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No class story for Makeb = me unsub


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You need to understand what EA *is*.


EA is a major publisher. That means EA roams around and 'swallows' developers who have IP's they think will be profitable and built in fan bases.


EA is a machine. It demands 'yearly' hits. Franchises that can be dependently milked year after year after year, like say, Mass Effect or the Sims or the Battlefield series. They want games *designed* from the ground up to support either subscriptions or some form of constant downloadable content. They want a constant flow of revenue.


Monolithic organizations such as this don't 'think'... and certainly not outside the box. They fund a project in the hopes of making large amounts of money. If it fails, they move on. Swtor *failed* as far as EA is concerned. They will keep the lights on, so to speak, so long as Bioware can keep things in the black.


But make no mistake. EA will shut the game down entirely before they throw any real support behind it again. It's just a small team at Bioware, doing what they can with what they've got from now on.


Oh I realise this, but I'm waiting to finsih the rest of my class stories before I leave. If there is nothing here by then that harbors any real interest for me or many other players then I'll leave. ESO looks nice.

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I am just leveling my mains from now on.


The rest i am leaving in the dust untill i get bored or something.


I was a bit dissapointed by the lack of individual class stories but, in reality once the couple levels are done...who care anyway. I finish my assasssin storyline like 2 months after release and i still play him. Though i do miss his companions convos, sure wish i could get companions to talk to me again, i would take companion dailies if that was a thing.

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However, not adding in additional class stories means they can do some cool things if they so choose, like giving us non-basic speaking player species like wookiees, or ones that personal stories wouldn't make a lot of sense for like droid. Edited by Anishor
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1 - It's much harder to write storylines for 8 classes than it is one for big one.

Let's take Chapter 1 of every class. Think of how much work it probably takes to do 8 of those and think of the payout: something that gets completed in less than 2 weeks for a single class. And forcing everyone to play 8 different classes just to see all 8 stories is a bit much. They will never be able to churn out stories like they did at a fast enough rate that will keep people satisfied.


2 - This is an MMO. MMO's spend more time dealing with max level.

Before an MMO is developed there's a lot of focus on getting you to max level. Once the game is released, the shift is how to keep you subbed after you've hit max level. It sounds to me like the OP doesn't care of end game. However, churning out content for a single player game (i.e. The Class Stories) will never be fast enough for the way the customers consume it. There needs to be replay value - Warzones, Operations, etc.

3 - How big can the individual stories go?


Think about The Sith Warrior, the Sith Inquistor, the Jedi Knight... what can be more grand than what they already did? Look at the movies. Han Solo starts out as a roguish smuggler who's only interest is looking for himself. The he becomes a general of a Rebel Alliance. In Episode 6 he didn't have much of a solo storyline. It was more about his epic mission in conjunction with other major players to do something big.

Edited by Lostpenguins
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1 - It's much harder to write storylines for 8 classes than it is one for big one.

Let's take Chapter 1 of every class. Think of how much work it probably takes to do 8 of those and think of the payout: something that gets completed in less than 2 weeks for a single class. And forcing everyone to play 8 different classes just to see all 8 stories is a bit much. They will never be able to churn out stories like they did at a fast enough rate that will keep people satisfied.


2 - This is an MMO. MMO's spend more time dealing with max level.

Before an MMO is developed there's a lot of focus on getting you to max level. Once the game is released, the shift is how to keep you subbed after you've hit max level. It sounds to me like the OP doesn't care of end game. However, churning out content for a single player game (i.e. The Class Stories) will never be fast enough for the way the customers consume it. There needs to be replay value - Warzones, Operations, etc.

3 - How big can the individual stories go?


Think about The Sith Warrior, the Sith Inquistor, the Jedi Knight... what can be more grand than what they already did? Look at the movies. Han Solo starts out as a roguish smuggler who's only interest is looking for himself. The he becomes a general of a Rebel Alliance. In Episode 6 he didn't have much of a solo storyline. It was more about his epic mission in conjunction with other major players to do something big.


