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SIGH - Do Dev's ever learn why most MMO's failed?


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Seems like only Blizzard know.


Haven't read the whole thread and it may have been said before but:


Here we go again.


I know I should have made a Blizzard altar where I can pray and worship at.


And at topic: I had no problems so far, controls and responsiveness seems flawless to me...but then I never played that Blizzard game of yours, so I'm probably not familiar with "the good stuff" and settle for sub-par only.


le sigh

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I believe from the OP's rant that they are very very particular about their game play


They are also specifically focused on PVP

- apparently if they can't do the hyper-twitch monkey jump move the patented in WOW

... well their world will end



Since they have yet to find a game they really like

Myriad of list of games that all "failed" them


Feel free to go off and try it out on a REAL sword

They have very nice responsivness

(But you probably won't be able to do the monkey thing with a real Katana)

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I see you've never played rift.... Or Aion..... Or AoC.... Or etc etc.


As a sith warrior the combat feels pretty good to me *shrugs* and I played wow for over 4 years.


Aion have really smooth pvp, mayby u should and try it. SWTOR pvp is totally game killer and its totally BS, if world pvp same crap than BG, bb SWTOR.

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I am hoping that both SWTOR, GW2 and WoW can all play nicely to be honest. The gamers win in the end with healthy competition and Blizzard have had it to easy for too long.


Sadly they will have it easy for longer still.


Only game I'm hyped for at the moment is Archeage because it's not theme park garbage. It probably won't sell well but whatever, it seems great.

Edited by yomanaaiton
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haven't read the whole thread and it may have been said before but:


Here we go again.


I know i should have made a blizzard altar where i can pray and worship at.


And at topic: I had no problems so far, controls and responsiveness seems flawless to me...but then i never played that blizzard game of yours, so i'm probably not familiar with "the good stuff" and settle for sub-par only.


Le sigh



lol!! :D

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I see you've never played rift.... Or Aion..... Or AoC.... Or etc etc.


As a sith warrior the combat feels pretty good to me *shrugs* and I played wow for over 4 years.


Rift has/had perfect responsiveness, on pars with WoWs. I see you haven't played Rift.

Edited by scrynen
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Wait, we are playing Star Wars and you are talking about realism, are you ****** kidding me?



Yes you can still kite but it's very sloppy, slow and crap. Like i said, it feels like you are walking on rails.


Stop kiting....../problem solved. Go enjoy a story in a story based mmo.....no?

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60%> or more played wow. they have the right to complain. u didnt play wow at all. if u want to respond to this thread go play some demo wow and come back.


Best MMORPG combat system is in wow. period.


the only complain with this game is GCD. THE ONLY ONE.


And welcome to the new and improved WoW Forums people, where you can only, and I mean ONLY respond, if you played WoW. You'll get extras titles if you play and love it.

Extra payment if you make all the other heretics out there see the truth that there can and by all rights should be only one MMO.


In all seriousness though. If you love WoW that isd fine. If you think Tor isn't as good as WoW, fine as well.

But now the question:

Why oh why do you have to bother us with this and not really go play the game you love so much?


Haters gonna hate? Seems like.


I'll be so happy when the grace period is over and the haters who don't subscibe leave us in peace without this constant bickering.


Call me a SW:Tor fanboy, and you make me proud.

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I agree with OP, the number one priority should be super smooth gameplay(movement, ability use, animations etc) and camera operation. It is VITAL for most serious gamers. Casual players probably won't notice too much.


The game isn't horrible in this department, I would say it's just a bit behind WOW and I hope they will work on improving it even more. I don't think it will kill the game as OP says though.

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Seriously, having clunky and unresponsive combat controls is a disaster and WILL kill your game.


When will dev's learn that you need a smooth, nice and fluent combat system. Seems like only Blizzard know.


Which is a shame because the game is actually very cool but I simply can't stand clunky, heavy unresponsive controls/combat, it's a total game killer. The jumping in this game makes me what to throw up.


Feels like your character is walking on rails, insane.


What game are you playing? Seriously? Because it's not this one.

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And welcome to the new and improved WoW Forums people, where you can only, and I mean ONLY respond, if you played WoW. You'll get extras titles if you play and love it.

You also need to be level 2350 something, and a warrior to know how character controls work.

Myself apprently have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about when it comes to latency and server responses to key presses.

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Haven't read the whole thread and it may have been said before but:


Here we go again.


I know I should have made a Blizzard altar where I can pray and worship at.


And at topic: I had no problems so far, controls and responsiveness seems flawless to me...but then I never played that Blizzard game of yours, so I'm probably not familiar with "the good stuff" and settle for sub-par only.


le sigh


Yes, where is the church of Blizzard? I'm a seven year veteran of "that other game" and I have no idea what OP is talking about. THis game is every bit as smooth as WoW.

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Aion Lmao grind grind grind **** till lvl 15 really!!!!



