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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Always Underleveled


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Ok, I have no idea, if you are doing all the bonuses for the missions and are a sub, how you can't be OVER level. I'm a sub. I never skip a bonus on a mission. I never skip a bonus world mission series. I only ever do Esseles/Black Talon (until recently) for my flashpoints. I do complete most Heroic missions until I get to Alderaan. There is usually not enough people there at the times I'm on to complete the Heroic 4s, half the time I can't even complete the 2+. Once I leave the homeworld @ 18-19 level, I'm over level for each planet I go to, by at least 1 and sometimes 2-3 near the end. I've leveled to 50 once in the middle of Voss, the other time at the end of Voss. Both of my 50's are stealth classes (Assassin and Operative) and I frequently bypass enemies that do not count toward a mission bonus. I do get every Datacron on each planet, but that should not account for much.


Not sure how you are doing this being a Vanguard. You can't stealth, so I doublt you have been able to stroll by enemies that I slipped past in stealth. It is a mystery. The only explaination I can think of is that you bypassed a whole planet. Make sure you go in progression even if you over level a planet. Zoom out your minimap to max and go for any triangle you see.


Other than that, go to one of the many SWTOR sites or wikis to find out what is missing. I can't imagine that the Heroics alone are bogging you down that much.


EDIT: I've also have done no PvP until I reached level 50.

Edited by Thylbanus
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You need to pvp more and if you are really doing all the side missions than you must be skipping a lot somewhere or doing something very wrong.


I was normally 5 levels over all the planets on my main and around that range on my Sniper alt.

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I seem to have the same issue as the OP. I am a subscriber, yet I don't seem to be getting enough xp. The first 2 months this game was launched I played a vanguard to 48, merc to 33, PT to 37, and a smuggler to 39 and I was always overleveled.


I came back to the game a few months ago and have leveled up a jedi shadow to 50, Pt to 50, operative to 41, and my current project is a sith assassin to 45. I seem to always be underleveled. On my sith assassin I do every quest and bonus mission associated with it. I skip all the bonus series, except taris and tattooine. I always do the daily pve mission and pvp daily. On top of all this I am always using the +25% bonus xp cartel items, yet I fall behind in lvls a little bit. For example I am on voss now on my sith assassin, i started there at 43.5. I am now getting lvl 46/47 quests, even though I am only 45.5. Another example, i started hoth at 37.5, I did every quest/bonus mission on that planet, I ended up lvl 40.5. I don't understand how I end up getting less than the 4 lvls per planet when I do all the quests and bonus missions, while I am using the 25% xp boost. With the xp bonus I should be way overleveled.


I just made a lvl 1 character with zero rested xp. When i kill a lvl 1 mob I get 33xp, when I kill a lvl 2 mob I get 35 xp. Is everyone else that is not having an xp issue getting the same amount of xp I am


EDIT: I do want to clarify I skip 95% of the heroic missions and most of the bonus series, but I do all the regular quests and bonus xp missions associated with them.

Edited by Zorash
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huh. so I created a lvl one alt for the purposes of testing xp and lvl 1 creature=33xp, lvl 2=35 but... experience from 1 to 10 is identical between f2p and subscribers.


I have created couple of characters since f2p launch and they seem to be leveling at my usually expected pace.

so it really sounds like some sort of rare bug. possibly game is not reading the status of subscription correctly and switching experience gain to f2p/preferred rate.

its honestly the only thing I can think of.


I would open a ticket.

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huh. so I created a lvl one alt for the purposes of testing xp and lvl 1 creature=33xp, lvl 2=35 but... experience from 1 to 10 is identical between f2p and subscribers.


I have created couple of characters since f2p launch and they seem to be leveling at my usually expected pace.

so it really sounds like some sort of rare bug. possibly game is not reading the status of subscription correctly and switching experience gain to f2p/preferred rate.

its honestly the only thing I can think of.


I would open a ticket.


