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MK 2 Recruit Gear


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Sorry if this is a noob question, but I just came back after some time off and I tried to pickup the MK 2 recruit gear mission from the PVP terminal (like I did for the MK 1 a while back) but I didn't see it on there. Is there a trick to this? Do I need to get rid of my MK 1 first before I get access to the MK 2 mission?


I tried the knowledge base and read that there should be a mission for this on the PVP terminal, but I'm just not getting anything...thoughts?


thanks much for any assistance



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if you took the money or the first set of gear, then that's what you have. no double dipping, as it were. I took the money the first time around and had to fudge it with one of my crafters who I've just begin to pvp with.


Oh wow, lol, so I get punished for being a player since launch...they keep changing the system and the old timers keep getting screwed with each change...tnx BW :/


And thanks much for the heads up Fox...guess Im gonna have to spend some creds then :p



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if you already have a geared toon, you can pass wh gear to your mk1 toon via legacy gear. but the legacy gear would cost as much as the recruit gear (more actually). on the other hand, legacy gear is more valuable to you than the recruit, which is garbage after a week of WZ dailies plus the weekly.
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if you already have a geared toon, you can pass wh gear to your mk1 toon via legacy gear. but the legacy gear would cost as much as the recruit gear (more actually). on the other hand, legacy gear is more valuable to you than the recruit, which is garbage after a week of WZ dailies plus the weekly.


Oh yeah, I hadn't thought of that, but no big deal paying for the MK2...tnx for the tip, I gotta investigate more about the legacy gear.




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Oh wow, lol, so I get punished for being a player since launch...


No. You can always make the quest on another toon that hasn't finished it yet and you'll get MK-2 on this other toon. This puts you into the situation of a new player, so nobody is being punished here. You simply aren't given a special treatment for being a player since launch, but that's not a punishment.

Edited by Cretinus
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