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Why Makeb?


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Why do you think Bioware created a new planet like Makeb over using existing lore from the Starwars universe.


Personally, I would have guessed Dantooine as the first expansion Planet.


It seems like an odd choice to go with something completly new, perhaps they just wanted the freeedom.


What do you think?

Edited by kirorx
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I imagine the role of the Hutts in the story was written long before the "setting" was decided on.


Dantooine doesn't seem like the right aesthetic choice for a hutt seizure as a grassy agrarian world. And I'm not sure the game needs another megacity environment like Coruscant or Nar Shadaa. Likewise, I'm not sure we want another planet too similar to Nal Hutta, Taris, Balmora, or Quesh.


We also already have enough snow & ice environments, between Ilum/Belsavis/Hoth/Alderaan


Adding another desert like.... wouldn't be interesting.. we only need one Tatooine


If they ever do a water world like Manaan - it's essentially the same environment as the megacity planets.


In short - they were limited to doing something sort of like Voss - with a different color pallet or a forest world like Endor or Kashyyyk.

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Manaan would be awesome! You could have some "city" stuff similar to Coruscant/Nar Shaddaa but then put on a suit and mag boots and we can walk around in the water like in KotOR. World Boss could be one of those kolto making critters, neat stuff! :)


I'm fine with Makeb. I hate rehashing all of the movie planets, its lame there are hundreds of populated worlds, spread it out.

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Because a new world let them do what they want and gives them more freedom to do just that.


Sure, I would like to see one day Dantooine, maybe as a world where you can have a farming minigame or something like that. Or Manaan when BioWare is implementing swiming/diving to SWTOR. Or of course Naboo when they have an idea for a story there.

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Because a new world let them do what they want and gives them more freedom to do just that.


Sure, I would like to see one day Dantooine, maybe as a world where you can have a farming minigame or something like that. Or Manaan when BioWare is implementing swiming/diving to SWTOR. Or of course Naboo when they have an idea for a story there.


Yup. With Makeb they have the latitude to shape the planet in any way they need to so it fits their new story. Hec... it is the story! And then... it becomes KOTOR lore.


Besides a new planet is a new discovery. A much more appealing prospect for me personally.

Edited by Rafaman
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I agree with all the posts stating "It gives them more freedom to do what they want".


Yes, it would have been nice to see things from the SW movies and all, but I think BioWare want to do something different not particularly pertaining to the movies and all.


After all, a different thing is always good, and sometimes I feel as if all of the repeats of SW get boring.


Makeb is an ideal place to start off the first expansion.

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My guess is that the more they stray from pre-established items the more freedom it affords them to tell the stories and do the things they'd like with less restrictions coming from preestablished lore.


My thoughts exactly.

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I really hate it when people start asking for planets from the movies...

Its like the entire star wars universe consists of 10 planets :/


I would prefer more new and unknown planets.


Well these are the Worlds that we actually saw saw from the 6 movies:


  • Coruscant = Already in game
  • Naboo = Barely a Starport and the Gungans are either fighting each other or are fighting the early settlers, not part of the Republic yet. Theed does not exist in this Era.
  • Tatooine = Already in game
  • Geonosis = This could be interesting place to visit during this Era
  • Kamino = Would be somewhat difficult to create, but the ruins of Derem City does have Jedi Artifacts from Ossus
  • Cato Neimoidia = Could be interesting but might also be difficult to create
  • Alderaan = Already in game
  • Kashyyyk = Will likely be added at some point, but it would be interesting if added to see how it looks compared to KOTOR 1, SWG, and the Movies
  • Felucia = IF they were to add this, then it will likely be added with an Expansion that adds in (or more of) the Xim Empire as during this Era I believe it is still under the control of Xim's Empire.
  • Mustafar = 40 years before the events KOTOR a massive battle took place which caused the environment to change, and ~340 years later I'm pretty sure that Mustafar would likely be still dangerous to explore.
  • Dagobah = Why? There isn't much of anything during this Era.
  • Saleucami = I don't see why we would visit this during this Era as there isn't any info on this World during this Era other then 6,100 BBY it was colonized by Wroonians
  • Mygeeto = Only reason I can think of to visit would be abandon Rakata Tech and Crystals
  • Utapau = I don't see any reason to add it into the game
  • Yavin 4 = Other then the Sith Temples there, not much reason to go here as Naga Sadow's spirits & Freedon Nadd's Spirit have already been destroyed before the Game begun and we wouldn't be able to kill Exar Kun's Spirit as it doesn't die until 11 ABY.
  • Hoth = Already in game
  • Bespin = Cloud City doesn't exist during this Era so no real reason to add this Gas Giant to the game
  • Endor = The Republic does have secret bio-labs here


So, of the Worlds that were shown/explored in the Movies, the Worlds of Geonosis, Kamino, Cato Neimodia, Kashyyyk, Mygeeto, and Endor would be plausible or be interesting to visit however Kamino & Cato Neimodia could be a bit too difficult to create for various reasons so Kashyyyk, Geonosis, Mygeeto & Endor would be the the ones from the Movies that would be the most plausible at being added.

