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Do you rage at your team much?


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It's sad though really, when you only have Valor 41 and you're second in line for Ops leader. N00bs hurt us.


Ops leader isn't chosen by valor level (as far as I understand). It's chosen by how far along your bar is to the next level. So if you are 1/2 way to 42, and someone else just flipped over to 80, you are ahead of them in the ops leader ranking because your bar is 50% full, and theirs is 1%. Which is completely ridiculous in my opinion. I think I should rage about that. :)


In the game though, about the only thing that really frustrates me is when people play Deathmatch instead of Huttball. I understand the thing where two imps jump you right out of the gate and they hound you to death (literally) and so you never have a change to get near the ball... but when my entire team spends 95% of the match in our own pit... sigh.

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I try not to rage...I have made to many bone headed plays myself to really have a right to rage at someone in chat. That being said, if someone caps a node. plants a door, ect with out calling...I will "ussually" ask nicely in chat what happened? Sometimes you miss a call out due to chat window being so full of pointless crap. Several times I have been defending in NC, and made call out for help...nobody comes, lose the node, then get called out for being a noob, that can't call out incs. I calmly say...please scroll up your chat and read my inc message :D


So...in summary..I try not to rage, but it happens

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The latest one was a guy in huttball said.. Just let them win as if he was making up the teams mind for us, went and grabbed the ball and took it to our goal and passed it to the other team.... Really pissed me off, now I wouldn't have minded getting out of that huttball, but don't make up the teams mind and take it upon yourself.


Usually I don't rage in chat, I just rage to myself. Like "*** is that guy doing" in my head or out loud, but not in chat . Like the other guy said I shake my head and sigh alot.



Come on man, your name is





I can already tell that your team was awful. that guy was just trying to end it for everyone. Instead of getting upset, you should have sent that guy credits for ending that game sooner and moving everyone to the next warzone.

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I rage a lot but never once uttered a word about it in ops chat or otherwise. I simply exercise my right to leave a WZ and quietly slip out. Some nights my tolerance level is higher and I'll stay/not get upset but if I leave 3-4 WZ's in a hour or so that's when I know it's time to log out of the game for the night.


Several times I have been defending in NC, and made call out for help...nobody comes, lose the node, then get called out for being a noob, that can't call out incs. I calmly say...please scroll up your chat and read my inc message :D


I have this happen to me a lot while calling as well. I wonder if part of the problem is people still have their combat logs turned on in chat. You should really turn these off. It's bad enough you get those yellow npc notices or seeing convo's from other players in other WZ's through /say. Don't make it worse by seeing every hit you took in ops.

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I try not to rage, but some of the idiocies I've seen want to make me cry. Latest example was when I was playing a civil war my imp team was facing another imp team and we happened to be on the repub side. A healer and I (myself being a dps wearing tankassin) went to go interrupt and take snow. A 3 man retarded premade insisted on going to grass (you know... Despite only needing 2 people). And everyone else went to mid. The healer and I easily killed 2 of them and took snow. Grass somehow got lost because the premade was ****. Then we called snow nice and early as 5 enemies approached. Mid hadn't been capped yet, and we never got help. However we defended snow as long as we could, but lost it without any support. And to add insult to injury, tey were also able to cap mid because clearly our team already had the man advantage... So for the rest of the game we stayed 3 capped... The healer and I were raging pretty hard in chat... I honestly didn't think stupidity could take a new low, especially with a 3 man premade.
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You will find 90% of the folk that say that sort of thing really blow chunks its really surprising just how many **** players call out others then be the worst in the team.

Ive been known to rage but its really down to frustration due to simple things like no calls or why wear level 38 implants when you get free recruit gear. Stupid is as stupid does and that you cant change.



yesterday in lowbie pug voidstar we lost and a guy said YOU ALL SUCK


and he was lowest on the board with a whopping 2 medals. no leavers either he was there from the beginning

Edited by Locksley
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I used to rage a lot, but stopped when I realized I'm not actually so great. I just like to win, and can't abide stupid. I can still pump out my 100k damage or whatever but it's not like I'm some elite player, so what good does raging do?


I will still get sarcastic, though. Played a Voidstar last night where the ops leader said at the start, "You all know the drill, watch the doors, call incs and numbers and we'll be OK." Fifteen seconds later, "WARNING . . ." That did get a sarcastic, "Really, guys?" (Bomb was not planted on the door I was guarding, though.)

