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Screwed over by Bioware!


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But, in most cases, if you actually put effort into creating a name, rather than picking something very common, or a name already existing in fiction, you are more likely to keep that name. I agree that names are important, so before launch I actually spent a good amount of time creating names, searching for them in Google and making sure I wasn't taking something that everyone and their mom would use and it paid off for me.


Still not getting the point, are we?

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I think your definition of epic is different than everyone else's in the world. What you think means epic is what we take to mean ordinary.


Yeah, nobody thinks the name "Bane" is epic. Nobody wants that name, right? You'd have to be a complete idiot to want to have that name... right? Sore losers' oppinions are completely inconsequential to me. :cool::cool:

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This may be a topic that's lost in history to most active players today, but I will never forget!


My first experience playing this game was at the BETA stage. I played for two minutes as a Trooper and then I minimized the game to pre-order the Collector's Edition. I've played the game continuously since then, and I love it. But, the server-merges really screwed me over, as it did with a lot of people.


The reason I pre-ordered this game was to get in on the early-access so that I can get some really cool names for my characters. I didn't just get cool names. I got iconic, epic names. Here's a screenshot of my character selection screen way, way back... on a server named Bao-Dur: http://i1128.photobucket.com/albums/m483/okrings/Character7.jpg


With the first server merge, there was no system in place to allow people like myself to keep (some of) our names. You simply had the choice to leave your server, or get stuck on a damned tombstone! So, naturally, I left Bao-Dur as fast as I could... so that I might potentially get to keep my names or at the very least get something not completely terrible. I'm sure a lot of people were thinking the same during the days of the first merge.


When the second merge happened, there was finally some kind of system in place to ensure that if you were an active player and all that, you might get to keep your character name(s). But, at that point, my epic character names were all gone. Infact, the only name I had left was Bane (how?), and I lost Bane when Bioware customer service *ensured* me that the name would become available again after I rerolled the character with that name. I was told that the name would be up for grabs again as soon as I deleted my current character with that name. The reason I wanted to reroll was that I already had a level 50 Guardian at that point, and the character named Bane was a level 20 Sith Warrior. I was so worried about losing that name that I actually contacted customer service to doublecheck and verify that the name would still be available after I deleted my character. A valid concern after having tried to make a character named Bane on another server only to be told that the name was invalid (as in not allowed). I deleted Bane, and as I suspected... I was not allowed to create a new character with that name. Even though Bioware's very own customer service told me I could. Naturally, I contacted the customer service again, in a fit of rage (yet still very polite) asking why they lied to me. The response I got was that, after checking out the situation more carefully, the name "Bane" was on the prohibited list. If I hadn't decided to reroll my warrior as marauder after being lied to by Bioware customer service, I would have still had at least one of my original names.


My main character is my Commando. He used to be called Reaper. I've been actively playing the game ever since the early access, raiding, raid-leading and then becoming a GM of a very active raiding guild that's still active to this day, and will remain active in the coming expansion. I've done a lot of good work for the community in this game, and I will never forget how Bioware repaid the favor. I lost all my character names in the first merge. I might have let that matter rest, but then Bioware's customer service outright lied to my face... making me lose the last name that meant anything to me. The pathetic excuses offered by the customer service people after realizing how badly they screwed me over still makes me chuckle madly to this day.


I'm sure I'm not the only one that's been screwed over like this. Bioware should have had all the rules about who gets to keep their names in place for the first merge, but no... they didn't.


These days, all I see ingame are screwed up names like "PõÙltrymân" etc. It takes me 15 minutes to figure out how to invite certain people to my groups! At the very least, Bioware should have adopted the Guild Wars 2 way of naming characters, as in allowing long names with spaces so that we could make names like "Bender the Offender" or "Grim Reaper" and so forth... instead of the Legacy crap. Whatever surname you choose for one of the characters won't fit the next one, or character of the opposite faction. With this superserver lagfest crap they're peddling, there's too many people with too many character on the servers for anyone to get a good name for their character.


Learn how to use Alternate characters: http://www.tedmontgomery.com/tutorial/altchrc.html


And those names in the link are not that great...just an opinion though.

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As you say, why would they lie about it? They have nothing to have by giving me misinformation that would lead me to lose the last name I cared about. But, their stupidity made it happen nontheless, and they couldn't even restore my character with the original name because their "tools" wouldn't allow it.


If you do understand that it was a mistake on their part - a stupid one, indeed - then why do you insist on claiming they lied to you?


