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A Summary of Increased Repair Cost Problems (for BW/EA)


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What I should have said instead of "Don't think so" is "Most other guilds can not do this".

What you posted was in response to "2. Progression takes a hit".

Just because 2 or 3 guilds per server are hardcore enough to not care about cost does not mean that progression does not take a hit.

A majority of guilds ARE progression guilds, but they are not hard core progression guilds like yours.

They do not have 10-20 million credits to throw away every week to try to progress.

So those of us not in "real progression guilds" but in guilds that want to progress will have a much harder time doing so with the severe repair costs EA just implemented.


If you want to progress through flashpoints and raids without worrying about repair costs, join a guild, hardcore or not, that will specifically cover all the expenses of raiding OR you must come up with the cash on your own . If an aspect of this game (repair costs) is holding you back from another aspect of this game (raiding, doing flashpoints, leveling), go to a different game OR do the things that Bioware has set in place to combat the repair costs. Hint: Do dailies. Play the GTN. Buy cartel packs and sell them for creds (use real money).


I don't understand this thread. People are just complaining about a decision Bioware made and instead of trying adjust, they are whining, making assumptions, and stomping their feet about it.


What are your solutions to this perceived problem?

What good is this discussion if no one makes any good suggestions?

Where is the actual data from these "outrageous, skyrocketing prices"? What does 1 death cost for a lv10? Lv20? Lv30? Lv50? What does a real repair cost look like for a lowbie sporting purples?

What does an actual F2P person think about these new costs?

What can someone do about it?

What can Bioware reasonably do about it?

WHY did Bioware fix/change this?

Edited by Jinxblog
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then run dailies?

take an hour of of your time to do something instead of sit around on the fleet or on the forums complaining about something so small?


seriously, credits are NOT a problem in this game when you can make 400k EASILY in a day


HECK sell the crap loot from running those and you can have 600k


you people need to stop whining and play the game.



and before people use the excuse, "I WORK" and "I GO TO SCHOOL"


So do I, now stop being lazy.


If anything, you need to stop posting dumb stuff like this.

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Modifiable items now have repair costs based on the level of their base modification.


from 1.2


Item sell values and item repair costs now reflect the value of the items and any enhancements attached to them. Previously, items were incorrectly being valued without their enhancements.


from current patch



so unless you have access to code that allows you to prove it was intended for the bug to happen, shut up


lol the sarcasm detector is weak with this one...


From what you are saying people should be experiencing a 33% increase in repair costs AT MOST (not including the fact that not every item has enhancements) - instead we are seeing 50-100% increases in repair costs...


or are you saying the cost of repairing just the enhancement is more than the cost of repairing everything else in the armouring??

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I call that nonsense. Even if that were the case (and I'm a fairly experienced player who rarely died up to Lv 40) skill, ability and rep costs rise unpropotionally as you go along. I made maybe 30.000 credits between the levels 20-45 (after deducting my costs) and I'm usually one among the 'richest' among my group of friends. I had to lend people credits so they could buy their skill updates. That's never ever happened to me before.


By the time I was 45 on my first character, Jedi Guardian, I had almost a mil. Not everyone is an economist and look into how to get money, people just want **** handed to them. And that is all this entire thread is. Every game has a rediculous repair cost for the better gear you have. Learn to make money, it's not hard. On my server I sell stacks of terenthium(10 per stack.) For 7k a stack. 7... K... a stack. For the GRADE 1 underowlrd metal. Usually that's 2 underworld missions in the grade 1 category ranging between 1-5 mins. In an hour I have on avg 60-99 Terenthium. 42k-70k just from that in an hour. Not to mention agrinium crits where each goes for 4-8k. So sitting around an OP whiping for 4 hours will render (just from terenthium, rounded, 300k.) And guess WHAT. Companion missions for gathering are something you can do WHENEVER. So people who have lives, like me. School, work, family, gym. Your 10 hours a week turns into 600k+ from the grade 1 underworld metal while you are doing the content you want. Holy ****, mind blown. Of course every server is different on the scale of what things are worth, but one thing is server wide, *****es want their underworld metal. And here's a philosophy I live by, people will rather buy it and do it quick rather then farm it themselves. My repair costs when the symbol showed up on my picture saying things are yellow? 40 ish k. My repair cost now in the same scenerio? 40 ish k. Where's the difference? I haven't seen it. Cry moar. Oh and I send all five of my companions on underworld missions consistantly. Grades 1-6, broken down, grade 1 : 7k a stack, grade 2 : 4k a stack, grade 3: 8k a stack, grade 4: 9k a stack. Ciridium and Quadrium are 2k a stack so I stay away from them except for adundant yeilds that usually offer Mando iron and Promethium. BTW this can be done with any gathering profession. ANY. So the "I don't use underworld trading for my profession." doesn't work as an excuse. There's some diffculty to SWTOR, just like there was difficulty and WoW. But WoW not anymore, because of complainers like you making them dumb it down. So maybe when everything is handed to everyone SWTOR fans might be happy.

