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Pvp hacks and cheats


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Pretty sure you can't place a phase walk on the goal line platform. At least my sin can't.


Also, the ball will reset when phase walk is activated. So, if that player happened to have the ball and it didn't reset, odds are he didn't use phase walk. Possibly some glitchy or laggy bull ****.

Edited by Dedrayge
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Pretty sure you can't place a phase walk on the goal line platform. At least my sin can't.


Also, the ball will reset when phase walk is activated. So, if that player happened to have the ball and it didn't reset, odds are he didn't use phase walk. Possibly some glitchy or laggy bull ****.


Haldan made no mention of the assassin being the ball carrier. I've also gotten punted from the pit onto the ledge when I jumped over a sniper just as he used cover pulse.

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Haldan made no mention of the assassin being the ball carrier. I've also gotten punted from the pit onto the ledge when I jumped over a sniper just as he used cover pulse.


He also never specified if that the player wasn't carrying the ball thus why I said if he happened to be carrying the ball.


But yea, lots of glitchy crap happens in WZs.


I once pulled the enemy ball carrier from their end zone after they stopped my ball carrier into a flame trap only to watch him fall through into the pit. Was trying to for a pull, jet charge, and hydraulic override goal since the other team didn't want to reset the ball right away. It would have been a great goal if it weren't for a damned glitch.


Lately I've been watching people not get rooted by force charge even though their resolve is empty. I've seen the damage number come up so I know they didn't dodge it. So, not sure what the hell is going on. :confused:



If you can't jump from the pit to the endzone ledge in huttball, your toon must be white.


Ha, good thing three of mine are red and two are blue. :p

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  • 1 month later...

Thank you for making this post.

Well said.

I was noticing with a few guilds and players, imp side in particular, that in warzone that they showed signs and symptoms of what were beyond well geared premades consisting of skilled organized players in voice communication.

In particular, what initially caught my attention was the juggernaut/marauder NON HEALING CLASS that was ISOLATED and SURROUNDED by 4 or more skilled and geared players but WOULD NOT DIE and would CONTINUE TO HEAL THEMSELVES BETTER THEN A SKILLED AND GEARED HEALING CLASS COULD.

To be clear, there were NO operatives or sorcerers in the vicinity

So I felt inspired to research SWTOR hacks which is how I found your post as well as some other links to websites who make available the hacks people do use which I have posted below.







Those are just a few of sites with hacks.

As someone who has played Battlefield 2-3, if SWTOR devs are looking for an example of both how to better hold hackers/cheaters accountable and how to have larger scale open world pvp, they might find some insights there.


Bio/Ware/EA need to file civil suit against the hackers and hack sites.


In closing, thanks you again for your well articulated and courageous post of which I offer this as evidence in support of as well as to either enlighten the naive, ignorant, and or bust the perhaps guilty people who posted a response to your post claiming people don't hack.





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Bio/Ware/EA need to file civil suit against the hackers and hack sites.


A much simpler option would be to scan * SERVER-SIDE * for evidence of these programs running in their WZs. A Civil suit against an individual is um, well, not sure how EA's lawyers would present that in a court of law:


"So you see your honor, the accused was running a third party....what? Oh that means it wasn't provided by our company or allowed in the game. Anyhow the ....what? Yes a video game. Yes sir. That you play online. No sir it's not like Yahoo Backgammon. It's a MMORPG. Yes sir it stands for Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game. Anyhow....erm no sir not really like Dungeons and Dragons. There's no dice. Or role-play for that matter. Well technically players can slash roll on items that drop. No sir not real items, pointers to a database. Yes sir a database....you know what? Screw this."


Start banning accounts? People will stop using that software.

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Thank you for making this post.

Well said.

I was noticing with a few guilds and players, imp side in particular, that in warzone that they showed signs and symptoms of what were beyond well geared premades consisting of skilled organized players in voice communication.

In particular, what initially caught my attention was the juggernaut/marauder NON HEALING CLASS that was ISOLATED and SURROUNDED by 4 or more skilled and geared players but WOULD NOT DIE and would CONTINUE TO HEAL THEMSELVES BETTER THEN A SKILLED AND GEARED HEALING CLASS COULD.

To be clear, there were NO operatives or sorcerers in the vicinity



Did you know there are more than 2 healing classes in the game? And to top it off you can't even tell the difference between a jug and a marauder.

