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No class story for Makeb = me unsub


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I'm also one of those people that have stuck around because of the story.

I've loved the fact that it actually matters what character I choose to play.


If they remove that I'm not sure if there's anything worthwhile left here.*sigh*


Just hope they reconsider before I run out of things to do :p

Makeb two times is a lot less than eight times or even sixteen.

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As soon as I saw there was an expansion I jumped at it as I expected that the stories would continue. I am very sad to hear that this is not the case. I actually kept my subscription going because I wanted to show my support now that I thought the stories would continue…


My playing of the game has been to go through the class stories and then I pretty much stop playing the character. With my Guardian I did a bit of Illum but stopped because you only get money for your efforts so I guess the fact that I will get to level again will keep my slightly interested. I will probably do Ilum when leveling opens again.


I have tried a flash point and some war zones but it’s not for me. I am a strictly solo player. I like to play at my own pace and if I want to get up and get a drink or whatever in the middle of a conversation in the game then I do not like to feel bad about it. Only Heroic I do is the Sarlacc one on Tatooine because it can be done alone without any fighting. Its fast XP to earn.


When BW only does one story line for each faction I guess I will have to decide which of my characters to play on Makeb. I find it hard to believe I would be interested in doing Makeb 3-4 times with each faction when it’s exactly the same story line…


My guess is that when I have done Makeb with one character from each fraction I will cancel my subscription unless BW comes up with something extraordinary like a deadline for a continuation of the class stories...

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Hi there.


Just wanted to tell my point of view for you, fine BW people. To give you some feedback on the Makeb expansion and how it ties with my decision to unsubscribe. What I am writing is my and only my personal feelings toward this matter.


First off, let me tell you, that I appreciate the work you put in SWTOR so far, for me it has been the most fun in MMO since ever. The reason, why it was so much fun for me personally, was the class stories. Not just PvE grind, not just cycling the same warzones over and over. Class story was something I looked forward to, a reason to actually DO anything.


For me, the carrot of end-game grind is not something worth pursuing as all the work I put into it is gone after new release/patch with new gear. Discovering some new storyline is THE motivator for me. I was pretty exited for Makeb, as I hoped I would get more of the class story for each of my 8 lvl 50 alts. From what I understand, I will get 1 republic story, 1 imperial story..... and that's it. Something like Illum/section X/Belsavis. Don't get me wrong, I will play the expansion and I will go through the content. Twice. After that, there will be practically zero incentive for me to continue.


I do realise, that the class story is something, that is more costly, than anything. Writing, developing, testing - all that stuff for missions, that will serve just a fraction of player population. I am aware, that some, if not most of the player will skipp the story content to enter the carrot-chase of the endgame-grind. However, the story was (and in my eyes still is) The ONE thing, that sets SWTOR apart from any other MMO. The reason for me to choose SWTOR and not any of the other MMOs, that have better..... other things.


As I stated before, I am afraid, I will not have any incentive to play SWTOR after finishing the 2 storyline on Makeb. As a matter of fact, I logged in about one time for the whole previous week (after bringing my 8th char on 50). That is not something worth a subscription for me. I will stay around and propably renew the sub if new story content gets released, but thats about it. I doubt that I will actually be getting all my chars to 50 as the finish from around 46, when I finished the class stories to 50 was the most boring experience in the game.


I do realise, that I represent just a small minority of the MMO player-base, so I will definitely not go with bad feelings. On the contrary, I would like SWTOR to get more subscribers so all of you hardworking guys/gals can get their well-deserved dough.


So, best of luck.



You didn't get it from all of the other unsub posts? No one cares that you are leaving.

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Hi there.


Just wanted to tell my point of view for you, fine BW people. To give you some feedback on the Makeb expansion and how it ties with my decision to unsubscribe. What I am writing is my and only my personal feelings toward this matter.


First off, let me tell you, that I appreciate the work you put in SWTOR so far, for me it has been the most fun in MMO since ever. The reason, why it was so much fun for me personally, was the class stories. Not just PvE grind, not just cycling the same warzones over and over. Class story was something I looked forward to, a reason to actually DO anything.


For me, the carrot of end-game grind is not something worth pursuing as all the work I put into it is gone after new release/patch with new gear. Discovering some new storyline is THE motivator for me. I was pretty exited for Makeb, as I hoped I would get more of the class story for each of my 8 lvl 50 alts. From what I understand, I will get 1 republic story, 1 imperial story..... and that's it. Something like Illum/section X/Belsavis. Don't get me wrong, I will play the expansion and I will go through the content. Twice. After that, there will be practically zero incentive for me to continue.


