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When Is Dual Spec Coming? I'd Like To Be Able To Tank/Heal


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There's no way I'd ever main-spec as a Tank or Healer, in a game with such small Raids. The availability of Raid Spots, for both Recruiting Guilds, and even PuGs will be so abysmally low for Tanks and Healers, since so few are required.


But still, I'd like to be able to Tank and Heal. A lot of people are constantly spamming /1 for a Healer, or a Tank; and I can fulfill either role as the appropriate class. I liked being able to be a Tank or Healer in WoW, without having to have only that spec; this current system in TOR doesn't allow for that


So, when will we get Dual Spec?


Also, I won't be Tanking or Healing until mouseover macros are added, please get on that as well

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Erm.. you will not be able to dual spec between classes mate.


The advanced classes are just that, real classes.


If they ever implement dualspec, then it'll be about your talents. So that'll be tanking/dps or Healing/dps.

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Erm.. you will not be able to dual spec between classes mate.


The advanced classes are just that, real classes.


If they ever implement dualspec, then it'll be about your talents. So that'll be tanking/dps or Healing/dps.


When did I say anything about changing Advanced Class?


Do you guys even bother reading anything that's posted?

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You won't be able to tank and heal.


You may be able to tank/dps or heal/dps but no class has a heal and tank in the same AC.


They are considering adding dual spec to have 2 specs within your AC but they are not allowing switches between AC's.


Say if you are an Inquisitor. You can roll Sorc and have a heal and a dps spec or you can roll Assassin and have a tank or a dps spec but you won't be able to switch between Sorc and Assassin.


When did I say anything about changing Advanced Class?


Do you guys even bother reading anything that's posted?


But you did put that. You said you wanted to be able to tank AND heal which you can't do within 1 advanced class.


No advanced class has a tank and a heal spec they have one or the other.

Edited by Gomla
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Not trying to be rude, but have you PLAYED the game? The Commando is based AROUND being able to heal and tank at the same time. Just like the IA can DPS and heal at the same time... there are three trees that allow you to do several different things with your class. You're in no way limited to the title 'healer' or 'tank' in this game... most - if not all - classes can and DO do it all


The base Trooper class is a moving tank, it's a tank by default, the AC's allow you to add/mod in additional roles. You never lose the tank role because that's part of what makes the Trooper a Trooper

Edited by GratuaCuun
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my guess would be 1-2 months in.


It's standard mmo stuff by now.


like chat bubbles and unlocking your camera.


I think now that BW is getting a taste of the REAL mmo market they'll step in line quickly or suffer bleeding subs.


They either get with the program or fail. Doesn't seem like much of a choice from their end.

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I'd just like to redirect you to the News & Updates area:



One part stands out in the Q&A section near the bottom:


Q: Since it has been clearly stated that there will not be dual specs for characters in the game, can you explain your philosophy behind the skill trees and how you are taking into account players that want to be able to play PvP and PvE content on the same character? - illumineart


A: Dual Speccing is something we want to add soon after launch. Also, features like Guard, PvP Taunt, Resolve, etc. work to narrow the gap between PvP and PvE specialized skills (i.e. a +Block skill would be helpful in both PvE and PvP).

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Not trying to be rude, but have you PLAYED the game? The Commando is based AROUND being able to heal and tank at the same time. Just like the IA can DPS and heal at the same time... there are three trees that allow you to do several different things with your class. You're in no way limited to the title 'healer' or 'tank' in this game... most - if not all - classes can and DO do it all


The base Trooper class is a moving tank, it's a tank by default, the AC's allow you to add/mod in additional roles. You never lose the tank role because that's part of what makes the Trooper a Trooper


Not to be EXTRA rude.. but have you tried said hybrid at end game raiding? :confused:

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Not to be EXTRA rude.. but have you tried said hybrid at end game raiding? :confused:


He's going a bit over the top.


You can't tank as a Commando we have no taunts or guard and a shield with a 2 minute CD.


Heavy armour does not make a tank.


But we do have a big gun so it's all okay.

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