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Ungrateful people!


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All I can say is wow! So we ran a FP and there was a smuggler rolling need on Aim items. So on the final boss an Assault cannon drops. I wait and see if the smuggler rolls need to try and ninja from our Commando that can actually use it. Sure enough he rolled need along with the commando...So I figure I will roll need as well and if I win give it to the proper person. I end up winning item and immediately open trade with our healer and place item inside. Next thing I know that person is cussing out group and eventually drops group.


So I try to explain myself to him, but realize he put me on ignore :( I then log on an alt and explain myself in detail what I did, and told him I in no way intended to keep item and just log on and open trade with me. He precedes to tell me to F off and that I ninjad the item from him and places me on ignore again.


I just don't understand some people sometimes! MMOs have a lot of (idiots) and I try to do right and help people out whenever I can, and its sad to see some people act like this!

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All I can say is wow! So we ran a FP and there was a smuggler rolling need on Aim items. So on the final boss an Assault cannon drops. I wait and see if the smuggler rolls need to try and ninja from our Commando that can actually use it. Sure enough he rolled need along with the commando...So I figure I will roll need as well and if I win give it to the proper person. I end up winning item and immediately open trade with our healer and place item inside. Next thing I know that person is cussing out group and eventually drops group.


So I try to explain myself to him, but realize he put me on ignore :( I then log on an alt and explain myself in detail what I did, and told him I in no way intended to keep item and just log on and open trade with me. He precedes to tell me to F off and that I ninjad the item from him and places me on ignore again.


I just don't understand some people sometimes! MMOs have a lot of (idiots) and I try to do right and help people out whenever I can, and its sad to see some people act like this!


If the smuggler was already ninjaing things, I can see why the commando would be upset and not in a mood to listen. It was a kind thought, but maybe something that you should have announced earlier.


(Or even better: kick the loot-ninja as soon as they loot-ninja.)

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You should have informed the commando in open chat what you were doing, i.e. upping his chance to get the item so that the ninja couldn't steal it.


As soon as you pressed Need you should have said, needing for the commando, if anyone wanted an explanation then you could have told them (incl. the smuggler) that aim stuff is for commando's and that people should not need on items unless their main needs them.


We had an issue the other day running the world bosses on Ilum, I was with 10 guildies and we saw one guy waiting outside the cave to kill the worm so we thought why not invite him as he probably hasn't done it. We take down the boss quickly and as usual policy in our guild everyone greeds. This guy then needs the items which got one of our guildies a bit pissed. Oh well, you live and learn.

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Back in Warhammer Online I was in a Battleground and this guy kept needing on set items that dropped, his excuse? The people in his guild needed the items. So I started rolling need against him and every time I won an item I gave it to people in the battleground that rolled and were of the correct class. Honestly it won me a lot of friends and my guild's reputation went up a lot as well, people were grateful for my assistance with this problem. Sometimes you can't win for trying to help people. And if you explained it and he still didn't listen then it was his loss in the end, which it sounded like you finally got the message through to him. Let it go, and move on, I applaud your attempt to right a wrong.
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I didn't realize anything good dropped from flashpoints


In can be good for aesthetic value :p


Anyways, I notice this happens a lot when I run people through FP's as well. It seems likely that a couple things happen: 1) The player who needs everything does not fully understand game mechanics, specifically for what stats they need (which is at least understandable, but you should probably look into that when you first start playing), 2) Ninja-looting, 3) Possibly trying to get it for guildies in the same group (increase their chances). Of course this does not stop it from being annoying, but this is what I've noticed at least. I would highly recommend, as other suggested, that you give a warning if you are trying to help someone out. If worse comes to worse, re-run the FP.


Unfortunately, it happens :(

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Ugh. I hear you when it comes to PUG loot ninjas. Here's my 2 credits on how to avoid the situation:


--Be the group leader.

--Make the loot roll/pass if the game you're in allows that, NOT need/greed. You cannot ever know a stranger's definition of need.

--Use voice. Get vent/teamspeak or whatever but make sure folks can hear you cause you can say a lot during a run that is just too difficult to type out all the time. Make sure everyone can at least hear you.

--Understand at the start that while some people are just loot ninjas others have gotten to their level with very little grouping and don't actually know that other classes would need the gear. They just see a shiney and click mine mine mine!

--Announce at the start of the run that even though it's a PUG you're assuming everyone is civilized and will not only avoid having their character drool on other players but will only roll on items for the class/character they are playing. Let them know if there are leftover items that are not rolled for then they can take them for alts and guildies. It's a 4 second sentence that saves a lot of heartache later.

--If you know the loot drops for the run and there are specific super pretty drops in certain locations announce the drop at the start of the fight. Something like "Hey! Nooblets! There's a kewl FireBlasterCanonAimStatThingy that drops sometimes in the loot chest for this boss. It's aim specs which means it's perfect for commando class and if you roll on it and you're not commando then you're a doughhead. If you don't know what spec your class needs then you're a doughhead. If you never realized until now that there are other classes than yours then you're an doughhead. If you don't know what a doughhead is then ask (insert name of toughest group member here)"

--If someone does ninja loot then make sure everyone in the group understands that that is what happened and don't run with that person again. If they show up in the future asking to be a part of a PUG you're gathering then decline their request and let the group you're gathering know that you're declining someone as they ninja'd loot on a previous run.



PUGs are my fav thing. I love working with new people and getting everyone to pull together and fight as a group. Loot is one of those things that is easy to handle in advance and hard to handle after the fact. Ninja'ing loot is either due to ignorance or arrogance. One is forgivable, one is not. Prep your group and may the Force be with you!

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Thanks for the thoughts and comments. I will be more cautious in the future!


Also for those wondering i am also a trooper, so its not like i ninjad the +Aim item from him, i also had every right to roll, but was being generous and tried to explain the situation, but he wasnt having it! His loss :p

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I hear this often in raids, and it makes no sense to me. If everyone's using the same roll-type, why wouldn't you just have everyone roll Need rather than Greed? Loot-ninja problem solved.


The general policy in our raids is that we greed on everything. Occasionally if an item drops that a member wants they will ask on Mumble if they can need it. Now that the timer has been added in for raid loot it allows us to transfer items between Ops members so if someone got an item they didn't need (i.e. lets say they were going to vendor it) and another member asks for the item, it is a common courtesy in our guild to hand over the item. If more than one guildie wants it we do a /roll.


It's nice to be in a guild where people actually get on and help each other progress :)

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All I can say is wow! So we ran a FP and there was a smuggler rolling need on Aim items. So on the final boss an Assault cannon drops. I wait and see if the smuggler rolls need to try and ninja from our Commando that can actually use it. Sure enough he rolled need along with the commando...So I figure I will roll need as well and if I win give it to the proper person. I end up winning item and immediately open trade with our healer and place item inside. Next thing I know that person is cussing out group and eventually drops group.


So I try to explain myself to him, but realize he put me on ignore :( I then log on an alt and explain myself in detail what I did, and told him I in no way intended to keep item and just log on and open trade with me. He precedes to tell me to F off and that I ninjad the item from him and places me on ignore again.


I just don't understand some people sometimes! MMOs have a lot of (idiots) and I try to do right and help people out whenever I can, and its sad to see some people act like this!


My thoughts on this is not to sweat it too much. The commando was in no mood to be consoled. If he wants to get angry at you, that's his problem. You did your best, and wanted to make it better for him. What I would have done to the smuggler is force a group vote to kick his theiving butt out. That's the only way to send a message to the party members that loot greed will not be tolerated. Thanks for at lest trying to do the right thing.

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