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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why isn't there a WZ quitters cooldown?


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Ok here is some facts,


*Do people quit warzones? Yes


*Is it egotistical? Yes


*When people quit a warzone does it mess up the game? Yes


*Do people end up queuing into already in session games? Yes


*Is it fair for us wasting time dealing with already in session games? No


*Is it fair to your teammates that you quit? No


*Do people feel self-entitled to leave a warzone? Yes


*Do people have a million excuses why they should be able to quit? Yes




Fact is warzone quitters dictate games, which means each game 6/10 is losed due to a quitter.


What that means is the quitters in this game has full control on everyone elses time in warzones, which means no consequences are happening when someone quits, and Bioware is allowing these quitters to do as they please.


These are not a opinion these are facts, if you are in denial over these facts then all you are doing is making excuses for yourself and are standing up for a quitter mentality.


*Do quitters exist? Yes


*Should there be consequences for actions like that? Yes


*Is a quitter mentality mean people are self absorbed and egotistical? Yes


*If rules are applied and a deserter buff is activated will people learn their lesson? Yes


*Will people try to make excuses and act like children if rules are applied? Yes


*Will it matter? No, because the quitter mentality only exist when no rules are there.


Should I continue?


The only fact there is in this subject is the person quit because either A) his team sucked or B) other team was way better. If said quitter didn't quit you were still going to lose match. But now you are 1 man down with 0 chances of replacing that person. I can easily AFK without actually AFKing. I will be just another useless body farming defender medals. I can stay in Huttball matches hanging out on ledge of own endzone holding up a huge sign that says please leap to me buddy.I can constantly feed opposing team kills in AHG. In Voidstar I can just stand there not attacking (you can try to afk kick me but then i do 1 simple auto attack)



Edited by rlamela
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Seriously there is 0 good reasons to punish someone for dropping a warzone. 90% of matches I quit I do so before match starts. 9% I drop are because people don't manage doing the simple things in warzones that help you win.

The last 1% are games in where other team is just 1000X better then our team (6 to 8 man premades). Getting completely run through isn't fun so yeah I will bail and so should you.


Cool %'s there, and you should get a deserter buff every time you leave a wz 100% of the time.


Did you like my %?


If said quitter didn't quit you were still going to lose match. But now you are 1 man down with 0 chances of replacing that person. I can easily AFK without actually AFKing. I will be just another useless body farming defender medals. I can stay in Huttball matches hanging out on ledge of own endzone holding up a huge sign that says please leap to me buddy.I can constantly feed opposing team kills in AHG. In Voidstar I can just stand there not attacking (you can try to afk kick me but then i do 1 simple auto attack)




Sounds to me you don't like rules and want fed victory, alot of being carried in your gaming life I see.

Edited by Caeliux
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Cool %'s there, and you should get a deserter buff every time you leave a wz 100% of the time.


Did you like my %?




Sounds to me you don't like rules and want fed victory, alot of being carried in your gaming life I see.


theres been 1000 threads like this and i have gotten 0 deserter debuffs. so that means 0% of the time I quit I get punished.


See my percentages are still better :)



Edited by rlamela
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Cool %'s there, and you should get a deserter buff every time you leave a wz 100% of the time.


Did you like my %?




Sounds to me you don't like rules and want fed victory, alot of being carried in your gaming life I see.





Sorry Bioware forgot Im not allowed to be mean to the bads anymore. my apologies. :)

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theres been 1000 threads like this and i have gotten 0 deserter debuffs. so that means 0% of the time I quit I get punished.






Indeed you have got a 0% debuff record, it don't change the fact that you didn't deserve one.


Glad you feel proud about leaving warzones, I feel sorry for your teammates, a sad testimate you carry there as a player.

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Indeed you have got a 0% debuff record, it don't change the fact that you didn't deserve one.


Glad you feel proud about leaving warzones, I feel sorry for your teammates, a sad testimate you carry there as a player.


hell i feel sorry for them too. I mean they are horrible. Id hate to be that bad at something. I get it not everyone will be top of the food chain, but to be completely on the bottom like that must suck. And this is definitely a warzone I would have quit in http://i47.tinypic.com/2r5vin7.jpg



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hell i feel sorry for them too. I mean they are horrible. Id hate to be that bad at something. I get it not everyone will be top of the food chain, but to be completely on the bottom like that must suck. And this is definitely a warzone I would have quit in http://i47.tinypic.com/2r5vin7.jpg




Fairly certain that pic was either staged or just someone trying to make a point. Any toon with 61 valor is going to have PvP gear.