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I really hate it when people start asking for planets from the movies...

Its like the entire star wars universe consists of 10 planets :/


I would prefer more new and unknown planets.


Ten planets and five families, tops. But, that's what sells, unfortunately. It's why Darth Maul and Boba Fett and even Palpatine will never die, no matter how many times they actually do.

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Dantooine is pretty much abandoned planet in this era. If you talk to Risha (Smuggler's companion), she mentions that when she was there with her father, the y basically doubled the planets population. Of course, it could be hyperbole, but I think that it is pretty accurate.


It would be interesting to see Yavin 4 as an operation or flashpoint, with goal to contain the spirit of Exar Kun


Kashyyk would be awesome, although not sure what might be going on there

Same goes for Manaan, not sure what could be going on there, as it was abandoned after switching from natural kolto to synthetic bacta (not sure how widespread is the use of bacta in this period). However, if BW ever decides and manages to implement proper swimming in game, this world would be a perfect place for some underwater fun

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Dantooine is pretty much abandoned planet in this era. If you talk to Risha (Smuggler's companion), she mentions that when she was there with her father, the y basically doubled the planets population. Of course, it could be hyperbole, but I think that it is pretty accurate.


It would be interesting to see Yavin 4 as an operation or flashpoint, with goal to contain the spirit of Exar Kun


Kashyyk would be awesome, although not sure what might be going on there

Same goes for Manaan, not sure what could be going on there, as it was abandoned after switching from natural kolto to synthetic bacta (not sure how widespread is the use of bacta in this period). However, if BW ever decides and manages to implement proper swimming in game, this world would be a perfect place for some underwater fun


On Dantooine there isn't much written between the end of K2 and the Clone Wars, as for the population, there is probably still people living there just with little to no Jedi presence. However, the Jedi Temple would be interesting to explore plus with the number of Jedi that were there that had fallen to the Dark Side, perhaps BioWare could add in a Storyline where during excavation of the lower level of the Jedi Temple revealed that it was built over a Sith Temple or something which had given way to the numerous Jedi who had fallen to the Dark Side.


I would want to go to Yavin 4 for more then just that.


With Manaan it would be difficult considering during the Great Galactic War (which took place just before the Game starts) the Sith Empire destroyed the Surface Cities driving the Salkath underwater, though at some point later Ahto City was rebuilt so if they were to add in Manaan then we could see Ahto City as it is being rebuilt. Oh, and Manaan wasn't abandoned because of Synthetic Bacta, I mean yeah it affected their Economy but Kolto was still being exported even into the Galactic Civil War and the Galactic Empire.


As for Kashyyyk, I agree that there isn't much there for us to really go there beyond Rakata Tech.

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On Dantooine there isn't much written between the end of K2 and the Clone Wars, as for the population, there is probably still people living there just with little to no Jedi presence. However, the Jedi Temple would be interesting to explore plus with the number of Jedi that were there that had fallen to the Dark Side, perhaps BioWare could add in a Storyline where during excavation of the lower level of the Jedi Temple revealed that it was built over a Sith Temple or something which had given way to the numerous Jedi who had fallen to the Dark Side.


I would want to go to Yavin 4 for more then just that.


With Manaan it would be difficult considering during the Great Galactic War (which took place just before the Game starts) the Sith Empire destroyed the Surface Cities driving the Salkath underwater, though at some point later Ahto City was rebuilt so if they were to add in Manaan then we could see Ahto City as it is being rebuilt. Oh, and Manaan wasn't abandoned because of Synthetic Bacta, I mean yeah it affected their Economy but Kolto was still being exported even into the Galactic Civil War and the Galactic Empire.


As for Kashyyyk, I agree that there isn't much there for us to really go there beyond Rakata Tech.


I too am a fan of Yavin. I would love to see and explore the Massassi Temple


I did not know that Manaan was destroyed.

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On Dantooine there isn't much written between the end of K2 and the Clone Wars, as for the population, there is probably still people living there just with little to no Jedi presence. However, the Jedi Temple would be interesting to explore plus with the number of Jedi that were there that had fallen to the Dark Side, perhaps BioWare could add in a Storyline where during excavation of the lower level of the Jedi Temple revealed that it was built over a Sith Temple or something which had given way to the numerous Jedi who had fallen to the Dark Side.


