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A Day in the life of a Solo Queuing Imp


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this is a nice post if only for the fact that there are most definitely ebbs and flows to the caliber of player online at any given point in time

during the week is more consistent to find one's niche and the weekends are a disaster for the pug player with all the weekend warriorderps


on all mmos/ online pvp games i have played it became necessary to find my niche spot as i am 99% of the time a solo pugger


fwiw (i play on harbinger but liked this thread) i've noticed (in lowbie pugs at least) that the pubs run more premades but the non-premades are totally braindead hellokitty carebears


the imps dont run many premades at all and get stomped by an organized team but i have a better chance of getting a decent team of players than on my pub toons

Edited by Daxy
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Neb you left cause you're a baby , you can't get along with anyone and if anyone puts your in your place you can't handle it. If you want me to air out your dirty laundry and the reason why you left keep going... i don't even know why you stay subbed all you do is whine and complain , i never see you in wz's and first loss you rage quit for an extended period of time. I'm competitive but you're on another level that requires therapy.


Foxmob you're the one who needs a history lesson i was in infidelz , us disbanding was for numerous reasons and didn't kill imp pvp , i think it's players like xilriso who kill imp pvp , why you ask? xilriso is an average player at best and here he is starting a thread complaining how bad solo q'ing is , like he's too good to lose or something ? like he's better then the average player and when he's in a warzone it shouldn't be a losing warzone. Most imps have a defeated attitude entering a warzone unless they see uncensored to carry them , Step 1 to fixing imp pvp is to take a look at yourself and improve your skills as a player , work it back to the basics , hell.... people i see who are complaining on a regular basis about how bad pvp is don't even know a simple rotation when i see them in warzones they open up with stuns and knockbacks they dont even understand those are methods of control for objectives / executions and not part of your rotation. I could rant about this for pages but making a thread complaining how about solo q'ing is won't fix anything , the comparison between pubs and imps are numerous but no one wants to hear it from a scrub who super q's with 7 other scrubs claiming its the only way to win regular wzs xilriso get off your high horse you're part of the problem not part of the solution.

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Coming from a player whose only ability is to stack endurance and make crappy attempts at witty humor. You were easy to kill as flak and can only seem to queue in a premade and not really do much, and this is coming from a rep player. No need to be a dick, and you least of all should talk. More skilled ppl than you in your guild.


Judging by your euphemisms, you're one of the individuals who posts hate on my videos. As you continue to maintain your anonymity, I will only say this. You are a coward. You got something to say, say it proud enough to let me know who you are. At this point you're just a no name player who has a beef.


As far as stacking Endurance, I hate to be the one to break it to you, but tanks generally have the highest hitpoints on the field. As of the current state of the game, shield and absorb rating are next to useless, I have optimized my gear for high defense, hitpoints, and mitigation. As you clearly have no idea what you're doing, you clearly don't have any basis to judge my performance. Please continue your peanut gallery whining and come back when you feel like actually giving a name.


Edit: Nevermind, searched through your posts and found a name. Well, I don't know what to tell you Garius. I'd love to get some advice from you, but since I've never heard of you, seen you in a warzone, or even recognize your name, I'd say you don't play that often, if at all. Please post again with proof or screen shots of you actually being in a warzone, I'd just love to see the context with which you have so acutely judged my level of play.

Edited by TalonKorr
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Foxmob you're the one who needs a history lesson i was in infidelz


I never said you weren't in infidels. someone else said/implied it. as for the rest of it, there is no denying that infidels' breakup wrecked imp pvp on CO. why? because they were an all-star team in the first place. I would estimate 90% of the top imp talent (at the time) was concentrated in that one guild. when ALL of the top tier talent left game or rerolled, imp life became wretched.


edit: i know y'all like to bash on try-hards and US (and some of them definitely deserve it), but they have solid players and their 4 mans carry many an imp team to victory in reg WZs. the same applies to spagghetti & meatbags and virtus et something (sad that I'm a classicist and don't remember the latin!). chatoic pixels are pretty good. qdodgers will beat any rep pugs.... iunno. I solo q all the time on my imps. it's harder. I'm not complaining. I don't see the point of the thread. but...well...going back to my first paragraph, I'm sorry but CO's imp side lost A LOT of talent, and the good guys ALWAYS carry the lesser players in reg WZs. always have and always will.