If you think Aion was a grind... you are one of those that never had a grind at all where you had to GO kill things, just to get exp and their drops. not get a quest. kill things, get their drops, get their exp and then turn in the quest and get a reward and exp for the quest. not a damn grind.


MMO's now days think that it is too hard to do quests without a quest tracker. till at least 2002-2004 EQ never had a quest tracker. you didn't get a flag over a quest giver's head or anything like that, you had to READ, understand and search for the right thing. now that's hard. remembering quests that take you weeks to finish because you need a raid force to get thins (epic weapon quests in eq for example).


I hate to tell you all this but this whining about grinds is sooooo making me think you don't want to do anything but get rewarded for standing there like a bump on a log!


Darth Freki

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You guys may want to read Arenanet's blog on Guild Wars 2




This blog makes some great points about the gameplay combat responsiveness which the OP refers to.


Now I am not trying to start a gaming flame war here, I really do like SWTOR but GW2 really does sound impressive and the developers are clearly taking their time to deliver a high quality product.


I am hoping that both SWTOR, GW2 and WoW can all play nicely to be honest. The gamers win in the end with healthy competition and Blizzard have had it to easy for too long.


blizzard has had it easy because companys like bioware.. spend so much money on a game... and forget it needs combat responsiveness. and ohter basic things to make it seem legit.. im having fun atm with tor dont get me wrong.. but thats only cause its new.. Yet, i'm already seeing so many flaws with the game... just dont see after this long... and all that money.. the basic game mec. aren't perfect.. imo.. to much money spent on movies.. not enough on making the game flawless

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Stop kiting....../problem solved. Go enjoy a story in a story based mmo.....no?


The question is, why does everything else in the game need to be simply 'OK' in order for it to have a story?


Why can't it have great story AND great, responsive gameplay?


Do you realize that after the story is over the gameplay is not compelling enough to play the game non stop?


It's just faulty design logic. In any VIDEO GAME, GAMEPLAY should be the first thing to get down right, polish and perfect until it's enjoyable to play for hours upon hours without feeling boring, tedious or overwhelming.


Bioware always worked backwards on this, especially since they abandoned the D&D system, which worked like a charm. Mediocre gameplay works for single player games because they are not games you'll play for a months upon months and the story actually impacts the world so you might be more interested to play jsut for the story.


It simply doesn't make for a very addicting MMO.

Edited by yomanaaiton
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What the hell? Have you tried running + jumping + turning quick, it's typical for kitting in PvP.


It's just terrible in this game, so clunky.


I have since I'm trooper and that's my "style". I have not noticed any problems / clunkiness. I have played Aoc, Aion, War, Wow etc so I have pretty much good feeling what's clunky when it comes to PVP.


How ever, casting time & animations need to be more in-sync. Pvp in SWTOR Is pretty smooth other wise. in my opinion.



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yeah wow is better in this department.


on my agent i walk up to someone and attempt to backstab, but it doesn't register, it just says "you are not behind the target" and when it ends up going off i stab the air or something



GCD is too long. IDK this game just doesnt feel right...

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The question is, why does everything else in the game need to be simply 'OK' in order for it to have a story?


Why can't it have great story AND great, responsive gameplay?


Do you realize that after the story is over the gameplay is not compelling enough to play the game non stop?


It's just faulty design logic. In any VIDEO GAME, GAMEPLAY should be the first thing to get down right, polish and perfect until it's enjoyable to play for hours upon hours without feeling boring, tedious or overwhelming.


Bioware always worked backwards on this, especially since they abandoned the D&D system, which worked like a charm. Mediocre gameplay works for single player games because they are not games you'll play for a months upon months and the story actually impacts the world so you might be more interested to play jsut for the story.


It simply doesn't make for a very addicting MMO.


if it wasn't star wars... i could see this game being another dud... it really has bad pvp combat atm.. pve seems fine.. but w.e its star wars so gj bioware for lucking out with a ip.. but tbh its kinda fail atm..after all that money and time i really suspect a much more polished game....


we all know how long it takes mmo's to patch up problems.... most of these problems have been around beta for 5 plus months... so yea unno.. if its taking this long to fix things im kinda worried for the future of tor.

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Yes, I actually own every one of them MMO's and I also alt+f4ed all of them games 30min after. All of them also died 2-3 months after release, just like this game is.


I'm sure you'll quit this one too. It won't be soon enough. BioWare will enjoy your contribution to their investors though, as has all these games. You're an infinitesimally low portion of the gaming population. Toddles.

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Yes, I actually own every one of them MMO's and I also alt+f4ed all of them games 30min after. All of them also died 2-3 months after release, just like this game is.


to bad because you would of found out that AoC for all its faults had a much better combat system than your beloved WoW.

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Yes, I actually own every one of them MMO's and I also alt+f4ed all of them games 30min after. All of them also died 2-3 months after release, just like this game is.


Rift is going strong..just because you do not play it anymore does not mean it is dead.


And controles are fine, I dont know what you are on about.

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