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Back off of the PvPers, please


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Yeah, I know this is a Rp-PvE server but the developers saw fit to add open PvP areas to the game. The rules of such areas are made clear to you as soon as you enter the area. Complaining about getting attacked there is really no different than walking into a yard with a "Beware of Dog" sign and complaining about being bitten. And the whole, "I was minding my own business" line doesn't work either. Everybody is minding their own business until they aren't. Should the PvPers just stand there and wait for you to get the first shot for free before they engage? Entry into the zone is implied consent to engage in PvP. If you can't accept the fact that you might get ganked, do quests elsewhere...there's plenty of them to be done. But once in a great while Bioware throws the PvP dogs a bone...let the dogs eat. And FYI you don't die in real life....just move to another instance.


BTW I am not in Guerrilla, Empire, Game Genie, or Hex and have in fact been ganked by all of them there....and you will never EVER see or hear me complain about it.

Edited by Showtimemike
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People have different reasons for playing on different servers. I started playing SWTOR mainly for the story, then I realized I enjoyed PvP more than PvE. Made friends, became part of the community etc. I'm mainly a PvP player now, let's see how I can start playing on a PvP server. I need a volunteer to:

(1) Level and gear up the same characters I have on this server. Getting to Valor 100 wouldn't hurt.

(2) Convince all my friends to play on another server. You're lucky I'm unguilded.

(3) Perform the first step for the people I mentioned in the second step. I know they are lazy.


Send me a PM if you are willing and able.

Edited by Advanderer
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Idk. I'm a PvPer, actually it's all I do. But if people are really charging people money to hand in orbs (and not just joking) it's pretty much a douche move lol. And ganking people at random, instead of just fighting each other if there was 12 of them. Part of the fun of this kind of thing is ganking friends. Always gank your friends.
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If you wanted open-world PVP you should be on a PVP server. It's pretty simple.


If you don't want to get attacked, don't enter an area that automatically flags you for PVP.


You can choose between not completing the quest, or risking being attacked.


If you want your cake and to eat it as well, sorry, BioWare doesn't agree with you or care about your cake.


Deal with it.


Besides, if 20 people want to just line up and 4 people want to PVP... 20v4 is a pretty lopsided fight, but you shouldn't let that stop you from taking advantage of it. If you want the right to just complete the quest in an orderly fashion, defend that right.


The only beefs I've had with this event whatsoever are the "extortion" (which, even if joking, was not taken as a joke by most of the server's population) and the fact that active PVP groups were ignoring each other and the opportunity to PVP in favor of slaughtering lemmings in multiple instances. I don't understand how that is fun for any length of time, especially to competitive PVPers, and I would have wished that they'd have invested more energy in fighting each other (maybe make one instance a total warzone, and change every 30 minutes to keep people from getting *too* complacent) and less into trolling.

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Pvp is my game of choice too, but I prefer warzones. I love what BIoware has done with Ilum. What I deplore is the nascent elitism and the predatory actions of players who unite solely to exert their power over others and then strut while so doing. Competition is best fostered by spreading the skill, gear and experience evenly. This is not what some have done.
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All the QQ is pretty funny at this point. Everyone that is saying how much they hate it is contributing to it and future events just like this. When bioware goes over the logs at the end of the event they will see x.xx% of players completed pvp quests, how often they completed pvp quests, how long they stayed in those zones (a number that will be inflated since getting ganked forces you to stay there longer.) These types of analytics are what will be used to determine future content and how much PvP will be included. If the number of people I rarely or never have seen in warzones are any indication the PvP zone will prove to have been a massive success with wide spread use and very high player base percentage quest turn ins. Can't wait until the next PvP zone comes out. Edited by Badfenix
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I have to support the basic thrust of the OP. I've been to the Ilum PvP area a few times simply for the loot and not for the PvP itself and was ganked by a guild while minding my own business. I was irritated at first because it ended up as time wasted for me, but ultimately the problem was with my own expectations rather than the behavior of those who ganked me.