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What can Bioware reasonably do about it?

WHY did Bioware fix/change this?


Ok, want to get into specifics... good.


Proposal, half all repair costs.




Plus sides

Less time mindlessly grinding for cash or farming the GTN, more time actually playing the game (challenging yourself against challenging content, pvping, leveling new characters, whatever).

Easy, would probably take almost no time to code.

Affects everyone equally.


Minus sides

None. The only complaint I can come up with at all to this is "well I have plenty of money so who cares". Just because you are well off doesn't mean everyone else is. If you have enough money or a guild mechanism that means you aren't affected by this then this decision doesn't affect you one way or another, so butt out.


Why did bioware/ea make the change. I can only speculate but having done professional programming in the past, I am going to guess that some developer saw a broken line of code and went wait a minute... this semicolon shouldn't be here or this shouldn't be commented out... and fixed it, put it in a patch note. When it got to QA, qa tested it based on the patch note and saw it worked. No one sat back and said, huh I wonder what systematic effect this will have on the game.

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By the time I was 45 on my first character, Jedi Guardian, I had almost a mil. Not everyone is an economist and look into how to get money, people just want **** handed to them. And that is all this entire thread is. Every game has a rediculous repair cost for the better gear you have. Learn to make money, it's not hard. On my server I sell stacks of terenthium(10 per stack.) For 7k a stack. 7... K... a stack. For the GRADE 1 underowlrd metal. Usually that's 2 underworld missions in the grade 1 category ranging between 1-5 mins. In an hour I have on avg 60-99 Terenthium. 42k-70k just from that in an hour. Not to mention agrinium crits where each goes for 4-8k. So sitting around an OP whiping for 4 hours will render (just from terenthium, rounded, 300k.) And guess WHAT. Companion missions for gathering are something you can do WHENEVER. So people who have lives, like me. School, work, family, gym. Your 10 hours a week turns into 600k+ from the grade 1 underworld metal while you are doing the content you want. Holy ****, mind blown. Of course every server is different on the scale of what things are worth, but one thing is server wide, *****es want their underworld metal. And here's a philosophy I live by, people will rather buy it and do it quick rather then farm it themselves. My repair costs when the symbol showed up on my picture saying things are yellow? 40 ish k. My repair cost now in the same scenerio? 40 ish k. Where's the difference? I haven't seen it. Cry moar. Oh and I send all five of my companions on underworld missions consistantly. Grades 1-6, broken down, grade 1 : 7k a stack, grade 2 : 4k a stack, grade 3: 8k a stack, grade 4: 9k a stack. Ciridium and Quadrium are 2k a stack so I stay away from them except for adundant yeilds that usually offer Mando iron and Promethium. BTW this can be done with any gathering profession. ANY. So the "I don't use underworld trading for my profession." doesn't work as an excuse. There's some diffculty to SWTOR, just like there was difficulty and WoW. But WoW not anymore, because of complainers like you making them dumb it down. So maybe when everything is handed to everyone SWTOR fans might be happy.


the guy before, learn to use paragraphs


or hell, proper spacing

Edited by astrobearx
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It's nice there are guilds with millions and millions of credits. It's great that many do not mind doing dailies. Some actually enjoy grinding out credits. But do not loose site of the impact this has on a fairly large portion of the player base. Many do not like to grind or do not have time to do dailies. They come to enjoy a game and if they want something they will work for it. BUT you should not be forced to grind to just be able to afford to play. I shouldn't sign on thinking "Well I guess I better go do my dailies if I want to enjoy the game and run in some flashpoints." If this is not a problem for you than that is great but it is a problem for many. Mocking and calling others out because they are not doing it "your" way or your idea of what is the correct way is solving nothing.


This a fix to a bug or a correction of sorts, I really don't care only that there are a large group of players being affected. Can this game really stand to loose more subs?

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the guy before, learn to use paragraphs


or hell, proper spacing


That is a whole complete thought in one paragraph. If I had two seperate thoughts involving two completely differing aspects then I would of made another paragraph. Thankyou for your post.

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By the time I was 45 on my first character, Jedi Guardian, I had almost a mil. Not everyone is an economist and look into how to get money, people just want **** handed to them. And that is all this entire thread is. Every game has a rediculous repair cost for the better gear you have. Learn to make money, it's not hard....