I do realise, that the class story is something, that is more costly, than anything. Writing, developing, testing - all that stuff for missions, that will serve just a fraction of player population. I am aware, that some, if not most of the player will skipp the story content to enter the carrot-chase of the endgame-grind. However, the story was (and in my eyes still is) The ONE thing, that sets SWTOR apart from any other MMO. The reason for me to choose SWTOR and not any of the other MMOs, that have better..... other things.


As I stated before, I am afraid, I will not have any incentive to play SWTOR after finishing the 2 storyline on Makeb. As a matter of fact, I logged in about one time for the whole previous week (after bringing my 8th char on 50). That is not something worth a subscription for me. I will stay around and propably renew the sub if new story content gets released, but thats about it. I doubt that I will actually be getting all my chars to 50 as the finish from around 46, when I finished the class stories to 50 was the most boring experience in the game.


I do realise, that I represent just a small minority of the MMO player-base, so I will definitely not go with bad feelings. On the contrary, I would like SWTOR to get more subscribers so all of you hardworking guys/gals can get their well-deserved dough.


So, best of luck.



You are right on, me and a friend that plays are in the same boat, the best thing this game had for us was the class story, and the fact Makeb has been in production for almost a year and this is the best they can do is really sad, you might be surprised how many Bioware fans were and still are playing this game for the story.. :)

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•Where does the development team stand with regards to individual class stories? Are these still a priority for upcoming content?


Great question. The way you choose to overcome your own personal villains is a crucial part of what defines your character, and once you’ve gotten closure on your personal story, you’re ready to be a key player in the larger conflicts that threaten the Empire and the Republic. Moving forward, we’re focusing on those stories – conflicts that decide the fate of the entire Galaxy and demand the attention of other living legends like yourself. You can still put your personal touch on these stories, and you’ll develop relationships just like before, but now the stakes are higher, and the experience can be shared with your friends.


Wow... That is amazing. Google translate comes back with:


•Where does the development team stand with regards to individual class stories? Are these still a priority for upcoming content?


Damn I was hoping you wouldn't ask about that. The stories we wrote were a crucial part of what defined your character, and once you’d finished your personal story, we ran out of ideas. Moving forward, we’re focusing on cheap stories – conflicts that put less demands on the attention of loyal players like yourself. You can still choose what your character says during these stories but they are just not as good as before. Now as the subs are disappearing the stakes are higher, so we are not investing anymore money in this project.


They are getting really good at making these nails.

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If you don't mind me asking, which storylines did you consider narratively wrapped up?


I finished all stories but the smuggler. They all felt finished and done to me.


Of course, you can start a new story with the same character. But the original story arcs felt over and done.

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I just can't get my head around the fact that Bioware aren't implementing class story through the cartel market. I'd happily pay $10 per class story that I want to continue (assuming it continues for at least two chapter worth).


There is no content on the CM, just cosmetic fluff. I like it this way.

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you should never, ever, attack a fellow player over something like this. The bad guys are bioware and EA. Yes class stories should be added, the customer is always right. The famboyism on this board is sickening, most of you actually treat a corporation better than a fellow gamer. You use words like "entitled" and "wont miss you" and It's shocking. Bioware should be giving us MORE for our money to make it actually worthwhile and I for one want more class stories.


^ This.


EAware needs to realise that class stories are one of the only things this game does.. ermm well did well. Now that they are moving on to more regular MMO standards as far as general stories go they don't have much going for them in terms of competition. There is nothing more unique here other than that this is star wars. Other MMOs can do the same thing EAware is now doing much better.


I hope EAware would look at this at a different angle. Be unique, and offer something that other MMOs don't. They are on the right path as far as fixing problems and coming out with nice content, but that isn't enough to be competitive.

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You didn't get it from all of the other unsub posts? No one cares that you are leaving.


Is that so?


I'm sure his guildies and friends on his server will.


Along with me, because I hate to see someone with a head on their shoulders and who has a love for the game leave because EAware canceled one of the game's largst selling points.


Go away troll. Here I found a nice bridge for you. //====\\

Edited by LanceCorporalDan
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Is that so?


I'm sure his guildies and friends on his server will.


Along with me, because I hate to see someone with a head on their shoulders and who has a love for the game leave because EAware canceled onee of it's largst selling points.


Go away troll. Here I found a nice bridge for you. //====\\


I doubt it, and come up with something original to say, hatemonger

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You obviously didnt read any of my other posts on how they should focus on their strong points while working on their weak ones.