Being screwed over because someone gave you false information doesn't mean that person purposely lied to you. They just had their facts wrong and that's why I said you should be compensated somehow. Now, obviously, you can't use the word Bane - and tbh, I'm surprised you could in the first place since it's a pretty well-known Darth's name - but they should somehow compensate you for a loss that was their mistake.


PS: For what it's worth, I think using names like Lukee-Skywalker or Darth Vaider are worse than names like Princess Consuela Bananahammock. At least the latter one shows effort.

Edited by TheNahash
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Yeah, nobody thinks the name "Bane" is epic. Nobody wants that name, right? You'd have to be a complete idiot to want to have that name... right? Sore losers' oppinions are completely inconsequential to me. :cool::cool:


So your own opinion is completely inconsequential to you. Good to know.

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If you do understand that it was a mistake on their part - a stupid one, indeed - then why do you insist on claiming they lied to you?


Being screwed over because someone gave you false information doesn't mean that person purposely lied to you. They just had their facts wrong and that's why I said you should be compensated somehow. Now, obviously, you can't use the word Bane - and tbh, I'm surprised you could in the first place since it's a pretty well-known Darth's name - but they should somehow compensate you for a loss that was their mistake.


PS: For what it's worth, I think that names like Luke Skywalker is worse than names like Princess Consuela Bananahammock. At least the latter one shows an effort.


Yeah, why-oh-why would I proclaim the pretense of a lie? It's not like they told me something that wasn't true, is it? Oh wait, that's exactly what they did! Stupidity is no excuse in my book if it's your job to know. I'm sorry, I'm angry. Very angry. Still angry. I'm not gonna stop being angry until recompence is made, which we all know will never be made. And what could they possibly do anyway? Restore my character with it's original name? They can't do that. So what then? There is no fixing this. I got screwed over just one more time, and I've simply had it with their incompetence. I'm not leaving the game or anything. After all, I do have a guild of nearly 500 peeps/toons to take care of. I'll just take it... and be happy. In times like this, I wish I had a pocket-mirror engraved "I'm not bitter!" so that I could pull it out, look at it and make myself laugh hysterically. Unfortunately, I don't have this imaginary mirror... and I'm just bitter.

Edited by Hoodling
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You know what I dont consider "fair"?


The fact a bunch of beta testers always rush to create as many toons as they can "reserving" names like they had some exclusive right to them, even when they won't (get around to) touch(ing) those alts for a year.


Imo you don't log lvl a lvl 1 toon for 3 moths and bam, auto renamed. Give people that genuinely want to USE the name a shot over the hoarders.

Edited by aeterno
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As you say, why would they lie about it? They have nothing to gain by giving me misinformation that would lead me to lose the last name I cared about. But, their stupidity made it happen nontheless, and they couldn't even restore my character with the original name because their "tools" wouldn't allow it.


Yeah, why-oh-why would I proclaim the pretense of a lie? It's not like they told me something that wasn't true, is it? Oh wait, that's exactly what they did! Stupidity is no excuse in my book if it's your job to know.


I rest my case :)

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I rest my case :)


So, you're trying to prove the point that they didn't lie to me? That their stupidity simply screwed me over by accident? As in lying needs to be deliberate with alterior motives and whatnot? Is any of that gonna give me my name(s) back? You have to understand that I don't care. They screwed me over, call it what you want. The road to hell is paved with stupidity.

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Quit wasting our time and post a screenshot of these iconic, epic names. I think you posted the wrong one in the OP.


You must be using Windows 95 and IE 0.1 BETA, pal... the screenshot is right there. The point of this post seems to be lost on you, but here are the names regardless: Doom, Bane, Grace, Maverick, Nemesis, Rampage, Reaper and Titan.


"Oh yeah, the name Titan... that's sooooo original, yeah! AMG is he an idiot?" Well, what if you were in a guild called Titans? That toon was the mascot, man. Just please stop hating and go surf wikipedia or somesuch.

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Speak with my wallet? In a F2P game? Check your drugs, pal. Subscription fees pale in comparison to the money they make off the cartel market.


Seriously though, if I had been stupid enough to stay on the Bao-Dur tombstone, I would still have some of my names. But, instead I moved to Nightmare Lands as fast as I possibly could, because I was the GM a guild and there were bigger things to consider than MY names. That's the sacrifice I made for my guild, which in turn is for the good of the community when you consider the fact that we're closing on 500 members (or rather characters) today.