I would want to go to Yavin 4 for more then just that.


With Manaan it would be difficult considering during the Great Galactic War (which took place just before the Game starts) the Sith Empire destroyed the Surface Cities driving the Salkath underwater, though at some point later Ahto City was rebuilt so if they were to add in Manaan then we could see Ahto City as it is being rebuilt. Oh, and Manaan wasn't abandoned because of Synthetic Bacta, I mean yeah it affected their Economy but Kolto was still being exported even into the Galactic Civil War and the Galactic Empire.


As for Kashyyyk, I agree that there isn't much there for us to really go there beyond Rakata Tech.


Like I said, i am basing my assumption about Dantooine on what Risha says in one of her conversations.


Yavin 4 hold pretty much nothing is you skip the abandoned temples (correct me if I am wrong). It would be cool to go there, but what would we do there. Flashpoint/Ops to conatin some spirits seem like a good balance between seeing the enviroment and providing replayability that makes some sonse from stroyline perspective.


As for Manaan, I thought that the city got destroyed much later (it was a long time since I read it, and I just read Manaan article on Wookiepeida when I wrote my first reply), and that it was abandoned after bacta replaced kolto. But I assume that bacta is still in it's experimental stages in TOR era, as the only thing that uses bacta in high end trooper ability, every other technological healing method is kolto-based


Kashyyyk would be great again as some hunting expedition to Shadowlands Flashpoint/Ops, as there is basically nothing there, and Revan only went there to get the Star Map...

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My understanding from the developer blogs is they choose a theme for a planet based on a story concept, and then craft an environment around that. Sometimes it is obviously a canon planet, sometimes it has to be something brand new.


I think they need this flexibility. Personally, I'm on board with saying that Makeb doesn't *seem* that visually appealing on first look. But I'll give it a chance because, personally, I find Ilum something bland but the i.e. re-worked PVP area for Ilum / Gree Starship were actually *very* cool and unique.



Manaan would be awesome! You could have some "city" stuff similar to Coruscant/Nar Shaddaa but then put on a suit and mag boots and we can walk around in the water like in KotOR. World Boss could be one of those kolto making critters, neat stuff! :)


+ 1 that is an incredibly intelligent suggestion. This is absolutely a new and unique location that would fit into this universe perfectly.


- Arcada

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I think some people just want a new planet without a reason to be there so they just name a random planet they liked. Unfortunately, the planet you name whether from the books, movie or games; was likely visited for a reason that was part of the story. I do not forsee planets being added unless they fit with this current war. They already added popular planets for no other reason then the fact they are popular.


Look at Hoth, added for the movie reference, and most of the stories on Hoth do not really tie in with the war that well. When playing on my Empire toon, someone from the Imperial Army said they were just there to make the Republic waste resources and energy. Starship Graveyard, whatever.


Taris was added for the reference to KOTOR. There is a lot people can say about doing what feels like endless Rakghoul missions.


Create as many new planets that actually gives me a reason to be there I say.

Edited by SentinelDranoel
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Look at Hoth, added for the movie reference, and most of the stories on Hoth do not really tie in with the war that well. When playing on my Empire toon, someone from the Imperial Army said they were just there to make the Republic waste resources and energy. Starship Graveyard, whatever.


I didn't mind the story in Hoth I just find the planet very boring. There are regions in wars that are not front line priorities where a military will commit just enough forces just to delay tie-up an opponent. So I found the imperial presence there plausible but ... ice and snow everywhere ... blah ... Hoth and Tatooine are the great killers of subscribers for this reason (lost 3 friends as subs who just got incredibly bored with these locations).


Added for popularity of the name but environmentally dull, bland locations.


- Arcada

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You must study makeb to understand.


Makeb backwards ---- Bekam - swtor devs like football.


Rearrange Makeb - M A K E B ---- Bakem - Swtor likes baked goods

Kebam - sounds like explosion

Kabem - sounds lke explosion

Ambek - sounds like I am back

Abkem- Ab cam- camera for the abs- I think this has deep meaning.

Akbem- A gay beam - rainbows in Makeb

Akmeb- A gay meb- maybe - chance of everything being gay is... maybe

Mabek- sounds like- my back- a new foundation for swtor


Rearrange the possible meanings to string your own sentence.

Edited by VegaPhone
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Kashyyyk would be fantastic. The game needs a proper forest world. The huge forests would also give ample opportunity for some more sandbox exploration.


Secondly I'd also love to see a planet like Manaan, with an underwater exploration zone.

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