I think what makes it difficult to support them at times is the extreme unlikeableness of some of those involved. It's beyond competition for some. They simply relish in being the cause of someone else's frustration. I've enjoyed and respected some of the posts that I have read in other threads arguing the case from a RP perspective. Unfortunately there are enough of the others who "find your tears delicious" that perpetuate the stereotype of PvP players simply being Schadenfreude enthusiasts. It makes it hard to support them, but regardless, it's open world PvP and those treating it as such are certainly entitled to play the game that way.

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Last night some people I play with on the pub side (who were playing in Ilum) told me they got ganked by several members of some guild I've never heard of and whose name I can't even remember. They were certainly not a "PVP guild". But they were in an instance where none of the PVP guilds were either ganking or trying to keep peace and order. THAT is exactly what will happen if all the crying succeeds and the PvP guilds pack their bags and go to another server. Oh sweetie, you're still gonna get ganked. Somebody will look around and realize he's the biggest dog in the yard and he will bite you.


Open world pvp areas will always have open world pvp. If you run off the PvP guilds the only thing that will change is the quality of players that will be doing the ganking.


So please, direct your complaints to Bioware for having open world pvp areas on a rp server, not those who simply follow the rules of those zones.

Edited by Showtimemike
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THAT is exactly what will happen if all the crying succeeds and the PvP guilds pack their bags and go to another server. Oh sweetie, you're still gonna get ganked. Somebody will look around and realize he's the biggest dog in the yard and he will bite you.


This this this.


What people need to realize is - better the Hutt you have tagged than the one you don't.


At least now you have a fairly good idea if someone will jump you or not. If we all suddenly disappeared, your paranoia would only increase - and honestly, you'd probably get ganked MORE, as people would have less trepidation about flagging themselves if they didnt think someone more skilled or geared could be right around the corner waiting to gank THEM.


If I am solo and you are solo, you are flagged, and my name is red - expect to get jumped.

If I am with someone and you are solo and flagged, I will probably leave you alone, unless I think you have a ridiculous name or a ridiculous legacy name, in which case I will slaughter you mercilessly.

If I am with someone and you are in a group of 2 or more, and flagged - expect to get jumped.


The only exception to these rules for me is flagged players of the same faction (whichever I'm playing at the time) in the FFA area, only because it seems to really upset people, moreso than the ganking itself, and I prefer to not give my guilds a bad name with the players we share the fleet with. If I am attacked, or a group member is attacked, I will defend myself. If I see one player being picked on by 2 or more, I will defend them as well.


I don't think these rules are unreasonable, vicious or cruel.


PvP happens. If you don't like it, get off Ilum.

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I don't even know what my rules are atm, I kind of attack somewhat indiscriminately. At one point we were allying with Empire and company, another we were fighting them. That's what I love about this event tho, all the random mayhem, its a blast.


I saw a sentinel chasing a flagged imp in the PvE area, had the imp down to like 1 HP, I jumped in and killed the sentinel before he could kill the imp, that felt good. Then in the free for all area, me and Te'ras were doing the heroic (its way quicker there cause the mobs have a lot less HP) and we saw 2 imps jump a pub. Imp on imp action I don't like sometimes, but I decided if they were gonna jump this guy 2 on 1, me and Te'ras ought to at least give them a real fight.


I don't know, maybe its just me, but I love it when I'm not looking for a fight and someone starts one with me though. Sometimes I find it hard to get motivated to kill people, but its great when they go out of your way to kill you and you can fight back*.


*unless you're a stealther that gets his *** kicked, stealths out and runs away >.<

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Look Ive been AFK in game,, (Valentines week is a big wife aggro catalyst)


Whatever the case is or isnt the perception and outcome are irrefutable.


This event has driven a wedge in an already vast divide.


So long as your guilds exist people will (hate you.)

