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Thanks for the Double XP - I'm Bored - I QUIT


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You are still refusing to think and analyze the situation, so there's no point in offering a rebuttal as you'll just clumsily dismiss it again.


lol no, i analyze it and came to the conclusion that your ideology is flawed and fully explained why you reason is flawed. by not even trying to rebut me , you have silently accepted my reason why your previous post is flawed


but hey who cares, i and other ppl will enjoy ourselves this weekend while you sulking in the corner, bai~

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No, you didn't analyze anything. The fact that you had to ask those questions and then retorted with "lol no" to all the answers I provided tells me everything I need to know about you. You have absolutely no interest in understanding the other side's position.
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Some folks enjoy the level experience. This game provides one of the best leveling experiences on the market. Besides the expansion isn't out yet. and your point is?



as i see what you are saying is


leveling =grinding


And there show's your problem, you don't listen and try to see things from an experience other than your own. You see leveling as grinding, the people complaining about double XP see leveling as fun (but taking the challenge out makes it less fun, hence the complaint).

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No, you didn't analyze anything. The fact that you had to ask those questions and then retorted with "lol no" to all the answers I provided tells me everything I need to know about you. You have absolutely no interest in understanding the other side's position.

you know nothing about me and just choosing to generalize


i said "lol , no.." because you previous post was so "oh i got nothing to say " that it made me chuckle out loud irl


hence the "lol"


of all the ppl on these forum, im more inclined to agree with the underdogs than the majority if the minority ideology is sounded, this anti xp minority issues can be easily adverted, but you guys just refuse to acknowledge any other solution beside the one you want.


am i closed minded? no


are you? yes. i and othe ppl on this thread have gave multiple ideas to prevent over leveling or make the db weekends more challenging. it is up to YOU and everyone else like you to work around this event that is occurring for 2 day and one night.

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There will always be people that don't like things. There will literally NEVER be a single addition or event or change that EVERYONE likes. When the minority is incredibly small -- like the amount of people opposed to double-xp -- it isn't something they would've thought about before-hand, and isn't something worth wasting time and money on.


If it is a simple, 5 minute fix -- I'm sure we will see it implemented the next time they decide to do a double-xp event. Anything longer than that, and I highly doubt they'll ever make it optional.


You're right -- in the end, reasons really don't matter. You could just not like the idea of it for no specific reason. However, that doesn't entitle you to a response. It doesn't mean anyone else has to agree with you. And it doesn't mean BW has to even think about the suggestion.


Who would be against optional double xp weekends? I wouldnt and by any common sense neither would you. I cant see why it would cost any more time or money. Besides I dont think we are as small minority as you might think. For example this game has a lot of solo players, unlike most mmo:s, and I cant see why they would be so thrilled about this.


Im not sure what you mean by 5 minute fix.

Edited by HakkaP
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And there show's your problem, you don't listen and try to see things from an experience other than your own. You see leveling as grinding, the people complaining about double XP see leveling as fun (but taking the challenge out makes it less fun, hence the complaint).



ok i can see how being 4 levels above the mob is boring, but again if you are overleveling than why play on the toon you dont want to OL? this isnt a complicated thing here. you cant OL if you dont play on the toon. in fact, here is a idea i just though up, do the side quest, but dont turn it in or go back the person you accepted it from until monday. now that isnt really a solution, but you cant OL if you dont earn alot of exp.

Edited by astrobearx
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Find something else to do. This promo has been a AMAZING imo!!! If you dislike it, I don't feel any sympathy for you. Your chance to level slowly will soon come. Delete your OP toon and move on to your next complaint.
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And there show's your problem, you don't listen and try to see things from an experience other than your own. You see leveling as grinding, the people complaining about double XP see leveling as fun (but taking the challenge out makes it less fun, hence the complaint).


Transfer credits to an existing toon, delete over powered toon. Easy as that. It's 4 weeks only AND only 3 days a week for those. 28 days only, only 12 of those days offer the double XP. The solo slow levelers can suck it up.

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ok i can see how being 4 levels above the mob is boring, but again if you are overleveling than why play on the toon you dont want to OL? this isnt a complicated thing here. you cant OL if you dont play on the toon. in fact, here is a idea i just though up, do the side quest, but dont turn it in or go back the person you accepted it from until monday. now that isnt really a solution, but you cant OL if you dont earn alot of exp.


