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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Guardian/Sentinel/Marauder/Juggernaut: 8 K


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I play a marauder and a sorc.


With the mara I'm on 7K, 8K single target. Instant. Whenever I see a sorc I chase him and I kill him. He tries to run away, but I kill him. I do. That's what sorcerers are for.


With the sorc I do some decent damage, 4K, sometimes close to 5K. Casted, with preparation dots on target. As long as no melee jumps on me. Cause when this happens, I'm dead. I try to run away, but I'm dead. Cause he instants 7K twice while I try to find 5 uninterrupted secs to cast 4K that won't help anyway.


Now, the thing is that I love to play the sorc. But I don't want to be owned by every single melee without a chance to win. I just don't.


So what I'm going to do is, I will stop to PvP. And I don't PvE much lately. Actually, I don't PvE at all. So what I will do is .... Well. Guess what.


Edit: Yes. You can have my stuff.

Edited by Cretinus
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I play a marauder and a sorc.


With the mara I'm on 7K, 8K single target. Instant. Whenever I see a sorc I chase him and I kill him. He tries to run away, but I kill him. I do. That's what sorcerers are for.


With the sorc I do some decent damage, 4K, sometimes close to 5K. Casted, with preparation dots on target. As long as no melee jumps on me. Cause when this happens, I'm dead. I try to run away, but I'm dead. Cause he instants 7K twice while I try to find 5 uninterrupted secs to cast 4K that won't help anyway.


Now, the thing is that I love to play the sorc. But I don't want to be owned by every single melee without a chance to win. I just don't.


So what I'm going to do is, I will stop to PvP. And I don't PvE much lately. Actually, I don't PvE at all. So what I will do is .... Well. Guess what.


Edit: Yes. You can have my stuff.


Translation. You don't have a knight/warrior melee class. You probably did roll an alt, and are getting blown up on one. You are really mad that the "faceroll class" is too hard for you. So? You are going to quit.


I see 4-5 knight/warriors in every lowbie WZ doing sub 100 k dps. One of them was probably you. :(

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Translation. You don't have a knight/warrior melee class. You probably did roll an alt, and are getting blown up on one. You are really mad that the "faceroll class" is too hard for you. So? You are going to quit.


I see 4-5 knight/warriors in every lowbie WZ doing sub 100 k dps. One of them was probably you. :(


Nice summary.

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I hate to pull the learn to play line, but its really easy to escape a rage spec warrior, especially as a sorc. Pop the bubble and speed away the second you see the force crush debuff show up, maybe throw in force slow or the 4 second stun to make things easier (assuming you are playing this as the sorc).
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Yeah, it's easy to pop all def CDs and run away, sure. What does sorc want more? If all CDs are ready, sorc has a good chance to survive. And that's bull s. A DPS sorc should be able to kill a DPS melee too, and not only to feel great cause he was able to run away. Melees are meanwhile so stupidly OP that they believe that balance is when other classes can escape them. Edited by Cretinus
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I hate to pull the learn to play line, but its really easy to escape a rage spec warrior, especially as a sorc. Pop the bubble and speed away the second you see the force crush debuff show up, maybe throw in force slow or the 4 second stun to make things easier (assuming you are playing this as the sorc).


Yeah cause the sorc pulls his stun and runs away, cause he's not slowed himself. Come on, get real.

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Yeah cause the sorc pulls his stun and runs away, cause he's not slowed himself. Come on, get real.


Still waiting on a screenshot of you playing your 50 melee. It is really easy. Press print screen, and upload it to imgur.


Lies, lies and more lies.

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maybe this will help, you clearly have mental obstacles in your brain preventing you from seeing the greater picture. Sorcs have a ton of escapability if you are smart. As my sorc I am never killed by 1 person, though I am heal spec most of my escape **** comes from the middle tree.... you have an aoe knockback root and a bubble stun in a dps tree...


on the bright side for nubs like yourself that think as a ranged you should be able to sit right next to a melee and out dps him by casting - you might be able to after 2.0 sorcs apparently are getting some op ****, but even then you should be keeping people at max range (and yes I understand he can jump, you have a ton of **** that stops him from killing you on his jump)

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Why are you muppets attacking him when you know what he´s saying is true? Dps sorcs are like mercs, weak and not welcome anywhere.


