Augments would hold a slight edge over a level 31 in level 15 Green PvE gear, yes. I dont need it, but i assumed so. I knew bolster would boost them more then pre 2.0, but i certinatly didn't expect WH gear being worse then being naked...

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Wondering about armour too. If people are going naked, get no armour, then complain about getting two-shotted, there may be an easily-spotted reason.


Anyway, speculation, can't wait to log on. Be glad you can play the new stuff if you're on.


Oh after going naked, I am not getting 2 shotted anymore... I am like a god now.. Did you read my other posts?


I was getting 2 shotted in my full ewh gear, but I was also getting 7k Crits and 2 shotting ppl...


I am naked feel like a god and ROFLStomping people... Once I realized that naked was better I never went back.

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Wondering about armour too. If people are going naked, get no armour, then complain about getting two-shotted, there may be an easily-spotted reason.


Anyway, speculation, can't wait to log on. Be glad you can play the new stuff if you're on.


I can't. If I could, I would post my test results under every twink QQ thread, but I can only ask questions.


Getting angry responses instead of logical answears does not go for Twinks QQrs favor tho..

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Go naked then for better stats, and then new gear at L 55.



No ****, Sherlock.


Everyone will go either naked or use empty orange shells in pvp until lvl 55 (assuming the lvl 55 Bolster at least was not desgined by someone who is a nudist as well, of course).


But tell me, do you really not think it is somewhat silly that taking of your equipment in an MMORPG will make your stats better?

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