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Remove Phase Walk!


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Tbh I don't even know how often I will even get to use this ability. I mean I am defending the majority of my warzones so its not like im going to need to go anywhere unless I can phase walk right out of spawn to the door....omg I need to test this ability now.


set your phase walk to the node in cw. now go stand up at the very top of the giant wreckage heap. face down. nobody can stealth to you and hit you with shoot first. you have an instant port to the node should there be two stealths that try to chain pull you. this is a hugely helpful defensive tool, imo.


I'm not calling for a nerf or op. I'd have to see it, and there are already way too many bugs for me to bother with pts. but I can definitely see its usefulness as a defender.

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Sorc new ability is awesome, I don't know why sorcs are complaining. I think 3 minute cooldown is too long and BOTH dps trees should have a way of bringing that down by 30 seconds but just imagine these scenarios:


- A concealment OP opens up on you, guess what -- you can pop the barrier on your first knockdown.

- You get double leaped -- that smash and gore ravage is wasted.

- Being rooted in Huttball fire.

- Wait out a full resolve on someone on you.


A million other good reasons, people will cry this is so OP soon, just wait.


Edit: I just think Force Haste should be made available to both dps trees.

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set your phase walk to the node in cw. now go stand up at the very top of the giant wreckage heap. face down. nobody can stealth to you and hit you with shoot first. you have an instant port to the node should there be two stealths that try to chain pull you. this is a hugely helpful defensive tool, imo.


I'm not calling for a nerf or op. I'd have to see it, and there are already way too many bugs for me to bother with pts. but I can definitely see its usefulness as a defender.


Its a 45 second cooldown isnt it to?.


So not that OP,


I have seen other abilities which can now be spammed which is going to make a sniper a ***** to catch. And other classes.

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And how is the "jump from the pit" any different from sent/Mara/guardian/Jugg/Vanguard/power tech? Each of them can do it with the ball, no one seems to know if the Shadow/Sin can do that. You get to set 1 spot, that you can jump to 1 time, before having to reset the spot. Here is an idea for you, camp the darn spot if it presents a problem to your team. You guys are acting like you can set spots all over the map and continually jump to wherever you want.


And another thing. Based on most of the complaints so far, people have no idea on the mechanics of the move. Once you do the warp part of the ability, it goes on a 45 second CD (and the spot disappears). So it's not like you can just warp to the Hutball, reset it, and warp to the Huttball again after scoring. Again, people are freaking out over something they don't even understand yet (I guess this is pretty par for the course these days though).


Because it is guaranteed whereas an idiot sitting in the spawn is not. I can now easily drop a marker at the top and even if someone knocks me off I can teleport back in time for a jugg to intercede to me and win the game.


Honestly, anyone who doesn't think this ability with only a 45 second cooldown is broken as hell is delirious.


A tanksin can now effectively guard both sides of voidstar - for instance. Giving a stealth class with a low cooldown speedbuff, an immunity CD that prevents many/most roots, a vanish and some of the best survivability in the game a 45 second CD shadow walk is so painfully stupid that most of us can't believe they actually thought it could be balanced.

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Its a 45 second cooldown isnt it to?.


So not that OP,


I have seen other abilities which can now be spammed which is going to make a sniper a ***** to catch. And other classes.


dunno. haven't seen it. but I can already envision awesome advantages to defending with it.

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Because it is guaranteed whereas an idiot sitting in the spawn is not. I can now easily drop a marker at the top and even if someone knocks me off I can teleport back in time for a jugg to intercede to me and win the game.


Honestly, anyone who doesn't think this ability with only a 45 second cooldown is broken as hell is delirious.


A tanksin can now effectively guard both sides of voidstar - for instance. Giving a stealth class with a low cooldown speedbuff, an immunity CD that prevents many/most roots, a vanish and some of the best survivability in the game a 45 second CD shadow walk is so painfully stupid that most of us can't believe they actually thought it could be balanced.


They revamped all the skill trees, removed abilities, and made up new abilities. They did their best at balancing things, and plan on rebalancing after testing is done on the PTS. Since the PTS is broken, no testing has been done.


All you people who say "oh got this is way too OP, I'm quitting when 2.0 drops" should just quit now. The forums will be clear of whiners like you who focus on one little change and claim it's OP without ever testing it. Then when 2.0 drosp you can come back, check out all the new changes, and either deal with it or move on to a new game more suited to your tastes.


I think it's going to be a strong ability and they'll either nerf the range, increase the CD, or make it so you need LOS to the location you want to phase walk to. Wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the new abilities get tweaked over the next few weeks.

