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New Star Wars MMO?


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Obsidian is Pitching a New Star Wars Game

The team behind the (arguably) best Star Wars game is looking to make another.


Ask the average PC gamer what their favorite Star Wars game is and there's a good chance they'll name drop Obsidian's excellent Star Wars: Knights of the old Republic II: The Sith Lords. Yes, it was a typical Obsidian game - i.e., a sequel to an established franchise and buggier than a crack fiend's pajamas - but it took the ideas presented in BioWare's original and ran with them. Out of the door. Into space.


Now the studio is looking to return to its old stomping ground with another game set in the Star Wars universe. CEO Feargus Urquhart has revealed that Obsidian is lobbying heavily to develop a new Star Wars RPG.


Rather than step on BioWare's toes and set their game during the Old Republic era, Obsidian is looking to explore one of the darker, more interesting periods of the Star Wars chronology; the fall of the Republic and the extermination of the Jedi.


"There's a lot of different eras in Star Wars, and that's what we would focus on," Urquhart told RPS. "We pitched a between-Episode III and Episode IV game [to LucasArts]. Because we think that timeframe is super interesting. It's the fall of the Republic, the extermination of the Jedi, it's Obi-Wan going off and making sure Luke is OK. You have the Sith, but you have the extermination of all Force users except for very, very few. So it was an interesting time to set a game, and you know, Chris Avellone came up with a really cool story."


For those of you who don't know your BioWare/Black Isle history, Chris Avellone wrote Planescape: Torment and contributed to a whole bunch of golden age RPGs. His name tends to crop up whenever the words "ever," "writer," "game" and "best" appear in the same sentence.


There is, however, one small problem. Lucas arts seemed keen on the pitch Obsidian submitted, but as of October of last year, it'll be Disney that makes the final decision. How are talks going with the house of mouse? Well, they're not.


"We haven't [talked with Disney yet]. We're kind of waiting for the smoke to clear," said Urquhart. "But that's one of my next big things to do. To kind of go over there and [get the ball rolling again]."


Source: RockPaperShotgun



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I don't see where there's MMO mentioned in this at all. all I see is mention of an RPG. not every RPG is a MMO. and Obsidian has no history of making MMOs so it's highly doubtful, if this is ever greenlit, that it would be a MMO.


Why are they worried about stepping on Biowares time period then I wonder . Hmmm

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If they do make this game, I sincerely hope they bring it through to a completed product.


Obsidian has a poor track record of releasing incomplete games. This is always blamed on the publisher, but it has happened enough times that it makes me gun shy as to expectations.


We'll see how they do with PE, being crowdfunded and lacking publisher pressure.

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Sounds like someone is trying to ride Disney's coat tails, with all the new Star Wars stuff coming out in the next couple of years, don't get me wrong I am always happy to see a new Star Wars game, it all depends on what Disney will, do and who if anyone they will license for any Star Wars projects.
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Why are they worried about stepping on Biowares time period then I wonder . Hmmm


Because allthough the Old Republic Era is an incredibly wide area to cover, Bioware has made the most (and most highly visible) entries. It could be argued that if not for Bioware and Knights, few if any other Old Republic entries would exist.


It would be hard to make any kind of an Old Republic game without having to skirt around or work with Bioware. Better to just use the III-IV gap where very little has been told or created and set their own path.

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I had to laugh at the bit about Kotor II being a lot of people's favorite SW game. Sure, it expanded somewhat on the system that BioWare created for the original, and there's no doubt that they had some cool ideas. But aside from the game being a buggy mess, the ending was also probably the worst piece of unfinished crap that I've ever experienced in a AAA title. I also found the whole "wound in the force" storyline to be fairly stupid, and the fact that LS players couldn't give Kreia the boot was preposterous.


You know what the best thing about Kotor II was? The Ultimate Saber Mod. Despite the fact that there were some amazingly modeled custom hilts made for the original Kotor by the modding community, Obsidian got lazy and stuck players with the same silver flashlight hilt that the original shipped with. So a group of modders got together and ported their Kotor mods (along with a boatload of new stuff) into the game and also added an RNG script so the modded stuff would drop randomly. Amazing work which added some replayability to a game that didn't have much on its own.



I agree with the above poster who mentioned Obsidian's history. They tend to release games in a buggy and unfinished state, and I can't imagine that's all on the publisher. Kinda hard to get overly excited given their track record.

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Obsidian is Pitching a New Star Wars Game

The team behind the (arguably) best Star Wars game is looking to make another.


