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This is flat out ridiculous. BW, Compensate you're subscribers


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It's not hate mate, its just pure amusement at the level of ignorance and nationalism .


No it is hate, chief. Its jelousy, hate, stupidity, racism, nationalizm.


I've been there, in uniform, protecting your arses, and never, ever, not one of us asking for anything in return, especially this childish, assassin, inflammatory anger derived for no reason at all.


The game is based in America. What kind of stupid allows one in a random country to believe that it should be tuned to them personally.....except for the type that has come to expect us "ignorant Americans" to bail them out just because.


We call them spoiled.....and like I said, chief, when I see the blood of your son's on my soil, there to protect my interest as we have spent the last century doing for you, then you can talk....until then, sit your arse down and be grateful that we were there to bail out your daddy so that you could exist in a free world. Green?


Or at the very least, don't start nothing and there won't be nothing. ;p

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Ok so everyone who plays this game lives in north america, no where else but only in north america.


You know what Yankees are like m8 but i would edge a guess that all the players out side of north america are more :D

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You know what I agree 110% that fixing errors is good but come on they shut the servers down 8 hrs ago.... hire some one that knows what they are doing not some bum off the street that doesn't have a clue. 8 hrs really I mean if the company I hire to run my web site was down that long I would fire them. Get your act together or give some compensation I agree!!!!!! This is one pissed off paying customer :mad:
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Might I recommend that you spend the down time working out the correct use of 'you're'.


I thought it was just the title, but then it kept going.


Why does this forum community have such poor spelling and grammar skills?

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