1) I don't think people are expecting Bioware to churn out new class stories at a fast rate, simply that they will add new class stories some time in the future. A year from now, two years from now, whatever. So long as we get them eventually.


2) Yes, most MMOs are focused on endgame. This is why SW:TOR is unique; it's focused on levelling and story instead. If I were right into PvP or raids, I would not play SW:TOR, I would play one of the plethora of MMOs that are already focused on PvP and raids.


3) Literally anywhere.



Focus on what it's like to be a dark lord of the Sith. Vie for the position of Emperor, or simply attempt to expand your power base as far as possible, becoming the most powerful being in the Empire to re-shape it in your image.



Jedi Knight:

The Ghost of the Emperor is affecting more and more people, no longer just the remaining Children. The Knight must put a stop to this threat, either by converting those who are affected back to the light, or converting them to your own nefarious cause.



Imperial Agent:

Literally anything involving espionage and working for either yourself, Darth Jadus or the SiS



Can't comment on the Sith Warrior as I haven't finished it yet.

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However, not adding in additional class stories means they can do some cool things if they so choose, like giving us non-basic speaking player species like wookiees, or ones that personal stories wouldn't make a lot of sense for like droid.


You're not going to see playable Wookies. In order to add Wookies they would need to redo all the animations, armors, and cutscenes. For instance all the cutscenes are framed a specific way and if you were to insert a Wookie player character into those cutscenes (namely the conversations) their head would be cut off or you'd be staring at their neck while they're making noises in conversation.


The whole thing about "this race isn't included because they don't speak basic" was/is a PR line. It's easier to say and gives the reasoning a story justification.

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Story is important to me, as well as atmosphere.


BW created both with all their story lines and brilliant voice acting.


Where on the one hand it's nice to have separate story lines for each main class, I also feel that there are downsides to it. One of the down sides is that it becomes very much a solo experience as a lot of people don't really want to help others with quests they dont need themselves. And in the end a story does need to come together at some point....in my point of view.


So to me story is important and it is nice for replay value to have separate lines for variations, but I am not disappointed that they don't continue separately at this stage. Also, not everybody wants to play all classes and that causes them to miss out on major parts of the story.


I would think that if class story is the only thing that keeps you playing, that is an odd thing indeed. Even the fp's and ops have interesting stories behind them and there really is more story content here than I've ever seen before. The actual quests that are class story aren't that many as it is. Maybe 4 per planet.


So now we get a new planet, and you are seriously telling me that because BW wants to tie the stories together and you don't get 4 quests for your individual classes, that is enough to make you quit?



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Op, we all play this MMO for a variety of reason but I think most agree that story has been a strength of this game. And while understand why you would choose not to continue, I think it is probably just a little premature with regard to Makeb.


If I were in your shoes, I would at least give Makeb a try and see what they are bringing to the table. Not sure that it will satisfy you but at the very minimum you can see if there is anything left to hold your interest.


The good news is that after Makeb, if there is nothing left for you, you can unsub and wait until the next content drop or maybe expansion. Come and go as you please. Subbing, unsubbing and resubbing is the reality of MMOs these days. And tbh, as it should be.

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They have stated that there is more class story planned in future expansions. With all of the money they are raking in with the Cartel Market, I would be surprised not to see even more class story in the game after the already planned content.


Money from the cartel market goes to the development of future packs/cartel items, cartel market team (which is independent from the propery content devs) and EA. I am bloody sure of it.

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I just hope they don't expect us to pull all our characters through Makeb. I'm not going to do the same story missions again and again. I'm a roleplayer. My alts will be leveling off-planet. I hope this doesn't exclude them from future content.
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While lots of people say the story is what they like most about the game, don't expect to see any more of it that's anything like what we have now.


Simply put, the story didn't "do its job". It didn't draw in millions and it certainly never kept many either. The only distinguishing feature of the game did nothing to sell it. Consider it a failed experiment that won't be replicated again in any MMO.


Unfortunately I'd say you are right. The quote from the dev definately makes it seem as though all future content will be world arcs+operations.

