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**abilities misfiring**


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I get this on my Commando with channeled abilities like Full Auto and Pulse Cannon. The animation starts, then almost immediately stops and nothing happens, but the cooldown is then blown. It's always happened now and then, but since the last patch it is happening much more frequently.
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No worries people! Bioware will fix this! This problem has only been around since beta and will most likely be around for another 2 years.


I see lots of complaints and I know some people have reported it but I also know that the vast majority of people experiencing this have said nothing to Bioware about it, they simply complain.


I can hear what these same people will say now, "It doesn't do any good to report it. Nothing gets fixed anyway." Well, you might be right. Thousands of people reporting an issue doesn't necessarily mean a fix is coming. But if it goes unreported as much as this issue likely does, I guarantee it's not getting addressed.


If I was somebody responsible for investigating and fixing an issue like this and I get a few tens of messages about it I probably would be inclined to leave it be. But if get 50K messages about it I'm getting it addressed because I'm tired of hearing about it (and tired of MY boss asking me what the status is).

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I see lots of complaints and I know some people have reported it but I also know that the vast majority of people experiencing this have said nothing to Bioware about it, they simply complain.

Posting on their official forums, which are supposedly read, constitutes "reporting" the issue imo.

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I've had this issue for as long as I can remember on my merc. It usually happens when I am trying to queue up an ability before the global cool down is finished. I've learned to deal with it by just waiting till the GCD is finished. On my marauder I don't seem to see this at all. I'm always spamming the next ability on him and everything fires fine.


Another issue I run into a lot on my merc is my unload. If my barrage procs and I have another tracer casting I will cancel the cast by moving and immediately cast unload. When I do this the cast bar will start counting down and my toon will put his guns up but there will be no shots and no damage until the last second of the cast. I'm not sure if the full damage is being registered in that last second or not but this is a problem in a fight where I have to move before unload is finished and the ability gets used but no damage is put out.

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I have this too, since the launch of the game, on multiple characters.


Just to be clear, the ability I want to use does _not_ go on cooldown, but a _global_ cooldown is activated. To make matters worst, sometimes channeling (and maybe casting and instant abilities too) abilities play their animation.


For me, the source of this misfiring is: spamming the ability key during (or better:at the end of) the global cooldown (you know, to not lose time inbetween global cool downs, to maximize DPS for example).


When I concentrate myself on chaining my abilities with exactly one keypress each, while making sure the global cooldown is really over, this misfireing does not happen. And btw. the preference setting where you can allow abilty use ahead of time during the global cooldown does not have any effect on this problem.

Edited by shar_teel
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I was under the impression this was my fault. I tend to spam some abilities when CD's are getting close. I notice that some abilities fail to fire at all, not even triggering a GCD.


I started to take a closer look, I ran my rotation very slow and deliberate. I notice that when an ability fails to fire it actually turns grey for a split second. As if it were about to fire and trigger a GCD, but then doesn't. There is a response to the key stroke, but the abilitiy will not fire. I have actually tapped the key the ability is bound to and watched it repeatedly flash grey, as if it was going to fire, and then nothing. No GCD, No fire. Then finally it will fire properly.


I must say it seems pretty inconsistant. I can't tell if it's my end or Biowares. I generally run about 50ms Latency according to the in game meter thingy. I have never seen it higher than 55. I get smooth game play in crowded areas, 40 to 60 fps. I have noticed this with 2 different keyboards.


It's been around for a while with me, but not since launch unless I just didn't notice it. Would like to see it fixed, but I have learned to live with it, however it can be painful in pvp.

Edited by DarthXout
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Posting on their official forums, which are supposedly read, constitutes "reporting" the issue imo.


Technically no. I sure hope the devs are doing better things than trolling the forums. Sure they occasionally see (or are told about) threads that are large enough, but I would estimate they don't see 95% or more of posts. If you're seeing the issue you should report it through more official channels (the CS forum at least, in-game bug report better).