By telling someone the soloution is to not play their character you are admitting that the XP boost broke their playstyle. The OP already said he only plays on the weekend, so he just can't play for a month? Personally I love the Double XP thing, but I feel bad for players that feel their game experience is hampered by it. It would be nice if there was a toggle or opt in process.


Honestly if they ever do the double XP thing again what I think would be awesome if if rather than turning double xp on all weekend, they give everyone x amount of double XP, maybe as an in-game mail item that's BoP kinda like the Cartel Boosts. That way people who don't want the double XP just never apply the buff. People who can't play on the weekend can use it during the week. People who are 50 or don't want the double XP could vendor the items for credits. I think changing the system to something like that would be a major win for everyone.

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The solo slow levelers can suck it up.

Good business strategy, the Devs should make things like this into the marketing videos. :rolleyes:


I'll say again I love Double XP. The reason I'm arguing the point is because the system has flaws and if they ever do it again they should do it better to not isolate their fan base. Pissing off your customers is never a good business strategy.

Edited by Arlon_Nabarlly
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By telling someone the soloution is to not play their character you are admitting that the XP boost broke their playstyle. The OP already said he only plays on the weekend, so he just can't play for a month? Personally I love the Double XP thing, but I feel bad for players that feel their game experience is hampered by it. It would be nice if there was a toggle or opt in process.


Honestly if they ever do the double XP thing again what I think would be awesome if if rather than turning double xp on all weekend, they give everyone x amount of double XP, maybe as an in-game mail item that's BoP kinda like the Cartel Boosts. That way people who don't want the double XP just never apply the buff. People who can't play on the weekend can use it during the week. People who are 50 or don't want the double XP could vendor the items for credits. I think changing the system to something like that would be a major win for everyone.



i agreed with everything you said, next time bw should make a toggle system to activate or deactivate the db xp.


however,QQing on the forum and saying "blargh i level too quickly on my toon...DELETE" or using completely silly *** reasons to say the db exp is wrong is not a way to inspire sympathy from me.

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Who would be against optional double xp weekends? I wouldnt and by any common sense neither would you. I cant see why it would cost any more time or money. Besides I dont think we are as small minority as you might think. For example this game has a lot of solo players, unlike most mmo:s, and I cant see why they would be so thrilled about this.


Im not sure what you mean by 5 minute fix.


In no attempt to be rude -- you clearly know nothing of software development.


I didn't say anyone would be against it -- I can't imagine anyone would be, and I'd certainly not care if someone was. It's just another choice, and doesn't negatively affect anyone.


As far as adding optional in -- they have to find a way to do this. Right now, it is a server-side change. They would need to figure out the best way to implement it (give free boosts? Toggle button?). Then there has to be extensive testing to make sure that works properly and cannot be exploited. And how does this code affect other pieces of code?


Even a seemingly minimal change has many more implications -- especially in a game this large. They aren't going to focus ANY time/money/energy on this, especially with RotHC/2.0 right around the corner. And with one doublexp weekend left -- they wouldn't put out a hot-fix for something that isn't a gamebreaking issue.


The majority of MMO players want to get to endgame. The majority of subscribers have multiple 50's already, and don't care to do the same exact quests (planet quests) all over again. DoubleXP as a server-wide event is MUCH easier to add in, because 1 variable is changed server-side. Making something like this optional means much more work.



TL;DR -- Software dev takes longer than you'd think. I'm sure they'll make this optional if they do it in the future, but right now there ABSOLUTELY no reason for them to. 1 weekend left, much more important things to spend time on.

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I can understand where the OP is coming from: a lot of these side quests can be fun. Hell, this entire GAME is fun and wanting to experience that (voice over quests and all) is a testament to exploring and playing the game. In that respect I feel bad that the OP can only play on the weekends.


However, as I am currently working on my 8th level 50 character, I absolutely LOVE the double XP weekends. When you have this many toons you have probably hit every side quest at some point during the game and usually don't want to hit them all again (4x if you level all rep. classes, and 4x if you level every imp. class).


Another thing to consider: legacy presence bonus. When you level this many toons and take care of all your companions/affections you are looking at a hefty legacy boost (which is 715 on my main after all the boosts). I would LOVE to cap my sorcerer out at 50 before ROTHC drops and try to get that final +50 presence bonus for maxing out all of HIS companions.


Like others have said here, level and alt for the double xp weekends for now. The double xp will not be here forever and having an extra character for crafting/gathering can never be a bad thing.