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This has been the biggest problem with their so called expansion. If they had class story missions with this expansion, then more people would still subscribe. But by them only bringing out 5 new levels and other tid bits that most will clear in about 3 or 4 days. The fun or replay factor doesn't exist. The only thing I want fixed is the server lag caused by overpopulation in certain areas, planets, and fleets. I just know that when the expansion is released, the server lag will be 10 times as worse.
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I have two characters which have finished Chapter 3, a Trooper and a Shadow.


Makeb is a logical continuance to the Trooper story, I don't mind if other people share that story with me. I don't mind not being "the hero", he is not that kind of character.


As for the Shadow, Let's be honest, the best thing that happened in that Class story was it ending. ;)


Just because Makeb does not give individual class stories does not mean there is no story for your character there. :cool:

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Honestly, the game does not need anymore single-player focused content, or single-player focused people.


It's an MMO. The focus needs to be on content to conquer and explore as a group.


Thanks for sharing your feelings OP, but it sounds like you might be more well-suited to single-player RPGs.

Edited by Drebs
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Honestly, the game does not need anymore single-player focused content, or single-player focused people.


It's an MMO. The focus needs to be on content to conquer and explore as a group.


Thanks for sharing your feelings OP, but it sounds like you might be more well-suited to single-player RPGs.


Its a single player focused game with emphasis on the leveling process rather then end game content.


That's what it is. While I disagree with the OP, fact is the game would already be dead without those players who appreciate what the game does best.

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You may be a small minority of the MMO playerbase, but not the SW:TOR playerbase. :) EA hasn't clued in that the playerbase that plays WoW is playing WoW - they're not going to poach that playerbase.


The working title for RotHC explains it all: MMO Strikes Back: Exodus of the Single Players

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I do agree with the OP that the class storylines were what set TOR over every other MMO I've played. I've played class types here I never would have even thought of trying in other MMOs just so I could see all eight storylines.


And while I'm also dissapointed that the class storylines won't be continuing for Makeb, I'm still very hopefull that there is a "Chapter 4" out there somewhere for all eight classes, and I'm willing to be patient since I want that same great quality they showed in Chapters 1-3 :)

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you unsubing = your loss = no one cares.


Clearly you misunderstood the OP's reason for the thread. Or perhaps felt the need to be different. In any case those are the kind of comments that destroy communities :confused:

AT least the OP took the time to elaborate and answer follow-up questions. Looking at both the OP's and your comment (s) in this thread, I believe it is our loss to have you as part of the swtor community.


My 2 pence worth

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I'll be pleasantly shocked if we ever see any class story ever again, TBH. :(


According to several writers who have left Bioware, they said they already had written enough materail for several more class story chapters, so the writing is done... Just have to create the cut scenes and hire the actors to do the voice overs....


The problem I see is most of the original cast that created this game have left and/or fired and EA/Bioware are using a cheap replacement crew to run this game, their only focus seems to be on creating new Cartel Packs instead of new content. makeeb was already pretty much designed by the original team before they left, so this new team that is running things haven't created anything but Cartel Items...


I don't see anything changing IMO... I also doubt we will ever get any more class stories, but to be fair it did take Bioware 2-3 years to create the next chapters in their Mass Effect and Dragon Age games, so it does take time to setup all the story content... If this is the case then we should get additional class stories around Dec. / Jan... But like I said I wouldn't hold your breath... EA is famous for trying to milk it's customer base then provide high quality gaming... And the Bioware we all know and love has been gone for awhile now.

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I started playing this game for the story. I wanted KOTOR3. Sure, I would love to have them make more class stories... however that is just as crazy as expecting a KOTOR4. It probably wont ever happen.


They should just continue along with their rep/imp world missions. However, they could edit them in such a way that certain missions are given out to certain classes. Jedi/Sith do this. Tech classes do this. At least then it would give us a reason to lvl up with more than just 2 characters.

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If they don't continue class stories, or at least improve the companion interaction WITH the same voice over characters, i'm gone, along with many players i'm sure.

That those things away and you get just another regular mmo, with many better than this...

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