The very last shred of my forgiveness went away when BW customer server misled me to lose my very last original name, and when they couldn't even make it right by restoring the character with the same name. Tell me YOU wouldn't be angry in my place, and I'll show you a liar.

I can't help, but agree. I beta tested this game and grew pretty fond of the name I gave my main from the beta. Therefore when the game launched I named my toon my beta name. Then the first transfer came around I lost my main's name to an unsubscribed level 10 gunslinger. :jawa_mad:

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The same could be said about this whole thread.

Yet here it is ;)


What would you do? There's a limit to how much crap people can take, and now you're starting to add to it. Why is this thread here? Because BW customer server doesn't care about it's players as long as they shut the hell up and pay. So, I shared my story with the community instead. If your love for this game has made you blind, then stay ingame and leave the forums for people who are still trying to convey a point.

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You must be using Windows 95 and IE 0.1 BETA, pal... the screenshot is right there. The point of this post seems to be lost on you, but here are the names regardless: Doom, Bane, Grace, Maverick, Nemesis, Rampage, Reaper and Titan.


"Oh yeah, the name Titan... that's sooooo original, yeah! AMG is he an idiot?" Well, what if you were in a guild called Titans? That toon was the mascot, man. Just please stop hating and go surf wikipedia or somesuch.


Actually I'm using DOS with Lynx.

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What would you do? There's a limit to how much crap people can take, and now you're starting to add to it. Why is this thread here? Because BW customer server doesn't care about it's players as long as they shut the hell up and pay. So, I shared my story with the community instead. If your love for this game has made you blind, then stay ingame and leave the forums for people who are still trying to convey a point.


My "love" for this game has not made me blind, but your anger might have made you blind.

It's always confusing to me when people post something in a forum and expect everyone to agree with them or shut up.

It doesn't work that way, you know.

Anyway, I'm going to take your advice and go play. You are trying to make a mountain out of a molehill and in the process anyone who disagrees -wholly or partially - is either lying or blind.

Have fun!

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What would you do? There's a limit to how much crap people can take, and now you're starting to add to it. Why is this thread here? Because BW customer server doesn't care about it's players as long as they shut the hell up and pay. So, I shared my story with the community instead. If your love for this game has made you blind, then stay ingame and leave the forums for people who are still trying to convey a point.

I don't know, maybe it's something with me but a name, as much as it is important, wouldn't make me throw a fit like you do. It's a game, a game run by people and like most they make mistakes. I lost a few names myself but the ones that I was really attached to (made by myself - and that should get you thinking) stayed because they were original.


And before you ask - yes I believe Doom or whatever is not a NAME of your character, it's a nickname/title he/she got so it's still there you just need to rolepay a bit and the problem is gone.

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Yeah, nobody thinks the name "Bane" is epic. Nobody wants that name, right? You'd have to be a complete idiot to want to have that name... right? Sore losers' oppinions are completely inconsequential to me. :cool::cool:


Has anyone ever told you, that you are a very rude person?

So people dont agree with you. Big woop, grow the hell up.


And Bane? OH MY GOD. Did you think of that yourself?

Its not a "Cool" name. Its already been done, thought of and worked through.


Wanna talk about "Cool" names?

I had America for my trooper, thats right. "Captain" America.

Scully was my IA. You guessed it, "Agent" Scully.

I had a Character size 4 Guardian. Completely green Twi, called "Hulk".


These are just a number of names with characters that were all between levels 40-50 when i stopped playing just after server merges.

Your "Placeholders" were all pre level 10


And honestly, im coming from where you came from.

Part of the reason i preordered was to try to get hold of names for toons.

Some like the ones above that were a bit funny, one was just my first name. Another was the name ive been known through every MMO ive ever played.


Then less than a year later after having made these characters, i was moved servers and had to rename them all (Minus my main one).

Was i upset? Yes.

Did i understand why the servers had to merge? Yes.


I'd much rather a game full of people than being sat on my own in my own little server going "Oooo, Look at my pretty names".


And as people have said, if you preordered this game just to preserve names. Issues man. Issues.

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This topic is new and original.


I remember when the forced merges happened, I lost a few names.......


Dark times.


But then, I got over it due to the fact that its just a freakin' game, and my whole life doesn't revolve around my character names. So I got over myself quickly, put some more thought into it, and came up with diffrerent ones I liked. It involved a few days of thought, I didn't want to rush such a decision, but in the end, I was happy with my choices.






Make everyone around you believe you are crazy.


Which did you choose?

Edited by CaptRavenous
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