Edited by foxmob
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I will enclose "Arteriel's guide to pugging impside"


If you have 3 or more recruits or guys in bad pve gear :p /quit and save yourself the time

it’s just that simple :p

I win more than I lose


I usually bat out my weekly on Saturday afternoon, for whatever reason that's when the bad pubs play :p


TBH I wouldn’t describe most games as completive that’s, for every 20 games I may have one exciting match and its usually a hutball for whatever reason


What Art said ^


And it's really not that bad here. Sure it is Pub > Imp, that's a no brainier. But at least Imps aren't horrible.


Example: I queued pub on POT5 the other night and was the only person over 15k hp. That wasn't fun.


Imp pvp isn't that bad, but when you're losing in a streak you will definitely think you've got it the worst of anyone, anywhere.

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Former Imps: Kaydrithh, Cates, Zabuza(deceased), Tyrone(deceased), Deatch, Xeosage, Visero, Okku, CM, Paradoxx.


Not a huge list imo, and I'm unaware of all rerollers. Not counting Uncensored because they play both factions.


Well if we're including players from Paradoxx's time then we should include Squishie and Hexelz.


As far as active players:

Kaydritth, Deatch, Xeosage, CM, Myself

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Neb you left cause you're a baby , you can't get along with anyone and if anyone puts your in your place you can't handle it. If you want me to air out your dirty laundry and the reason why you left keep going... i don't even know why you stay subbed all you do is whine and complain , i never see you in wz's and first loss you rage quit for an extended period of time. I'm competitive but you're on another level that requires therapy.


Foxmob you're the one who needs a history lesson i was in infidelz , us disbanding was for numerous reasons and didn't kill imp pvp , i think it's players like xilriso who kill imp pvp , why you ask? xilriso is an average player at best and here he is starting a thread complaining how bad solo q'ing is , like he's too good to lose or something ? like he's better then the average player and when he's in a warzone it shouldn't be a losing warzone. Most imps have a defeated attitude entering a warzone unless they see uncensored to carry them , Step 1 to fixing imp pvp is to take a look at yourself and improve your skills as a player , work it back to the basics , hell.... people i see who are complaining on a regular basis about how bad pvp is don't even know a simple rotation when i see them in warzones they open up with stuns and knockbacks they dont even understand those are methods of control for objectives / executions and not part of your rotation. I could rant about this for pages but making a thread complaining how about solo q'ing is won't fix anything , the comparison between pubs and imps are numerous but no one wants to hear it from a scrub who super q's with 7 other scrubs claiming its the only way to win regular wzs xilriso get off your high horse you're part of the problem not part of the solution.


I knew I'd flush you out if I made enough references to you, cm. :-)


You fabricate **** to explain why your team is losing, and you call me a baby. Lol. At least the stuff I get mad about is real. I mean, I pulled 700k dmg in a huttball controlling mid, escorting the bc, attacking the ebc and I even went to their end zone a couple of times to get passes that never came. At the end of the game , it wasn't the bad pugs we had that lost us the game...it was me "not playing objectively, and only worrying about tab dotting" according to you.


Then in a hyper gate you blew up because I kept "running in to tab dot and getting killed" when in fact I was either getting grappled in after a stun or they brought the pain train to me in the middle of our group (with no guard to be had). We were facing US, and they will all tell you that I was NOT running in like you said. Because I denied it you called me argumentative and that's why you didn't want to play with me. Then since no one wanted to relieve the tank at our pylon so we could have mitigation at mid, I volunteered. You proceeded to call me a baby instead of realizing that I was doing the "objective thing" .


