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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bring back Scoundrel UpperHand proc laugh


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Good news everyone! Upper Hand and Tactical Advantage proc laugh/giggle is coming back in 2.0! Your Scoundrel or Operative will now chuckle most heartily when they gain their first UP/TA when they previously had zero. Before we took it out completely the sound was playing every time you gained an UP/TA and was really spamming everyone with their infectious chortles. I really miss the giggle so I’m glad we are bringing it back, hope yall enjoy it as well! :jawa_biggrin:




AWESOME! This is brilliant news, nice one BW & thanks for giving us the heads up. Oh, how I've missed my giggle.:D

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Good news everyone! Upper Hand and Tactical Advantage proc laugh/giggle is coming back in 2.0! Your Scoundrel or Operative will now chuckle most heartily when they gain their first UP/TA when they previously had zero. Before we took it out completely the sound was playing every time you gained an UP/TA and was really spamming everyone with their infectious chortles. I really miss the giggle so I’m glad we are bringing it back, hope yall enjoy it as well! :jawa_biggrin:




Please can you bring back the old lethality Cull animation as well? :)

Edited by paowee
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Only the first one? Sadface.


Still, better than nothing. I missed my Agent laughing as he probed people :(


I am still wondering why after 1.2-1.3 my female darkside gunslinger suddenly stopped making her combat vocals? She just went silent one day and now makes zero noise at all...save to occasional damage groan. I did find it odd though that when we had the last event if my slinger climbed on the turret to kill the mobs she had full combat voice again lol {}. So I know they were not removed...just disabled for normal combat?


I basically never use her anymore...and pve is stale, but I wonder if i take her into Kaon and the team lets her use the turret if I would in fact hear all the combat vocals I used to here normally.


Anyhow I am sincerely happy that you guys are getting your giggle back....I am sure you all were as puzzled as I was when it was removed. I completely understand that some vocals can be a tad much if they play constantly....and perhaps my slinger screaming or yelling "yeah baby" etc pissed others off? Well at least my evil female Vanguard still screams constantly in combat....she was left unchanged.


It should be noted I love hearing screaming lol {my personal favorite when I jump into the pit at fleet for certain classes}....and can still recall while leveling that slinger oh so many moons ago when I first heard her scream. The friend and I that were teamed at the time both loled. Like I eluded to....my guess is other players got tired of hearing it and complained.

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Good news everyone! Upper Hand and Tactical Advantage proc laugh/giggle is coming back in 2.0! Your Scoundrel or Operative will now chuckle most heartily when they gain their first UP/TA when they previously had zero. Before we took it out completely the sound was playing every time you gained an UP/TA and was really spamming everyone with their infectious chortles. I really miss the giggle so I’m glad we are bringing it back, hope yall enjoy it as well! :jawa_biggrin:



Yay! I am crying tears of joy! Just wish my sniper could also get the chance to giggle since Vanguard/Powertech get to... and since I am playing more with her than with my Scoundrel/Operative.


Please~ *Cute face*

Edited by Orlesian
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Good news everyone! Upper Hand and Tactical Advantage proc laugh/giggle is coming back in 2.0! Your Scoundrel or Operative will now chuckle most heartily when they gain their first UP/TA when they previously had zero. Before we took it out completely the sound was playing every time you gained an UP/TA and was really spamming everyone with their infectious chortles. I really miss the giggle so I’m glad we are bringing it back, hope yall enjoy it as well! :jawa_biggrin:





Great news!!!

Thank you Alex!!

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