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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Groups should not be allowed in Random Warzones


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So go play ranked, its specially maked for "good" premades. Make friends, joing pvp guild, and go ranked.


Ranked specially were designed for this purposes - for really good players, who wanna be competitive in the game with equal chances - both 8-man premades, with TS.


Looks like only baddies and cowards go premades on regular wz and afraid play ranked for real competition :rolleyes:


Have you ever been in a ranked game?

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So go play ranked, its specially maked for "good" premades. Make friends, joing pvp guild, and go ranked.


Ranked specially were designed for this purposes - for really good players, who wanna be competitive in the game with equal chances - both 8-man premades, with TS.


Looks like only baddies and cowards go premades on regular wz and afraid play ranked for real competition :rolleyes:


I'm man enough to admit that I'm nowhere near "ranked" calibre, I simply like to PvP with guys I know and enjoy when I can. I very likely am a "baddie", but at least I'm not a social retard.

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What is stopping anyone from forming the same groups ? Its not new.. It's been going on since launch.. While Voice communication allows you to more effectively respond as a team.. Does that necessarily mean they are better ? not always.. if half the people would listen in Ops chat.. you would have similar results. There is always one or two in a pug that don't listen.. You hold grass and snow and they still try to rambo mid. Honestly you should be allowed to 8 man a WZ.. I wonder how many threads that would spawn.. Popcorn anyone ? Edited by Jedibediah
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What is stopping anyone from forming the same groups

I think this is the issue, people are expecting everyone to be solo in solo queue and find out later that they can be grouped up. If its solo it should be all solo, if its not, call it something else if you don't want to change the rules.

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I think this is the issue, people are expecting everyone to be solo in solo queue and find out later that they can be grouped up. If its solo it should be all solo, if its not, call it something else if you don't want to change the rules.


It isn't called the solo queue though. You are offered the option to queue solo or queue group. If you can't figure out that you can form a group that's on you. If you can figure it out and just don't wanna, that's also on you.

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It isn't called the solo queue though. You are offered the option to queue solo or queue group. If you can't figure out that you can form a group that's on you. If you can figure it out and just don't wanna, that's also on you.


I think there is an expectation that if you queue solo the others that show up are also solo, and thats not the case. Its a misunderstanding, that could be done better.

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I think there is an expectation that if you queue solo the others that show up are also solo, and thats not the case. Its a misunderstanding, that could be done better.


I don't know that I've ever expected the other 15 members of any warzone I'm in to be exclusively on their own. If I had thought that, I was quickly disabused of the notion.


Do clickers expect everyone to be clicking too?

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No this one is much stupider than others on this topic.


Aren't they all equally as stupid?


"Boo hoo I have no friends don't let groups queue because i'm anti-social in an MMO and don't know how to use general chat ontop of it"

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Aren't they all equally as stupid?


"Boo hoo I have no friends don't let groups queue because i'm anti-social in an MMO and don't know how to use general chat ontop of it"


You would think so, but just as not all infinities are created equally this is more infinitely stupid than the other infinitely stupid ones that have popped up recently.

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Aren't they all equally as stupid?


"Boo hoo I have no friends don't let groups queue because i'm anti-social in an MMO and don't know how to use general chat ontop of it"


And the ironic thing is that if they created a separate Solo Queue and Group Queue it would most certainly be the latter that is devoid of the majority of pvp'ers. All the action would be in the solo queue.

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Regardless of all the hate I have taken in this thread, it is not unreasonable for me to think the normal warzone queue should be for players to jump in and play against other players in a similar situation. Premade groups almost always create scenarios where the coordinated group has a HUGE advantage. Warzones with randomly assembled players should not be "pug stomping" grounds for organized groups to farm comms/valor/creds etc etc. I think playing with friends is fun and important, but it shouldn't come at the expense of the spirit of the game nor the fun of others. In addition, there is a place for premades. Rated warzones. I would venture to say that if most premades stop queuing for warzones with randomly assembled players and went to rated warzones, queue times for them would be significantly reduced.


I've also taken heat for not providing any solutions to the problem. To be clear, my solution is directly in the thread title. Take Groups out of Warzones that randomly assemble players. To balance it, I would like to see Bioware include more content for group players. (ie 2v2, 4v4, so on and so forth). Maybe even include a different Warzone queue only for solo players at the cost of slightly reduced comms and valor. The list goes on of the potential things Bioware could do.

Edited by IndridX
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Regardless of all the hate I have taken in this thread, it is not unreasonable for me to think the normal warzone queue should be for players to jump in and play against other players in a similar situation. Premade groups almost always create scenarios where the coordinated group has a HUGE advantage. Warzones with randomly assembled players should not be "pug stomping" grounds for organized groups to farm comms/valor/creds etc etc. I think playing with friends is fun and important, but it shouldn't come at the expense of the spirit of the game nor the fun of others. In addition, there is a place for premades. Rated warzones. I would venture to say that if most premades stop queuing for warzones with randomly assembled players and went to rated warzones, queue times for them would be significantly reduced.


