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Why are Armor Designs removed from the game?


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My Gunslinger has the Tionese Enforcer's's set, but still uses the headgear while everything else has been swapped out. I would love to be able to get more copies of this hat, but looks like I'm out of luck. It's the one with the bandanna mask, and all the other cowboy hats don't have that. :mad:
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Because then people who can pull it out an wear it later can both have unique look and prove they played the game way back when.


Also those sets are pretty ugly, would anyone actually buy them?


the level 50 sorc pvp gear? the set that still exists as a pointlessly valor-locked tease?


****. Yes

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why are designs removed?


So BioWare can re-texture them and put them back in on the CM and charge you for em.


They've been doing this since the games launch (using old stuff put back in as "new" content)


I don't see how this is new

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It's sad cause I missed out on this gear because I didn't have a good enough computer at the time to run the game. :( as soon as I bought a reasonable laptop I got the game and played away to eventually find that the advertised gear on the professions page was deleted from the game.. I nearly uninstalled and cancelled my subscription. I don't particularly dislike the level 55 gear, I really don't mind it especially for my Powertech.. just what got me playing was seeing the Rakata and Battlemaster gear on the class profession and being like "that looks sick! this game has some good looking gear"


So i'm bumping this so that hopefully the Dev's will respond to the quiet large thread! :D

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why are designs removed?


So BioWare can re-texture them and put them back in on the CM and charge you for em.


They've been doing this since the games launch (using old stuff put back in as "new" content)


I don't see how this is new



The sad part that shows the design team has NO CLUE of what they're doing is Valiant Jedi and Eradicator set.

1 year for a real Jedi hood DOWN armor, Valiant Jedi.

1 year and a half for a real Sith black armor, Eradicator.

This is Star Wars and they keep doing these humongous jetpacks in every chestpiece. We need more SITH AND JEDI armors.

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The sad part that shows the design team has NO CLUE of what they're doing is Valiant Jedi and Eradicator set.

1 year for a real Jedi hood DOWN armor, Valiant Jedi.

1 year and a half for a real Sith black armor, Eradicator.

This is Star Wars and they keep doing these humongous jetpacks in every chestpiece. We need more SITH AND JEDI armors.


I mean, this isn't preferable, but having them in the Cartel Market is better than not having them at all. But they haven't put them in the CM yet, and it's been months since they were removed...


I don't know if we will ever see them in the CM....

Edited by Swissbob
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Tionese-Columi-Rakata was removed because they were UGLY.




So you think that, because you personally have the opinion that all of them are ugly, the multiple players who like them and want to wear them should have that choice ripped away from them and denied??


Look, the reality of it is that pretty much all armor designs in the game will be both considered ugly by some players, and awesome to others, so removing purely of what some (or even the majority) think is ugly, is a bad decision, because it doesn't positively affect anyone, (the people who hate it don't wear it in the first place), but it negatively affects a lot of people by denying them the option.


So calling them ugly completely misses the point.

Edited by Swissbob
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I totally support this. I want to have the possibility to wear this:



This is why I started to play this game, because I saw this video.


And now I am left with some Juggernaut armors that I don't like. Everyone looks the same, like a marrodeur with a hoodie.

I mean I like the matrix armor, but thats not my main wish.

I play a triumviat now, which is ok but does not satisfy my way of styling myself.

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Rakata/columi/tionese sets can be crafted by armormech/synthweave that still have the energized/exotech sets from the old operation drops. Only problem is....they are BoP and also require mats that no longer drop...


This would be an easy solution if they would adjust the mats required or offer a place to get the rakata energy nodes. Not to mention the it would give the crafters some fun!

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I have made a thread too. It's just about the tionese rakata sith warrior armor. At the time I made this, I didn't know about the other threads. You can add it to your link list. :)




If anyone can tell me if this is craftable, please let me know, cause I would do anything to get this armor.

Edited by -CROME-
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Why are Armor Designs removed from the game? (For example the Tionese/Columi/Rakata designs, War Hero and Elite War Hero, and the Recruit/Battlemaster designs?)


The game has changed and rendered some obsolete. Some to make way for new gear and insure that players go after that gear. Some of them, like columi needed not only to be removed, but taken out back and flogged. They were hideous. LOL


I remember if I turned my head just right on my bounty hunter's radar dish I could pick up HBO. ;p

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You are missing the point the more gear, the more looks, the longer the game will last. The games that offer the most last the longest. People talk about number of players as if that is everything. Look at swg lasted for many years, yet had low numbers on player base. If that game had offered few options in the ares of sandbox, rp, customization, space, and the ability to feel like you were in the star wars universe it would have died much earlier.


Lets take swtor Lucas arts is gone, if Disney releases their new star wars movie, and decides swtor is dead weight and come out with another star wars mmo. Do you really think this game will have a chance, if they keep removing gear? This game needs as much choice, customization, and star wars universe it can get its hands on.

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