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Ability can only be tested on pts, which is heavily exploited atm and people are already crying about it?


I hear locks on WoW has this ability, go there if you want it on a caster.


Is it OP?


Not in the wrong hands, no, actually can't really call it OP then, can I?


Is it good?


Oh god yes, if you can't see how good it is then you fail as a sin/shadow.



Why is it on a Stealth class and not a caster?


The sound of it is more stealthy to me, and increased healing for everyone in it sounds more for a tank to me, don't really PvE to know though.


Give shadows/sins the 10 second immunity skill?

You want to make the best node holders in the game, even better?

Fine with me.

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All you people who say "oh got this is way too OP, I'm quitting when 2.0 drops" should just quit now.


It's just this thing called perspective. Every game that has a teleport ability, it winds up terribly OP until it is gimped to the point of uselessness.


Been there, done that.


Either it's going to get nerfed into the ground, pre-nerfed, etc like it requires LOS to the teleport location or whatever, or it will be overpowered.


There's a reason why there's a large backlash for this ability and no other. So no, I'm not going to quit because you're hoping to be OP as hell (here's a hint, I have an assassin as well, along with every other class) - I just think its a poor idea that should get swapped with something more realistic. Otherwise, all you will see is tanksins, operatives and sorcs.

Edited by dcgregorya
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For realz - the less node guarding I have to do, the better :)


Then the only solution is the removal of stealth as it is.


Removing stealth, lowering combat stealth cd, stealth lasts some 10-30 seconds....That sorta stuff.


Ain't happening tho...

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It's just this thing called perspective. Every game that has a teleport ability, it winds up terribly OP until it is gimped to the point of uselessness.


Been there, done that.


Either it's going to get nerfed into the ground, pre-nerfed, etc like it requires LOS to the teleport location or whatever, or it will be overpowered.


There's a reason why there's a large backlash for this ability and no other. So no, I'm not going to quit because you're hoping to be OP as hell (here's a hint, I have an assassin as well, along with every other class) - I just think its a poor idea that should get swapped with something more realistic. Otherwise, all you will see is tanksins, operatives and sorcs.


No matter what they do with the ability, it won't just become useless, people don't have any imagination.

The range could be nerfed, 60m is a bit too long of a distance, say 30m, 45 with the 2 point ability in the tank tree for giving it heal buffs perhaps.


LoS nerf won't be needed, been on a game with this exact skill and, never did I see people call it OP (After the first nerf, you could carry PvP objectives while teleporting so, fixed that lol)



Really, all that is needed is a range nerf, or rather, readjustment.

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After rethinking this, I'm wondering, Did assassins get nerfed in any way for pure builds? I know hybrids did, but i got to say, PVPwise A pure kinetic shadow node guarding with phasewalk would be kinda friggin' broken. Especially on Voidstar.



The problem with this, is that PVEWISE, it's fine. It really, really is. But we can't ignore the PVP player base. There needs to be compromise.

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After rethinking this, I'm wondering, Did assassins get nerfed in any way for pure builds? I know hybrids did, but i got to say, PVPwise A pure kinetic shadow node guarding with phasewalk would be kinda friggin' broken. Especially on Voidstar.



The problem with this, is that PVEWISE, it's fine. It really, really is. But we can't ignore the PVP player base. There needs to be compromise.

You mean, something like Stasis / Eye of the Storm no longer adding 20% armor, but then more advanced class wide instead of tree-specific?

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In my own opinion I would rather than phase walk some other offensive ability. Assassin generally is a DPS class and more suited to this some skill similar as berserk which marauder has. But could be also some another stun or stun which ignore resolve. Generally phase walk is defensive skill which should be in sorc/sage abilities. Weird intention is why BioWare did this. All other typical dps classes got new offensive skills except assassin really weird for me.
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You mean, something like Stasis / Eye of the Storm no longer adding 20% armor, but then more advanced class wide instead of tree-specific?


More like, Assassins for the most part are at max potential with hybrid builds, but since that is getting nerfed, im just wondering how pure builds are going to fare in comparison.


What i would actually do is disable phasewalk when in a warzone. Then the power itself will be just fine, And the PVPERs won't have a reason to feel like they get cheated by teleporting damage monsters.

Edited by Sideblaze
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What i would actually do is disable phasewalk when in a warzone. Then the power itself will be just fine, And the PVPERs won't have a reason to feel like they get cheated by teleporting damage monsters.


