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[Feedback] My Double XP leveling Experience.


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Just to let you know. This is my Statistics, I hope you enjoy this. There is currently an hour left until the double XP expires. By all means, anyone else wants too, go ahead post yours!



Friday: spent 4 hours leveling my lvl 46 Scoundrel got him to level 48. stopped for 48 minutes to go have dinner with family, spent about 6-7ish hours got him to 50. Started Sorcerer Halfway to lvl 36 got him to 37.

Smuggler Methods, Class Quests, part of Corellia Quests, PVP

Sorceror Methods, PvP


Bonus Perks for Smuggler: maxed PVP perks 3-4 in Class Quests, always had a 25% any xp buff applied.

Bonus Perks for Sorceror: Maxed Class Quests, 3 in PVP had 25% PVP buff



Saturday spent 4 hours grinding Sorceror to 39 Left for work, came back 6 hours later, grinded him to 41 completeing XP Did the PVP daily on lowbie alts getting them a level up each.


Sorceror Methods: Class Quests, PVP


Sunday Today, leveled with my best friend a Bounty Hunter at lvl 1. reached from lvl 1-16 in 4 hours stopped to watch Walking Dead. For details. We were level 7 doing our lvl 4 quests, completed Hutta 100% Left Hutta Did 1 Warzone for the daily, did Blacktalon by the time we reached Dromund Kaas we were both lvl 15.

Came back after Walking Dead, Leveled my Sorceror. through PVP alone. he is currently 44 I am attempting at least 60% into to reach 45 before this last hour is over.

Both of us had +41 stat crystals in each hand slot item, 3 perks into class quests, 1 into PVP


Bounty Hunter Methods, all of Hutta, few bits of Dromund Kaas 1 WZ 1 FP

Sorcerer Methods, PVP.



Gained one whole legacy level. Currently 46.



Enjoy the positive feedback BW.

Edited by Magnusheart
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Did BH and Assassin from 10 to 20 only questing Dromund Kaas, skipped the last planetary quests (Temple ones), had no XP boosts on, had maxed out Legacy exploration & class quests perks on both, took about 4 hours each.


Did Marauder from 48 to 50, had minor experience boost on, had maxed out Legacy exploration & class quests perks on, only did Voss storyline quests & datacrons, and Gree PvE dailies (not all), took about 2 hours.


P.S. Really nice weekend :) looking to lvl both BH and Assassin through this event, going to do only story quests, exploration & datacrons and the FPs, playing on weekends and rested XP in between.

Just what I wanted!! no repeating planetary quests or PvP, this is great! If all goes with due pace might as well powerlvl a Sniper. Thanks BioWare

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[saturday] Finish off Tomb Raider singleplayer, play some multiplayer. Didn't play any TOR.

[sunday] Played TOR for about an hour and a half.

[Monday] Played TOR for about 2 hours.


All up I got my Bounty Hunter from level 28 to level 30. Didn't gain any Legacy levels.

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Commando: 21 -> 31, solo questing

Scoundrel: 32 -> 43, solo questing


Also did all the usual daily stuff on my main as I had a nice free weekend to waste on SWTOR.


I've run the non-class story content enough times that it bores me to death, so any excuse to skip it is welcome. And whilst I appreciate the concern that it is going to make level 50 newbs, that simply isn't the case. The problem isn't how quickly you get to 50, it is how you get to 50. If you never group, you're still going to be a newb at 50, regardless of how long you took to get there.

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I played the same amount I would have anyway, goy my lvl40 sorc to 50 by sunday on Voss (my sixth class to reach 50 so definately feeling the burn with repeating content).


Thought it would be nice to just do class and planet story, it became very clear to me how much thinner the class story is vs the planet story, and how without doing the generic quests or heroics I dont see nearly as many credits, no biggie really at this point for me, but I also dont see those sometimes cool orange shells that come only as quest rewards. I dont enjoy grinding websites for what gear comes from what quest and then go hunting, I like the random surprises.


As my sixth AC I felt relief that the double exp made me lvl faster at the end, for my next 2 ACs i think ill just park em when they get to balmorra and do that planet during double xp :) The rest I quite enjoy and am in no rush.