You are a mediocre player made to look better by the ppl you play with. If only you could play as well as you fabricate stories, you'd be in the jc hall of fame. You'd think a househusband with no job and all the time you have to play would excel at this game a bit more.

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Coming from a player whose only ability is to stack endurance and make crappy attempts at witty humor. You were easy to kill as flak and can only seem to queue in a premade and not really do much, and this is coming from a rep player. No need to be a dick, and you least of all should talk. More skilled ppl than you in your guild.


I don't always agree with flak's posts but IMO he's not only an overall good guy, but also a good player. Definitely top two tanks to ever guard me. He's also willing to admit he's not perfect and tries to better his playing any legal way he can. He asks for constructive criticism even when none can be given. Sure, he talks trash a bit, but so do the majority of us.

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I think its more of a case of the better imperial PvP'ers quitting the game altogether, I don't think 10 or so quality imp players going pub killed the imperials TBH at the first CO merger pubs got LD50 and Watchmen and Bloodline V V V had that solid group with Grumz and Jagger and friends and a few other guilds (off the top of my head), we brought over a few fragmented guilds with some quality players and alot of bad ones losing was a tough pill to swallow for some folks so they quit or re-rolled on another server

one side is always going to be stronger :p on Kaas it was a guaranteed win vs pubs unless you were facing Grumz and friends :p

Edited by dego-harmonium
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Neb, you're a baby. CM hit the nail on the head really. Every time you raged mumble blew up with all sorts of negative comments about you. I was pushed into a defensive position many times over you, where I stood up for what you were doing hoping that you would pull your head out of your ***.


You are a laughing stock of our guild. You are so incredibly ignorant that its borderline retardation. I mean that in the most sincere way possible.


Also, stop playing the fence its painfully obvious and it makes you look even more idiotic.

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I think its more of a case of the better imperial PvP'ers quitting the game altogether, I don't think 10 or so quality imp players going pub killed the imperials TBH at the first CO merger pubs got LD50 and Watchmen and Bloodline V V V had that solid group with Grumz and Jagger and friends and a few other guilds (off the top of my head), we brought over a few fragmented guilds with some quality players and alot of bad ones losing was a tough pill to swallow for some folks and the quit or re-rolled on another server

one side is always going to be stronger :p on Kaas it was a guaranteed win vs pubs unless you were facing Grumz and friends :p

w00t! sorry. I just felt some nostalgia for when I actually played on a ranked team. sheeit. that was bad. now imma sad panda solo Qing regs and can't even play kickball anymore. :(

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Neb, you're a baby. CM hit the nail on the head really. Every time you raged mumble blew up with all sorts of negative comments about you. I was pushed into a defensive position many times over you, where I stood up for what you were doing hoping that you would pull your head out of your ***.


You are a laughing stock of our guild. You are so incredibly ignorant that its borderline retardation. I mean that in the most sincere way possible.


Also, stop playing the fence its painfully obvious and it makes you look even more idiotic.


Great story, dargos.


And playing the fence? Haha, so when I am being honest about someone I'm being accused of having some hidden agenda? I stand by what I said.


To the whole server who already don't know: I rage at times generally over ppl doing stupid **** in wz's. Call me a baby, I really don't care.


I'm sorry I injured the fragile sensibilities of you and your guildies, dargos. Maybe you should change the gmotd to reference them to this thread so even more can post on the matter.


Btw, stop gimping your teammates and get something other than the knight buff.

Edited by Ravashakk
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Great story, dargos.


And playing the fence? Haha, so when I am being honest about someone I'm being accused of having some hidden agenda? I stand by what I said.


To the whole server who already don't know: I rage at times generally over ppl doing stupid **** in wz's. Call me a baby, I really don't care.


I'm sorry I injured the fragile sensibilities of you and your guildies, dargos. Maybe you should change the gmotd to reference them to this thread so even more can post on the matter.


