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Petition, straight and simple.


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A lot, actually. My Artifice has reverse-engineered to purple every crystal and mod in-game, and working on the enhancements.


High end crystals and hilts to sell. Some people just really like plain colors, like red, blue, and Magenta.


What's a lot? I guarantee you I've made more money off of biochem and just plain gathering in a month then you have in the entirety that you'd played. 2.0 won't offer the good end game mods/enchances/hilts or any of that that made those crafting prof. money. Then where will you be? You can make the crap mods that no one will ever bother buying etc, etc.


So again, I say, please explain how each profession is balanced so complete and utterly amazing within the game. I can go to any other MMO and craft appealing items that people would want because it looks good. Not here. You are stuck selling low lvl **** that hardly generates a profit just for lvling. The CM doesn't help in the slightest with this only because they don't add new things to the crafting system and add continuous awesome armor to the CM.


There's nothing wrong with the CM, but they need to find a medium ground between that and their game mechanics. Until they do people are always going to jump on moves like this as "THEY CARE NOTHING EXCEPT FOR THE CM."

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I'm conflicted. A part of me frowns at this new rep and another is glad to see something other then recolored gear added to the game. Would things have been different had shipment 2 been released first? Who knows... but the margin for error is narrowing with each patch, and people are facing serious questions about continuing to support this game.


Oh, and I like how people are copy and pasting the text along with the grammatical mistake.

Edited by Tordos
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I'm conflicted. A part of me frowns at this new rep and another is glad to see something other then recolored gear added to the game. Would things have been different had shipment 2 been released first? Who knows... but the margin for error is narrowing with each patch, and people are facing serious questions about continuing to support this game.


Oh, and I like how people are copy and pasting the text along with the grammatical mistake.


HaHa! That is funny. Even the greenies who edited it are doing it. :p

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HaHa! That is funny. Even the greenies who edited it are doing it. :p

Not to excuse anyone including myself, but... at least, with copy/paste it's easy to count the occurrence of a text in the database.


Well, that's assuming someone, somewhere, cares about this and has access to the forum's database.

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As a customer or Star Wars: The Old republic, I do not approve the implementation of a reputation system based exclusively on money expenditure.


I would also like to add that I'm a paying subscriber to this game. I pay you $15 every month to play this game, and then you want me to fork over another $40 for additional in game content. RIDICULOUS! If this stands, I personally am done with you money-grubbing whores.

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So, all of those crafting schematics for modifiable gear weren't the point of crafting? Oh how deluded I was. You have opened my eyes. :rolleyes:


Show me the Armoring and Mods that Armormechs can craft! What about the Enhancements and Hilts that Sythweavers can craft?


Yeah, there are NONE, so obviously that was not the effing point with those crafting professions was it? So, you specifically avoid mentioning those two professions to make your side of the argument seem more valid. Is it? No.


Now who's being intentionally obtuse?




Actually, as an armormech I'm making 200-300k a day selling augments, sometimes more.

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As a customer or Star Wars: The Old republic, I APPROVE OF the implementation of any Cartel Market items that DO NOT NEGATIVELY AFFECT MY GAMEPLAY.


1000 times agree- Also, if you want to give perks for spending money on the game, said perks being access to cosmetic stuff, all for that too.

Edited by offfspringfntc
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I propose they create a new forum for Cartel Market feedback, so we don't have keep reading about it from all the whiners in the General forum.


Soooooo true. Seriously, a system put in place to make people spend money, is making them spend money to get stuff, no way.

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I would never agree to your request to shut down the game, as this is what you are suggesting with the removal of the CM.


If they do not sell things on the CM that people want, then they wouldn't sell anything, hence their finance model fails!


Your argument that this is pay to win as you can sell these for creds is laughable, people have always been able to buy BIS gear on the GTN, but with the new update this will not be the case, as it will not be, once again it will not be craft-able.


and as a final note, gear is only part of the game, a lot of the game play is based on Skill and Understanding tactics and if you don't have these then the BIS gear won't help anyway.

Edited by danielearley
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