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How do you improve reverse engineering chances?


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  • 2 weeks later...
So I'm having an issue it would seem. I am in the end game crafting (level 49 armor heavy synthweaving to be exact) and I have made over 50 chest pieces, reverse engineering every one, only to have 0 procs. that's 0 folks, not "I'm looking for redoubt but i got overkill", I mean I have not gotten a single proc in over 50 RE. So I'm wondering, Should I just stop because I am wasting mats and its impossible to upgrade that green (silly notion because I have redoubt protos of the entire set aside from the chest and pants)??
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Personally I don't mind it taking a good number of RE's to get something.. my problem is that it seems just so random.. it would be nice if you could get a guaranteed schematic at some point.. and then there's the hated situation where you RE and get the same schematic you already had.. now that one needs fixing at the least.
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I have been RE'ing Redoubt tactical assault boots trying to get something of the next class of gear for a while now. I've RE'd at least 30 and have yet to get a proc. I've RE'd other similar lvl gear and got schematics no problem so I seriously doubt it's because of gear lvl. I'm starting to think that some gear is just bugged and doesn't lead to any higher grade gear like it should, and we've been wasting our time and mats trying to learn it. I've resorted running around and right clicking people and looking at their schematics trying to see if anyone has had success learning the higher grade schematics for those boots, I havn't fount anyone yet
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I've been trying to RE blue Armoring 15 to get the purple recipe all day today. I've created at least a dozen blues and so far I have had no luck RE'ing.


I know the RND just simply sucks sometimes but this is getting frustrating. You'd think that when I've got a high enough Cybertech level so that the item is grey and I'm no longer getting skill increases that RE'ing would be a bit easier.


But ill admit my bias due to lack of success today.

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I doubt it has an effect.


It is how I did it at start though, however now I craft and reverse engineer them one by one, in order not to waste mats.


I tend to get an upgraded recipe within the 5th reverse engineer, sometimes even after the second.


Consider yourself lucky, a friend of mine that crafts mods for force user customizable gear crafted like 20 hilts and none of them gave him the next quality up, but then another mate got the next level up with a single item, it pissed off the first mate quite abit.


They need to make it more then just luck, make it a 25% chance per RE and if it doesn't succeed, it should stack to the next and so on, which means you WILL get the new recipe by the 4 RE....much better if it was like that.

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The percentage chance definitely goes down as the item level goes up. In the last three days, in attempting to RE green tier 22 enhancements and hilts into blue ones, I learned three (count'em, THREE) blue patterns after approximately 300 RE rolls.


For shield generators, I learned all three blue versions of the top level STR/END shield generator out of approximately 10 RE's, but out of 25 RE's of one of the blue versions, I've picked up exactly one purple pattern.


Needless to say, this was all done with 400 Artifice.

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I like random... otherwise whats the point? anyone that crafts can sell everthing and you wasted your time.


I have been pretty lucky so far im into lvl 40 stuff, I got lucky enough to RE a decent shield blue then purple in 1 try ... level 34 item my Artifice was maybe 300 or so... was pretty damn happy about that one Tthe only thing I have tried to stick with is to use Khem evertime for his artifice skill, even just random hilts/enhancements I plan to RE i think that may be a possibility the better the skill of the crew member you craft with the better chance for RNG. I have used my other crew members a reasonable bit to mass craft a single item to RE and Khem finishes first because of affection too so I RE it asap I have never learned a higher scheme with any other member. Coincidence, maybe but possibility.


sorry for any obvious typing errors its dark and im tired >.> lol

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I don't have a problem with it being hard or mostly random, but I dunno..at least throw us a bone however small it may be.


The only single problem I have with it being completely 100 percent random is threads like this. people getting frustrated at not getting any RE's after 50+ attempts. When you leave things completely up to the RND generator, people get pissed or claim that the RND is bugged or something is broken. Just skimming through similar threads, you've got a non insignificant number of people generating myths that if you do X, then you'll have a better chance at RE'ing.


Leave this stuff to fester and you've got a frustrated community.


My question is this: If I'm trying to RE an Item that no longer gives me any crafting XP (grey) would I have a better chance of RE'ing it later on if I moved on and crafted harder stuff to raise my crafting skill or is it the same chance once it's grey regardless of how overleveled you might be?


or in other words, if I'm Cybertech and Armoring 2 and Armoring 10 are both grey to me, am I going to harder time RE'ing Armoring 10 or is it all the same once it's grey?



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So I'm having an issue it would seem. I am in the end game crafting (level 49 armor heavy synthweaving to be exact) and I have made over 50 chest pieces, reverse engineering every one, only to have 0 procs. that's 0 folks, not "I'm looking for redoubt but i got overkill", I mean I have not gotten a single proc in over 50 RE. So I'm wondering, Should I just stop because I am wasting mats and its impossible to upgrade that green (silly notion because I have redoubt protos of the entire set aside from the chest and pants)??


I'm wondering the same thing. Like you, it is only the level 49 pieces (in my case, Biochem implants) that I simply cannot get the purple schematics for. I have reverse engineered over 100 now since a few days ago of a single implant (the level 49 Cardio); that's over 100 blue implants blown up for squat. None of the other items have proven to give me this trouble, even the level 48 adrenals/stims/medpacs. I think something is wrong with the RNG on the level 49 items.

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Cross your fingers on your left hand, touch some wood during each job and watch the screen through a mirror.


This is the best advice so far!!