In addition to being atrociously spaced, this point is fallacious on its face. WOW and others like it might have ridiculous repair costs for better gear, however by no means can it be accurately claimed that / EVERY/ game has this mechanic.


There were a lot of online games before WOW and many since that have had no repair mechanic at all.


This is not talking about dumbing down the game. This is talking about lessening the pointless, mindless parts of the game so people can spend more time on the fun, difficult parts of it. Operations are fun because they are difficult and challenging. [and if you say they are not, I challenge you to prove to me that finishing EC NM was easy for you]


Mindless money grinding, whether it be through the GTN or through dailies is pointless in part because it is a complete waste of time. There is no challenge in it (as you have rightly pointed out in your examples). Why require people to waste time on content that is trivially easy and nothing but a waste of time when you can have them spending time on the more difficult and fun parts of the game. How is limiting the mindless easy parts of the game dumbing the game down in any way.. Instead it is allowing the game to focus on the better/more difficult parts of the game.

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By the time I was 45 on my first character, Jedi Guardian, I had almost a mil. Not everyone is an economist and look into how to get money, people just want **** handed to them. And that is all this entire thread is. Every game has a rediculous repair cost for the better gear you have. Learn to make money, it's not hard. On my server I sell stacks of terenthium(10 per stack.) For 7k a stack. 7... K... a stack. For the GRADE 1 underowlrd metal. Usually that's 2 underworld missions in the grade 1 category ranging between 1-5 mins. In an hour I have on avg 60-99 Terenthium. 42k-70k just from that in an hour. Not to mention agrinium crits where each goes for 4-8k. So sitting around an OP whiping for 4 hours will render (just from terenthium, rounded, 300k.) And guess WHAT. Companion missions for gathering are something you can do WHENEVER. So people who have lives, like me. School, work, family, gym. Your 10 hours a week turns into 600k+ from the grade 1 underworld metal while you are doing the content you want. Holy ****, mind blown. Of course every server is different on the scale of what things are worth, but one thing is server wide, *****es want their underworld metal. And here's a philosophy I live by, people will rather buy it and do it quick rather then farm it themselves. My repair costs when the symbol showed up on my picture saying things are yellow? 40 ish k. My repair cost now in the same scenerio? 40 ish k. Where's the difference? I haven't seen it. Cry moar. Oh and I send all five of my companions on underworld missions consistantly. Grades 1-6, broken down, grade 1 : 7k a stack, grade 2 : 4k a stack, grade 3: 8k a stack, grade 4: 9k a stack. Ciridium and Quadrium are 2k a stack so I stay away from them except for adundant yeilds that usually offer Mando iron and Promethium. BTW this can be done with any gathering profession. ANY. So the "I don't use underworld trading for my profession." doesn't work as an excuse. There's some diffculty to SWTOR, just like there was difficulty and WoW. But WoW not anymore, because of complainers like you making them dumb it down. So maybe when everything is handed to everyone SWTOR fans might be happy.


Who asked to be handed anything? Seriously. I want to know. Find it. And yes we will continue to "cry moar" and all you'll be able to do is post about how are awesome your econ money making skills are and we will continue to not care.

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In addition to being atrociously spaced, this point is fallacious on its face. WOW and others like it might have ridiculous repair costs for better gear, however by no means can it be accurately claimed that / EVERY/ game has this mechanic.


There were a lot of online games before WOW and many since that have had no repair mechanic at all.


This is not talking about dumbing down the game. This is talking about lessening the pointless, mindless parts of the game so people can spend more time on the fun, difficult parts of it. Operations are fun because they are difficult and challenging. [and if you say they are not, I challenge you to prove to me that finishing EC NM was easy for you]


Mindless money grinding, whether it be through the GTN or through dailies is pointless in part because it is a complete waste of time. There is no challenge in it (as you have rightly pointed out in your examples). Why require people to waste time on content that is trivially easy and nothing but a waste of time when you can have them spending time on the more difficult and fun parts of the game. How is limiting the mindless easy parts of the game dumbing the game down in any way.. Instead it is allowing the game to focus on the better/more difficult parts of the game.


Ok so sending your companions on crewskills when you are sitting doing what you want to do is a grind? You realize SWTOR broke the whole grinding to make money with this mechanic. But apperently everyone here fails to see it.

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Ok so sending your companions on crewskills when you are sitting doing what you want to do is a grind? You realize SWTOR broke the whole grinding to make money with this mechanic. But apperently everyone here fails to see it.


Perhaps many of us do see it but have a broader view of things than you seem to give us credit for.


As to your specific point....

Click on crew skill, click on companion, click on mission, submit... repeat 5 times, wait 30 minutes do it again, and again, and again, and again.... gather results, sell on GTN, repeat....


