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Free server transfers until.... Is fair!


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Well, if you guys are like me....the whole reason you are in the boat you are having some characters on one server and others on another is because of the timing that they implemented the legacy system. If the legacy system had been there since launch I would not need to server transfer.


Obviously now since they added the legacy system it only makes sense to have all toons on one server.


So what I am saying is that because this truly is a bioware created issue....They should allow all characters to have one free transfer until a certain date (not just one character, if that is what they are thinking) , then people can start paying for them.


Because why should I have to pay for something that I would have never done to begin with had it not been for their late implementation of the legeacy system!

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Bioware created no issue.. They simply consolidated the servers and put us all on well populated servers.. It was for our own good.. :)


Bioware played no part in people having characters spread across multiple servers.. I fail to see how anyone can blame anyone but themselves.. They created the characters didn't they?? ;)

Edited by MajikMyst
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Bioware created no issue.. They simply consolidated the servers and put us all on well populated servers.. It was for our own good.. :)


This has absolutely nothing to do with what I am saying....sorry.


But I am syaing this:

1. When the game launched there was no legacy system in place.... so I had no real reason to have all my characters on one server.

2. Obviously having all characters on one server is very beneficial because of the legacy system.

3. Because they added the Legacy system later... now I need to transfer some of my characters in order to get the benefits of the legacy for them.

4. If the legacy system had been in place from the beginning I would never have created characters on a different server to begin with.

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The effect, that you cannot transfer funds or items to twinks on different servers is as old as the MMO history and it also applies to SWTOR with and without the legacy system.


As you chose to create twinks on different servers, you willingly accepted that fact and you cannot claim, that you did not know about it.


You are claiming the legacy system as an excuse for getting a free transfer, when in reality you always knew, that having toons on different servers is automatically stopping them from helping each other in the future.


Even though in #4 you claim, that you would have never created toons on different servers with the legacy system, you indeed did create toons of different servers, when you already knew, that you couldn't transfer funds or items between them (something you were able to do from day 1 of SWTOR on a single server).

Edited by JPryde
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The effect, that you cannot transfer funds or items to twinks on different servers is as old as the MMO history and it also applies to SWTOR with and without the legacy system.


As you chose to create twinks on different servers, you willingly accepted that fact and you cannot claim, that you did not know about it.


You are claiming the legacy system as an excuse for getting a free transfer, when in reality you always knew, that having toons on different servers is automatically stopping them from helping each other in the future.


Even though in #4 you claim, that you would have never created toons on different servers with the legacy system, you indeed did create toons of different servers, when you already knew, that you couldn't transfer funds or items between them (something you were able to do from day 1 of SWTOR on a single server).


lol....sending mail and such between characters is no big deal to me. The Legacy system is far more and gives WAY more benefits than what you are describing dude. There is no comparison.

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lol....sending mail and such between characters is no big deal to me. The Legacy system is far more and gives WAY more benefits than what you are describing dude. There is no comparison.


Grow up lol.. I've also been playing since Early Game Access.. Started on an American server and got my legacy to 31.. When Oceanic servers came available, I switched servers and started my legacy again, which I have since got to 50 and levelled another 7 toons to 50. It's really not an issue at all and it definitely doesn't mean people who've played since the beginning 'deserve' free character transfers.


Besides, why on earth would you start multiple (and I mean, say 5 or more) characters all on different servers? Find one you like and stick with it ffs.


People's ignorance / stupidity =/= BioWare giving away free services.

Edited by BennyKrak
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During early access and launch, some of us were forced to create toons on different servers because the wait times were terrible and Taris was bugged. If you disconnected in Taris you had to wait again. Bioware created more servers in a vain attempt to get people to spread out. The community(not Bioware) wanted to squeeze into full servers because they wanted more people to play with. This caused many people move to different servers.


If you played with friends in real life, you had to log into a server together to play together. This caused an issue if you had toons in a particular server, but cannot log into it because it was full with a long wait time. So some people who got in early were already in a server but by the time everyone got into the game, the original servers were already full with long wait times.