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Getting the same issue with a much increased frequency lately. I'm pretty sure the problem is on Bioware's end; the problem is widely reported on my server (Progenitor EU) by a lot of people on vastly different rigs and locations. If I had to hazard a guess, I'd say I lose roughly 1.5-2 GCDs per minute currently to this bug in PvP, which can often mean the difference between someone being killed off and them receiving a heal and making their getaway.


I can't begin to imagine how bad this must be for active PvErs, where frequent GCD loss translates directly into DPS loss and therefore failure to meet Enrages. Perhaps the issue isn't being too big a deal for them if current gear levels allow for some leeway, but it's guaranteed that if new, tightly tuned content is released, losing up to 5% of their output to lost GCDs will cause many wipes outside the control of the playerbase. This should definitely be high on the priority list for fixing.

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Been happening quite frequently now on my Marauder, Smash/Ravage/Obliterate keep misfiring, and like previously mentioned, the skill icon seems to flash for a second before the cooldown happens.


If someone with a good enough rig out there could record it in fraps or something, maybe it's my old eyes, but when the "flash" happens on the quick bar, it almost looks like for a split second your skill icon disappears from the quickbar itself.

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I see lots of complaints and I know some people have reported it but I also know that the vast majority of people experiencing this have said nothing to Bioware about it, they simply complain.


I can hear what these same people will say now, "It doesn't do any good to report it. Nothing gets fixed anyway." Well, you might be right. Thousands of people reporting an issue doesn't necessarily mean a fix is coming. But if it goes unreported as much as this issue likely does, I guarantee it's not getting addressed.


If I was somebody responsible for investigating and fixing an issue like this and I get a few tens of messages about it I probably would be inclined to leave it be. But if get 50K messages about it I'm getting it addressed because I'm tired of hearing about it (and tired of MY boss asking me what the status is).


All they need to do is run the the Gree dailies once to see ability delay is back in a big way.

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I get this on my jugg if I spam retaliation. Force charge, adrenal, smash+retaliation usually means the smash wont fire but it triggers the global cooldown. The problem is the adrenal and retaliation don't fire off the global cooldown, its definitely the smash misfiring after the force charge.


Then during normal play after this, retaliation often will cause other abilities to misfire. Another issue is the gfx for the global cooldown itself go out of sync with sounds and animations, making you feel things are on gcd when they're not.


EDIT: I just realised that I have only observed these issues while doing dailies and killing xeno in the new ilum iceshelf. I don't notice these problems in other areas in the game.

Edited by Marb
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I see lots of complaints and I know some people have reported it but I also know that the vast majority of people experiencing this have said nothing to Bioware about it, they simply complain.


I can hear what these same people will say now, "It doesn't do any good to report it. Nothing gets fixed anyway." Well, you might be right. Thousands of people reporting an issue doesn't necessarily mean a fix is coming. But if it goes unreported as much as this issue likely does, I guarantee it's not getting addressed.


If I was somebody responsible for investigating and fixing an issue like this and I get a few tens of messages about it I probably would be inclined to leave it be. But if get 50K messages about it I'm getting it addressed because I'm tired of hearing about it (and tired of MY boss asking me what the status is).

It has been reported and lots of videos has been made. Bioware knew about this major issue long before the game got released and if I remember correctly less than a week after the release of the game they commented that this issue goes deep in the game engine and nothing that can easily be solved.

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Well thats not good to hear. This needs to be fixed like yesterday.


This is a game breaking bug for me, since all I do is PVP. I can't have abilities misfiring. I might as well just not play. I'm sure in PVE this is just a nuisance, but in PVP its game breaking.

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  • 4 months later...

My abbilities "misfires", Its most when I play my gunslinger.


Its like I activate my "Speed Shot" abbility that is and 2.10secs channel with 12s CD. On my abbility bar it seems like it gets activated, the sound and the character animation seems like he starts shooting, but midway trough the cast its just stops and I get dont get any cooldown on my "speed shot", so basicle I just wasted atleast 1GCD while doing nothing because the game/server didnt register my abbility, and this happens ALOT.

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