But I get your point.

Edited by DariusCalera
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Ppl quit WZs cause of baddies with $#% gear, that don't know objectives, etc.

I for one don't want to get farmed cause my team stinks.


So here is my idea....

Instead of penalizing the quitters who leave because of baddies on the team...

penalize the baddies instead!

Maybe that will teach them to get good.


Games are supposed to be fun....penalties are not fun, and I am not paying 15 a month to not have fun cause of baddies in PvP. Oh and one more thing...even if there was a penalty ppl would leave anyway and ques would get longer and longer which would punish everyone.

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Ppl quit WZs cause of baddies with $#% gear, that don't know objectives, etc.

I for one don't want to get farmed cause my team stinks.


So here is my idea....

Instead of penalizing the quitters who leave because of baddies on the team...

penalize the baddies instead!

Maybe that will teach them to get good.


Games are supposed to be fun....penalties are not fun, and I am not paying 15 a month to not have fun cause of baddies in PvP. Oh and one more thing...even if there was a penalty ppl would leave anyway and ques would get longer and longer which would punish everyone.


as much fun as this would be, I can't back this idea. I don't pay their sub and wont tell them how to play the game.



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Not one of my kids quit, if they get hurt they get attended to and recognized, but quitting during a match is unacceptable unless its a 911 emergency.


(metaphorically speaking also a disconnect when we are talking about computers is another excuse)


Let me remind you this is a peewee league team I coach, these are 3-5 year olds that understand the goal at hand, which is to try to have fun and win and play the game.


Any other reason would be a self absorbed reason to quit, and that kid would sit on the bench and would be talked to from me, not punished in a way like I want for this game but you get the idea.


And if you don't I can't help you.


So the only legit reason to quit a warzone or RL match is a 911 emergency?


So the next time my 2 year old wakes up crying in the night, and i happen to be in a WZ...ill just ignore her cries until i see that huttball game through! One day i'll explain about the quitter mentality to her, surely she'll understand!


Oh someone knocking at my door!? Pfft, nvm that. They will come back if it was something important!


Oh gawd, Novar Coast! I hate this warzone, never liked it at all.... Ohwell, ill need to see this through because this is not about me having fun, it's about teamspirit. My evening ending up with 6 Novar Coast out of 8 warzones is a small price to pay for that!


Damn my slow loadtime....but i totally deserve a debuff if the door shuts right before my nose and i can't make it out from spawn before the timer kicks me out. I should have known better!


Oi woman, go away! Can't you see im in the middle of Voidstar here!? -This is a totally correct way to handle if the wife storms in demanding help with something!


Oh man....must be something i ate, but i really gtg on the toilet right now...no wait, just like your kids playing a match ill just have to let it go where i am. Anything for that winner mentality! And obviously, if i or your kids would run off to the can, we should either get punished or a serious talksession about teamspirit!


I could go on with more super nice scenarios for awhile, but ill refrain and just be happy you're neither my parent, boss or trainer =)

Edited by Twin
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So the only legit reason to quit a warzone or RL match is a 911 emergency?


So the next time my 2 year old wakes up crying in the night, and i happen to be in a WZ...ill just ignore her cries until i see that huttball game through! One day i'll explain about the quitter mentality to her, surely she'll understand!


Oh someone knocking at my door!? Pfft, nvm that. They will come back if it was something important!


Oh gawd, Novar Coast! I hate this warzone, never liked it at all.... Ohwell, ill need to see this through because this is not about me having fun, it's about teamspirit. My evening ending up with 6 Novar Coast out of 8 warzones is a small price to pay for that!


Damn my slow loadtime....but i totally deserve a debuff if the door shuts right before my nose and i can't make it out from spawn before the timer kicks me out. I should have known better!


Oi woman, go away! Can't you see im in the middle of Voidstar here!? -This is a totally correct way to handle if the wife storms in demanding help with something!


Oh man....must be something i ate, but i really gtg on the toilet right now...no wait, just like your kids playing a match ill just have to let it go where i am. Anything for that winner mentality! And obviously, if i or your kids would run off to the can, we should either get punished or a serious talksession about teamspirit!


