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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Warning on high population servers


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I am actually very impressed with this response, bravo sir!


Well as i see it, aknoeledging without a given timeline, its as good as nothing.


Im expecting within a week to fix these issues, i have to admit that i wont continue like this for much longer.

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Lock the high pop servers ffs. Just asking people to roll on other servers wont help. New people will not read the forums they will just jump straight into the game on a high pop server. Take some action this is becoming a mess of a launch, which im not happy to see since ive been around since 2009 I really don't want to see SWTOR become the failure of 2012.
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With a lv 26 toon with slicing to 367 and 2 others in the top 200's i am so annoyed to see this response from BW. I am on the red eclipse and to have to wait 2hrs + at 18.30 every night is just a game killed for me. I have about 56 hrs played time logged on so far.


I will be re-rolling onto another server after reading this post and I swear if that server hits q's more then 15 mins I will cancel my sub. BW stated they wanted to have the smoothest launch for their mmo well you did not get it thats for sure.

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Too little too late, I'm afraid. My guild was assigned to the highest-pop server through no fault of our own, and a 2-hour wait is NOT okay. The devs caused this problem, and the devs should be the one to fix it ASAP, as they have a large player base that's quite unhappy.
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11:58am on a weekday (albeit the kiddies are off now with the holiday season upon us) and I'm position 541. Oh well.... Least there doing something about the d/c re queue issue.


Hopefully FSCTs will come soon enough and me and my 9 guild mates can move to a light population server. Shame we'll have to pay for the guild and stuff and possibly have one person lose there name.


We didn't choose to join that server we were assigned it though TBF it was "standard" by the time we got in on day 2 wave 3, so we assumed most people were assigned and spread out nicely.


After levelling and spending more time then we should playing video games after a few days (4) the server population was full and it had gone from an occasional 10-15minute queue peak time on an evening to an hour or 2 every day no matter what time.


Made worse when you get kicked out with an error 9000 and then have to wait in it again.

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I do hate to be negative about the queue times, but the waiting times for a queue are more then 1,5 hours at times.


Most of us were placed on a server due to the guild program and would like to remain there so that we can play with our friends and guildmembers.


Having a long queue in beta was fine, but i am not so sure of that now that i am actually paying for my time on this game. I can inmagine that this will become a problem for some people, especially for those who are only able to login to SWTOR for a few hours each day, only to find out that they are put into a very long queue.


My question is: If people on high population servers have to spend a lot of time in queue this month rather then actually playing the game itself, will they get some form of compensation like for example extra free game time?


I do understand that each MMO launch is paired with problems and that loading times do occur from time to time. However, from the perspective of the consumer, asking for such compensation does not seem unreasonable to me if the long queues persist for a prolongued period of time.

Edited by Neogenic
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God pls ... this mornign no que, i had to go for more then an hour.

Came home at 1pm, log on SWTOR ..


The Red Eclipse – PvE EXPLODING !!



A 1k Que at 1pm ... Seriously this ain;'t good.


Sort this out pls Bioware, Red Eclpise is getting worse and worse it seems.

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They just upped the popcap again.

Went from 250ish in Q to right in to the character selection.


Pressed "Play", and got disconnected.


Back to 300ish Q.





Same Here!!!


Back in the queue....3 rd day attempting to play...and still don't even have a character...my unopened game box might be heading for ebay VERY VERY SOON>>>


And no..i can't change server because some bozo at Bioware assigned my guild the this overly populated server.....

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Mr. Reid,


We all understand that some servers might be overpopulated. Some of us can even understand that there might be queues caused by this, but anything ranging in hours of waiting for a paid service is simply violation and denial of it.


Many of us created their characters on these servers, because their guilds were assigned to them by you. None of us could oversee that server they were told to create their toons will be so tremendously overpopulated on 3rd day of Early Game Access.


How did it happen anyway that so many people have been assigned to these servers?! Why there are no scenarios and features for server balancing implemented at start?! You give us nothing but promises and you're asking us for patience?