^^This. This is exactly right. Both ACs are shunned if they are anything other than healers...for Sorcerer/Sages, if they aren't specced hybrids for the bubble stun they aren't welcome either. And people say, "This is fair and equitable?" Yeah right. This is only true if your one of the 4 different types of glow-stick warriors.

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Summary of thread. Op claimed to "pwn" on his melee class. Was challenged to post a screenshot of the melee class. Op left thread.


Op lied. Another sorc cried. The day the music died. And they were singing bye bye to that facetanking guy, he pushed his lightning pedal to the medal, but the voltage was dry, he doesn't shield or heal himself and on the force push he flies, singing this will be the day my account dies, this will be the day my account dies.


And as the smash specced melee was looking down, a gunslinger shot him from afar and took his crown, and then the sniper turned, and ran into a backblast and was burned.


And this is how balance works for you and meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Edited by biowareftw
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Summary of thread. Op claimed to "pwn" on his melee class. Was challenged to post a screenshot of the melee class. Op left thread.


Op lied. Another sorc cried. The day the music died. And they were singing bye bye to that facetanking guy, he pushed his lightning pedal to the medal, but the voltage was dry, he doesn't shield or heal himself and on the force push he flies, singing this will be the day my account dies, this will be the day my account dies.


And as the smash specced melee was looking down, a gunslinger shot him from afar and took his crown, and then the sniper turned, and ran into a backblast and was burned.


And this is how balance works for you and meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.



Why you try to deny that warrior a stupidly op, smash noobs and those silly rooting bastards that charge follow with interruptable ravage to almost 1 shoot other classes, fears, slows, invisibility and tones ******** def cds on every ocassion, was a time when warrior req a reall skill, now every noob can pwn...

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Why you try to deny that warrior a stupidly op, smash noobs and those silly rooting bastards that charge follow with interruptable ravage to almost 1 shoot other classes, fears, slows, invisibility and tones ******** def cds on every ocassion, was a time when warrior req a reall skill, now every noob can pwn...


When all your side has is exaggerations, wild hyperbole and lies that at least half of you don't believe (and/or care what you're argueing about), it's hard to take you seriously. My main issue is that many newbs do believe this crap. It's like in politics, the loudest ranter gets heard and the calm voice of reason gets rolled over or strung up, whichever appeases the mob. Fortunately, BW hasn't been trying too hard to appease them so far.

Edited by Savej
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Why you try to deny that warrior a stupidly op, smash noobs and those silly rooting bastards that charge follow with interruptable ravage to almost 1 shoot other classes, fears, slows, invisibility and tones ******** def cds on every ocassion, was a time when warrior req a reall skill, now every noob can pwn...
peeps defend the warrior classes cuz it is the easy mode. grab some pvp gear & your set. you have amazing dps, the haha i'm goin to live forever and kill you and your friend ability, and a crap load of CC... all in one toon. why would anyone want that to change... except those who would like to play other classes :eek:


maybe it's they have so much talent & the rest of us who think the warriors are BS just are talentless.



Come on BW balance PvP :cool:

Less CC / More Fight


not really worth getting worked up about... they'll just scream some gibberish and tell peeps they have no talent.

prove it... want screenshot... on and on.

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peeps defend the warrior classes cuz it is the easy mode. grab some pvp gear & your set. you have amazing dps, the haha i'm goin to live forever and kill you and your friend ability, and a crap load of CC... all in one toon. why would anyone want that to change... except those who would like to play other classes :eek:


maybe it's they have so much talent & the rest of us who think the warriors are BS just are talentless.



Come on BW balance PvP :cool:

Less CC / More Fight


not really worth getting worked up about... they'll just scream some gibberish and tell peeps they have no talent.

prove it... want screenshot... on and on.