Teleporting damage monsters? Have you seen the patch notes? So far everything I am seeing is deception and madness are taking pretty big hits with the nerf bat. Hybrids are no longer the go to specs which is all good if they made full 36 point trees viable which they have not.


Everyone is freaking out over this ability and I still am yet to here a solid reason as to why since warzones are broken on the PTS and no actual testing can take place.

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I like phase walk just fine on my assassin. Always been full darkness in dps gear, so the nerf doesn't affect me. Phase walk is good for leaving the fight to heal up, then come right back. Or to vanish momentarily or throw off an enemy. Its also nice for its healing boost, so you can throw that down in combat to boost your own, or the heals of an ally. Gotta live that people are QQing about this. Having fun with it on the PTS, can't wait for live. :p
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i love this ability but i dont get it why the sage didnt get it. why the shadow as a meele :o


Yes, that doesn't make a whole lot of sense. If it doesn't restealth you it will be some what useless. In wow locks have a similar ability, but they are range casters o it makes a lot of sense. Melee don't want to move away from their targets unless they need to escape, but running away rarely helps. Perhaps it might work for a balance/madness spec just dot up your target and port, which lets your dots do the damage for you, but kinda odd for a melee to do such a thing. Usually, only range do such a thing.

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Yes, that doesn't make a whole lot of sense. If it doesn't restealth you it will be some what useless. In wow locks have a similar ability, but they are range casters o it makes a lot of sense. Melee don't want to move away from their targets unless they need to escape, but running away rarely helps. Perhaps it might work for a balance/madness spec just dot up your target and port, which lets your dots do the damage for you, but kinda odd for a melee to do such a thing. Usually, only range do such a thing.


Yep I agree with you about similarity phase walk and warlock portal in WoW. As well caught sight of this portal is much more useful for range characters. I played warclock and I use portal for keep my opponent away from me and then I can still make dmg. But for assassin melee I would rather ceep him close. Anybody wondered why bioware gave ability FORCE SLOW and then in deception talent tree STATIC CLING and MAGNETISM ? Because they exactly know that for assassin melee dps (especially deception) is critically important keep their opponents in melee range.

So this Phase Walk is a total negation of the assassin nature. That is why i would rather some offensive ability which help me kill my opponents not for run away like small girl. For quite from combat I think enough FORCE CLOAK.

I don't want be a pessimist but I'm afraid that BioWare can only nerf this ability and won't totally change for some new one :(

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It's just this thing called perspective. Every game that has a teleport ability, it winds up terribly OP until it is gimped to the point of uselessness.


Been there, done that.


Either it's going to get nerfed into the ground, pre-nerfed, etc like it requires LOS to the teleport location or whatever, or it will be overpowered.


There's a reason why there's a large backlash for this ability and no other. So no, I'm not going to quit because you're hoping to be OP as hell (here's a hint, I have an assassin as well, along with every other class) - I just think its a poor idea that should get swapped with something more realistic. Otherwise, all you will see is tanksins, operatives and sorcs.




I'm not hoping to be OP. I have a level 29 assassin that I haven't played since hypergates released. I'll finish her at some point to the my last class buff. I have a level 38 vanguard that I leveled solely for the buff, and a 50 sentinel I haven't played since spring. If I wanted to be OP wouldn't I be playing my FOTM classes?


Read my post again and this time take my words at face value instead of assuming I have some ulterior motive. It's sickening seeing these threads full of complainers who focus on one small change without looking at the bigger picture.


I don't see why Bioware would break from its new 6 week release schedule, which means there's at least a month for things to be tested and tweaked on the PTS. Rather than make up hyperbole here go roll a level 10 assassin, boost to 55, then gather some hard evidence of how OP this ability is.

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What some people aren't realizing is that phase walk has to be planned out to be of any use, you can't just pop the ability and teleport wherever you want. Sure, as a get the hell out of dodge button it will be nice to get you out of range or ANY class. But the truly skilled shadows/sins will be patient and wait for whatever situation he planned for to come to fruition.....its also these skilled players that the rest of the pvp community gripes about as being overpowered....
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Teleporting damage monsters? Have you seen the patch notes? So far everything I am seeing is deception and madness are taking pretty big hits with the nerf bat. Hybrids are no longer the go to specs which is all good if they made full 36 point trees viable which they have not.


Everyone is freaking out over this ability and I still am yet to here a solid reason as to why since warzones are broken on the PTS and no actual testing can take place.


The point is, A teleporting shadow would be absolutely stupid for things like voidstar.

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