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Ban all premades outside of ranked 50


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that is because the real issue here is not separate queues; its that bad players do not like having to go against good players. they think it is unfair that the "no-lifers" that beat them have an advantage, and the only tangible thing they can point to is the ability for said good players to group up.


if you create separate queues, bads will then come and complain that the good players (which they will use derogatory terms to describe) should stop ruining their warzones and form groups to play against other good players.


which is absolutely ridiculous. this is probably the worst gaming community i have ever seen. the average skill level is atrociously low, 99.9% of players have no idea what personal responsibility is, and the obvious reason for losing is that the other guys are hacking or FOTM noobs.


oh look, another person who thinks everyone else is bad. you are the one that needs a dps buddy and dedicated healer on you nonstop. i see what happens when you don't have a group.... you die just as easily as anyone else. you think it's all about good players vs bad players but it's good coordination vs pug coordination. the only reason a group vs group q would take so long is people wouldn't use it because it's not a guaranteed roflstomp like it use to be.

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"do you think your "4 man pug storm" is mess up other play also ? "


Just because you can't find three friends doesn't mean my gameplay should be slowed.


i really don't see how your gameplay could be slowed that much if one of the many options put forward here were put into place.


cross server queues would lead to a more likely matchup between two groups of premade groups, so you would actually pop quicker.


even if the queues were split into 2 or 3 (which i'm not convinced on), particularly with the 3rd option of "queue for anything" i think it could still improve the situation. you can't think that if a premade group is playing all night and cleaning house that people are going to keep going back for more. people will play their two matches for the daily and begone. however if there are close matches with good players on both teams, people will be more likely to immediately requeue.


and i see a lot of people saying that the bad players want to avoid the good groups of players who are better than them. well so what? why do good players want to face bad players just to stomp them? are your lives so fruitless that you have to win at an online game so bad? let the bad players play other bad players where they can win occasionally, let the better players play the better players where they can also win occasionally.


EVERYONE is entitled to get enjoyment out of the game, bad players and good players. if there are plenty of bad players, let them pvp together, why is it so important that they be thrown to the wolves of the uber pvpers?

Edited by buffgfc
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oh look, another person who thinks everyone else is bad. you are the one that needs a dps buddy and dedicated healer on you nonstop. i see what happens when you don't have a group.... you die just as easily as anyone else. you think it's all about good players vs bad players but it's good coordination vs pug coordination. the only reason a group vs group q would take so long is people wouldn't use it because it's not a guaranteed roflstomp like it use to be.

Here we have a great example of the miraculous; "Premades are groups of bads but still manage to win every war zone they enter," fallacy.


i really don't see how your gameplay could be slowed that much if one of the many options put forward here were put into place.


EVERYONE is entitled to get enjoyment out of the game, bad players and good players. if there are plenty of bad players, let them pvp together, why is it so important that they be thrown to the wolves of the uber pvpers?


And here we have someone QQing about Premades when their actual articulated complaints, if they were founded in real concern for balance, would be directed at a more regimented matchmaking system.


QQ Threads....:rolleyes:

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To be honest, to ban Premades in normal wz's would be a bad choice for BW. Why should those who like to group up with 2 or 3 friends not be able to join a wz togther? just because someone decides to queu solo, doesn't mean that nobody should be able to group with guildies/friends for a wz.


I do think cross server queu's would be a great idea.

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To be honest, to ban Premades in normal wz's would be a bad choice for BW. Why should those who like to group up with 2 or 3 friends not be able to join a wz togther? just because someone decides to queu solo, doesn't mean that nobody should be able to group with guildies/friends for a wz.


I do think cross server queu's would be a great idea.


how would it be bad? group vs group and pug vs pug it's simple really. how will facing the same premade be good for the game? casual players make a h3ll of a lot more money than the groups would. so all it is doing is pushing people away from the game.

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really. so when i say you die just as easy as anyone else when you don't have a dedicated healer to your premade and a few dps buddies to always back you up is wrong? riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight... keep telling yourself that.


Since Cash isn't a baddy, no. He doesn't.

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really. so when i say you die just as easy as anyone else when you don't have a dedicated healer to your premade and a few dps buddies to always back you up is wrong? riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight... keep telling yourself that.


i havent queued in a premade in over 2 months unfortunately. i left a guild around then, and have been flying solo since.


so no pocket healer or dps buddies. what you see is what you get with me im afraid.


and in fact, i have been working on leveling up a sniper, slinger and a commando in that time. so i have not even been playing a level 50 toon.

