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APAC players getting refunds on the Expansion


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The game is not about population, we have a dedicated 16 man team, with subs so we can do the 24 man content. We don't need a high population, we need a latency that allows us to get the end game content done. And from a PVPers point of view they want fair competitive play.


I hope this clears up your confusion.


thats nice for you but what about the other people who don't have that kinda structure?

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Guys the solution is, if you want the servers to stay up get more people playing the game . simple!


I'm sorry but the grassfire has already started. The news of the closing will not bring new players in. It will actually do the opposite. This announcement has probably been more damaging to BW / EA in the region than they probably anticipated.


Why would anyone in the region want to join to play on a NA server, with the promise that we MAY get an AUS based server back again IF we get a high enough population. Even if they started on the APAC servers, they're going to be moved over the NA servers anyway. If the popluation gets to high, they just split them onto another NA server. Very unlikely once they shut them down, that they'll ever open them back up again.

Edited by Jinsali
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How moronic is EAware..I felt for the APAC players before...but this just insane.


I'm really surprised by their final solution as well. Sort of stunned actually. Some good peeps on APAC servers. Sad that there won't be a local server solution for them. Peeps who bought the expansion on those servers certainly deserve a refund.

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I'm really surprised by their final solution as well. Sort of stunned actually. Some good peeps on APAC servers. Sad that there won't be a local server solution for them. Peeps who bought the expansion on those servers certainly deserve a refund.


Yeah. I still can't believe that even as of right now they haven't changed their minds or put a hold on their decision.

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if you are chasing a refund check first that you have already been billed then contact your payment company and cancel the transaction with them and ask them to block any future transactions clearly explain you have pre-ordered, it has not yet been delivered, you have asked BW/EA to cancel/refund and they have not responded and the product you pre-ordered has been changed making it no longer viable for you.
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Hey i found this from an old post, the way he replies doesnt seem to fully reject the idea that you can have a refund... Im going to wait and see if they change their minds with the server first...



Hi Mahriman,


Unfortunately, we can't assist with this through the forum.


While you can cancel the subscription through the website, to refund the expansion please call our Account & Billing support.


Thanks, and sorry I can't help more through this channel.

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Simple....just follow the money. If keeping APAC open makes them more, then it stays. If they feel they will lose out, then down they go. They have the numbers. They are the only ones with the non-emotional informed decision. They made it. They already know some will leave and some will request refunds..etc. They are prepared. Don't take it personally....it's just business. See you when ROTHC launches.
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For the amount of complaining you people are doing about getting an expansion refund, I wonder how many of you have a job, that this 10-15$ is that dear to you.


Populations have been low on APAC for a long, long time. People complain about waiting on DPS for group finder, browing the GTN takes like 5 minutes because there ain't crap on it, and it's a crazy day if there's 30 people on the same planet as you. Unless you're new to the internet, you knew this was coming - low pop MMO realms - time for merge, dead realms = goodbye realms. And yet you still pre-ordered things.


News flash - you're not entitled to a refund. If they are nice and give them out, hooray for you, now you can order another pizza and go back to hating WoW. Since it's still in pre-order status, it's possible you'll get one, but they're by no means bound to do so, as you could just suck it up and play on a different realm.


For the record, I play on APAC because my computer is pretty cruddy and I can't handle multiple peeps onscreen at once without major FPS lag. That's right, I slum it up in your servers because of the crappy population. So I've kinda been there for a while and know what's up. Even in the USA, I have pretty decent latency going to your realm (150-200ms at worst); don't blame EA for your prison colony's craptastic network cable. Blame Optus, Telstra, and the rest of the monopoly that dominate the industry and won't allow a real company to lay some wire.


Keep your tears coming on the forums for the game you just quit, or just do what any real fan would do and change servers.

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412... wow so many.


And judging by some of the comments in it's main thread, quite a few of those signatures aren't even from APAC servers...


Yep, totally enough people to support an APAC server :rolleyes:

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412... wow so many.


And judging by some of the comments in it's main thread, quite a few of those signatures aren't even from APAC servers...


Yep, totally enough people to support an APAC server :rolleyes:


Yes because all the people that play on the APAC servers read the forums and know about the petition :rolleyes:

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Because of EAware's lack of communication many in the APAC community have no idea about the decision.


Should they broadcast ingame chat messages telling everyone about it? There's news on the forums. If the players actually cared they'd be reading these forums to keep in the know about all future developments, & signing the petition if they felt it was that important.


If you're saying that there's heaps more active players on APAC beyond the 400-some sigs on the petition, this tells me either those heaps don't care, or those heaps think it's the best way.

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Should they broadcast ingame chat messages telling everyone about it? There's news on the forums. If the players actually cared they'd be reading these forums to keep in the know about all future developments, & signing the petition if they felt it was that important.


If you're saying that there's heaps more active players on APAC beyond the 400-some sigs on the petition, this tells me either those heaps don't care, or those heaps think it's the best way.


There's 300-400 players per server!

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Ok so they are shutting down the APAC server and no longer providing a server for us which means a lot of us are quitting the game(i mean ALOT!) and have no use for the expansion we preordered. So I'm making this thread to ask for a refund for all the APAC players who have unsubbed because bioware screwed us over.


ALOT? Did they not state even if they merged all 3 of your servers together it would still be low pop and unplayable, sorry but you are the minority... you only got the server sin the first place because you asked for them and most of you stayed NA servers with friends and guilds anyway. so you have to go back to your original servers, deal with it.

Edited by AdamChattaway
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