I've also taken heat for not providing any solutions to the problem. To be clear, my solution is directly in the thread title. Take Groups out of Warzones that randomly assemble players. To balance it, I would like to see Bioware include more content for group players. (ie 2v2, 4v4, so on and so forth). Maybe even include a different Warzone queue only for solo players at the cost of slightly reduced comms and valor. The list goes on of the potential things Bioware could do.


haha this guy still doesn't get it. Not even your fellow pugs are defending you in this thread. Both teams have pugs and premades. It is fking random like you say it is. You randomly get good pugs/premades and randomly get bad pugs/premades. Why should the majority of players have to do what you want when it is you who is struggling. There is never let me say it again never a match where it is 8pugs vs. 2 premades.

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haha this guy still doesn't get it. Not even your fellow pugs are defending you in this thread. Both teams have pugs and premades. It is fking random like you say it is. You randomly get good pugs/premades and randomly get bad pugs/premades. Why should the majority of players have to do what you want when it is you who is struggling. There is never let me say it again never a match where it is 8pugs vs. 2 premades.
I do get it, I'm not changing my mind, and the people in these forums don't speak for everyone. There are a lot of people that agree with me. What you don't seem to understand is that there will always be unfairness in this kind of system. Whether it favors the team I am queued with or not. You don't even acknowledge it. I understand what you are saying about the random nature of pvp matches, but what I have been saying IS NOT hard to comprehend. Let me put it in layman's terms, so maybe you well better understand. If a group of 4 supremely geared well coordinated people decide to queue in random warzones, whatever team they are on, regardless if it is RANDOM or not, it is unfair to the other team. EVEN IF I am on the OP team. EVEN IF the other team gets a premade group. It STILL isn't fair if you and your group (with a premade) are rolled by the other team.


The bottom line is, people should not have to worry about getting thrown into matchups like that.

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I do get it, I'm not changing my mind, and the people in these forums don't speak for everyone. There are a lot of people that agree with me. What you don't seem to understand is that there will always be unfairness in this kind of system. Whether it favors the team I am queued with or not. You don't even acknowledge it. I understand what you are saying about the random nature of pvp matches, but what I have been saying IS NOT hard to comprehend. Let me put it in layman's terms, so maybe you well better understand. If a group of 4 supremely geared well coordinated people decide to queue in random warzones, whatever team they are on, regardless if it is RANDOM or not, it is unfair to the other team. EVEN IF I am on the OP team. EVEN IF the other team gets a premade group. It STILL isn't fair if you and your group (with a premade) are rolled by the other team.


The bottom line is, people should not have to worry about getting thrown into matchups like that.


But if both teams have premades then what does it matter. What you are saying is you don't want to play against good premades. Also even if you solo q what if your team is 8 recruit gear and the other team is 8 min/max toons. Is that fair. Stop being a tool and think about what you are writing. First you said you don't want groups in premades and now you are saying it doesn't matter if both teams have premades if one premade is more geared than the other. So are you saying you want a better matchmaking system or no premades in regular warzones. Make up your mind. It is random bro it will NEVER be fair.

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But if both teams have premades then what does it matter. What you are saying is you don't want to play against good premades. Also even if you solo q what if your team is 8 recruit gear and the other team is 8 min/max toons. Is that fair. Stop being a tool and think about what you are writing. First you said you don't want groups in premades and now you are saying it doesn't matter if both teams have premades if one premade is more geared than the other. So are you saying you want a better matchmaking system or no premades in regular warzones. Make up your mind. It is random bro it will NEVER be fair.


why should we be put in with crap premades? true story. 3 days ago i was the only person on the team not in "xxxxxxxxx" guild. we got stomped. group vs group and pug vs pug. the only people who disagree need the advantage of having a healer and dps buddy to save you and the extra coordination to beat uncoordinated teams.

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Honestly, considering the abysmal skill required in MMOs, the lack of skill exhibited by the average player, and the lack of impact that an above average (yet not pr0) player can have on a team, I have arrived at the conclusion that the only way to play warzones is for me to play in a premade of players of similar skill level to myself, playing against other teams of similarly skilled players (Such that their whole team is similarly skilled to my team).


this is so that baddies don't get carried and so good players don't have to suffer.


Don't mix and match baddies and goods on the same team, but also don't always make them play each other, because that's just not fun.

Edited by Zunayson
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  • 2 weeks later...
But if both teams have premades then what does it matter. What you are saying is you don't want to play against good premades. Also even if you solo q what if your team is 8 recruit gear and the other team is 8 min/max toons. Is that fair. Stop being a tool and think about what you are writing. First you said you don't want groups in premades and now you are saying it doesn't matter if both teams have premades if one premade is more geared than the other. So are you saying you want a better matchmaking system or no premades in regular warzones. Make up your mind. It is random bro it will NEVER be fair.
Im not being a tool. What I don't want to have happen is get thrown against the same premade several times in a row, which is exactly what is happening tonight. At the rate I'm losing, I won't be able to complete my weekly by resets next week. If you are really that confused by what I'm saying, I'm sorry, I've put it pretty plainly what I want. Or so at least I thought. What I want is no groups in matchmaking at all. You will have to excuse me if my point gets a little misconstrued, as I am just typing lol. I am a much better speaker. I never once meant to imply I wanted groups (premades) in regular warzones. Not at all. To say the last few warzones I have been in have been unfair is an understatement. They have been a one-sided slug-fest. Bioware's matchmaking system f*cking sucks.
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