Exhibit #684527719

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Why you try to deny that warrior a stupidly op, smash noobs and those silly rooting bastards that charge follow with interruptable ravage to almost 1 shoot other classes, fears, slows, invisibility and tones ******** def cds on every ocassion, was a time when warrior req a reall skill, now every noob can pwn...


How to interrupt combat/carnage ravage on a sorc. Knockback, whirlwind, stun. You are welcome on this lesson on how to play a sorc.


This is in the advanced class I teach, right after


1. clicking is bad 101

2. how to kite/strafe 101

3. You have a heal/cleanse, use it 101

4. People cant hit you through pillars, but your dots still hit them 101

5. What rebuke and cloak of pain are. Don't dot when you see this animation 101 (Bioware is fixing this for you, cus this r hard for you geniuses that play the sorc class)

Edited by biowareftw
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How to interrupt combat/carnage ravage on a sorc. Knockback, whirlwind, stun. You are welcome on this lesson on how to play a sorc.


This is in the advanced class I teach, right after


1. clicking is bad 101

2. how to kite/strafe 101

3. You have a heal/cleanse, use it 101

4. People cant hit you through pillars, but your dots still hit them 101

5. What rebuke and cloak of pain are. Don't dot when you see this animation 101 (Bioware is fixing this for you, cus this r hard for you geniuses that play the sorc class)


Great lesson, thanks a lot. So you knockback the warri. And then? You can't get away properly cause he slowed you. Oh, right. Force speed. And then? Right, he leaps to you again. Whirlwind? Lightning tree has to cast that one. Bubble stun? Great. Stun him. And then? Nothing cause he will be close to you again.


The only thing you can do is to delay your defeat. Because you don't have enough burst to win during the couple of secs that you are able to cast something.

Edited by Cretinus
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Why are you muppets attacking him when you know what he´s saying is true? Dps sorcs are like mercs, weak and not welcome anywhere.


Sorc is suck on DPS? lol.. Either you are wrong geared or wrong specced in the skilltree..

The good sorcs are at the top of the DPS in WZ resulting list. And they are so f..ng annoying sometimes..

not to mention the bubbles..

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Great lesson, thanks a lot. So you knockback the warri. And then? You can't get away properly cause he slowed you. Oh, right. Force speed. And then? Right, he leaps to you again. Whirlwind? Lightning tree has to cast that one. Bubble stun? Great. Stun him. And then? Nothing cause he will be close to you again.


The only thing you can do is to delay your defeat. Because you don't have enough burst to win during the couple of secs that you are able to cast something.


If you will pick up the equally geared Warrior and Sorc.. the picture will be not so dramatic.

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To be fair Bioware always seemed to have a certain affinity with melee classes.

They certainly have an aversion to ranged facetanking melee.


Running a DPS Commando (lolweakestclassinthegame) as de-facto PvP main, and, unless a Madauder jumps me and I don't have superior footing (which I usually do because positioning is very important to ranged in ToR) he usually drops like a sack of potatoes within a couple of rotations, unless he blows everything he has.


Granted, if a good Marauder really wants to take me down, he will. But it's not really my job to duel them to the death. My job is making big holes in them while they're occupied with someone else. Result is usually minimum deaths per match, very high kill and damage counts.

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Great lesson, thanks a lot. So you knockback the warri. And then? You can't get away properly cause he slowed you. Oh, right. Force speed. And then? Right, he leaps to you again. Whirlwind? Lightning tree has to cast that one. Bubble stun? Great. Stun him. And then? Nothing cause he will be close to you again.


The only thing you can do is to delay your defeat. Because you don't have enough burst to win during the couple of secs that you are able to cast something.


I had loads of wins in pure 1v1 against different mara specs. Mara (anni and carnage specs) is probably the only class dueling with which sorc can't afford using force lightning more then for 2-3 ticks. Rage is even much easier to counter and there's nothing to argue about.


2.0 gave them cheaty dual lightsaber throw (additional slow), but we've got cheaty barrier, so...

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