Yes, because that is exactly what this says:


EAware needs to realise that class stories are one of the only things this game does.. ermm well did well. Now that they are moving on to more regular MMO standards as far as general stories go they don't have much going for them in terms of competition. There is nothing more unique here other than that this is star wars. Other MMOs can do the same thing EAware is now doing much better.


Go take your hatewagon elsewhere. It's no longer trendy.

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Hi there.


Just wanted to tell my point of view for you, fine BW people. To give you some feedback on the Makeb expansion and how it ties with my decision to unsubscribe. What I am writing is my and only my personal feelings toward this matter.


First off, let me tell you, that I appreciate the work you put in SWTOR so far, for me it has been the most fun in MMO since ever. The reason, why it was so much fun for me personally, was the class stories. Not just PvE grind, not just cycling the same warzones over and over. Class story was something I looked forward to, a reason to actually DO anything.


For me, the carrot of end-game grind is not something worth pursuing as all the work I put into it is gone after new release/patch with new gear. Discovering some new storyline is THE motivator for me. I was pretty exited for Makeb, as I hoped I would get more of the class story for each of my 8 lvl 50 alts. From what I understand, I will get 1 republic story, 1 imperial story..... and that's it. Something like Illum/section X/Belsavis. Don't get me wrong, I will play the expansion and I will go through the content. Twice. After that, there will be practically zero incentive for me to continue.


I do realise, that the class story is something, that is more costly, than anything. Writing, developing, testing - all that stuff for missions, that will serve just a fraction of player population. I am aware, that some, if not most of the player will skipp the story content to enter the carrot-chase of the endgame-grind. However, the story was (and in my eyes still is) The ONE thing, that sets SWTOR apart from any other MMO. The reason for me to choose SWTOR and not any of the other MMOs, that have better..... other things.


As I stated before, I am afraid, I will not have any incentive to play SWTOR after finishing the 2 storyline on Makeb. As a matter of fact, I logged in about one time for the whole previous week (after bringing my 8th char on 50). That is not something worth a subscription for me. I will stay around and propably renew the sub if new story content gets released, but thats about it. I doubt that I will actually be getting all my chars to 50 as the finish from around 46, when I finished the class stories to 50 was the most boring experience in the game.


I do realise, that I represent just a small minority of the MMO player-base, so I will definitely not go with bad feelings. On the contrary, I would like SWTOR to get more subscribers so all of you hardworking guys/gals can get their well-deserved dough.


So, best of luck.




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Yes, because that is exactly what this says:


EAware needs to realise that class stories are one of the only things this game does.. ermm well did well. Now that they are moving on to more regular MMO standards as far as general stories go they don't have much going for them in terms of competition. There is nothing more unique here other than that this is star wars. Other MMOs can do the same thing EAware is now doing much better.


Go take your hatewagon elsewhere. It's no longer trendy.


It's not a hate wagon, like I said you obviously didn't read any of my other posts.

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Except for the one I quoted. How does that say anything constructive, it's nothing but sarcasm...


Okay you read A post?


  • How about, where it says EAware should look at what they can/can't do better than other MMOs?
  • Or that they should stay on their current path of nice content as it seems to be quite well put together (Makeb will tell)
  • Or that while they stay on that path of regular MMO content, that they play their strong points in this game?
  • One of which being the class stories.




EDIT: here's the rest of the post you left out.


I hope EAware would look at this at a different angle. Be unique, and offer something that other MMOs don't. They are on the right path as far as fixing problems and coming out with nice content, but that isn't enough to be competitive.
Edited by LanceCorporalDan
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It's not reasonable, at this point, to demand an expansion on the class stories.


The class stories, and the idea of the narratives and companion relationships being continued for years after launch was what drew me to the game. Indeed, it would set the game apart from every other MMO and give Bioware the canvas to create epic storylines that built on everything that came before.


...but that ship has sailed, most likely. And if it does come about, it will be more than a year from now in the form of a major expansion.


Bioware boxed themselves into a corner. The game, by the very nature of how it's designed, was never going to be able to hold enough subscriptions to please their masters within EA.


Keep in mind, EA didn't want to simply make a profit. EA was aiming for a Warcraft level blockbuster. They wanted a major MMO property they could leech from, much like Activison. That was the *only* way Bioware would have had the funds and resources needed to expand the class stories (at least within the next year or so). When that failed, support from EA dried up. The team was slashed and the rest is history.