Ask the average PC gamer what their favorite Star Wars game is and there's a good chance they'll name drop Obsidian's excellent Star Wars: Knights of the old Republic II: The Sith Lords. Yes, it was a typical Obsidian game - i.e., a sequel to an established franchise and buggier than a crack fiend's pajamas - but it took the ideas presented in BioWare's original and ran with them. Out of the door. Into space.


Are you on crack?


KOTOR2 sucked so ridiculously badly that it almost makes ME3 not seem so awful.


KOTOR was great. Obsidian committed a crime against Star Wars.

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I want to see a new star wars RPG that is good, but no where mentioned was it going to be a MMO (unless that's what the mouse wants).


I loved KOTOR 2 and it is my favorite star wars game besides this one. A lot was added, and I loved the game. As for the ending it sucked, but as Kreia pointed out in the beginning of the game it wasn't about the destination but the journey.

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Why are they worried about stepping on Biowares time period then I wonder . Hmmm


Because this game is set in Old Republic peroid, and is constantly growing. Anything that happens in it beomes part of this history, so you can't just have 2 or more groups working on same history without stepping on each other fingers. If they really want to get that project approved, it's in their best interest to avoid conflicting anything with any existing games/movies/whatever.

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Are you on crack?


KOTOR2 sucked so ridiculously badly that it almost makes ME3 not seem so awful.


KOTOR was great. Obsidian committed a crime against Star Wars.


Mass Effect 3 is awesome. The only problem with it was the original end scenes. They left so many holes. The extended cut filled them and made the game great.


KOTOR 2 was decent, but far from my favorite. The original was better. KOTOR 2's ending was awful and they never added to it like BW did with ME 3. If Obsidian gets approval for a new game I hope it's just a single player RPG and not a MMO. I also hope they learned their lesson and actually finish developing the game, not releasing it at 70% complete.


You have to be on some seriously good crack to think that "many" people would list KOTOR 2 as their favorite Star Wars game. I loved SWG a lot more than KOTOR 2.

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Are you on crack?


KOTOR2 sucked so ridiculously badly that it almost makes ME3 not seem so awful.


KOTOR was great. Obsidian committed a crime against Star Wars.


This^! Lol! I had a good chuckle at the KOTOR 2 is the best SW game bit.

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Obsidian is Pitching a New Star Wars Game

The team behind the (arguably) best Star Wars game is looking to make another.



Eh, Kotor 1 is still by far the most widely accepted and loved game by fans. So, yes arguably it is to some people.


Don't get me wrong Kotor 2 improved from Kotor 1 and was still a very enjoyable game. But it wasn't as good as Kotor 1.


I doubt this mmo is true though.

Edited by spectreclees
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Oh my god stop the hate on obsidian you morons.

Kotor 2 was rushed because lucasarts wanted it done before Christmas, this is common knowledge.

Kotor 2, the finished version (Restored Content Mod 1.8) is better than kotor 1.

Anyone who doesn't agree, it's because they're two COMPLETELY different stories. Kotor 1 was the villain redeemed bull that's so overused now a days, but it was actually made new and exciting.

Kotor 2 was the darker, more intense story, witch made you think about things you normally wouldn't, and have you a completely different perspective of Star Wars. And I think that's some people don't like it... You wanted another KOTOR 1, with revan as the main character, but you got a new one, and you simply do t like it because It's different, different to what you dreamed it to be.

Edited by Selenial
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Ask the average PC gamer what their favorite Star Wars game is and there's a good chance they'll name drop Obsidian's excellent Star Wars: Knights of the old Republic II: The Sith Lords.




Stopped reading there. Come on. Seriously? Kotor2 was a big pile of crap.

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They already had a game set between III and IV. SWG. And while the Jedi order diminished and everything else mentioned about the era in this article, everyone had to try and make a Jedi to the point were it looked like a freaken Star Wars fan fest and every glowbat swinger was on parade. I liked the game but the endless Jedi nonsense that should have been a rarity helped destroy it. Lets put a game post episode VI. Rebuild the Jedi order. Fight the remaining imperial forces. Live in a semi lawless galaxy. That's a game worth looking into.
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I think Obsidian's writing is way better than BWs nowadays. Much more mature at least. When I play DA2 or even ME2 and 3 to some degree, I can't help to think that certain dialogues where tailored towards pubescent kids... Yes, KOTORII was an incomplete mess when it was released, but the storytelling was far superior to KOTOR in my opinion. Much more vibrant, dark and intense. Edited by Knorlac
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Well, to everyone hating on KOTOR II, let me say that I found the game cheap at a store a couple weeks back and decided to try it out. I LOVE the story so far. I have not beaten it yet, and I did add the planet M4-78 to the game. While I have no idea how the game Obsidian is proposing will be, I just want to say that I do not think KOTOR II sucks, I actually enjoy it.
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