My strategy is to try 3, go quest, try another 3 half an hour later. The theory behind this is that so much of the game is so badly programmed, that they messed up the randomness too, so it may be considering the minutes in the time and not just using the milliseconds.


Why do I say that? Because the mail system is buggy with attachments unless you do it just right, lots of quests say to go to your holoterminal but you really need to go somewhere else first, your companion voice alerts often don't match their crafting results (they fail and say they've done great), minimal search options in the auction or even on these forums.


So if they couldn't get any of that right, what makes you think the reverse engineering randomness is really random?

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From someone who has Artifice and over 200 purple schematics I can give a few words of advice. First I never try to "flip" a single item. Usually I gather large amounts of materials to the point where I have something like 80 stacks of items in my cargo hold. This takes about 24 hours of sending crew members out on "RICH" missions only (for me archaeology and treasure hunting) while grabbing every node I find as I quest and explore.


Then I pick a crafting day, about an hour before I log off I que up 5 companions to craft 5 items each. I start with any greens I have to still flip (not many left) and that gives me about 25 different items. Usually in less than an hour I have a full inventory and I RE every one of them.


Now blues take a lot longer to craft so just before I log off I que up 25 blue schematics. When I log in the next day I RE those and start the whole process over.


In the end I usually flip about 5 of the greens to blue and about 3 of the blues to purple each time. Sometimes I get lucky and flip 10 or more to blue or purple from one batch.


The only other advice I can give is that if you really really don't have the time to collect the materials and just want a specific item.... Then what you should do is stagger craft:


#1. Que up 25 of the item to be crafted over 5 companions, giving about 15 secs between sending each one to be crafted.


#2. If you have timed it correctly you can then RE the items as they are produced 1 at a time and cancel any remaining after your successful flip.

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It might just be a random occurrence, but several of the purple recipes I have [bIOCHEM] came from RE'ing implants that had critted. So blues with Augment slots. Perhaps a blue with an augment slot gives a higher % of giving a purple recipe? Alternatively this could be nothing...
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dumb questions,



Can i put all my crafting stuff, metals, crystals, metals etc in my ship cargo hold and still get my companions to make the stuff or do i have to carry them around with me?.




Whats the coloured spot mean (on the left, grey, green, orange) next to the item in the crafting options?.




When at the galactic vendor, how do you know you have learned the crafting mission thingy magitity....can't think of the name, so i don't have to buy it only to find out i've already learn't it?.




What's the wind velocity of a migrating swallow.......European?.




Thanks all help is appreciated.

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1. Yes, you can store your materials on your ship or in town and still use them while crafting as if they were on you.


2. That's the difficulty, grey is easiest but gives no more crafting xp.


3. Look at the skill of the mission, I think there's only a few you can buy per tier before they repeat. I just got the same crafting mission 3 times in a row, so I take that as a sign I know all of them in tier 2. For blue tier 2 missions anyway, who knows how many purples are available.


4. Surprisingly it is just 6-7 kn.

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I've been trying to RE blue Armoring 15 to get the purple recipe all day today. I've created at least a dozen blues and so far I have had no luck RE'ing.


I know the RND just simply sucks sometimes but this is getting frustrating. You'd think that when I've got a high enough Cybertech level so that the item is grey and I'm no longer getting skill increases that RE'ing would be a bit easier.


But ill admit my bias due to lack of success today.


A dozen? That's nothing.


I went through 45 lvl 47 legs before I got a single blue from my green recipe. I'm terrified how many it's going to take to get a single purple from that lone blue.


I like it though. Keep the challenge in. Not every crafter should get every blue/purple as they level up. One crafter might get one, another might get another. Eventually when we hit lvl 50 everybody will blue/purple out their lvl 50 schems if they keep working at it, but it SHOULD take a long time.

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Consider yourself lucky, a friend of mine that crafts mods for force user customizable gear crafted like 20 hilts and none of them gave him the next quality up, but then another mate got the next level up with a single item, it pissed off the first mate quite abit.


They need to make it more then just luck, make it a 25% chance per RE and if it doesn't succeed, it should stack to the next and so on, which means you WILL get the new recipe by the 4 RE....much better if it was like that.


25% chance per RE?? No way. Way toooo high of a likelihood. Blues should be rare. Purples should be extremely rare. People expect everything to be wayyyy too easy these days.

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  • 2 weeks later...
25% chance per RE?? No way. Way toooo high of a likelihood. Blues should be rare. Purples should be extremely rare. People expect everything to be wayyyy too easy these days.


A fair point, but surely you agree that "You already know this schematic" has to GO... and GO NOW.

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It's not perfect, but then again nothing is. I think people would love to have all purple items either for themselves, or to try and sell at huge markups. I'm lvl 28 and have about 200+ artifice, and have maybe 3 or 4 purple schematics (few color crystals and mid lvl hilts).


However, most of those are lvl 19-20 items that I have no use for, and most people at that lvl cant necessarily afford (at least at the prices I would love to sell them at) and end up usually take a loss on if i bother to craft them at all. I'm at the point where I can either craft a blue item, or run the risk of RE and hope for a new schematic. All part of the challenge and fun.


Problem with purple items is the ones you CAN make are usually low level and people cant afford them at the rates you want, but I don't think people understand that all the time. So far I'm enjoying trying to get high level schematics, and even manage to use a few of the ones I do have and have even sold a few, after undercutting the competition :) Having a lvl 200 crafting skill 3 weeks into the game, i wouldnt necessarily call it broken one way or the other.

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