I could go on with more super nice scenarios for awhile, but ill refrain and just be happy you're neither my parent, boss or trainer =)


lol very nice said for all dumbs who fight for penalty instead proper matchmaking system and xserver/faction mixed teams



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There should be a penalty, but it should ramp up.


For example: first leave of the day - no problem (this lets you cover that desperate call of nature, or significant other damending you help with the dishes).


Second leave of the day: 5 minute wait until you can queue again


Third leave of the day: 15 minute wait.


Etc. In general if someone has a real life emergency they need to leave the game for, a 5 minute wait time generally shouldn't bother them because they'll be doing... RL things. However if some rage kiddy quits and gimps his team, then they need to wait and calm down a bit before they can jump in and do it to someone else...

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It personally sickens me to see self absorbed laziness when it comes to the excuses people make when someone like me reasons and calls for a true reason to stand ground and not quit.


I don't condone or accept a quitter mentality, reason for that is I teach young children to strive and win ball games, if we lose ballgames we take pride in that game and celebrate a good job even when a lose happens.


A gg is a game played all the way through, no matter win lose or draw.


Not one of my kids quit, if they get hurt they get attended to and recognized, but quitting during a match is unacceptable unless its a 911 emergency.


(metaphorically speaking also a disconnect when we are talking about computers is another excuse)


Let me remind you this is a peewee league team I coach, these are 3-5 year olds that understand the goal at hand, which is to try to have fun and win and play the game.


Any other reason would be a self absorbed reason to quit, and that kid would sit on the bench and would be talked to from me, not punished in a way like I want for this game but you get the idea.


And if you don't I can't help you.


Say you weren't coaching peewee team of 3 year olds, but a team of teenagers (16-19 sounds about a good halfway).

1. They play their football match giving their best, but the opposing team is too much for them, and one of them just says "**** it i'm out" in the middle of the match. Punish him? Have a nice long talk about responsability to his team mates? Fair enough, i'd be with you on that.


2. They play terribly. 2 of them brought the wrong pair of shoes and can't run properly, one doesn't even have the team outfit, 2 guys during the match are scratching their eggs, one showing off doing backflips and whatnot to test his body control. 2 guys are effectively trying to play giving their best. After 3 minutes opponents scored 4 times obviously. Those 2 poor bastards have been yelling to their team mates to do something useful for 2 minutes and 30 seconds. At the fifth minute they look at you coach and say:"Sorry coach, we're out, this is the 5th match in the season these guys aren't playing. We can only take so much". Take a look around and see 2 people on the floor taking their shoes off because it hurts, that other guy that might be mistaken for the referee looking around clueless, other 2 at the far end sitting on the grass smoking, and the other idiot is just about to land face first on the ground because he didn't manage his double backflip. What do you do? Endure guys! It's only 2 on 8! You can do it if you really try!


I've read all your posts. As of right now you have failed to convince me that quitters deserve a debuff. What i described up here is the only reason i quit warzones, unless it's an emergency. I don't care if we win or lose as long as we played our best. Quitting in the scenario described up here isn't an act of cowardice, or a giving up. I play my damn best every time. I don't expect others to do the same, but i do have a breaking point, a limit under which i don't tolerate anymore. That standard is recruit gear and be open to advice. Unlike for quitting, there is no excuse for not having recruit gear, it's free. The only excuse for not taking advice is not speaking the language, but if you see your name pop up on the chat every now and then and you notice at the end of every warzone you are sucking the most, there surely are guides in your language.


Obviously you may say that it's unfair to the backfillers that i quit. I've backfilled loads of warzones and went ahead to win them, and i have backfilled hopeless groups. I stand up for the right of that person that quit before me and i understand him and won't hold it against him, because i know that like me he has standards, and he too has been a backfiller before.


On a side note, you'd better not dismiss people with your "i understand but you deserve a deserter debuff". Everytime i saw that i read "i have no argument against what you said", and i bet everyone else did too... And that's no way to get your point across, if anything it drives people away from your train of thought

Edited by Kawabonga
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So the only legit reason to quit a warzone or RL match is a 911 emergency?


So the next time my 2 year old wakes up crying in the night, and i happen to be in a WZ...ill just ignore her cries until i see that huttball game through! One day i'll explain about the quitter mentality to her, surely she'll understand!


