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Cartel Market Update: February 26th, 2013


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I am very disappointed with two things:


-The amount of time it takes you to put in the class armor. Why Bounty Hunter and Trooper sets were skipped and Gold Scalene placed in instead?


- There was a huge sticky thread where we were asked to suggest cartel market outfits. NONE of the suggested NPC outfits made it into CM. So far the only armor that is anything near to the requested sets is the Valiant Jedi set.

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I'm glad they did it. I'm not level 50, why because I lost my security key and I wasn't going to stay on the phone longer than 4 hrs, 2 hrs each, 2 days in a row (yes I was on the phone for 2 hrs for 2 straight days trying to get through) to get it taken off my account, so I ended up starting a new account when I resubbed. I missed the event. Other people have real lives and real jobs and real kids to take care of. They can't spend a lot of time in game doing an event but they do have the cash for the store. Now it isn't the gear I'd love to have in the store, but it is going on my trooper. So thank you EA/BW. Each of my 9 toons has Cartel Market armor on and I am a subscriber.


If you don't like how EA/BW manages their game, there are other games on the market you can play, many of them free to play. EA/BW did a smart thing, they put a nice looking armor in the CM which means that people are going to buy coins and CM purchases are major in supporting this game.

Edited by AlaricSevGirl
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Ohh, this might be something for me. Really wanted to use the legacy armor I unlocked from the event on my tiny little Imperial agent. Alas she is not even lvl 4 and far away from lvl 45 when she can use it. This might just do the trick, to me it just feels like it would suit her.
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Fix the problem with rep armor for companions please.


I hope you get your butts reamed by the masses for adding that Gree Armor reskin to the CM. Bad call on that one, IMHO.


That is all.


It's their game, they can do whatever they please to it. If you don't like it, move on. Really, people complain about every thing Bioware does. They will never be happy. Even if EA/BW did everything they wanted, they would still find something to complain about. Subscriptions do not support this game anymore. If they didn't put things in the CM that encourage purchases, you would not have a game to play.

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Why did you guys take the hood off the saber marshal's robe? it doesnt affect gameplay but it blew away the look of my toon completely..


Eh? I have that robe on 2 characters and it works just fine on both. Hood's not gone anywhere.

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Ya I'm gonna join in the masses and say as a customer I expected more from you guys then what u did...why even make an event with rep points etc for "exclusive" armor and then just release it on CM. I don't care that it was legacy bound not everyone has multiple level 50s anyways...u guys dropped it on this one
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Well, it was was with a sinking feeling I spotted the re-coloured armour on the CM. What was the point of the event, if not to have armour you couldn't get elsewhere?


I'm not angry - just disappointed. Disappointed that such a good event has been a bit tarnished by this money grab. Disappointed that all those who put in the effort to get the event reward did so for nothing. Disappointed that so little thought and effort went into the CM update.


Poor show, BW.

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It wasn't


Nope. Literally -NOTHING- was fixed in this patch. Not companion rep, not PTS bolster, not PTS transfer bug, not CTS full bug... the only thing that was 'fixed' was the respec costs, which wasn't even a bug to begin with. Just something they changed that people didn't like.

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I'm glad they did put the Gree armor in the CM!


The Toon I wanted to use for the event was level 45.


Enemies way too hard so no Gree armor for me until I get to lvl 50. :(


And the event is over so I would have to wait until next time.


But fortunately it is now in the CM and I immediately bought a set. :)


So Awesome job BW!


Now if you could just give us a color slider for the glow effect that would be :cool:

Edited by Thlaylie
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I'm glad they did put the Gree armor in the CM!


The Toon I wanted to use for the event was level 45.


Enemies way too hard so no Gree armor for me until I get to lvl 50. :(


And the event is over so I would have to wait until next time.


But fortunately it is now in the CM and I immediately bought a set. :)


So Awesome job BW!


Now if you could just give us a color slider for the glow effect that would be :cool:


I ran a 45 through the event. Even got a few levels out of it to the point it's now 50 and barely touched Belsalvis. So now it's lording that area. And since the armor is legacy bound and the vendors are in a safe area, what stopped you again?

