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any chance of triple xp


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ok so with 2.0 coming on 14th for subs, is there any chance we can get a triple or even 4time's xp,


I don't know about other people but I have had enough of repeating the same class mission's and class story over and over again, if they was all different then I wouldn't care but they are not?...


or at least make double xp twice a month or once would be nice.....

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ok so with 2.0 coming on 14th for subs, is there any chance we can get a triple or even 4time's xp,


I don't know about other people but I have had enough of repeating the same class mission's and class story over and over again, if they was all different then I wouldn't care but they are not?...


or at least make double xp twice a month or once would be nice.....


You have two more double xp events coming this week.


... but ... triple exp? it's not that hard to level as is. o_o

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HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Wow. I would think you're trolling because there's no way you actually think the would do that, when they have never even done double until the last two weekends. This is a short term thing, just to help ppl get to 50 so they can move on to makeb with the expansion
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Whoa! Ya know what would be even cooler? Insta 50. Now THAT would be a promotion huh?!


I actually feel that double XP is just fine incentive...triple would be a little too much imo...conversely, I can also see how having 3+ new 50 toons could actually encourage me to play more and stay subbed longer...

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ok so with 2.0 coming on 14th for subs, is there any chance we can get a triple or even 4time's xp,


I don't know about other people but I have had enough of repeating the same class mission's and class story over and over again, if they was all different then I wouldn't care but they are not?...


or at least make double xp twice a month or once would be nice.....


No. Even now I'm like so over leveled for what I'm doing I have to skip the planet quests or get no XP at all for doing them.


4x XP would be insane, may as well just click a button and go to level 50. Weekend double XP is nice though, just can't really go beyond that or stuff breaks.

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ok so with 2.0 coming on 14th for subs, is there any chance we can get a triple or even 4time's xp,


I don't know about other people but I have had enough of repeating the same class mission's and class story over and over again, if they was all different then I wouldn't care but they are not?...


or at least make double xp twice a month or once would be nice.....


Class mission and class story are different for each class.


The only thing that is the same is the side quests and the planet quests.

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I actually feel that double XP is just fine incentive...triple would be a little too much imo...conversely, I can also see how having 3+ new 50 toons could actually encourage me to play more and stay subbed longer...


I agree with TUXs :D


Whoa! Ya know what would be even cooler? Insta 50. Now THAT would be a promotion


Even cooler would be if they made you insta 50 before you even downloaded the game and logged in for the first time. But you know what.... people would even complain that that was not fast enough. :p And of course we will have the player segment that will rage quit if you insta-50 them without their blessing too. :p

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I agree with TUXs :D




Even cooler would be if they made you insta 50 before you even downloaded the game and logged in for the first time. But you know what.... people would even complain that that was not fast enough. :p And of course we will have the player segment that will rage quit if you insta-50 them without their blessing too. :p


^This. A thousand times this.

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hahaha love the way people react to a thread,


just asking a question that was all, jesus guess some people really don't do anything but complain and moan about a game that failing at everything it tries to do lol enjoy your epic fail of a game :p:p:p:p:p:p:p:




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That seems a bit over the top but I wouldnt mind a DEXP week. Reason, I REALLY hate playing during the weekends, that's when all the undergeared weekend warriors are ruining every warzone. I would like to be able to get DEXP when "those people" arent on and I get to play because it's fun and not just because it's easy leveling. I didnt play much last weekend, despite having all the time in the world, because of this.
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hahaha love the way people react to a thread,


just asking a question that was all, jesus guess some people really don't do anything but complain and moan about a game that failing at everything it tries to do lol enjoy your epic fail of a game :p:p:p:p:p:p:p:




You can't make a bad suggestion and not expect people to react negatively to it.
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Uh, you don't need 12 warriors, or 12 Inquisitors.

Variety, try it.


I have...I've got 19 characters on one server...lets see...4 SW...3 SI...3 IA....2BH...2JK...1JC...1 Trooper...2Smugs and one place holder for a crappy cathar whenever it comes out. (9 of these are lvl 50)


That said, 2x xp is quite fine. I don't want to do just 1 quest and be 50. How lazy can you get, lol.

Edited by Lunafox
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ok so with 2.0 coming on 14th for subs, is there any chance we can get a triple or even 4time's xp,


I don't know about other people but I have had enough of repeating the same class mission's and class story over and over again, if they was all different then I wouldn't care but they are not?...


or at least make double xp twice a month or once would be nice.....


You have got to be kidding me... Why don't they just automatically put every one of your characters at lvl50, and start you out at lvl50 with a new character? Hell, throw in a set of fully optimized dreadguard gear while you're at it...


pathetic... you really are.

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I have a lot of characters, however I only have one level 50 on a server I no longer play on. On my current server my highest level character is 48 (Inquisitor) but I want to level my smuggler to 50 for Markab so the more XP the better. I will probably get from 34-50 over the Easter weekend though as I have a 4 day break and only part of Saturday currently taken up with family stuff.
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This is almost as bad as when someone suggested Instant Level 50 as a legacy reward, and genuinely thought it was a good idea. No thanks, it's easy enough to level without even double experience.

I was told that no one reads my threads. I now have proof of the opposite :D


But on a serious note, wouldnt it be natural for legacy to unlock an exp boost on new chars. It could be a toggle on/off feature for those who arent interested in it. I mena, it only makes sense that if you've already leveled X amount of 50's you might be pretty fed up with running through the same side-missions. With the legacy boost you would be able to skip that part and focus on story and group content instead.

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