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Screwed over by Bioware!


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Sarcastic, lecturing, patronizing... can we be best friends forever and ever from now on? :D


You know what this is? Let me break it down for you:


Kettle: "Hi, Pot!"

Pot: "Hi, Kettle...by the way...you know you're black right?"

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I can't believe the OP is this mad about losing those names , and Darth Bane shouldn't be used anyways , especially since OP is not the real Darth Bane, and he is ruining other peoples gaming experience by calling himself that. Well, I really don't care but if you are a fan of the comics/books than this might.


Personally I would just chalk it up as a loss and move on with a better name that isn't stolen from somebody else, don't you want your Sith to be unique and have his own story behind him? I know I would.

Edited by DarkPharohEclip
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Actually the reason the OP is complaining is because he deleted a character of that name and was unable to recreate it.


This makes it even worse. If you already know you have a name you shouldn't have and are lucky to have, than why even make the mistake of deleting it. I created a guild in SWG and the tag was not supposed to be used, I deleted the guild and tried to recreate and it wouldn't allow me. My fault.


I thought that he was moved to another server where somebody else already had the name.

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The fault here lies solely with Bioware who should have had the proper foresight to allow characters with multiple names which the cannons supports.




My bets on alternate account for Copperfield or the OP. :rolleyes:

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The fault here lies solely with Bioware who should have had the proper foresight to allow characters with multiple names which the cannons supports.




I'm guessing you wanted to be named Vader or Luke Skywalker eh?

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The fault here lies solely with Bioware who should have had the proper foresight to allow characters with multiple names which the cannons supports.




Easier said than done mate. Legacy throws that all out the window. Game has to keep Legacy unique per server and account, and character names unique so it knows what Legacy to associate with.

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An interesting theme came up in this topic. It looks like corporations somehow have more rights to dictionary words, even if individuals have been using that word earlier.


This is just one aspect of how messed-up the copyright and trademark laws have become.


For another example, check out despair.com - the home of Demotivators . They actually hold trademark rights to the frown smiley :-( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Despair,_Inc.


Regardless of how I feel about the OP's list of names, I dislike how invasive trademarks are!


All this patent-troll crap and the frivolous litigation that follows should be kept to the real world. There's no way in hell anyone can make money of a trademark/brand name by using the name on a silly little MMO character, and that's what copyrights are all about, isn't it?

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All this patent-troll crap and the frivolous litigation that follows should be kept to the real world. There's no way in hell anyone can make money of a trademark/brand name by using the name on a silly little MMO character, and that's what copyrights are all about, isn't it?


If people can get full-time pay by being a League of Legends blogger, what makes it so hard to believe that nobody would make money with a MMO character that's named from a derived source?


That is also completly moot point. Copyright and Intellectual Property Law doesn't discriminate wether you made money off of it or not. If the holder of that Copyright or IP forbids you to use it, than that's the end of it.

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I loved this thread. The OP told everyone how their opinions sucked until one person agreed with him and then he posted the above. The OP isn't looking for a discussion people, he just wants a pity party.


Of all the things I was talking about in my OP, what people got hung up on was whether or not the names I had were indeed "epic" or not. That's so far removed from the point of this thread that I don't quite know where to start pointing it out to people. The point is, they were my names, and I liked them. I chose each and every one of those names for a reason. The first bunch of replies (and most replies since) to this thread has had absolutely nothing to do with the message I wanted to convey with my OP. Is there any moderation on these forums what so ever?


It's a beautiful thing to see someone come along amongst a sea of stupidity to restore my faith in the intelligence of my fellow man by managing to understand the simple point I was trying to make. But then people like yourself reset the balance to zero with mad dribble like this, taken completely out of context. So, once again, just for you... here's my point: Names are important to me. They took my names. It happened a while back. I'm still angry. The End!