Oh someone knocking at my door!? Pfft, nvm that. They will come back if it was something important!


Oh gawd, Novar Coast! I hate this warzone, never liked it at all.... Ohwell, ill need to see this through because this is not about me having fun, it's about teamspirit. My evening ending up with 6 Novar Coast out of 8 warzones is a small price to pay for that!


Damn my slow loadtime....but i totally deserve a debuff if the door shuts right before my nose and i can't make it out from spawn before the timer kicks me out. I should have known better!


Oi woman, go away! Can't you see im in the middle of Voidstar here!? -This is a totally correct way to handle if the wife storms in demanding help with something!


Oh man....must be something i ate, but i really gtg on the toilet right now...no wait, just like your kids playing a match ill just have to let it go where i am. Anything for that winner mentality! And obviously, if i or your kids would run off to the can, we should either get punished or a serious talksession about teamspirit!


I could go on with more super nice scenarios for awhile, but ill refrain and just be happy you're neither my parent, boss or trainer =)


Most of those scenarios, 10 min 'quitter debuff' won't bother you, since you won't be by your computer to soon.


Not that 'real life sports' scenarios are good either, how often you see 2x4 premade quitting warzone? Or abandoning guild on reward warzone?

It's like saying I can't exit bus on my stop, and have to sit on my bottom till last stop to keep drivers 'team spirit' AND pay for it.

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I pay as well and want people to get punished .


So you basically want to punish other people for your game experience. Where I come from, we call that a power trip. I blame nobody but myself for my game experience, and if I'm in a Voidstar where I'm actually trying, but my team lets the attackers get through the first door and across the bridge in less than a minute, you better believe I'm not sticking around to deliberately experience something unfulfilling when I have the ability not to.

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lol very nice said for all dumbs who fight for penalty instead proper matchmaking system and xserver/faction mixed teams




Aye, x-server queues would be awesome as well as better matchmaking along with some requirements for even queuing up in the 50's (55's) such as No green gear, minimum expertise etc...maybe even some form of training course to unlock every Warzone, though that's kinda late to install at this point.


However, punishing ppl for quitting something they pay for and dont find fun isn't a really good method of dealing with the actual problem; Them not finding it fun.


There should be a penalty, but it should ramp up.


For example: first leave of the day - no problem (this lets you cover that desperate call of nature, or significant other damending you help with the dishes).


Second leave of the day: 5 minute wait until you can queue again


Third leave of the day: 15 minute wait.


Etc. In general if someone has a real life emergency they need to leave the game for, a 5 minute wait time generally shouldn't bother them because they'll be doing... RL things. However if some rage kiddy quits and gimps his team, then they need to wait and calm down a bit before they can jump in and do it to someone else...


Well, i would personally have no problem with a system simular to what you propse - except 1 thing;

-Before any form of punishment is implemented against someone who quits, we need to to able to either chose our warzones Or exclude 1-2 warzones (More if they add more WZ's...maybe one exclusion for every 3/5/7/etc warzones added or something simular, but preferably i'd like to chose the warzones im interested in)


-Then again, we do have to consider the reasons other players have for leaving. Those reasons aren't any less valid just because me or you don't agree with them, such as some players not wanting to play against premades. I have no problem with that, i can form my own - or i'll happily fight a premade in a PUG as long as everyone is doing their best. But in the end i think id prefer to have premades separated from PUG entirely since what im after is fun pvp, and its often hard to find it fun on either side in a PUG vs Premade WZ.


Then we have those who leave before a warzone even starts....and i simply cant understand that unless its because they hate the WZ. But to say "Bah 2 recruits" and leave just makes no sense.

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Most of those scenarios, 10 min 'quitter debuff' won't bother you, since you won't be by your computer to soon.


Not that 'real life sports' scenarios are good either, how often you see 2x4 premade quitting warzone? Or abandoning guild on reward warzone?

It's like saying I can't exit bus on my stop, and have to sit on my bottom till last stop to keep drivers 'team spirit' AND pay for it.


Like i said, i could go on and list more examples of scenarios that would indeed only require 2min of my time, only to be locked out for "10min" then. Point is, why should i be locked out AT ALL for any of those reasons above? What did i do to deserve that, and how does that benefit anyone else? -It's not like i can "learn a lesson" and just "leave my kid crying next time im in a WZ and she wakes up".


