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Why I Hate Heroics

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I'll list mine, feel free to list your reasons too.


1. The tank/DPS is under level/under geared, and blames the heals every time he dies.

2. The tank doesn't guard or taunt, leaving me with 2 mobs on me while I fend them off and simultaneously heal the tank and DPS's attacking the same mob.

3. The one drop I get is needed by a person not even close to my class.


All in all, I find the rewards to be completely not worth it when dealing with bad groups.

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1. The tank and dps don't use their class heal, and just run forward into the next mob - so I start the pull low on resources or high on heat.


2. The dps are really badly geared and just spam their basic attack meaning that my companion would do more dps and thus the Heroic takes forever.


SOLUTION: Only do Heroics with guildies.

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1. The tank and dps don't use their class heal, and just run forward into the next mob - so I start the pull low on resources or high on heat.


2. The dps are really badly geared and just spam their basic attack meaning that my companion would do more dps and thus the Heroic takes forever.


SOLUTION: Only do Heroics with guildies.

:o you're on Jung Ma?

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From the tank's perspecitive.


DPS that doesn't burn down mobs from least to greatest


Healers that try to DPS and only heal when someone is close to death


People that ignore simply boss mechanics that can kill them even when they don't pipe up when I ask if there's anyone who doesn't know the fights


People that can't seemingly jump or walk in a straight line and fail at shortcuts or end up face pulling packs




I run the dailies on 3 tanks and a healer right now. For the most part groups are fine. I enjoy running HM's still even though I've probably ran each one 50 times at least. Well, I still don't care for Kaon Under Seige.

Edited by sumuji
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None of the above, even if it can be quite anoyng. It´s quite rare nowadays in hard mode that you get realy terribad groups. What i hate is that it´s so damn boring. Hardmodes is quite easy in tioneese gear and people get columi+ gear in a few weeks after level 50.


It´s not that i dont aprove of skipping mobs. I just think it´s bad design to make content that people skip. And why wouldn´t they skip ? There´s zero incentive to kill more trash or bonus boss or anything.

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1.) Finding a group can be annoying depending on time, planet and quest

2.) Not giving me the chance to CC

3.) Usually warriors breaking CC

4.) Not waiting for the healer to rest if needed

5.) People quitting because there is no healer in group


Atm I am mostly leveling alts so this is based upon the low level experiences I've had.

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Well, guardians and vanguards don't get their AoE taunt till level 30, which is late in my opinion. I think shadows get their AoE at level 20-something though and that is way more reasonable. So depending on their level, they may only have a single target taunt, which makes it pretty difficult to keep aggro if the DPS are spread out.


I normally don't mind heroic missions because I level(ed) most of my alts with friends so I have a good group for them. Also, I normally two-man heroic fours. Currently I'm leveling my Jugg tank with my friends sorc healer, and a vanguard tank with my friends commando healer. Before that I leveled my commndo with a different friends vanguard, and my sniper with a mara. The only alt I leveled completely solo was my sent, my third character. I did have a hard time finding groups for heroics while leveling him, so I skipped over most of them. The biggest problem when I did find heroics on him is the shortage of (competent) tanks.

Edited by Radzkie
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I'll list mine, feel free to list your reasons too.

2. The tank doesn't guard or taunt, leaving me with 2 mobs on me while I fend them off and simultaneously heal the tank and DPS's attacking the same mob.


Well, can't do much about the other two since i'm not a tank and i only need roll what I can use (or rip the mods out of - but it still has to be for my class at least)


But #2? Well, that's the part where I (personally) do a couple things as DPS:

1. CC if it's off CD and leave it for later (and hope no one breaks CC)

2. Throw healer a few Rapid/Healing Scans til the tank figures out you're in trouble.

3. If no cc, and my heals aren't doing enough - pop my defensive CDs and I throw everything I have at the 1-2 going after the healer.


Only ever had 1 bad Heroic 4 while leveling - and that was a merc in all lvl 20ish greens on Balmorra who was going after anything and everything - we wiped about 4 times before we dumped him.


They make 'em available as dailies, but TBH, if I do 'em, I do 'em once - because it is kind of annoying to find a group, kind of annoying to get all parties to the right location in a timely manner, and also, because I'm already on to another planet by the next day;)

Edited by Stressfire
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As an upcoming Tank still working on acquiring a set of Columi my beef is the fully Rakata geared Dps who refuses to let the Tank be a Tank. Constantly running ahead and starting pulls and leaving no time for anyone to place a cc. And all the while making snide comments about the Tank not rounding up the agro. Edited by SWGEvictee
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As an upcoming Tank still working on acquiring a set of Columi my beef is the fully Rakata geared Dps who refuses to let the Tank be a Tank. Constantly running ahead and starting pulls and leaving no time for anyone to place a cc. And all the while making snide comments about the Tank not rounding up the agro.


Gets even more fun when it's the healer doing that, not the DPS:confused:

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As an upcoming Tank still working on acquiring a set of Columi my beef is the fully Rakata geared Dps who refuses to let the Tank be a Tank. Constantly running ahead and starting pulls and leaving no time for anyone to place a cc. And all the while making snide comments about the Tank not rounding up the agro.


I can be guilty of this but from my perspective I know if the healer is ready then I can tank anything in a Flashpoint this game has with my Marauder. Though I never moan at the tank if I'm the one doing the pulling.

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As a tank:

DPS who pull first. I don't care if you're geared enough to cope, you're ruining the tank's enjoyment by making his role unplayable/difficult.

Healers who scream at the tank if they receive any damage whatsoever.


As a healer:

Tanks who pick one mob and tank it in the corner, ignoring everything else.

DPS who attack in the wrong kill order, leaving a load of strong mobs to pound on the healer. Generally they go after the same target as the tank and there are a couple of pulls where this always happens.

Lack of situational awareness from tanks and DPS (standing in aoe etc).


As a DPS:

Tanks not maintaining threat, not using taunt, not guarding etc.

Healers who forget that the tank is not the only person in the group.


As any:

Players who don't understand mechanics. DPS who think they can just turn up, mash a rotation with no real regard for who they're attacking and why. The final fight in D7 is a great example.

Players going AFK every 5 minutes...



Not many of these are a real issue any more, although they were at one point. HMs are so easy with current gearing that it's easy to ignore most things.

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