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Of all the things I was talking about in my OP, what people got hung up on was whether or not the names I had were indeed "epic" or not. That's so far removed from the point of this thread that I don't quite know where to start pointing it out to people. The point is, they were my names, and I liked them. I chose each and every one of those names for a reason. The first bunch of replies (and most replies since) to this thread has had absolutely nothing to do with the message I wanted to convey with my OP. Is there any moderation on these forums what so ever?


It's a beautiful thing to see someone come along amongst a sea of stupidity to restore my faith in the intelligence of my fellow man by managing to understand the simple point I was trying to make. But then people like yourself reset the balance to zero with mad dribble like this, taken completely out of context. So, once again, just for you... here's my point: Names are important to me. They took my names. It happened a while back. I'm still angry. The End!


If the fact that your character names are "epic" is not what you wanted to convey to people than why even put in the original thread? Why even display the names of your characters?


Why post on here if you said before that you didn't care what people said?


What do you REALLY expect to happen? You're not going to get your name(s) back, and there's nothing they could have done to avoid this problem. (your previous idea of a completly fresh server to transfer to would only change who is upset, not make fewer people upset)

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The fault here lies solely with Bioware who should have had the proper foresight to allow characters with multiple names which the cannons supports.




The lack of forsight seem quite endemic amongst team behind this game, especially when one bills this as an MMO.


People might want to sit in chairs ? Lordy be what an interesting concept.

People might want to do something besides wac-a -mole on NPC's ? Are you serious ?!?

Guilds might need something more than pick nose on fleet when not running operations ? Whats not "Heroic" about picking your nose, sometime you really gotta dig in there.


Having a unique first and last name allows more variation thereby accomodating more people.Thinking things through means i need to be awake and lucid while at work and that makes my head hurt


And the list could go on and on. Its a fine game to play but the lack of vision, planning and implementation didn't do it any favors.

Edited by Etheric
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Allow me to set this thread back on a proper course now. As much as I'm ticked off by losing the name Bane, as I've pointed out myself, it's part of the SW lore and thereby I fully understand that it "shouldn't" be allowed. What made me angry was the way I lost it, and the fact that it was the very last of my original names. I wasn't asked or told to rename Bane, I got cheated out of it by Bioware's incompetent customer service representatives after they had already assured me that I could keep the name. This was just the last straw.


If Bioware had a proper system of priority in place by the time of the first merge, everyone who was on low-pop servers would have been given a fair chance to keep their names to this day. Like I said, if I had been stupid enough to stay on that tombstone of a server Bao-Dur, I would have been given a fair chance to keep my names during the second merge. But, since I had already renamed my characters by that time, I only had a chance of keeping names I didn't even want in the first place. And as I've also said, I'm far from being the only one that got "Screwed over by Bioware" when this crap when down.


So what do I want now? That's the question, right? The only thing Bioware could possibly do to rectify the situation and compensate me, would be to give me a fair chance to get back my original names. And I want them to give that same opportunity to everyone who was on low-pop servers who lost their original names when Bioware forced us to leave our original servers. You could argue that they didn't force us, but that simply won't fly. We were given the opportunity to stay on dead servers or move to a new server that somewhat resembled an MMO environment. I had a guild to consider, so I didn't have the luxury of staying, not that I would have stayed anyway seing as everyone else left! I'm not seeking sympathy or looking for a handout in cartel coins or free game time from Bioware, I want them to do the right thing. This is a matter of principles and nothing else. Do I really expect Bioware to listen to me and change anything? Of course not, and that's why this riff is on the official forums and not in their mail-box.


I'm sure there's a whole crap-ton of people out there who couldn't care less about their names, but that means absolutely nothing to me, nor does it to anyone else who lost their names the same way I did. If you don't care about your names, fine! If you don't mind losing your names, fine! You don't even have to reply to this thread since you obviously don't give a crap. Honestly, it seems like some people here have nothing better to do than to crawl around forums and look for opportunities to display their pathological need to elevate themselves by any means possible. Oppinions on whether or not the names I had were infact "EPIC" or not matters diddley squat to me, and it has nothing to do with the point I was trying to make in my original post.