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Oh, and despite that, they still only got to the data core with 34 sec left. Me and a couple of other players seemed to find a rhythm and really slowed them down. Unfortunately I don't know how we did on attack because once we got across the bridge I got disconnected by lousy Time Warner Cable.
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I mostly rage with the no hopers, they carry on about things that many nothing . I get manic and feel like general chatting. No you don't general chat you have to use telepathic words to tell someone on the other team anything. People who are too bothered to guard something than yell at you when they leave you undermanned and didn't call inc early enough. If they new anything since stealthy came into it you have no early warning. Three or more are there hitting you and nothing you can do but type inc 3 that you saw and respawn all while they are turning the device to their side. Players who think they know better than you and call you noob when they are wrong and clueless. People who heal in war zones dudes your bullets aren't invisible people see them. Stealthy in general and force stealthy others. No point force stealthy others when they can't I stealth without hitting someone. 6 people not being able to hold one gun and I am supposed to do it with me maybe another who knows and has brains. Fight someone for no reason in the game just to look good on the kills. You want to win most war zoned killing is secondary. Taking on enemies alone or undermanned dying having to respawn and leaving you outnumber as well when all they had to do is use their heads and not be lured away from the duty of guarding. Someone is hanging back and not attacking its a trap. Someone is stealthy near the gun or coming around behind and attacking you need to have at all times the thing that is guarding in sight. Calling for help demanding it blaming you when they lose it when they might actually have two guarding transport to the stairs and all they have to do is fight one or two people. You know this because your fighting the others. Leaving a war zone before the end for no reason. Someone is forced to join because they aren't told its a min left, they get nothing for it and they lose their spot for a full war zone for a creep who could have gotten and easy 10000+ exp valour and money. People who cheat, the war zone creators, the premades or what Evers who are too strong for their skill lvl. Use Skype and if you aren't in their team they give away your plan and secrets. Being leader knowing that if they followed your simple request you would have a chance at winning. Not having a training for war zone or extra separate games for 10 - 20 21 - 30 30 - 40 or even 30 - 50. People who whisper you after the war zone telling you of you did this or did that they would have won the game. You tell the why it happened that way because they are idiots and they say oh you don't know how to pvp you are terrible your s noob. Sorry but you are clueless, healers are bad and taking something you can't defend or one don't need makes everyone at risk. Holding three guns gives the other team nothing to guard do they hot you hard one gun drop off one to guard hit two next gun leave one and now third gun and defend them and do it better. Having a guy sitting at the enemies door in stealthy when he could be doing something.
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I've moved beyond raging. now I try to politely and encouragingly coach and explain the objectives. like in Ancient Hypergate, when we're down by 200 and as I guard our pylon and the other 7 on the team are feeding kills in mid, I try to point out how we need a 2 cap, and that we'd need another 30 orbs without dying to catch up so if they're intent on peeveepee jam.. to zerg the other team's pylon and pvp over there.


they never listen but at least maybe I'm putting a tiny bug in the back of their minds on how to win for the future.


lately I've seen a rash of hybrid specs that don't dps or heal effectively enough to win.. case in point 6 of the players in the wz I just finished were op or sorc and had 100k damage and 70k heals. since hardly anyone had over 4 kills I'm guessing it's mostly dot and splash damage and not actual pressure or burst. maybe one player with sub-standard gear hybrid sucking can be carried but 75% of the team? needless to say we got pasted.


How do you even rage or coach or do anything but shake your head when so many people are spec'ing to be terrible

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I try not to rage, but some of the idiocies I've seen want to make me cry. Latest example was when I was playing a civil war my imp team was facing another imp team and we happened to be on the repub side. A healer and I (myself being a dps wearing tankassin) went to go interrupt and take snow. A 3 man retarded premade insisted on going to grass (you know... Despite only needing 2 people). And everyone else went to mid. The healer and I easily killed 2 of them and took snow. Grass somehow got lost because the premade was ****. Then we called snow nice and early as 5 enemies approached. Mid hadn't been capped yet, and we never got help. However we defended snow as long as we could, but lost it without any support. And to add insult to injury, tey were also able to cap mid because clearly our team already had the man advantage... So for the rest of the game we stayed 3 capped... The healer and I were raging pretty hard in chat... I honestly didn't think stupidity could take a new low, especially with a 3 man premade.


I don't know why you even stayed and raged. This is a good example where your nerves and your sanity is more important than carrying a group of newbs.


I pay to enjoy myself and end my day with some fun... I am very competitive though and I always want to win when teams are well matched. What you described though is no fun at all -- 1-2-3 gone!


