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Question of the Day 3/21/2013


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Originally I ran a gunslinger on a different server so I thought I would roll my agent as operative...not a fan. I really wish I could swap and make her a sniper. I like the ranged POW! Where did that come from? effect of a good sniper.
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Operative, all the way.


I'm a healer by trade, so it had to be Operative, but I just love the healing animations, the giggle we USED to have (I hate you, 1.2), the armour, the voice on the male Agent... unf.


He packs big knives in his skimpy gear, but my Rogan't is my favourite character above all <3 Om nom nom.


Edit: How could I forget? We get an awesome roll in 2.0 and half our amazing giggle back (still want more giggle, though).

Edited by Tatile
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Although its going to be the last class I level out of the 8. Sniper. I have a premade lvl 11 Rattataki which I am dearly intrested in. People always tell me it has an amazing story. Am I saving the best for last? Maybe. But Despite having a Scoundrel at 50, I am making a Sniper. and it looks really interesting. Edited by Magnusheart
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It should be Operative. I love stealth. I like spies/agents. However, I'm just not very good at playing Operative (though haven't given it a chance past chapter 1 really) and the whole reliance on the vibroknifing just doesn't feel very Star Warsy to me. I'd much prefer it to be replaced with the blaster pistol. Or having more blaster rifle attacks and go meh on the whole up-close-and-personal thing.


I'm really good at sniper though, and it's fun playing when you do something well. So Sniper for me.

Edited by Pscyon
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As a Imperial Agent which Advanced Class is your favorite, Sniper or Operative?


Personal Answer: I know Musco loves the Operative, but my favorite is definitely Sniper. All the pa-chow! :wea_09:


he doesn't know what hes missing...BOOM! headshot!

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Both actually. Smuggler/Imperial Agent are at the top of my list for all around favorite. Trooper/Bounty Hunter feels too simple for me, all of their advanced classes. The Jedi/Sith classes each have a advanced class or specs I do not like.


Story, advanced classes, companions, my favorite in the game. pew pew pew.

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Operative. In fact, it's the advanced class I like so much, I've finally decided to try doing endgame stuff with it. I play Lethality so it's a fun mix of knife-y and shoot-y and poison though I have the field respec perk so when I need a team I sometimes switch over to playing heals.
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I wish I could answer this question! I loved my scoundrel's play style so much I rolled an Operative for the agent story-line. Since I often bite off more than I can choose, its nice to vanish and save yourself just before death. However, I loved the agent story line so much that I'm going to replay it as a sassy Cathar Sniper. I'll give you a real answer after that ;)
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I can't help but quote HK-47 in my answer.


Definition: 'Love' is making a shot to the knees of a target 120 kilometers away using an Aratech sniper rifle with a tri-light scope... Love is knowing your target, putting them in your targeting reticule, and together, achieving a singular purpose against statistically long odds. [/Quote]


Sniper all the way.

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I have to say that my first character I rolled back on day one of early access was a Gunslinger, it and Sniper have been my favorite ever since... While the cover mechanic gets old at times I always have a blast when pew pew pew-ing. :) Edited by sabbey
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in story and planet missions:

Stealth class > the turret.



In pvp and flashpoints, I found my operative more useful too.

For flashpoints, operatives have the healer squad role unlocked, and checking this off, really helps cut down the queue time. (I reroll tank and healing classes to take advantage of this)

in PVP, making sure your guys don't fall dead, and healing the rest of your team almost guarantee MVP votes at the end.

only healers that easily beat operatives (in raw healing numbers in scoreboard) are "Recklessness"-AOE sorcerers spamming revivification on large groups of friendlies.

Edited by Falensawino
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