If they were to implement a debuff for leaving, the first thing they need to do is giving us the option to chose our warzones. Otherwise i'd quit this game without a second thought, since it would have a too negative impact on my game experience and limited gametime otherwise.


Im curious though.. (This below is not directed at you personally)


-What are the exact reasons that validates punishment against a player? What have that player done to deserve it?

-How many of those leaving a WZ, actually leaves because of those punishable reasons?


Should a player be punished for leaving a WZ he hates playing?

Should a player be punished for leaving a WZ if RL calls unexpectedly?

Should a player be punished for leaving a WZ if he gets locked out the doors and gets kicked out?

Should a player be punished for leaving a WZ due to DC?

Should a player be punished for leaving a WZ when the entire team gives up and stands waiting at a node?

Should a player be punished for leaving a WZ when literally noone uses or responds to OPS?

Should a player be punished for leaving a WZ when it's obviously allready a lost game?

Should a player be punished for leaving a WZ when it's the "4":th time in a row that particular WZ pops?

Should a player be punished for leaving a WZ if players are swearing, harassing or otherwise behaving improperly?

Should a player be punished for leaving a WZ due to his team having undergeared members?

Should a player be punished for leaving a WZ due to his team proving to be completly clueless how to play objectives?

Should a player be punished for leaving a WZ in furious nerdrage?

Should a player be punished for leaving a WZ if one or more teammembers is ruining the game on purpose?

Should a player be punished for leaving a WZ where exploiting or flat out cheating is going on?

Should a player be punished for leaving a WZ if you end up as backfiller?

Should a player be punished for leaving a WZ [insert reason here]


In my eyes there is a huge pool of reasons why someone could quit a WZ, and if i ever feel like the majority of this list deserves a punishment, then i'll vote for a Deserter Debuff.

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What are the exact reasons that validates punishment against a player? What have that player done to deserve it?


I can answer this in short, and believe me when I say this alot of these kids and adults won't understand the meaning of the word,




Now we could put a few words that involve the meaning of that word like disrespectful, self centered, and egotistical.


Do I have sympathy lets say a person has a opinion and quits for that opinion? No


Do I have sympathy if lets say its a 911 or a disconnect? Yes


I don't mind people quitting at start of the game, or disconnects, but the people quitting 2 minutes in when they have raged in the chat the whole 2 minutes those people deserve a deserter buff.


If you quit right at start that is not quitting, all though its lame it could be excused, I would like something to be added to it like if you leave like 30 seconds in and there is no one to replace you fast enough but w/e.


The every day rage quitter leaving when a game could be won needs punishment, I don't care what excuse there is.


Yes if a debuff was added the innocent people that disconnect would suffer over a debuff, and I don't want that, also yes some children would try to rage and act like a spoiled brat if rules was implemented.


But they would get over themselves soon enough, they always do.

Edited by Caeliux
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Do I have sympathy lets say a person has a opinion and quits for that opinion? No


I suspect that the number of people who are gunning for your sympathy is very small and rapidly shrinking.


some children would try to rage and act like a spoiled brat if rules was implemented.


But they would get over themselves soon enough, they always do.


Says the guy who wants to control how complete strangers play the game. Talk about "spoiled brat."

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Yes if a debuff was added the innocent people that disconnect would suffer over a debuff, and I don't want that, also yes some children would try to rage and act like a spoiled brat if rules was implemented.


Pretty much this.


Yes there are down sides to putting a debuff for queuing, but it would cut down dramaticly on the retarded rage kid quits that ruin the game for the other 7 people who still have a chance of winning. In my book the pro's more than outweigh the cons.

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Yes there are down sides to putting a debuff for queuing, but it would cut down dramaticly on the retarded rage kid quits that ruin the game for the other 7 people who still have a chance of winning. In my book the pro's more than outweigh the cons.


Indeed, the pros of a deserter buff do outweigh the cons just because the cons are the kids crying and complaining over it and trying to threaten to go AFK when they got punished cause they didn't understand the word no.


I laugh at the tantrums and excuses people make quitting games.


These kids remind me of this kid in this video, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5tWT6I1GvY


When a parent corrects a kid that kids lashes out for attention to try to bend the rules, but when a true adult puts his foot down that kids has no choose but to listen and follow the rules.


It's the same metaphor for a deserter buff, some adult supervision needs applied to punish the rotten kids that quit games over egoistical opinions.