And just one more thing... some of you people seriously need to have a coke and a smile and chill the **** out!

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Of all the things I was talking about in my OP, what people got hung up on was whether or not the names I had were indeed "epic" or not.


To be fair: You spent the first few pages insisting that anyone who disagreed with you was simply jealous. You even tossed out the question: "Who wouldn't want to be Darth Doom?" Well, lots of people, actually. You only really decided that the epicness of the names was inconsequential when you realized that most people thought the names were a bit cheesy.


The point is, they were my names, and I liked them. I chose each and every one of those names for a reason.


....and you lost all of them in voluntary server transfers to people who had picked them before you. Why is it unfair that you lose the name you picked, but totally fair if someone else loses their name to you? I'll answer that for you: Because it leaves them upset rather than you, and you seem to define "fair" as "giving me what I feel I deserve".


Is there any moderation on these forums what so ever?


Again, you'll find that "moderation" isn't quite what you want it to be. The job of the moderators isn't to ensure that replies to Hoodling's threads only discuss things that Hoodling want's to discuss.


Let's sum this all up again:


You created a bunch of names. They were names. You liked them. That's about all we need to say for them.


You lost a bunch of them when you transferred to a different server and found that someone on the server already had the names. You losing your name to the person who was already there is no less fair than them waking up one day to find their name was taken by someone who just transferred to their server.


You lost the last one when you tried to recreate the character and discovered it was on a blocked list. Actually, you found that it was on a blocked list before you tried to recreate it. And it was on a blocked list because it violated the naming rules. Even if you had kept the name, you still didn't have any right to it, and the rules state that you should have been forced to change it.


Bioware is not to blame for any of these losses. They all occurred in accordance with the rules and procedures that were laid out for you a long, long time ago. Blaming Bioware for this is just a way of trying to avoid taking responsibility for your own actions.

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The lack of forsight seem quite endemic amongst team behind this game, especially when one bills this as an MMO.


People might want to sit in chairs ? Lordy be what an interesting concept.

People might want to do something besides wac-a -mole on NPC's ? Are you serious ?!?

Guilds might need something more than pick nose on fleet when not running operations ? Whats not "Heroic" about picking your nose, sometime you really gotta dig in there.


Having a unique first and last name allows more variation thereby accomodating more people.Thinking things through means i need to be awake and lucid while at work and that makes my head hurt


And the list could go on and on. Its a fine game to play but the lack of vision, planning and implementation didn't do it any favors.


You hit the nail on the head there.

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To be fair: You spent the first few pages insisting that anyone who disagreed with you was simply jealous. You even tossed out the question: "Who wouldn't want to be Darth Doom?" Well, lots of people, actually. You only really decided that the epicness of the names was inconsequential when you realized that most people thought the names were a bit cheesy.




....and you lost all of them in voluntary server transfers to people who had picked them before you. Why is it unfair that you lose the name you picked, but totally fair if someone else loses their name to you? I'll answer that for you: Because it leaves them upset rather than you, and you seem to define "fair" as "giving me what I feel I deserve".




Again, you'll find that "moderation" isn't quite what you want it to be. The job of the moderators isn't to ensure that replies to Hoodling's threads only discuss things that Hoodling want's to discuss.


Let's sum this all up again:


You created a bunch of names. They were names. You liked them. That's about all we need to say for them.


You lost a bunch of them when you transferred to a different server and found that someone on the server already had the names. You losing your name to the person who was already there is no less fair than them waking up one day to find their name was taken by someone who just transferred to their server.


You lost the last one when you tried to recreate the character and discovered it was on a blocked list. Actually, you found that it was on a blocked list before you tried to recreate it. And it was on a blocked list because it violated the naming rules. Even if you had kept the name, you still didn't have any right to it, and the rules state that you should have been forced to change it.


Bioware is not to blame for any of these losses. They all occurred in accordance with the rules and procedures that were laid out for you a long, long time ago. Blaming Bioware for this is just a way of trying to avoid taking responsibility for your own actions.