As the population dwindled heavily in the spring last year, some servers bordered on dead. A person could not participate in mulitplayer gameplay and this was before group finder. Warzone queues were non-existent in some servers but not in others; I can confirm this myself and I am sure others can as well. Bioware implemented server transfers twice but some people were not lucky to have all their toons consolidated into one server because we were not allowed to choose. Now With the legacy system in full effect at this point, people care even more about uniting their toons as they probably had things already unlocked in a certain legacy.


Reasons why people are well justified to complain.

1. Bioware did not have a paid/manual charater transfer system at launch or even one year after. Something that some of us expect in a modern MMO.

2. To combat the multiple full servers at launch, Bioware just created more servers but did not control where people went. By not closing off very heavy or full servers, people just continued to log into the most populated ones. At launch we did not have a well balanced population accross all servers which became an issue after the mass exodus of players.

3. The main incentive to have toons in one server was released later after the launch debacle. If people were well informed of what the Legacy system is at lauch, things might have been different. I doubt this though because the wait times were ridiculous.

4. Players never had a choice on what server they can move their characters to, which someone might say is good for balance and that is a valid argument. At the same time, people are paying to play this game, so complaints should be expected.

5. Two times have I seen what a combined legacy would look like and I want it. Before the super server transfers, all my toons were put into the test server. Now I just transfered all my toons into the PTS and I have so many things unlocked and am able to trade so many items between my toons that I really cannot wait for an official transfer.

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The argument for free periodic character transfers might be better made from the point of competitive advantage, in this case between SWTOR and other MMOs.


I believe WoW still charges for them.


I believe GW2 offers them for free on a periodic basis.


By offering free periodic character transfers, SWTOR can be seen to be "better" than WoW and "as good as" GW2 in at least one aspect.

Edited by DarthTHC
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By offering free periodic character transfers, SWTOR can be seen to be "better" than WoW and "as good as" GW2 in at least one aspect.


...or as the most "desperate" one, that hands out for free what the Big Boys can sell to their customers.


Obviously now since they added the legacy system it only makes sense to have all toons on one server.



The Legacy system was added almost a year ago and only a few months after the game's release. And I'm not even going to take into account the fact that we knew Legacy was coming well before 1.2 - Legacy actually hit live servers.


I'm not against free transfers, but only if there is a good reason for it (like the server merges). Transfers create issues with servers' population and if you're not even charging for it things will quickly get out of hand.

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They've already gone f2p, so I think that ship has sailed, hit the iceberg, and sank already, no?


Nah, not really.

If what we had was a true F2P game, instead of a freemium/pay-as-you-go kind of deal, which more or less is an extended trial version of the game where you can only do the "single-player" part without issues and you need to buy stuff for everything else, then maybe.

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Nah, not really.

If what we had was a true F2P game, instead of a freemium/pay-as-you-go kind of deal, which more or less is an extended trial version of the game where you can only do the "single-player" part without issues and you need to buy stuff for everything else, then maybe.


Eh... maybe.


Still, given what seems to be the driving force in management's decision-making, I think they're probably more likely to consider making transfers free from a competitive advantage perspective than simple player demand.


Of course, they're probably doing market research to figure out how often players might transfer and how much they'd really be willing to pay to do it. If EA sniffs money in a wallet, they're going to be highly motivated to extract it. Free for any period of time might be a pipe dream.

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The legacy exp bar was there day 1. It may not have got you anything at that point, but it was possible to gain legacy levels and you knew features for it would be implemented soon. If you created characters on different servers because of your ignorance, it's your fault, not Bioware's.


With that said, I could still see them offering us at least one free legacy transfer. Mergers placed people on servers they didn't necessarily want to be on, the 8 character limit wasn't increase until recently, and this feature was said to be coming "soon" last summer (or maybe even earlier). These are good reasons for them to give it to you for free, not because of the legacy system. But still, you aren't entitled to anything like that so you really have no right to complain either way.

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Nah, not really.

If what we had was a true F2P game, instead of a freemium/pay-as-you-go kind of deal, which more or less is an extended trial version of the game where you can only do the "single-player" part without issues and you need to buy stuff for everything else, then maybe.