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Feels like a total sale out. Isn't the stuff on the CM going good anymore?


About that golden gree armoring: A bad joke you can't buy that from the Event vendor. That would have been an armor for reeaching Legend rank. But oh well, nothing what really surprises me.


There really was no need to do the event and work for the armor, was it?

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So what about those who bought some of these items right before the sale...? :(:confused:




And yes, the new Scalene armor is a huge slap in our faces....shameless act or just flat out stupidity....probably both. :mad:

Edited by Eillack
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Hello everyone,


Please discuss the Cartel Market Update: February 26th, 2013 blog in this thread!


Well, the game has been free to play for how long, I've been a subscriber the entire time (and since December, 2011), and I haven't bought a single item. That isn't as bad as it sounds as I was expecting to dislike the Cartel Market immensely but I really don't mind and even check it out from time to time. However, my thoughts on this particular offering:


#1. I really don't like it when gear one has to work for in the game is suddenly available on the Cartel Market. The most egregious example of this is the various pilots uniforms (which took a lot of time for people to acquire pre-F2P). The gold troney outfit is actually a step in the right direction: similar to what you can get in the Gree Event but not exactly.


#2. On the flip side, I haven't seen anything on the Cartel Market that is so incredibly unique that I'd dish out cartel coins (which I treat like I'm opening up my wallet). Part of the problem here is that in the few cases I can think of where an item does stand out (the Darth Nihilis Mask, Revan Mask, etc.) suddenly everyone has it and it isn't unique. Maybe you guys just need to keep on trucking along until you have enough unique content that by buying something I'll feel I'm actually customizing my character (and not getting something obligatory that everyone else has and is dancing around in).


Oh, BTW: I want a creepy gold mask! More creepy than the ones already in the game. Like, think Dread Lord and twice that creepy. ;) Make it expensive so many people don't get it. I'll dish out my entire stockpile of cartel coins for it... ha ha


- Arcada

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Seriously, I'm having trouble understanding why people are complaining about cartel market items going on discount. Right now the CM is friggin expensive. It cost me 3 euros to get companion customization, then 3 euros more to get unifying colors...it also costs around 3 euros to get the hide head slot unlock (before I realized I could just get everything on the GTN lol). That's a lot of money for really minor unlocks (I bought that game and subbed for 3 months before (that's near a 100 euros), I'd have thought these things would be unlocked for my account). And 1000+ cartel coins for an armor set is really, really expensive. The only reason people complain is cause subscribers get 500 coins a month.


A better system would be to reduce all the CM items drastically and remove free cartel coins. That way the stuff you buy is actually worth the money you pay...plus subscribers already get access to everything anyway, what's the point of cartel coins? I say this as a current subscriber, having subscribed again this month only to access the money sitting in my "escrow account." What's up with that anyway? Why not add an unlock for increasing your credit limit since 200k and 350k for preferred status is still....very little. Any extra money you earn just gets taken away by the game and you can't acess unless you subscribe? ***?

Edited by Blackholeskipper
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Seriously, I'm having trouble understanding why people are complaining about cartel market items going on discount. Right now the CM is friggin expensive. It cost me 3 euros to get companion customization, then 3 euros more to get unifying colors...it also costs around 3 euros to get the hide head slot unlock (before I realized I could just get everything on the GTN lol). That's a lot of money for really minor unlocks (I bought that game and subbed for 3 months before (that's near a 100 euros), I'd have thought these things would be unlocked for my account). And 1000+ cartel coins for an armor set is really, really expensive. The only reason people complain is cause subscribers get 500 coins a month.


A better system would be to reduce all the CM items drastically and remove free cartel coins. That way the stuff you buy is actually worth the money you pay...plus subscribers already get access to everything anyway, what's the point of cartel coins? I say this as a current subscriber, having subscribed again this month only to access the money sitting in my "escrow account." What's up with that anyway? Why not add an unlock for increasing your credit limit since 200k and 350k for preferred status is still....very little. Any extra money you earn just gets taken away by the game and you can't acess unless you subscribe? ***?


Maybe some people bought said items right before the discount and lost a tad bit of CC / cash due to this?

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