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Honestly I'd be surprised if you actually found someone legitly hacking. A. It doesn't make bad players good players. B. It takes a considerable amount of shortsightedness to even try hacking much less use it for your team's benefit in an objective game C. I've played a lot of warzones and outside of /stuck I have yet to see one instance I can reliably attribute to hacking. D. There is a correlation between the level of skill you have in pvp and how many times you report hacking.


I would advise you to rethink your definition of hacking because the situations you've described can easily be explained by a lag spike (no your fiber optic connection is not infallible). Other then that this is really a SS or it didn't happen type of thing. If you feel so adamantly about it you should feel equally strong about actually ascertaining the truth before deciding one way or the other. I have plenty of friends in game who use hacking as a first or second line of defense for mistakes. I don't fault them for it as long as it's just venting.

I have been in voidstar when a player was able to run through the closed doors and win in the time it took him to run unopposed to the console. One time the hacker was on my side, 2 other times on the other side. Really makes for a short warzone. To be honest though, I saw a LOT more of this sort of thing in wow. I wish the devs would post 1 time a month listing numbers of banns and for what catagories. no names, just a lits with


1. 234 banns for hacking warzones

2. 25 banns for griefing

3. 2 banns for inappropriate behavior with a wampa


enough to let everyone know that they are dealing with problems

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Okay, I know there will be the whole "pics or it didn't happen," but I have never seen anyone hacking in a WZ before 2 days ago. It was a guy named Zem'os and it was in mid-tier, which was weird. He was using his out-of-combat heath regain IN COMBAT. Repeatedly. So my team focused the crap out of him and we ended up winning.


Moral of the story: Don't be a stupid hacker.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 year later...
juan time i saw dis marauder run supah fast and wuz liek REPOTRED


den i saw a gurdien (i tink it was u ashly) n he jumpd from da pit all da way into de endzone with a frendly leep to noboddy!


bungie better fix these hax it make me sad n will unscribesub


so many hacks going on.... operative that can go in and out of stealth 4-5 times in a fight, Vanguard with singel shots unlimitet stuns are the worst, so many ppl have 3-4-5 stunns with out ant cooldowns

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so many hacks going on.... operative that can go in and out of stealth 4-5 times in a fight, Vanguard with singel shots unlimitet stuns are the worst, so many ppl have 3-4-5 stunns with out ant cooldowns


Dose ant cooldowns doe :eek:

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so many hacks going on.... operative that can go in and out of stealth 4-5 times in a fight, Vanguard with singel shots unlimitet stuns are the worst, so many ppl have 3-4-5 stunns with out ant cooldowns



Yes. he said so right here. I am missing my ant cooldowns. Must not be good enough :mad:

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  • 3 weeks later...
Seems like more and more people are cheating or hacking the game and this needs to end as I am seriously considering not paying as to the # of hacks in warzones being done. Scoundrel rolling from top of huttball platform to score in endzone in one roll, or op using back stab in front of the player, getting super lag in an arena warzone where i'm the only with getting lag and being focused and killed almost immediately while rest of computer is running normally and not getting about 30 ms lag from rest of game, and other things that seem to just pop up now and then.
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Seems like more and more people are cheating or hacking the game and this needs to end as I am seriously considering not paying as to the # of hacks in warzones being done. Scoundrel rolling from top of huttball platform to score in endzone in one roll, or op using back stab in front of the player, getting super lag in an arena warzone where i'm the only with getting lag and being focused and killed almost immediately while rest of computer is running normally and not getting about 30 ms lag from rest of game, and other things that seem to just pop up now and then.


Roll from top to endzone: not a bug, same thing as force speed + jump


Getting lag and killed: you got stunned and rooted and globalled


Backstab in front? Not even commenting on this


How about you learn class mechanics

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Roll from top to endzone: not a bug, same thing as force speed + jump


Getting lag and killed: you got stunned and rooted and globalled


Backstab in front? Not even commenting on this


How about you learn class mechanics


Your retarded i said end of endzone 1/4 of the whole wz, in fact he hit the wall and landed after flying so far.

Did I mention Arena, as in 4 people and I'm a tank ... with very good defense and absorption stats ...

Edited by MarkMaximus
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I also recorded the cheating in progress as Kaelea disappears and reappears and the whole team seems to be moving faster than our team the entire match.


Hmmm looks like your graphics are having a hard time keeping up with the speed of the scoundrel/op roll. Could also have to do with the connection you have too. It happens also for me on scoundrel/op and sniper/gunslinger rolls. Not really a big deal to me.

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