Right, because every F2P model needs to fit YOUR definition of what it should be or it's not F2P.


/Rolls eyes.....................whatever.

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This has absolutely nothing to do with what I am saying....sorry.


But I am syaing this:

1. When the game launched there was no legacy system in place.... so I had no real reason to have all my characters on one server.

2. Obviously having all characters on one server is very beneficial because of the legacy system.

3. Because they added the Legacy system later... now I need to transfer some of my characters in order to get the benefits of the legacy for them.

4. If the legacy system had been in place from the beginning I would never have created characters on a different server to begin with.


No.. My post has everything to do with what you are saying.. You are using legacy as an excuse or a reason to demand transfers.. I chose to ignore that as it doesn't address the underlying reason.. Which my original post did..


The underlying reason is that you chose to create characters on different servers.. Which is entirely your doing..


Bioware stated early on that legacies would only work on a single server.. You had plenty of time to decide what to do with characters on wayward servers..


At some point it is said that server transfers will become a reality.. Nobody knows when of course.. But nobody is entitled to free transfers.. People created characters on multiple servers of their own free will.. They must learn to live with those consequences.. I played WOW for a number of years.. I too learned this the hard way.. In that it cost me $25 per character.. This is one of those occasions where it pays to put all your ducks in one basket.. Just saying.. :)

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Nah, not really.

If what we had was a true F2P game, instead of a freemium/pay-as-you-go kind of deal, which more or less is an extended trial version of the game where you can only do the "single-player" part without issues and you need to buy stuff for everything else, then maybe.


Where do people get this idea that F2P is actually free?? Who here in this thread is willing to work for free?? Nobody?? Thought so.. So why should the people at Bioware work for free so you can play a game??


You still have to pay for it.. You just don't pay a subscription.. If you want all the bells and whistles, you will have to pay for it.. Be thankful this game doesn't have any popup nag screens like some games have.. :)

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Bioware played no part in people having characters spread across multiple servers.. I fail to see how anyone can blame anyone but themselves.. They created the characters didn't they?


This is absolutely false. Many of us were forced to reroll on Fatman to play with other people because server consolidation took so long. I bet a huge chuck of the player base has 50s on more than one server as a result.


I would gladly pay to transfer my characters over to the server I play on most. The ability to do so is all I ask.

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lol....sending mail and such between characters is no big deal to me. The Legacy system is far more and gives WAY more benefits than what you are describing dude. There is no comparison.


The legacy system was a known addition from before launch. It was delayed, not some shock after launch. You knew.

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They've already gone f2p, so I think that ship has sailed, hit the iceberg, and sank already, no?


No, this "f2p" model is just a fancy name for pay for what you consume. If you consume the minimum it's free, but if you want a real mmo you pay a regular subscription just like normal. It's a trial, that's why it's there.

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This is absolutely false. Many of us were forced to reroll on Fatman to play with other people because server consolidation took so long. I bet a huge chuck of the player base has 50s on more than one server as a result.


I would gladly pay to transfer my characters over to the server I play on most. The ability to do so is all I ask.


And that ability is coming. Just maybe not at the speed you and others would like. But would you rather have it FAST or have it RIGHT? As is true so often in software development, you can't have both.


The devs posted a while ago what their roadmap to player-initiated server transfers looked like.


The step RIGHT BEFORE the service going live was enabling players to choose to transfer characters to PTS.


Guess what you can do RIGHT NOW...? Go on, guess!

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The step RIGHT BEFORE the service going live was enabling players to choose to transfer characters to PTS.


I thought the same when I used the PTS copy system the other day--that the feature was far too polished to be used only for PTS copies.

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1. When the game launched there was no legacy system in place.... so I had no real reason to have all my characters on one server.

2. Obviously having all characters on one server is very beneficial because of the legacy system.

3. Because they added the Legacy system later... now I need to transfer some of my characters in order to get the benefits of the legacy for them.

4. If the legacy system had been in place from the beginning I would never have created characters on a different server to begin with.


the ability to earn legacy levels was in since launch, though we didnt get any perks for legacy levels until the legacy system launched

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