Or when clueless guilds like that decide to make a pre-made of recruits, lol! Two guys at 14k and two at 16k, and you're the ones supposed to carry them to victory against a most certainly full normal pre-made on the opposite side. ;)

Edited by Monterone
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I don't know why you even stayed and raged. This is a good example where your nerves and your sanity is more important than carrying a group of newbs.


I pay to enjoy myself and end my day with some fun... I am very competitive though and I always want to win when teams are well matched. What you described though is no fun at all -- 1-2-3 gone!


Or when clueless guilds like that decide to make a pre-made of recruits, lol! Two guys at 14k and two at 16k, and you're the ones supposed to carry them to victory against a most certainly full normal pre-made on the opposite side. ;)


That probably is the problem, I'm too competitive. That and I don't want to wait for another queue pop. Though I have left warzones due to incompentency or let them score to make the game go by quicker... Alas... T'is why I enjoy premade queuing.

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In the common definition of "raging", I don't do any raging at all. At first I try to be contructive. I.e. Instead of raging how people let a node unguarded, I go to guard it, or if I can't/really shouldn't guard it (like if I'm the only healer in the team), I write to chat that someone should guard. If people won't listen to the advise I tell, I just /facepalm. Unfortunately, I do a lot of that. Especially in voidstar, where people seem to have problems understanding what "fight at the doors" or "watch both doors" mean.


I only get mean to people who rage to others without no reason/rage even though they haven't done anything to improve the situation. Someone left the node unguarded? Nice, I see you are angry, but is there a particular reason you couldn't say anything before enemy capped that node?

We are not getting through the first door in Voidstar? Sure, you can tell how the whole team sucks, but since you don't have a way to get through either, how does it make you any better than them? Or if you have, then by all means, tell us that way instead of swearing and mocking people.

The team doesn't succeed in capping a node even though you constantly tell them to cap it? I'm more than glad to let you cap it if it's so easy to you! 1 more /facepalm to you if you are either a. guarding a node and have no idea what kind of slaughterhouse it is in the node others are attacking or b. not being really useful yourself, i.e. level 10 in lowbie or recruit geared in level 50 or just have no idea what you're doing.


People raging a little for a good reason I understand, I guess some people just can't keep it to themselves, but people raging a lot instead of doing something constructive...that's just plain stupid. (And why do they always seem to play at republic side? O.O)

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I'm not much of a PvPer, and my main is a Gunnery Commando, so I'm not usually close to being the best on my team. When I am, it's usually because my teammates are doing some seriously rage-worthy stuff.

This scenario has happened to me twice or so. We're playing Alderaanian Civil War, and the Imps get off to a good start, capping snow and mid while we're left with grass. We regroup, I launch a diversionary attack on snow by myself or with one other (drawing at least half the Imp team) while my teammates make a play for mid. Naturally, whoever they left to guard grass (if anyone) is an idiot, because we lose grass without so much as a single INC called. Then we have to waste time reclaiming it...


Or once in Voidstar, we were defending against a fairly good Imp team. While we're waiting for the spawn door to open, I'm reminding people to have 2 at each door at all times, call incs, don't be alone, etc etc. When the door opens, I go right and put my stealth scan down, start engaging the enemy. There's two or three others with me, we drive back the first wave handily. Then the other door needs help, and everyone but me leaves to assist. I'm calling for a buddy, telling them I'm not a Shadow, can't solo guard...and then a minute later I get jumped by 3 Imps (2 of them stealth) and stunlocked to death. They get the door easy.

I tell my teammates to keep 2 on all doors, don't leave the worst 1v1 class to solo guard, and we regroup and get set to defend the second set of doors. I go right again, drive back the first wave...and the exact same thing happens. I get left solo guarding, none of my teammates will lend a hand, I get bursted down and the door is lost. ALL OF MY RAGE.

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I pretty much just play the game, with the exception of 2 particular situations:


1. Someone is solo defending a node, and just leaves it completely naked without telling anyone (:mad::mad::mad:)

2. Our team is just feeding nonstop, with the seeming inability to kill anyone.

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I do. Over many things, big and small. I wish I didn't, but I do.


Teammate not putting themselves in a position to receive a pass in Hball? That's getting some rage. :mad:


Not calling incs? Major rage :mad:


Not focussing targeted healers? Krucible Smash! :mad::mad::mad:


I'm making a resolution to calm down ..... But what gets your goat? What was your most key-board shredding moment? Keep em short and funny.