Well crap the xp is the same from 1-10, ugh I don't really want to level a char to 10 to confirm I am getting less xp, but I might have to.


With my lvl 45 assassin I killed a lvl 45 mob for 609xp, a lvl 46 mob for 624xp. Now these xp values are WITH the 25% xp bonus. I really don't want to take off my bonus xp to test this. Hopefully someone has a lvl 45 alt with the 25% bonus up that could give me their xp values.


I am afraid this issue is impossible to fix if the game is giving me f2p xp because the ingame support can't see if I am receiving f2p xp versus subscriber xp. I know I am considered a subscriber for other things, such as I get all 3 crew skills, I can use more than 2 characters etc.

Edited by Zorash
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I can see your problem. I usually run through the same flashpoint 3 or 4 times and do maybe 50% of the heroics. Im not doing all the side quests, but I do some time to time. This way my characters level is usually where it should be. I have often been wondering how the hell can you keep your level high enough if you just solo. Moro so, if you are a f2p.


That been said, I dont get it why some people here hate grouping so much. This mmo is probably the best mmo for solo players, but its still basically the same wow stuff just voice acted and in star wars colours. Even if you primarily wanted to solo, some group content will keep the gaming experience feel fresh. I guess its matter of oppinion and everyone has the right to choose how to play this game. Just saying.


I do get it though why people dont do heroics. Just last night we were crying for a healer in belsavis chat over on hour. Meh you allways seem to be missing healers. (I know what my next character will be) But flashpoints are so easy to access, and they will keep the character level where it should be. Even the player base here seem mostly really mature and wont put people down if they mess up. So just go for it everyone. :)

Edited by HakkaP
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I have experimented on Level 46 against Level 46 mobs, without a booster (add 25% for boosters). I am a subscriber, and my character is well-rested. Here are my XP gains. I suggest the two people in this thread who may be bugged make similar lists.


Level 46 subscribed well-rested character against Level 46 mobs:

- Weak 265 XP

- Regular 516 XP

- Strong 1560 XP

- Elite 3898 XP


You may also want to collect numbers for particular missions, turned in at particular levels. BW must have target numbers available.

Edited by MariaD
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Hi, I am leveling a vanguard trooper. I am currently lvl 38 and my class quest is 40. I really don't get it. I mean I don't do heroics or space missions. I do some pvp and don't really do flashpoints because im more of a solo leveler. But I do all the side quests and obviously story missions, and I have seen people basically do what I am doing and be 3-5 levels over there story. So now I find myself just grinding warzones until I am atleast a lvl above my story. It is very annoying. So am I doing something wrong? Please help.



It's literally impossible to be underleveled in this game. On my first couple characters I did all the missions on each planet and was over leveled by at least 5 levels at a time. Some missions I just dropped because they turned gray. You def are missing stuff. Not sure how it's possible. I mean do you do the missions or do you just turn thru a planet and move on to the next one as soon as it's possible?:rak_02:

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This happened to me today .. buti realized that i somehow missed the planet of taris and went directly to nar shadda because i had somehow received a story quest to go there .. i was underleveled but realised after a few hours, i had missed the planet taris ... LOL Edited by Purple-Punch
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Hi, I am leveling a vanguard trooper. I am currently lvl 38 and my class quest is 40. I really don't get it. I mean I don't do heroics or space missions. I do some pvp and don't really do flashpoints because im more of a solo leveler. But I do all the side quests and obviously story missions, and I have seen people basically do what I am doing and be 3-5 levels over there story. So now I find myself just grinding warzones until I am atleast a lvl above my story. It is very annoying. So am I doing something wrong? Please help.


It may have been mentioned already but if you do not do Heroics, no Space missions and no Flashpoints then yes, you are missing a chunk of experience on every planet and you will end up falling short. Bonus missions help too I might add (but those have been mentioned to you already).

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That is exactly what I mean. But I have no idea what I could be missing honestly., and yes I am a sub.


