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Everything posted by Oinks

  1. I disagree, I think it did a great job, Ive heard so many say the came back etc to do class storylines they hadnt done yet, I have done that as well. Take out class stories and I never wouldve stuck around as long as I did nor come back after a break to do 4 classes I hadnt touched yet, and its been worth my time and money since ive enjoyed those stories a lot. I think a compromise in the future is called for, the VA is really great but the cost to VA everything is a bit of a stretch, its a captain hindsight moment but think about the boring generic quests having been mission terminals or simply area quests, would also encourage exploration. If the VA stayed with only the class and planet quests I think a tonne of resources could have been saved and applied elsewhere. Its a work in progress, how things get implemented will change, with all the complaints about the game Ive never heard ppl say the class stories were what they hated, someone just needs to figure out how to do it cheaper so the rest of the game that isnt the stories can be better attended to. There are no failed experiments, stuff was learned for sure, a failed "instant mega wealth button" for sure, but that wasnt everyones goal, I am glad the original dev team put so much into the 1-50 stories, the humour and plot twists and VA was all great stuff. What happened after that... well no artform ever gets a bottomless pit of money, such is life.
  2. I have had the same thought, when i first started a year ago, figured it was so obvious it didnt need a mention and would get sorted out in future patches, a year later i guess i was wrong and it does need mentioning. Those subtitles for non-english(or french or german too) need their own toggle please, no no no no no! Dont start thinking about how it can be put in the CM, please just make the change
  3. I used coins to globally unlock the last row of my normal inventory, the one that costs 200k credits otherwise, just to see what would happen to my newest alts inventory which had no unlocks yet. The global unlocked the first row unlock of my new alt, meaning the 5k one, the rest were the same higher cost meaning that last row 200k row still needed 200k to unlock. My guess is if you unlock the 4th cargo bay with coins global unlock your new toons will just have the cheapy 2nd bay unlocked.
  4. I think it was a singleplayer game called Torchlight that did that no junk just money thing from the get go, still got a nifty animation showing junk being converted to money but it never filled your inv, thought it was very refreshing and more clever than just looting money directly. I liked it, made me smile a lot when it happened hehe
  5. all i know is, based on this game, Queen Amadila must have done a lot of end game raiding to get her gear sets in those movies
  6. Interesting, very interesting Might be something for me to do while my next alt sits outside Balmorra waiting for the next double xp (goes to google Gree social farm)
  7. I played the same amount I would have anyway, goy my lvl40 sorc to 50 by sunday on Voss (my sixth class to reach 50 so definately feeling the burn with repeating content). Thought it would be nice to just do class and planet story, it became very clear to me how much thinner the class story is vs the planet story, and how without doing the generic quests or heroics I dont see nearly as many credits, no biggie really at this point for me, but I also dont see those sometimes cool orange shells that come only as quest rewards. I dont enjoy grinding websites for what gear comes from what quest and then go hunting, I like the random surprises. As my sixth AC I felt relief that the double exp made me lvl faster at the end, for my next 2 ACs i think ill just park em when they get to balmorra and do that planet during double xp The rest I quite enjoy and am in no rush.
  8. I finally clicked why some are taking issue, its the themepark mentality and rules are rules dammit! Short ppl hopping on the big ppl rides with total disregard for the sign that says "you must be this tall to hop on ride" will bring about anarchy. Civilisation will fall unless everyone obeys every rule all the time /sarcasm Ppl doing this way of levelling remind me of the ppl who would speed run Black talon/esselles over and over to max out social points... ie: I wish I had the patience to do these things because they are very efficient, but I dont have that patience so I just play it my way, they play it theirs... end of story (or more appropriately: Interlude).
  9. Im tired of these kind of statements, We cant know how well the packs would have sold if the gear/pets/mounts were available for direct purchase, however I think everyone can make a pretty good educated guess, EA would have figured this out with the first few rounds of CM updates. Its a plausible reason the ok gear sold directly got phased out while even better looking gear got stuffed into packs until even better looking gear gets stuffed into new packs... They know our weak spot, they have been listening to us this last year, especially when a lot of ppl shared the sentiment that were running around a very beautiful world but all the gear looks rubbish, for the first time since I started playing I finally see gear I want to wear cos it looks great, But EA is not a friend, they knew we wanted this stuff, that it was a neglected part of the game and from their unfriendly perspective decided to make it but string us along to get it... such is life. I too hate the gambling aspect, i dont feel money has been gouged from me since Ive given them no money for this gambling with money mini game, I do feel disappointed that playing the game will never contain the anticipation of a random or hunted drop from mobs, kill mobs, hamd in quests, get credits, buy from someone through GTN just has no thrill to it. As I see it, an MMO staple was letting me gamble with my time, this money gamble is quite new and I can let it be but my question is cant we have both?
  10. If you really like the story telling and want to play through all 8 stories my suggestion would be to alternate factions after each toon, that way after doing all planets as imp, doing them as pub feels different and you wont be repeating side quests straight away, then when you go to imp again for the next toon the time passed may make the content feel less like you "just" did that and maybe even start a bit of nostalgia.
  11. If you read the book "Revan" by Drew Karpyshyn you will discover that Mandalorians do not like anyone weilding a lightsaber because of some of Revan's actions. Whether you want to include the book as part of Star Wars lore, well I'm sure opinions will vary on that.
  12. Definately Guss "I freed you with Jedi powers"
  13. The previewis 2 tone, purple and white, the in game is 3 tones, purple, pink then white core. So yes to me they look different, my ones always looked like the preview you show ill have to hop in game to see if in game mine have gone to 3 tones as well. As a note your perception of a given colour will change depending on what colours sit next to it, the purple you see when purple is on its own will look different to the purple you see when there is another colour sitting next to it. Asa preference I prefer the 2 tone look.
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