*edit... hate is sucha strong word.. So probably not the best to describe the sentiment. Its more Disdain. A stong desire to never have to cross paths with said person again.


No one wants to play with you anymore.


People are pissed.


(none of this is my personal feeling. As these are strictly observations from Pax and TOR forums)


Despite your intentions, arguments or justifications, you can rest assured that an ever increasing section of the server wants nothing to do with PVP now.


Sad :(..


All of my efforts as a PVP officer are a wash. I still spam Guild Chat for Open PVP spots, but I consistently get no reply.


It is my objective to assess the state of the community and make every attempt.. Exhaust every resource at my disposal to promote enjoyment and foster increased PVP activity.

... As of Now...

Its going to take a TREMENDOUS amount of creativity and persistence. More than a handful of dedicated people may be capable of.


So Dont complain that there isnt a viable Ranked scence on this server. Im not telling you how to play the game or arguing that you dont have the right to conduct yourself in what ever manner you see fit. Just realize that your actions have a direct effect on the overall community perception of PVP as a whole. Not jut Ilum and this event.


Laugh about the QQ.. Complain about the ad hominen attacks. Just remember that this is in fact and RP server. You should have expected it.

Edited by DarthBror
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Not sure if this is the first MMO many of you are playing, but let me share something I learned back in 2003 while I was playing Star Wars Galaxies:




If someone is red to you expect pvp to happen. Part of the fun of pvp is overcoming odds, so if you get ganked by two people, taking down 1.9 health bars is actually a pretty rewarding feeling despite your death. This is a galactic war people, don't expect pleasantries, fair play, or gentlemanly behavior.


What you should expect is people to gank you, destroy your moral, and then gloat about it.


sorry people but that is WAR

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I don't mind pvp area's or pvp events. Sadly what I don't like are pvper's not all of them but enough of them make it not fun.


I am new to the game and this is a example that has already turned me completely off from doing pvp. I was on tat and pvp tagged at the time. Was waiting for the jawa balloon to go get the datacrons. There was like 8 people there about half flagged, one of them was a level 50 sith. I was 30 something I forget exact level now jedi. While waiting he kills me. Ok fine, someone who was not pvp tagged rezed me. Then he kills us both, keep in mind their was another 50 there pvp flagged who left us alone.


At that point the other level 50 pvper told him to knock it off. So he stops for a bit, then the balloon arrives and this guy then attacked and kill everyone pvp flagged, that was lower level than him. None of us could then make it on the balloon in time.


Other than him and the other 50 both imps, we was all rep and all almost 20 levels lower. I honestly don't know to well how pvp works in this game, but I do know i was two hits for him and it wasn't even a fight.


This wasn't the only time this happened but it was the last time. I have since turned pvp off and avoid pvp zones. At this point I have zero desire to get involved in pvp because their is enough people like him running around to ruin it.


I play pvp on other games where people are not jerks and pvp can be fun. One of my top other game I play is World of Tanks which is a exclusive pvp game and I enjoy it.


My point to this post is to show some of the pvper's why some people have such strong negative feelings for pvp.

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I don't mind pvp area's or pvp events. Sadly what I don't like are pvper's not all of them but enough of them make it not fun.


I am new to the game and this is a example that has already turned me completely off from doing pvp. I was on tat and pvp tagged at the time. Was waiting for the jawa balloon to go get the datacrons. There was like 8 people there about half flagged, one of them was a level 50 sith. I was 30 something I forget exact level now jedi. While waiting he kills me. Ok fine, someone who was not pvp tagged rezed me. Then he kills us both, keep in mind their was another 50 there pvp flagged who left us alone.


At that point the other level 50 pvper told him to knock it off. So he stops for a bit, then the balloon arrives and this guy then attacked and kill everyone pvp flagged, that was lower level than him. None of us could then make it on the balloon in time.