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When a parent corrects a kid that kids lashes out for attention to try to bend the rules, but when a true adult puts his foot down that kids has no choose but to listen and follow the rules.


It's the same metaphor for a deserter buff, some adult supervision needs applied to punish the rotten kids that quit games over egoistical opinions.


Those that use the "Leave Warzone" option are, actually, following the rules of the game.


You may not like the rule, you may think it's unfair, but it is there.


Also, the way you have described quitters in your posts is just as egotistical, if not more so, than the people that you are describing.


To win an argument, it is best not to resort to name calling or broad generalizations about the players that you don't like.

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I can answer this in short, and believe me when I say this alot of these kids and adults won't understand the meaning of the word,




Now we could put a few words that involve the meaning of that word like disrespectful, self centered, and egotistical.


Do I have sympathy lets say a person has a opinion and quits for that opinion? No


Do I have sympathy if lets say its a 911 or a disconnect? Yes


I don't mind people quitting at start of the game, or disconnects, but the people quitting 2 minutes in when they have raged in the chat the whole 2 minutes those people deserve a deserter buff.


Ok, i buy that argument. I dont fully agree with it, but i understand where you're coming from. Though, "oppinion" is rather vague since it could literally mean anything. Some oppinions might very well be justified and valid reasons to leave a warzone, while others aren't. Can't really judge em all alike.


But yeah, i also deem it stupid when ppl starts flaming teammembers instead of at least trying to get them to work as a team for a few minutes before dismissing the warzone as a lost cause. However, if i try and try and either get rude responses or no response at all -chances are that i will leave eventually, sometimes i dont and sometimes i do. It all depends on the level of incapability my team has to at least -try-.


Im paying for this game only to pvp and im looking for fun pvp, nothing less nothing more.


If you quit right at start that is not quitting, all though its lame it could be excused, I would like something to be added to it like if you leave like 30 seconds in and there is no one to replace you fast enough but w/e.


I don't see how it's lame to quit a warzone you dislike playing and dont find entertaining. Those who quits due to this reason is justified to do so imo. Any anger regarding that should be directed at BW, nowhere else. Those who quit immideatly they see a recruit however, those are lame and i have yet to see a logical explanation that justifies leaving before you know how the other team is setup and how the match looks to play out.


The every day rage quitter leaving when a game could be won needs punishment, I don't care what excuse there is.


I agree and disagree. Some of the vocal nerdragers we all love to meet in warzones really deserves a debuff - but where is the line drawn then? How angry do you have to be to warrant being called "Everyday ragequitter"? Am i one when i silently leave after doing my best and trying to get the team working together for half a warzone -but get no response at all. No inc calls and ppl running around doing everything their pixels can muster, except focusing on objectives and trying to win? Im not raging when i leave, im just slightly annoyed and a great deal bored.


If you are to debuff me for leaving such scenarios, then please explain to me how i deserve that while the players that deny the existence of OPS and dont even try to play objectives dont? Is it me or them who really needs to "learn my lesson"?


Yes if a debuff was added the innocent people that disconnect would suffer over a debuff, and I don't want that, also yes some children would try to rage and act like a spoiled brat if rules was implemented.


But they would get over themselves soon enough, they always do.


Im certinatly not one of those who would try to ruin the game for others in any situation, as long as i saw at least 1 person other then me trying. But i dont think you're right in the assumption that those who couldn't care less for "your" gameplay would "get over themselves" in that regard.


Why would such a person in a forced warzone not do his best to end the match asap? I mean, they would only want to get out of there asap without a debuff...you dont think they would make themselves available to enemy leaps up to the goalside, or not call an inc while guarding the last node etc? I can see no reason why they ever would act differently tbh...

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Do I quit Warzones? No. I stick until the bitter end because I like to learn from my own and other players' mistakes and I have improved my tanking abilities dramatically because of it. On those ones where there's absolutely no way the team can win, I look for personal victories.....how high can I get my prot score, medals, objectives, etc.


Do quitters upset me? Not really. This is a game and players are supposed to have fun. If you aren't having fun and find yourself screaming at people in chat, you should do something else.


Should there be a debuff? Before I read this thread I would have said "no," but I really like the scale debuff idea. I've had random game crashes, automatic reboots, cats tripping over the power cords and it sucks. Especially when in a final winning match needed for the weekly.

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