Usually, the only subs I hear this from are stealthers that are sneaking past content (and therefore missing the xp from straight kills and often the freebie enroute bonus quests they represent) OR people clearly skipping side quests and trying to gank their class quest content.


Did you also do the bonus quest series on planets? It gives a good boost, though personally I have skipped them except on my first character because I was always over level when moving to a new planet.

Edited by Andryah
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Right now I'm leveling a Sniper (first IA and I'm loving the story for those interested in the class), and I'm waaayyy above the level for planet quests... I started Balmorra at level 20... lol


I have +12% legacy flashpoint xp, +30% legacy class xp, +12% legacy warzone, and I always use the cartel major xp boost. I have been keeping my valor rank the same as my level and I only do the flashpoint daily, the rest is just planet/class quests. Warzones give terrible XP for the time it takes; roughly 10k xp for 15 minutes of play time is terrible, especially since I can average 3-4 planet quests in 20 minutes that each give 7-8k xp.


On a Sorc that I was leveling, I didn't have any legacy XP boosts, but I did use the cartel major xp boost and it got to the point that I was so far ahead I could skip boring quests on Tatooine and Alderaan. I always end up finishing Voss at level 46 or 47, then I just do class quests on Corellia finishing class quests around 48, then I go to Ilum and do all pre-quests and dailies - including the 2 flashpoints - which brings me to 50.

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Well there has to be something I can do besides just re-roll just so i can go complete those 2 bonus series quest.


You dont have to reroll to do the bonus series you left behind. On my 50s im still yet to do a few bonus series that i skiped but im alowed to do them anytime i want. You just need to find the quest giver for the bonus series either go to fleet or go to the planets in question to get them.

Also doing flashpoints and warzones. But remember to get the daily quests for it at the terminals on fleet as they give much xp and credits, comendations too.

Edited by Spartanik
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This happened to me today .. buti realized that i somehow missed the planet of taris and went directly to nar shadda because i had somehow received a story quest to go there .. i was underleveled but realised after a few hours, i had missed the planet taris ... LOL


LOL... yeah.... this game likes to give you feeder quests to the next two planets a lot. Got to do them in sequence unless you are over-leveled you can just skip one (except for the storyline arc.


I think they are just testing us. :D

Edited by Andryah
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This doesn't make sense to me, the OP's post doesn't make any sense either. I have leveled 16 characters to 50, 12 of them prior to the XP boosts becoming available, and it would be fair to say I have a good understanding of the leveling process.

Yes, rested helps, but only to the point of pushing you further ahead of the leveling curve, definitely not enough to swing you 2 levels behind by not utilizing it if you're doing all the activities the OP says he does.


Doesn't make sense to me either, I was always over levelled on every toon I've played from day 1.


Sorry mate but I can only suggest that you've missed something somewhere along the line that has likely set you back a fair ways. The only thing I can think of is to get affection on your companion and talk to them, you get xp for it.

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I had this issue with my first toon mainly it was because I would stealth passed the mobs... Now Ive learned my lesson and with my current toons I kill the mobs and do most of the quests. I rarely do heroics unless someone is begging in general chat. The rested XP is the key, even if you logout in a cantina but if you dont log out long enough its not gonna benefit you. You will soon go back to regular XP. I was a sub then went to F2P then back to sub. Trust me it takes forever to level up on regular XP. I can level up 3 times on rested XP before I level up one time on regular XP. Once my toon hits the yellow I logout and go play with another toon until they turn yellow. The alternating helps keep all of them with a steady flow of rested XP. I even had a smuggler with a weeks worth of rested XP. I swear I went up 5 levels in 2 hours...
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I had this issue with my last level 50 toon. I had skipped the Nar Shaddaa bonus material and wish I hadn't. I was kind of over leveled up to that point, but then fell behind. I had to do PVP and some space missions to get ahead a bit.


So yeah, do all the missions and side missions, do the bonus stuff in each mission. And do all the bonus missions for each planet.

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