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stealth while capping


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i was playing some civil war pvp earlier, and i noticed the enemy team can cap an objective while stealth? what the crap is that mess? would be fair if maybe capping brought the enemy from safety allowing better pvp. thats something on a basic level of making a game playable.
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i was playing some civil war pvp earlier, and i noticed the enemy team can cap an objective while stealth? what the crap is that mess? would be fair if maybe capping brought the enemy from safety allowing better pvp. thats something on a basic level of making a game playable.


I believe I've only seen this happen once in a WZ I was in... but this was in the Ancient Hypergates map.


It's possible the camera was swung around too far out, but I always stand so that I can see the pylon beams in view and always try to have enough extra so that I can see anyone who pops out around the pylon to cap.


But one day within a few days of the new WZ launching, I could swear that one of the Imp players was able to stand there, cap the pylon, and all we saw was the pylon turning from green to red, then the red Imp popping out of stealth. There were 3 of us there and none of us could see him while he capped.


I expect it was a "glitch"... if it wasn't just that camera angle swung too far out.

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Friend of mind had a funny bug a month or so ago. He use camo but became bugged with permanent camo only his (holstered) lightsaber hilts were still visible. It lasted untill he loged out i think.


Maybe somethinf similar happened there.

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Friend of mind had a funny bug a month or so ago. He use camo but became bugged with permanent camo only his (holstered) lightsaber hilts were still visible. It lasted untill he loged out i think.


Maybe somethinf similar happened there.


This type of thing deffinately happened while my gf and I did the dailies in section X a few nights ago. I had stealthed with my shadow tank to try to CC a mob. After everything was said and done and the enemies were dispatched, she asked why I was still in stealth when, in fact, I never went back into stealth after the previous CC. I was plainly visible on my screen, but her screen only showed my saber. I simply activated stealth and the stealth animation showed up on her screen and I was "visible" to her again, but for a moment there, I didn't seem to be "in sync" with her game.

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I have a feeling that stealthers are more or less in stealth even without stealthing when you're char are looking in the wrong direction... Can't see behind you...

so be sure that not only the camera is positioned so you can see pylon, for safetys sake stand close to the pylon and with the characters face turned towards it...


But I havent tested this out. Something to do with friend in diff faction?

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Maybe the enemy didn't render correctly and just appeared as invisible for a while. Happened to me in a Voidstar match this morning and I couldn't protect my friend 'cause I couldn't target the Assassin. :(

I've seen it happen in Civil War once. If it had been a render issue, I should still have been able to tab-target the enemy player, which I couldn't. Only thing you can do at that point to interrupt the cap is a ground or self targetted AOE. And those things tend to cost relatively much energy/force/heat, so you're definitely at a disadvantage, on top of having to register quickly what's happening exactly and choosing the right response.

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I have a feeling that stealthers are more or less in stealth even without stealthing when you're char are looking in the wrong direction... Can't see behind you...

so be sure that not only the camera is positioned so you can see pylon, for safetys sake stand close to the pylon and with the characters face turned towards it...


But I havent tested this out. Something to do with friend in diff faction?


That's pretty much the last thing you want to do if you are node guarding in Hypergates (unless you are solo guarding with bubble stun for some reason, and even then, it's better not to). It's a free cap for a stealther. It's not that smart in other warzones either.


As far as your feeling, no, that's not how it works.


To the OP: Could be a few things.


1) There currently exists a bug with Force Camo and stealth where the player will appear "invisible" with only his bright red nameplate and weapons visible. Happens a lot, and generally the only way to get rid of it is to use stealth or Force Camo again. This could have happened.


2) Your computer failed to render the character popping out of stealth. I think this is probably what happened, resulting in a delay of a few seconds where you didn't see the character but should have seen the bright blue light shining from the sky.


You can't cap items without breaking stealth.

Edited by ebado
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maybe you were just lagging that time...possible isn't it or just a bug or somethin'.


Was possible, but in my case, I do have a lag issue from time to time and I watch that little indictator and it never dropped below its usual 3-4 bars on the latency meter.


Meh, haven't seen it happen again, but it sure vexed us that day.

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This happened to me once as a stealth player. I walked up and between to players that were watching their node at snow and just for the heck of it I started to nab it. I fully expected to get attacked before the meter hit half way, but they just stood there. I was ever so slightly behind them as they were on either side of the node.


They didn't react until I had grabbed it and I thought, "how dumb could they be?". By then some other team members showed up and we kept the node and won.


Having read this, it seems that I may of somehow stayed stealthed to them but on my screen I left stealth as soon as I started capping the node.

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I was in a Huttball match and saw a player pass to his teammate that was in stealth. It had to of been a glitch or hack. The stealth player was able to sit at our goal line undetected the whole game. His stealth was not broken until a full second after he had caught the ball. It sucks when it happens, but I have only seen stuff like this once or twice since the game came out.
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I have had this happen to me on my sentinel. It has only happened 2 times, but it was on the voidstar. I used force camo and became invisible for the entirety of the match. I could run behind enemy players guarding the doors and plant the bomb without being seen. It was awesome :D


speaking of glitches. On huttball, while on my sorc, i ran into those air blower things. I was thrown into the air and when i landed I was inside the platform that is next to the air blowers. I could see through it but couldnt move. So i could target my teammates, heal them, and could target enemies and use my ranged attacks.

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Friend of mind had a funny bug a month or so ago. He use camo but became bugged with permanent camo only his (holstered) lightsaber hilts were still visible. It lasted untill he loged out i think.


Maybe somethinf similar happened there.


Use stealth before warzone, then join to warzone - and you got this! :D

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