An admitted baby calling my guild fragile and sensitive. Thank you, Neb.

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I know I used to love the imp side but I decided to Go repub since all my friends are there now. All bs aside I know that repub is more dominant but sometimes I play on imp side if decimate, Yooni and them want too. But yes it seems people on the imp side that are new 50's do not care to take the time to learn their class or not que in pve ear and hey repub side is the same way sometimes too and I tell ppl in pve gear I will refuse to heal them.. Maybe that is witchy of me but sorry I rather heal Someone that will make a difference. Anyways I am forbidden from imp side anyways lol!
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An admitted baby calling my guild fragile and sensitive. Thank you, Neb.


I rarely got mad at anyone in guild. It was mostly ppl not wanting to hear me ***** about something else. I leave the domestic abuse to cm, while I worried about ppl outside the guild.


I do have appreciation in the coincidence that you're a one trick pony in pvp, and your comebacks on the forums are no different. We all get it. I'm a big rage monster that devours all things around me like a collapsing star. If you're going to continue to respond and attempt diatribe, at least use some flair.

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you bringing up these specific instances prove my point exactly if someone doesn't agree with what you're doing you rage and you can never be wrong , you're still butt hurt that i called you out in obvious situations where you were tunneling. like i said before you're never wrong don't ever question neb cause his whiny baby rage voice will come out and attack you lol.


the hyper gate i yelled at you cause you were yelling at complete strangers in pug ranked you kept running in mid and you kept dying yelling out why don't we have a tank at mid *cryyy waaaaaaa when i clearly explained our shadow tank was going to guard the node cause its boring having our other shadow guard every game, you're so dillisuional you make up stuff in your mind , i told you don't come to pug ranked anymore i'm done with you , cause you were yelling at complete strangers and you raged on previous nights as well , when you were at fault . Its pug ranked you stupid baby it was set up to learn , have fun , meet new people and teach lesser players. guess what if you're such a leet player you would of figured out don't go in mid with your tab dotting fluff bs maybe try healing instead of doing useless fluff damage that gets cleansed if you kept getting focused otherwise deal with dying and be quiet , gates wasn't there you couldn't cry for guard lol


now here comes the personal attacks to people you've met in a video game, you dont know anything about my personal life so keep it out of your mouth, i'm sure anyone who's ever dealt with you in this game and have heard that you're a marine are like *** how is this guy a marine lol , a marine would have more control of his emotions in a video game and news flash barely anyone in ld liked you and were happy when you left not having to hear your whiney a** annoying baby voice and poor attitude. you're right where you belong in unicorns neb , with a bunch of scrubs who think they're better then they really are , when you can excel at more then one class you can come tell me i'm a mediocre player , you calling out dargos for only playing a knight and having one buff is ironic to say the least. this is my first mmo but so many keyboard warriors making personal attacks cause they never have to face up to them.

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I rarely got mad at anyone in guild. It was mostly ppl not wanting to hear me ***** about something else. I leave the domestic abuse to cm, while I worried about ppl outside the guild.


I do have appreciation in the coincidence that you're a one trick pony in pvp, and your comebacks on the forums are no different. We all get it. I'm a big rage monster that devours all things around me like a collapsing star. If you're going to continue to respond and attempt diatribe, at least use some flair.


So... next time I own you, you want me to try and look better than I already do for the sake of "style"?


If there is a couple things i've learned about forum goers its this:


When in doubt, Become a grammar Nazi. When you have nothing left to put on the table, change the subject and resort to personal attacks and or irrelevant information.


I'll have to add a new one to my list now that pertains specifically to you, Neb.


When you know you're wrong, resort to a point within a point that may have some sort of half truth to it and press that particular issue as a means of justification or escape from embarrassment.

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I could use some milk right now :( As for this whole thread and every other thread on JC thats about pvp it turns into an epeen contest and who can talk **** more eloquently it appears. But it is the small things that keep us so active in the forums isn't it :rak_02:
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