The previous year has shown us how long it takes for the current team to put out *any* form of content. It is simply within their best interest to bring the number of storylines from eight, to two. The only way that's NOT a good idea is if the lack of additional class story chapters, by itself, would lead to a dramatic loss in subscriptions. I doubt that's the case.


I don't like it, but we have to deal with the reality of the situation.

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Couldn't have said it better. If the game hadn't lost the majority of it's players (due to issues at launch from players being too thinly spread, players having zero patience after launch, and the game said to have been pushed out of production due to a desire to start making money) they would have the funds to do loads of fun stuff. But those issues hurt the game a lot at the start, so EA cut their losses.


To expect the level of content from before, when they don't have as large a team as before, is foolish. If you rally want to save the game, keep playing. Get your friends to play. Get anyone to play. And get them subscribing.


In this situation voting with your wallet only hurts the game. IF you want the game to get better, keep paying and playing, and network to get others to do the same. It's not a fast process, but it's all we can do.



It's not reasonable, at this point, to demand an expansion on the class stories.


The class stories, and the idea of the narratives and companion relationships being continued for years after launch was what drew me to the game. Indeed, it would set the game apart from every other MMO and give Bioware the canvas to create epic storylines that built on everything that came before.


...but that ship has sailed, most likely. And if it does come about, it will be more than a year from now in the form of a major expansion.


Bioware boxed themselves into a corner. The game, by the very nature of how it's designed, was never going to be able to hold enough subscriptions to please their masters within EA.


Keep in mind, EA didn't want to simply make a profit. EA was aiming for a Warcraft level blockbuster. They wanted a major MMO property they could leech from, much like Activison. That was the *only* way Bioware would have had the funds and resources needed to expand the class stories (at least within the next year or so). When that failed, support from EA dried up. The team was slashed and the rest is history.


The previous year has shown us how long it takes for the current team to put out *any* form of content. It is simply within their best interest to bring the number of storylines from eight, to two. The only way that's NOT a good idea is if the lack of additional class story chapters, by itself, would lead to a dramatic loss in subscriptions. I doubt that's the case.


I don't like it, but we have to deal with the reality of the situation.

Edited by Sprgmr
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Okay you read A post?


  • How about, where it says EAware should look at what they can/can't do better than other MMOs?
  • Or that they should stay on their current path of nice content as it seems to be quite well put together (Makeb will tell)
  • Or that while they stay on that path of regular MMO content, that they play their strong points in this game?
  • One of which being the class stories.




EDIT: here's the rest of the post you left out.


You need to understand what EA *is*.


EA is a major publisher. That means EA roams around and 'swallows' developers who have IP's they think will be profitable and built in fan bases.


EA is a machine. It demands 'yearly' hits. Franchises that can be dependently milked year after year after year, like say, Mass Effect or the Sims or the Battlefield series. They want games *designed* from the ground up to support either subscriptions or some form of constant downloadable content. They want a constant flow of revenue.


Monolithic organizations such as this don't 'think'... and certainly not outside the box. They fund a project in the hopes of making large amounts of money. If it fails, they move on. Swtor *failed* as far as EA is concerned. They will keep the lights on, so to speak, so long as Bioware can keep things in the black.


But make no mistake. EA will shut the game down entirely before they throw any real support behind it again. It's just a small team at Bioware, doing what they can with what they've got from now on.

Edited by WickedDjinn
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I was hopeful that since we were paying for the expansion that we would get some class story, I suspected that perhaps some of the voice overs would be cut and we would only get words on a screen which is just as fine for me. I can read after all. For me however, the class story is the -thing- that makes me play starwars vs other games. "end game" raiding/daily grinding/rep grinding/mat grinding/crafting can all be found in almost any other MMO, and based on which of those things you pick some games do it better. It boils down to the atmosphere you want to be in and the 'story' you want to immerse yourself in. No one plays Star Wars because raiding mechanics are cool.. we play the game because it is Star Wars. The more you break from that star and fall just to the 'same old same old' that is done by every other game the more it just becomes 'every other game'. I already feel that the daily grind and rep grind feels far to much like other games which I quit playing because I disliked doing the same thing every day. I'm still working through the 8 different storylines, and was hoping for more to come, but without that I fear that I too will find myself wondering why to sub after that as I'll have no reason to log into all of my characters to do maybe a FP or two a week. I know others feel that end game is "the thing" and they too have the right to what they want in a game. It is just sad to see that what they want will push out what others wanted from Star Wars as well.
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