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TL;DR -- Software dev takes longer than you'd think. I'm sure they'll make this optional if they do it in the future, but right now there ABSOLUTELY no reason for them to. 1 weekend left, much more important things to spend time on.


Then our argument ends here. I wasnt implying they should or can do this for the next weekend, but rather something they should think about in future, and something they should have thought before implementing these.

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I play a lot at the weekends and I have really enjoyed exploring and PvE questing. Now, after the latest round of double XP I have an overpowered character and Im playing a boring game ... LvL 36 running around Alderaan doing greyed out class quests.


FFS - Next time just gift a **** load of double xp bonus boosters - because double XP ruins the game for some of us.


Thats my rant ... I QUIT .... I may come back and make a new toon when "Hutt expansion" has been released and the devs are no longer boosting everyone to try and get more player to lvl 50 so they can sell more expansions


This has to be a troll. Nobody is actually this clueless.

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Then our argument ends here. I wasnt implying they should or can do this for the next weekend, but rather something they should think about in future, and something they should have thought before implementing these.


Didn't mean to be an argument :-D But yes -- I do agree that this should be implemented in the future. And hindsight is 20-20 -- I can imagine this being an honest oversight, especially if altoholism runs rampant among devs :rak_03:

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Why do so few people on this board stop to think about why people keep making these threads?


These folks have legitimate complaints, and the non-solutions that get suggested ad nauseam don't address the issue in the slightest.


Just because people don't like the answer doesn't mean that the issue wasn't addressed by the answer.

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OP, you need to realize that you represent a tiny fraction of this game's community. Most of us have been here since launch and have numerous ALT toons. Double XP weekends are not designed for completionists or first toon players, who are still trying to get the full game experience. Bioware offered them as an assist for people to get up to level 50 so that they can immediately enjoy the expansion.


So what if you are on gray scale quests. You are still doing the content that you want to do. Too easy you say? Very, very few things in the leveling aspect of this game has any degree of difficulty.


Here is a crazy idea, rather than throw your toys, why not roll a new toon? Pay attention to your class specific quests, but at least up to Alderaan you have already seen all the side quests.

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OP, you need to realize that you represent a tiny fraction of this game's community. Most of us have been here since launch and have numerous ALT toons. Double XP weekends are not designed for completionists or first toon players, who are still trying to get the full game experience. Bioware offered them as an assist for people to get up to level 50 so that they can immediately enjoy the expansion.


So what if you are on gray scale quests. You are still doing the content that you want to do. Too easy you say? Very, very few things in the leveling aspect of this game has any degree of difficulty.


Here is a crazy idea, rather than throw your toys, why not roll a new toon? Pay attention to your class specific quests, but at least up to Alderaan you have already seen all the side quests.


I disagree, as a “founder”, I think the double XP undermines the new players who are just as important. They should have offered XP boosters to old players and never initiated double XP weekends.


I think I see their flawed logic on this and it goes like this: Add double XP so people want to purchase the expansion because most of the expansion is end-game, but what they fail to see is stacking more endgame content only increases the playability because when you do reach lvl 50 then you will want to get the expansion to tap into the new content at 55. BTW, 5 level cap will be chewed up in no time by crazy gamers who play 120 hours in a week! The cap should be more like 60, but that would cost too much money and risk.


I think they chose to do the double XP because they worry that the players will lose interest in the game before they reach the level cap and unsub, but in reality this is not true now that they implemented the f2p system. EAware should not underestimate the playability of their game so much.

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I play a lot at the weekends and I have really enjoyed exploring and PvE questing. Now, after the latest round of double XP I have an overpowered character and Im playing a boring game ... LvL 36 running around Alderaan doing greyed out class quests.


FFS - Next time just gift a **** load of double xp bonus boosters - because double XP ruins the game for some of us.


Thats my rant ... I QUIT .... I may come back and make a new toon when "Hutt expansion" has been released and the devs are no longer boosting everyone to try and get more player to lvl 50 so they can sell more expansions


No. Great. Loss.

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however,QQing on the forum and saying "blargh i level too quickly on my toon...DELETE" or using completely silly *** reasons to say the db exp is wrong is not a way to inspire sympathy from me.


Agreed. Any of the "X happened so I'm quitting threads" are the equivalent of a toddler throwing a tantrum at the store when they don't get the toy they wanted. I jumped in because i was hoping I could say what the OP intended in a way that might actually lead to improvement rather than just qq vs troll.

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