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To be honest, to ban Premades in normal wz's would be a bad choice for BW. Why should those who like to group up with 2 or 3 friends not be able to join a wz togther? just because someone decides to queu solo, doesn't mean that nobody should be able to group with guildies/friends for a wz.


I do think cross server queu's would be a great idea.


You fail to see the point of the entire thread. It's not to keep you from grouping up together. You can, even if the only thing that BioWare did was to remove Groups from queuing for Unranked WZs, you could still group up and queue for Ranked WZs, yes you would need a group that is slightly bigger, but if you only have 4 people in your guild willing to do it, spam fleet for a couple more, maybe even make more friends.


However those of us that just want to queue solo for WZs and face off against other groups that are randomly thrown together don't have any other options. We can't queue for Unranked WZs lately without running into pre-made groups of 4 or double pre-mades of even more. The amount of co-ordination that a group can accomplish with more than 2 minutes to prepare, even not taking into account the fact that most of the people in those pre-mades are in Optimized WH/EWH gear by now, fully augmented. While the PUGs are about half in recruit, and if you are lucky enough to get a pre-made on your side (at least in my experience) they are the worst, most un-coordinated group of knuckle draggers, to have gotten to level 50. I swear sometimes my teams make me wonder how they play and breath at the same time, especially when I say I pray for no pre-made and then we get rofl stomped by a pre-made, queue up again, see a couple of familiar faces, make the same comment, and wow then i'm the Antipre-made guy. Yeah we got roflstomped by another pre-made.

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And it turn to flame again....


I have pvp'ed in wow, and recently play a bit of LOL and a lot of dota2, in all those game stack is always matched again stack and i have yet to see anyone again this match-making... ( in dota2 if i queue as stack of 3+ i will have to wait atleast 10 minutes in queue, but then i will enjoy a good, compettive match and in my eyes, it's much much better than a pub storm even if i lose )

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Here's a serious question -- it might sound like QQ, but it's not. I genuinely am curious:When you're on a premade with everyone on voice chat, in fully min/maxed EWH gear, easily able to pretty much two-shot anyone and to run back and forth between nodes easily, and you win a Civil War match 350-0 or roll through a Voidstar in 3 minutes . . . are you actually having any fun? It's obviously not a challenge, so I really wonder what people get out of it?


From the other side of the coin, I don't care about premades vs pugs vs whatever, I care about matchmaking. Grinding for comms for better gear is frustrating enough; constantly getting roflstomped makes it take 3x as long, and I certainly can't improve as a player if I get focus-fired and die in 2 GCDs every time I step out of the spawn.


I played a couple of great matches this weekend - Civil Wars where nodes constantly changed hands and we ended up losing when it was 20-0 but the competition was fun. Or a Huttball match where it ended 2-2 but we won because of possession. That's fun, and helps me improve. (The latter was my highest-ever damage and DPS with my sniper.) But getting rolled over and over, with my entire team having less than 100k damage each while the other side has 250-300k each isn't fun, and it isn't a challenge. It's just stupid.

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Here's a serious question -- it might sound like QQ, but it's not. I genuinely am curious:When you're on a premade with everyone on voice chat, in fully min/maxed EWH gear, easily able to pretty much two-shot anyone and to run back and forth between nodes easily, and you win a Civil War match 350-0 or roll through a Voidstar in 3 minutes . . . are you actually having any fun? It's obviously not a challenge, so I really wonder what people get out of it?



Nothing you mentioned isnt doably with pugs only.

Many many times I've did Voidstar in about 3 minutes, or even 7 man(!) CW 300-0. Other team must have been suprised when they saw we were 7-on other hand, they probably couldn't count either.. to dumb...

it doesnt require premade to rotflstomp, it takes smart players vs less smart players.

I love when on other side have 4 man premade, cause it's satisfaction to make their life harder, or, win against 'odds' of a good premade on other side.

As you mentioned, whole team of <100k dmg, they are not winning the match, you are losing it. (unless it's a huttball.. usualy team with less dps wins 6:0) It's not 'premade' fault, any good pug team would steam roll that.

(I don't mean you as you personally, I mean your team)


edit:checked my scoreboard screenshots, and that 7 man win on CW was in a premade.. me and one guildy, and 5 pugs.

Oh the premades are so OP right?

Edited by Atramar
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You fail to see the point of the entire thread. It's not to keep you from grouping up together. You can, even if the only thing that BioWare did was to remove Groups from queuing for Unranked WZs, you could still group up and queue for Ranked WZs, yes you would need a group that is slightly bigger, but if you only have 4 people in your guild willing to do it, spam fleet for a couple more, maybe even make more friends.