Moreover I haven't seen any feature pointing and encouraging new players to create their characters on low populated server like XP or Valor bonuses. Not even a system message or at least a note in Launchpad alerts! And you want to believe us you are actively working on it? These are just few examples of "actively working" to solve this issue I have come up with friends in half an hour discussion. You face this issue for a week now and admitted it to be yesterday.


As Ray Muzyka said, "epic is overused word in this game". Don't make it epic fail, since if you won't deliver proper solution at very now, load of accounts will cancel their subscription right after 19th of January - including my two subscriptions.

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God pls ... this mornign no que, i had to go for more then an hour.

Came home at 1pm, log on SWTOR ..


The Red Eclipse – PvE EXPLODING !!



A 1k Que at 1pm ... Seriously this ain;'t good.


Sort this out pls Bioware, Red Eclpise is getting worse and worse it seems.


Nightmare is that you? Meredith here! :) Yes, the Red Eclipse could absolutely use a pop cap increase; queues such as these at THIS hour isn't promising anything good for the coming days and weeks.


Up for some more pvp'ing tonight btw? ;)

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3 hour wait on a wednesday morning is simply not acceptable. Ive been playing on red eclipse since the first hour of early access and should not have too lose the time ive put in too my character too reroll another server just too play your game because you cannot balance server populations properly
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Can any1 explain me how the servers can marked as full with insanely long queue times when there are barely any players on the realm. When I'm playing there are no more then 40-50 ppl in high population leveling zones. And in the higher leveling zones around level 40 there are less then 10 ppl in the zone.


How can the servers be full, I dont get it.

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That you dont lock servers is unacceptable! your max cap is obviously too high, noone wants to wait 2 hours to play a game and pay for it! My guild has been deployed on Red Eclipse, there is no way, we all start over on a different server with those high lvl characters we already have.


Lock the server and transfer the spanish community to an unofficial server on Red Eclipse!

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Thought I would jump on and play a bit before work this morning, 10am GMT, 290 in queue, not too bad I thought, 10 minute queue it said, 1 and a half hours later I am leaving for work and I didn't get in game.


BW you must have known how many pre orders you had, you MUST have seen this coming.


I have stupidly paid for this game for the next 4 months (month 1 game) and I cant play it, you going to to refund my next 3 months subscription or let me play?


No one should have to queue, they have already paid to play, everyone until the 20th January has paid, you have to deliver what you sold, ie a playable game, queuing is NOT playing.


In the UK there is a wonderful thing called "the sales of goods act" goods must be as described or a full refund is warranted for not being able to use the goods, this to me is not being able to use the goods.


Sort it out and quickly, very poor show for something you had complete control over. You should have seen it coming, Jedi can sense the future you know, you had all the numbers, you should HAVE known the future.


This game is great fun and I believe will get better but in my opinion the main thing is to get rid of the queues, why should people have to keep re-rolling onto a low pop server to escape the queues? I don't think they should, if I want to reroll it should be to experience the merits of a different class/race or faction, not merely to acces the game to play it!


I agreed with both opinions.

Unfortunately no of us bought this game just to look at the server screen with massage there you are placed in queue as 296 estimating time 1h 45 min.


YOU tell me what we should do over 1h 45 min. Your patient went up to the sky.. you login play for 50 min ...and server crash.

Then they give you very popular massage error 9000!!! You trying re-log and guess what?

You are in queue AGAIN!!.


This is very annoying and is not acceptable. We pay for this game and we have right to play not looking at the server screen and waste lots off time. I prepay for next 3 months too..

And thinning to ask for refund.

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The queue times are total ***** as well; they are at least double if not treble or quadruple the listed time (I can understand a margin of error on a 20 minute queue of 100%, fair enough, but on a 1h queue a 400% margin of error? Frankly, sort your selves out, this is the sort of thing I can code as a rank amateur; I expect better from a multi-billion pound company).
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