Yeah I'm in the same boat man. Lately i've been E-screaming at people in warzones. I think its a compounding problem of three things:

1. NO OTHER form of pvp besides the same few warzones for a year and a half.

2. People after a year and a half, still not knowing how to play the matches correctly

3. Lack of TRUE PvP. Its just objective based warzones. Which often require you NOT to kill a target but rather CC the enemies until they want to unsub. While you score, plant, cap, etc.


So I often have a hard time telling if im mad because of the BADS that I play with, or im just mad that this game has NO REAL PVP, and bioware has no clue how to make PvP work.

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Basically you can cry inc as much as you want add numbers as much as you want. Doesn't help when there is no time or anyone to help you. That is why rule one is never guard alone and don't leave anyone under 20 to guard. You have to play the team you are playing when you take away their reason to be separated. Pylons guns torrents they join forces and take out one by one until they own them all. Grass snow and mid you don't have a direct path unseen, they warn the others our coming. Stealthy doesn't work it's amusing how many people do it and standing there blue and long enough to lock on to. War zones is not heroics or flash points, you get only 8 players each you have 4 healers they have three. They will win every time. Healers are set for healing. Nd unless you can heal more than their damage your not really a healer. Today I was told to go to a website to learning to pvp. Problem is two old, I can have any website mesmerised and follow it, the other team does too. You oth are reading the same information. It will say everyone attack the one door andvrepawn and hit the other. Two guards on each door stops that. One that gets attacked calls inc the other fight to save the door. Getting the pylon early will mean the other team cant have it. There are twompylonsvthey need one they have 2 mins to take one pylon from at best ab4 on 8 battle that Includes if the team has healers. When you lose the pylon theybgetvthe steal bonus and wins more. Stealthy pointless because all he can do is sneak up on you, that is why two guard, the other comes to attack. Hitting ground pound can reveal them all and anything that can be seen by others like medal and kills aren't visible you know someone is watching you. People need to understand that others have different playing styles, different advance calls and different skill trees. You add ticks to different areas. It's actually worse for me to call inc when.i need to be fighting and saving what I am guarding.
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I'm not much of a PvPer, and my main is a Gunnery Commando, so I'm not usually close to being the best on my team. When I am, it's usually because my teammates are doing some seriously rage-worthy stuff.

This scenario has happened to me twice or so. We're playing Alderaanian Civil War, and the Imps get off to a good start, capping snow and mid while we're left with grass. We regroup, I launch a diversionary attack on snow by myself or with one other (drawing at least half the Imp team) while my teammates make a play for mid. Naturally, whoever they left to guard grass (if anyone) is an idiot, because we lose grass without so much as a single INC called. Then we have to waste time reclaiming it...


Or once in Voidstar, we were defending against a fairly good Imp team. While we're waiting for the spawn door to open, I'm reminding people to have 2 at each door at all times, call incs, don't be alone, etc etc. When the door opens, I go right and put my stealth scan down, start engaging the enemy. There's two or three others with me, we drive back the first wave handily. Then the other door needs help, and everyone but me leaves to assist. I'm calling for a buddy, telling them I'm not a Shadow, can't solo guard...and then a minute later I get jumped by 3 Imps (2 of them stealth) and stunlocked to death. They get the door easy.

I tell my teammates to keep 2 on all doors, don't leave the worst 1v1 class to solo guard, and we regroup and get set to defend the second set of doors. I go right again, drive back the first wave...and the exact same thing happens. I get left solo guarding, none of my teammates will lend a hand, I get bursted down and the door is lost. ALL OF MY RAGE.


more important than leaving 2 on guard is noticing how many are attacking either door - cause the other door prob has the rest.


Also, 1 can defend as long as their cc-break is off of cd - so they can buy at least 16 seconds instead of 8 before the door is capped.


Calling out the first time you see someone approaching is just a good habit - as it gives your team more time to respond


Lastly, while not helpful in your case, i've started marking the defenders so i can keep track of their health - as soon as they are attacked you know it - this has won more than 1 match for me.

Edited by jolleebindu
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Two guys defending on a hypergate and somehow losing it to one while still alive.

One guy not being sapped or anything on hypergate and stands and just watches them cap.

These both happened last night to me.

Hypergate is the most irritating everything comes down to the defender(s)

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If you rage over a computer game you have serious mental issues and at the bare minimum need to get out more.


This is similar to the "it's only a game" quote and yes it is but it uses my time and if i want to win and don't it is annoying whats the point in in objective pvp with a winner/loser if you don't want to win. Getting annoyed at losing is called competitiveness btw.

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