However those of us that just want to queue solo for WZs and face off against other groups that are randomly thrown together don't have any other options. We can't queue for Unranked WZs lately without running into pre-made groups of 4 or double pre-mades of even more. The amount of co-ordination that a group can accomplish with more than 2 minutes to prepare, even not taking into account the fact that most of the people in those pre-mades are in Optimized WH/EWH gear by now, fully augmented. While the PUGs are about half in recruit, and if you are lucky enough to get a pre-made on your side (at least in my experience) they are the worst, most un-coordinated group of knuckle draggers, to have gotten to level 50. I swear sometimes my teams make me wonder how they play and breath at the same time, especially when I say I pray for no pre-made and then we get rofl stomped by a pre-made, queue up again, see a couple of familiar faces, make the same comment, and wow then i'm the Antipre-made guy. Yeah we got roflstomped by another pre-made.


So those of us who have no interest in Ranked WZ's should now be forced to queu solo, instead of grouping with a friend or 2? if Having premades in normal wz's ruins people's enjoyment of the game for you, I'd say the Opposite. Not having the ability to group with someone I enjoy playing with ruins my enjoyment of the game.


Go join a guild, Friend people that you've PvP'ed with and liked, and get together for PvP matches. No player is ever forced to queu solo.

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Seems to me that premade groups should fight other premades and solo queue should fight solo queue.

If your defending premades vs solo pugs it's most likely because your afraid of the prospect.

Oh no you would have to fight a team that might challenge you? Heaven forbid!

When i used to premade group with guildies a year or so ago (went back to wow till 2 weeks ago) we would make 2 groups and try to get opposite each other for the challenge and bragging rights. If we didn't we would exit and try again because rolling pugs all day is just dumb.



I'm not saying get rid of the group option other than ranked, just that if you group you are going to only get games vs other groups. Seems fair and i really can't fathom an excuse as to why that would be bad.

Edited by Ashenshuggar
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you could still group up and queue for Ranked WZs, yes you would need a group that is slightly bigger, but if you only have 4 people in your guild willing to do it, spam fleet for a couple more, maybe even make more friends.

To prevent you from being smoked by premades in warzones, you want casuals to "find more people on the fleet" and do ranked?



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One of the biggest reasons why Bio had to start f2p was this very issue. People get sick of endless premade roflstomps and stop paying for it.


Incorrect. Severe class imbalances, a lack of end game content, and a perceived overnerf of some classes with 1.2 led to a majority of people leaving. Ranked warzones getting pulled last minute hurt as well. Basically, the Star Wars aspect of the game was wearing off and people started focusing more on the content and decided it wasn't enough for them at $15 a month.


Go to any game and you will still see premades vs. PUGs. Some games, like League of Legends, have a much higher pool of players and can better match groups and PUGs apart, but it still happens (rated being the exception and you can still duo queue, which is almost half a team just like warzones). If you honestly feel that you are losing every warzone because of premades, then you need to take a harder look at your own game and see how you can improve. If someone only wins 30% of their games, it's easy to blame premades or bad teams, but they may just not be that good.

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If you honestly feel that you are losing every warzone because of premades, then you need to take a harder look at your own game and see how you can improve. If someone only wins 30% of their games, it's easy to blame premades or bad teams, but they may just not be that good.


100% true.


But any perceptive player can take note of certain things.


#1 Premades react better/faster than PUGs to changes in the game

#2 Premades communicate better and therefore have a wider variety of tactics available to them

#3 Premades Have (near) perfect class balance.

#4 Premades work better together than pugs.


This becomes very apparent when you join a game and face off against a perfect 2 healer 2 tank 2 burst 2 sustained DPS group that already has established tactics and months of playing experience, and your team is 6DPS, a recruit gear healer and a noob still in PvE gear. Most of us have been in that situation (some of us on both sides) and you know from the gate it is pointless. If you are on the premade side you are about to get a win so easily it may as well be automated. And if you are on the PUG side you will be lucky to get a badge. No matter how well geared you are, or how well you individually play you cannot make up for your entire team being out matched and out classed by a team that has these advantages.


What I'm seeing here is 2 groups , one saying.

Premades should face premades

and one saying

We like to play with our friends!


If you are a group of 4 friends that maximizes your PvP ability and queues together with one another to stomp noobs... You are a premade, and I agree you should be facing off with other veterans. However if you just team up with your buddy from time to time, you are not who this thread is talking about and you don't need to defend yourself. You are not apart of the problem people have with premades.


I honestly think the answer is to give us VOIP already... It's crazy to me that we still don't have it standard in MMO PvP. Im pretty sure MMO PvP is the only online VS genre that doesn't have built in VIOP. That would solve so many problems with PUG vs Premade right there.

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