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Top PVP Guilds: Please Challenge the Harbinger on the PTS


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If you haven't seen the threads, some PVPers from the Harbinger think they're God's gift to PVP because they are winning a lot in ranked on the PTS: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=605536.


Even though I play on the Harbinger a lot now (more than here), I know JC has some amazing PVP talent. Sadly, I'm not seeing many of you guys on the PTS, just a handful from some of the best guilds.


Don't get me wrong, the Harbinger has some amazing PVPers (some of the best I have ever seen), but it would be nice for JC to face them.


In any case, they are forming super teams composed of top individuals from various guilds so it's really not any one guild, it's like the USA Dream Team in Olympics basketball (although they are downplaying this but really it is a superteam).


I say JC should get a group of 8 to 16 top players from all the top PVP guilds and face them.

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I'm pretty sure our top pvpers could match them any day but from what I understand you have to grind out gear/augments on the PTS to be competitive as it's a fairly large upgrade. In my opinion this is ******** as grinding gear on the PTS is a waste of time, you don't get to keep it.
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I'm pretty sure our top pvpers could match them any day but from what I understand you have to grind out gear/augments on the PTS to be competitive as it's a fairly large upgrade. In my opinion this is ******** as grinding gear on the PTS is a waste of time, you don't get to keep it.


The gear is pretty easy to do, 30-60 mins for a min/maxed right side. The augments take a while longer but it's not too bad.

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well i assume nostrum and casual would beat you too because they give us very tough games. they must not have had many games against you i guess


We've split our games against Casual, and played only two games against nostrum, both of which had an erm, less than ideal comp. Even then, they were close games.


For the most part, aside from Casual, Nostrum and MvP, every other team we've encountered has been a joke now that we've been able to have our preferred comp instead of randomness that changes every other game.

Casual Nostrum and MvP are all great teams, as is Harbinger's team. If you want to downplay that, feel free, but I still have yet to see any other teams putting up a 30 minute game in novare against you that resulted in threads being made in the PvP forums about the Screenshot from it. :)

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We've split our games against Casual, and played only two games against nostrum, both of which had an erm, less than ideal comp. Even then, they were close games.


For the most part, aside from Casual, Nostrum and MvP, every other team we've encountered has been a joke now that we've been able to have our preferred comp instead of randomness that changes every other game.

Casual Nostrum and MvP are all great teams, as is Harbinger's team. If you want to downplay that, feel free, but I still have yet to see any other teams putting up a 30 minute game in novare against you that resulted in threads being made in the PvP forums about the Screenshot from it. :)


No offense or anything but we went 7-1 against <Squirtle Squad> Saturday. We did lose in a Voidstar against a <Squirtle Squad>/<iS bAd> pug on Sunday. IIRC, we lost a door because a few of us decided not to pay attention to the door wasn't a wipe. If i'm not mistaken, our overall record is 7-2 i'm not exactly sure if that's "splitting" but at the same time that's not to say matches aren't competitive against you guys.

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No offense or anything but we went 7-1 against <Squirtle Squad> Saturday. We did lose in a Voidstar against a <Squirtle Squad>/<iS bAd> pug on Sunday. IIRC, we lost a door because a few of us decided not to pay attention to the door wasn't a wipe. If i'm not mistaken, our overall record is 7-2 i'm not exactly sure if that's "splitting" but at the same time that's not to say matches aren't competitive against you guys.


Ah sorry, Ive been out for the most of the games, been busy in RL. Should have clarified, we've split games when I've been there :)


You guys are very good, although honestly the comp you ran against on Saturday was a very lackluster one. Either way, you're my favorite team to play against personally.

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