Other than him and the other 50 both imps, we was all rep and all almost 20 levels lower. I honestly don't know to well how pvp works in this game, but I do know i was two hits for him and it wasn't even a fight.


This wasn't the only time this happened but it was the last time. I have since turned pvp off and avoid pvp zones. At this point I have zero desire to get involved in pvp because their is enough people like him running around to ruin it.


I play pvp on other games where people are not jerks and pvp can be fun. One of my top other game I play is World of Tanks which is a exclusive pvp game and I enjoy it.


My point to this post is to show some of the pvper's why some people have such strong negative feelings for pvp.


Seriously? That guy is my hero... Why do you ask? Because he found someone who is too lazy to exact revenge on him and he pounded them mercilessly into the ground. You could have put a gank offer in general, the fleet, or elsewhere. Instead you chose just to get whooped and post your whine on here. If you don't like somethign don't do it. You got flagged for pvp, did you go somewhere safe and unflag? No you didn't, and the person rezzing you should know how a Temporary Enemy Flag (TEF) works. Ignorance is not a defesne.


If someone ganks you, you must ask yourself. Are you prepared to what is necessary?(Liam Neeson Voice)

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Seriously? That guy is my hero... Why do you ask? Because he found someone who is too lazy to exact revenge on him and he pounded them mercilessly into the ground. You could have put a gank offer in general, the fleet, or elsewhere. Instead you chose just to get whooped and post your whine on here. If you don't like somethign don't do it. You got flagged for pvp, did you go somewhere safe and unflag? No you didn't, and the person rezzing you should know how a Temporary Enemy Flag (TEF) works. Ignorance is not a defesne.


If someone ganks you, you must ask yourself. Are you prepared to what is necessary?(Liam Neeson Voice)


Level 50's picking on sub-50's is probably the most pathetic form of PVP in the game.


Kinda reminds me of This Guy

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Yea I agree.


There are certain lines you just dont cross. Thats why humans as a species came up the "Geneeva Convetion"


If you want to ignore that, and say hey.. its just a video game.. have at it hoss..


Just dont get your panties in a bunch when peeps call you out for being a douche.


IMO.. your asking for it and secretly smiling inside anyway.

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There are some ridiculous ways that armies get around the geneva convention though.


For instance if there is no uniform then the person is not a soldier.


Another example was you couldn't fire extreme damaging weapons at personnel, but if they had any equipment on you can shoot at the equipment.


Just saying it takes about 2.5 weeks to hit 50, and chances are you will see that ganker again sometime. When you see them you just destroy them over and over and over.


Basically the best way to avoid pvp is literally never flag yourself and never help anyone who is flagged, otherwise you are open game.

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I agree with the people saying that if you're willingly flagged then you asked for it. I mean it's simple. Flag = KOS. Though what I want to know is why are there forced PvP zones on a PvE server... It defeats the purpose. I mean there's no debating that. I haven't bothered going to Ilum yet so I haven't seen the ultimate carnage that's there. Though I've been told there's forced PvP in a PvE questing area. That I think is a little odd in a design choice. I like PvP. In fact SWTOR is the first PvP I've enjoyed in any MMORPG. I just question why PvE is a choice in servers when forums seem to be ablaze with it being forced on all servers.


Now that's out of the way, here's the reason people are prejudiced against PvPers. The term "Q.Q". No offence to people who PvP. I myself do so, but the ratio of jerkwad PvPers is 1:100. Most PvPers tend to respond to complaints or even civil pleas with the most vile attitudes.






This is the reason people are against PvPers. Not the aspect of PvP. Just that people are given jerk replies. Even on this thread. People choose a PvE server because they do not want to do world PvP. They complain and they get called whiners and Q.Qers.


Now because I've been on MMO forums for a years by now I KNOW someone has the thought of bringing up how RPers can have vile attitudes too. The elitist are a little intolerable. Though still. It's a RP server so you're on their turf. So don't be surprised when they speak up.

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