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Got my Jedi drom 44 to 49 in probably 8 hours total time. Did only Warzones with full Lefacy xp boost and was receiving up to 60k per warzone depending on the time. Was really fun for me, as I love pvp and it was the easiest thing to just queue and watch the xp roll in, as well as comms :)
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Made a new sage on friday morning and got it to lvl 10/fleet before 2x exp

Useing complementary exp boosts and quest stacking got to 23 on friday, 33 on saturday and 38 on sunday (only half a day on sunday due to church :rolleyes:)


Didnt quite make it to my goal of lvl 50 :o

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Went to Ilum with my level 27 Shadow. Played sunday morning from 8:00am till 1:30pm. Logged out at level 43.


WIth XP boost, it's roughly 3 levels / hour of play, whatever your level.


I'd agree - 3 levels/hr was what I saw; I leveled a sorc from 35 to 50 Saturday (+ finished storyline) with more or less constant gameplay. Started at 5:30am, hit 50 soon after arriving on Voss, finished class story that evening at ~8pm or so.


Money is an issue for keeping up with training though, so you'd need a rich uncle to do this, and I already had speeder III trained when I began.

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My experiences:



I prepared a Bounty Hunter at Thursday, leveled him up to 12 and went to the fleet.


I had a guildmate who had a Sith Juggernaut at the same level. We met on the fleet at Friday and started leveling together: Black Talon, then Dromund Kaas. We did some planetary quests on Dromund Kaas, focused on Heroics. We quickly did our class quests and went to Balmorra.


We teamed up with another guildmate who had a lvl21 sniper. We started blasting everything on Balmorra, we focused on heroic missions again but did a lot of normal planetary quests also. In the meantime we did some flashpoints also (Hammer and Athiss if I remember correctly).


At Saturday we went to Nar Shadda - every characters were overpowered for this planet so we did class quests only. We met again at Tatooine. Did half of the planet missions, focused on heroics again.


At Sunday we did our class quests on Alderaan - we were overpowered again to the planetary missions. So we finished our characters chapter 1 missions within a weekend.



While I waited to my guildmates I finished my Trooper story - leveled him from 43 to 50. Did some quests on Voss and Corellia, mostly on the first map of these planets and focused on my class quests. I did a Gree event run around lvl47, did all Gree quests except the Grey Secant. At lvl50 I grabbed my Tionese gear and finished my class story.



I leveled up my Scoundrel from 47 to 49 with a Gree event run, daily pvp and 1 daily space mission.




So, with a good team leveling with Double XP boost (+25% general XP boost pack, +30% legacy class mission boost, +30% legacy flashpoint XP boost) is insanely quick. I liked it: we could focus on our characters stories without the boring planetary quests. (Yes, it is boring when you level up your 5th or 6th toon.) Before Makeb I'll have all of my characters at lvl50 :)

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Made 3rd Trooper (it's my favorite class). Leveled from 1-22 doing the class missions and a very bare minimum amount of world missions (just the ones off the top of my head that I remembered giving Light Side/Dark Side).


Double XP made for quite an enjoyable experience. I can do the Class Missions, and then pick and choose about 1/3 of the world missions, and move forward at the appropriate level. Without the double xp, leveling basically means doing Class Mission, plus almost every single non-heroic World Mission, unless I want to do lowbie PvP and flashpoints. Cutting back the total number of world map missions needed for each character means that the leveling is less repetition and leveling up the alternate Advanced Classes doesn't have to feel like quite so much drudgery.

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Got my smuggler from 1 to 11 in 3 hours. I got my sage from 23 to 37 in about 8 hours (doing almost all missions but heroics). Got my jugg from 12 to 26 in about 6 hours. i really enjoyed not having to grind so hard, i've seen people say that this event is bad because people are 50 now and have no idea about thier toon, but for me its better to get alts i want to 50 done much faster.


ty BW

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I started with a new character Trooper Vanguard. When the double XP started i was on Coruscant. When i left Coruscant i was level 20. Then after that i go to Taris and did the bonus series. I reach level 27. When i arrived on Narshada my level was to high that almost the whole planet quest was gray and also part of the planet quest.

I am now on Tattooine level 29. I just started there... I am affraid that most of the planet and class quest will be gray..

I liked the double XP weekend but keep in mind that you can level verry fast and that some quest will be gray. You receive less XP points and credits...

That is my opinion....

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