How is that /not/ grinding?

It is practically the encyclopedic description of the term.


Frankly anything that a macro could do easier or even better than a human can is grinding. There is no point to it. There is no challenge. Grinding.

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Who asked to be handed anything? Seriously. I want to know. Find it. And yes we will continue to "cry moar" and all you'll be able to do is post about how are awesome your econ money making skills are and we will continue to not care.


Nobody did, he's just trolling and bragging.


Bottom line: This hurts the game in every possible way. There's ZERO benefit from it. The players with tons of credits will continue to have less tons of credits. Every other player is hurt by this.

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Who asked to be handed anything? Seriously. I want to know. Find it. And yes we will continue to "cry moar" and all you'll be able to do is post about how are awesome your econ money making skills are and we will continue to not care.


And you will continue to be poor and hate the game. So it's a two way street of you not caring and hating life, while I choose to not complain and better the situation.


I cared enough to share a good way to make money while doing what you want to do. I make my money and I am never doing something that I don't want to do ( like grinding dailies etc.) I know I sound harsh, but sitting here complaining about something minimal when you can fix the situation by just doing your crew skills seems kind of rediculous to me.

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Ok so sending your companions on crewskills when you are sitting doing what you want to do is a grind? You realize SWTOR broke the whole grinding to make money with this mechanic. But apperently everyone here fails to see it.


Super duper! No grinding! The change still doesn't seem to be working as intended as repair costs are all over the place and some people(yourself included) aren't seeing any changes. I've never had the repair costs I've had until this change, not in any gear every. There is a mistake somewhere and it needs to be fixed.

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In addition to being atrociously spaced, this point is fallacious on its face. WOW and others like it might have ridiculous repair costs for better gear, however by no means can it be accurately claimed that / EVERY/ game has this mechanic.


WoW's "ridiculous" repair costs are also well compensated for by the addition of the guild perks in Cata that give guild above a certain, fairly easily atainable level an additional 10% of all coin rewards that goes directly into the guild bank which for the majority of guilds mostly or completely subsidizes said repair costs as well. So anyone trying to argue that high repair costs are part and parcel to end game raiding, your example fails due to the above.

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Nobody did, he's just trolling and bragging.


Bottom line: This hurts the game in every possible way. There's ZERO benefit from it. The players with tons of credits will continue to have less tons of credits. Every other player is hurt by this.


Or those other players can get off their high horses *** and do **** themselves?


Still, not a lot of credits.

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Nobody did, he's just trolling and bragging.


Bottom line: This hurts the game in every possible way. There's ZERO benefit from it. The players with tons of credits will continue to have less tons of credits. Every other player is hurt by this.

^ This.

If there was a discrepancy with some players paying more than they should have pre-repair cost increase then they should have lowered it for those players. Increasing this cost has no positive benefit for the game.

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Nobody did, he's just trolling and bragging.


Bottom line: This hurts the game in every possible way. There's ZERO benefit from it. The players with tons of credits will continue to have less tons of credits. Every other player is hurt by this.


People wanting it rolled back would be asking for a hand out.


People asking for there to be no repairs. A handout.


And that was a generalization for the entire community.

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And you will continue to be poor and hate the game. So it's a two way street of you not caring and hating life, while I choose to not complain and better the situation.


I cared enough to share a good way to make money while doing what you want to do. I make my money and I am never doing something that I don't want to do ( like grinding dailies etc.) I know I sound harsh, but sitting here complaining about something minimal when you can fix the situation by just doing your crew skills seems kind of rediculous to me.


Blah blah blah, I didn't read the posts I just felt like being awesome online.


change isn't doing what it should be, the change was meant only for moddable gear, that's not what happened. Also, it's not happening to everyone. This usually means bug unless Bioware has decided to RNG repair bills.

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And you will continue to be poor and hate the game. So it's a two way street of you not caring and hating life, while I choose to not complain and better the situation.


I cared enough to share a good way to make money while doing what you want to do. I make my money and I am never doing something that I don't want to do ( like grinding dailies etc.) I know I sound harsh, but sitting here complaining about something minimal when you can fix the situation by just doing your crew skills seems kind of rediculous to me.


Their problem is that while you shared a way that they could cover the increased repair costs, that way would require actual EFFORT from them. Never mind that the effort could be minimal, AND done while they enjoy the "fun" parts of the game, they would still have to actually do something other than complain and expect someone else to fix it.

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People wanting it rolled back would be asking for a hand out.


People asking for there to be no repairs. A handout.


And that was a generalization for the entire community.


No. I'm not asking for a hand out. I'm telling you that this change impacts the game in MANY ways...NONE positively.

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