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Sith Pureblood tentacles!?


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I wonder if there is lore about sith pureblood tentacles nutrient value.I imagine there are much nutrients to be found in them.

They can be very good with rice,boiled and chopped up and fried like chinese food.You have to be careful not to boil them too much because the red color vanishes along with many of the nutrients ,making the water red and making the tentacles white.The nutrients are in the red colour,but i suppose if the water becomes red,you can make sith pureblood tentacle tea.


Of course eating only the tentacles would be too much devoid of fiber and you will be constipated,thats why you must add fried brown rice and maybe some Korriban roots and bushes for better aroma and additional fiber.


Sith Pureblood tentacles with rice is easily made if you have domesticated sith pureblood since childhood locked up in cages. Catching a wild adult sith pureblood will be to risky due to a danger of being electrocuted to death.


Once the Sith Pureblood is big enough you proceed to cut of his tentacles,after which you murder him because his body is mostly useless.Eating his muscles/meat would be considered cannibalism hence not adviceable.


These are the things i wonder about when electricity goes out and i sit alone in the dark.

Edited by Kaedusz
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Oh how could I forget: you are not only in danger of being electrocuted if you hunt a grown Sith Pureblood, but of being choked as well. Thus if you cannot acquire a non-adult specimen, you must make sure your adult specimen is of the non-Force Sensitive persuasion. Though rare for Purebloods, these meals can be found and are considered by some to taste slightly sweeter than their Force Sensitive relatives.
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