I have no further reply to any of this. It's all been convered in the thread you just quoted and some of the stuff is taken out of context, and the rest is pure gibberish. My names were epic. Don't care what anyone says about it. I'm Batman!

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If the fact that your character names are "epic" is not what you wanted to convey to people than why even put in the original thread? Why even display the names of your characters?


Why post on here if you said before that you didn't care what people said?


What do you REALLY expect to happen? You're not going to get your name(s) back, and there's nothing they could have done to avoid this problem. (your previous idea of a completly fresh server to transfer to would only change who is upset, not make fewer people upset)


My point was that these names are extremely popular and thereby very hard to get, and boy did I get lots of them! People like myself who care about names, we sit up late a night waiting for the servers to pop up when the game launches just so that we can get on first and reserve names. Other people may not care, but that's not my problem.


I don't care what anybody has to say about those names, they're epic and awesome (apart from maybe Grace), and it's still got nothing to do with the point I was trying to make in this thread except that it was a very rare collection of names of it's type. That being extremely popular names. Now, please get done with the part about the names already.

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*sniffle snort*




Seriously kid, get over it. Go into Microsoft Word, and type your name, then go to "Insert Symbol", and find one that looks cool / looks like the letter you want to swap. Then ctrl+c it, go into char creation, and ctrl+v it. If it's an allowable symbol, it'll go into the name box. If not, try again!


If I were your father I would have smacked your whiny little mouth by now. Time to grow up and face some actual tough situations. You will live kid. Everything will be fine.


This "situation" of yours, it sucks, but that's it. It just sucks. Nothing more than that. Suck up the suck, and move on with your life.


"But I want what I want! And I want it now! And I think that I paid for it! So give it to me!!!!!!"




I simply love replies like these! It keeps my thread alive. :D

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My point was that these names are extremely popular and thereby very hard to get, and boy did I get lots of them! People like myself who care about names, we sit up late a night waiting for the servers to pop up when the game launches just so that we can get on first and reserve names. Other people may not care, but that's not my problem.


I don't care what anybody has to say about those names, they're epic and awesome (apart from maybe Grace), and it's still got nothing to do with the point I was trying to make in this thread except that it was a very rare collection of names of it's type. That being extremely popular names. Now, please get done with the part about the names already.


If these names are so "extremely popular" that you had to go through the effort of pre-order and early access in order to get them, what makes you think that there's any way you would been able to hold onto them when server transfers kick in?


My last part about the names will be this. I would argue that people who REALLY care about their names sit up aall night making up their own names that nobody else will have.

Edited by Darth_Halford
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AMG, blablabla, not original, bla. I'm sorry, I don't mean to be offensive here, but this name crap is so last page. I'll take part of the blame on me since I obviously should have explained things a lot better and in deeper detail in the original post. I already said I'm not a new-age, neo-hippie, l33t-geek cyberwizard-warrior. I don't need my character names to be original. I got Hoodling from being original, which is mix of a Hoodlum and a Gibberling. I'd hardly say Hoodling got anything on REAPER-ER-ER-ERRRH! Nor does any other new-age, neo-hippie, l33t-geek cyberwizard-warrior name.


This isn't about whether or not I'd ACTUALLY GET TO KEEP those names. I wasn't even given a fair chance to keep them because there was no priority system in place. It was just a complete panick-attack by Bioware when they realized their servers were all ghost-towns, man! Come on!


I've been a very active player! I've been actively subscribing since launch and I had something like 4 level 50 characters at the time of the first transfer. I was doing dailies on 2-3 toons a day and raiding up to 7 days a week on my main. Even on a per-character-basis I would have had enough time logged in on each and every one of them to get to keep at the very least ONE of those names. I have zero doubt about that. But even if I didn't get to keep any of the names, at least I would take solace in the fact that I got a fair chance just like the people who were originally on the last 2 servers (The Red Eclipse and Nightmare Lands).

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